Example #1
def add_function(project_id, parent_function_id, function_name):
    # new function id:
    # 1. last_function_id = max function_id starts with parent_function_id
    # 2. new_function_id = last_function_id + 1, 3 digits, each digit: 012……789abc……xyzABC……XYZ
    # worker_id not null

    sql = f'''select distinct max(id) from project_function where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and parent_function_id=\'{parent_function_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    last_function_id = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['max(id)']
    if last_function_id is None:
        last_function_id = '000'

    three_id = list(last_function_id[-3:])
    add(three_id, 2)
    if parent_function_id == '000':
        new_function_id = three_id[0] + three_id[1] + three_id[2]
        new_function_id = parent_function_id + three_id[0] + three_id[
            1] + three_id[2]

    sql = f'''insert into project_function(id, function_name, project_id, parent_function_id, function_status, delete_label)
              values(\'{new_function_id}\', \'{function_name}\', \'{project_id}\', \'{parent_function_id}\', 0, 0);'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return db.otherDB(sql)
Example #2
def get_risk(project_id):
    sql = f'''select `id`, risk_type as type, risk_describe as `describe`,
              risk_level as level, risk_effect as effect, risk_solve as solve,
              risk_status as status, risk_rate as rate, risk_duty_id as duty_id, risk_follower_id as follower_id
              from project_risk where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)

    if res == 'Empty':
        return []

    for i in res:
        sql = f'''select name from employee where id=\'{i['duty_id']}\''''
        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        name = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['name']
        i['duty_name'] = name

        sql = f'''select name from employee where id=\'{i['follower_id']}\''''
        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        name = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['name']
        i['follower_name'] = name

    return res
Example #3
def get_total_user(project_id=None):
    # total user in company
    sql = f'''select distinct id, name from employee;'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)

    if project_id is None:
        return res

    sql = f'''select distinct person_id from project_participant where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    worker_in = db.selectDB(sql)

    if worker_in == 'Empty':
        worker_in = []

    w_list = []
    for i in worker_in:
    for i in res:
        if i['id'] in w_list:
            i['status'] = 1
        else :
            i['status'] = 0
    return res
Example #4
def get_project_member(project_id, function_id=None):
    sql = f'''select distinct employee.id as worker_id, employee.name as worker_name
            from employee
            join project_participant on employee.id=project_participant.person_id
            where project_participant.project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    worker = db.selectDB(sql)

    if function_id is None:
        return worker if worker != 'Empty' else []

    sql = f'''select distinct worker_id from function_partition where function_id=\'{function_id}\' and project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    worker_in_func = db.selectDB(sql)

    worker_list = []
    if worker_in_func != 'Empty':
        for i in worker_in_func:

    for i in worker:
        if i['worker_id'] in worker_list:
            i['status'] = 1
            i['status'] = 0

    return worker
Example #5
def get_total_user(project_id=None):
    p = {}
    p['select_key'] = ['id', 'name']
    p['tablename'] = 'employee'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(d.selectSql(p))
    # return total user in company
    if project_id is not None:
        # status: if user in project
        # return uid, name, status
        p['select_key'] = ['person_id']
        p['tablename'] = 'project_participant'
        p['key'] = ['project_id']
        p['value'] = [' = ' + project_id]
        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        worker_in = db.selectDB(d.selectSql(p))
        w_list = []
        for i in worker_in:
        for i in res:
            if i['id'] in w_list:
                i['status'] = 1
                i['status'] = 0
    return res
Example #6
def get_normal_account():
    # return username, name, career, department
    # login:id      | username  | password
    # employee:id   | name      | gender    | career|superior_id   | tele      | department| mailbox
    sql = '''select login.username,employee.name,employee.career,employee.department
             from login join employee
             on login.id = employee.id;'''

    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)

    for record in res:
        if record['career'] == None:
            # leader or worker
            sql = f'''select 2 from project_participant join login 
                 on login.id = project_participant.leader_id
                 where login.username = '******'username']}';'''

            db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username,
                                  config.password, config.database,
            if db.selectDB(sql) == 'Empty':
                record['career'] = 'worker'
                record['career'] = 'leader'
    return res
Example #7
def create_super_account(username, password):
    # return 0/1 (ok, username already exist)
    sql = f'''select username from super_login where username = '******';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    if db.selectDB(sql) != 'Empty':
        return 1
    sql = f'''insert into super_login(username,password) values('{username}','{password}');'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    return 0
Example #8
def add_project_member(project_id, uid, leader_id):
    # add in project_participant
    sql = f'''insert into project_participant values(\'{project_id}\', \'{uid}\', \'{leader_id}\');'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    if db.otherDB(sql) != 'ok':
        return 'error'

    # add in authority
    sql = f'''insert into authority values(\'{project_id}\', \'{uid}\', 0, 0, 0);'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return res if res != 'none' else 'error'
Example #9
def add_equipment(project_id, name, manager, start_time, end_time, status):
    # get max id in db
    sql = f'''select max(id) from project_equipment where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    new_id = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['max(id)']
    new_id = 0 if new_id is None else int(new_id)
    new_id += 1

    # insert
    sql = f'''insert into project_equipment
              values(\'{new_id}\', \'{project_id}\', \'{name}\', \'{start_time}\', \'{end_time}\', {status}, 0, null, \'{manager}\');'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return db.otherDB(sql)
Example #10
def add_flaw(project_id, describe, level, follower):
    # get max id in db
    sql = f'''select max(id) from project_flaw where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    new_id = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['max(id)']
    new_id = 0 if new_id is None else int(new_id)
    new_id += 1

    # insert
    sql = f'''insert into project_flaw
              values(\'{new_id}\', \'{project_id}\', \'{describe}\', \'{level}\', \'{follower}\', 0);'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return db.otherDB(sql)
Example #11
def modify_authority(project_id, uid, git_authority, file_authority,
    sql = f'''update authority set git_authority=\'{git_authority}\', file_authority=\'{file_authority}\', mail_authority=\'{mail_authority}\' where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and worker_id=\'{uid}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return 'ok'
Example #12
def add_function_member(project_id, function_id, worker_id):
    sql = f'''insert into function_partition
              values(\'{project_id}\', \'{function_id}\', \'{worker_id}\')'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return 'ok'
Example #13
def get_info_by_uid(uid, is_superior=False, include_finished=False):
    # is_superior=True: uid是上级的uid,要获取他所有项目下级的工时
    # is_superior=False: uid是自己的uid,获取自己所有工时
    # include_finished: whether return approved part

    if is_superior:
        sql = f'''
               select distinct work_time.id, employee.name as worker_name, project_function.function_name, work_time.event_name, work_time.start_time, work_time.end_time, project.name as project_name
               from work_time
               join employee on work_time.worker_id=employee.id
               join project_function on work_time.function_id=project_function.id
               join project_participant on project_participant.person_id=work_time.worker_id
               join project on project.id = work_time.project_id
               where work_time.delete_label=0 and project_participant.leader_id=\'{uid}\';'''
        sql = f'''
               select distinct work_time.id, employee.name as worker_name, project_function.function_name, work_time.event_name, work_time.start_time, work_time.end_time, work_time.status, project.name as project_name
               from work_time
               join employee on work_time.worker_id=employee.id
               join project_function on work_time.function_id=project_function.id
               join project on project.id = work_time.project_id 
               where work_time.delete_label=0 and work_time.worker_id=\'{uid}\';'''

    if not include_finished:
        sql = sql[:-1] + ' and work_time.status=1;'

    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    return res if res != 'Empty' else []
Example #14
def repush(project_id):
    # check status == 0 (rejection), return 'error' if not
    # set status to 1 (pending)
    sql = f'''update project set status=1 where status = 0 and id = '{project_id}';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return 'error' if db.otherDB(sql) == 'none' else 'ok'
Example #15
def get_info_by_work_time_id(work_time_id):
    para_dict = {}
    para_dict['select_key'] = [
        'work_time.id', 'employee.name', 'project_function.function_name',
        'work_time.event_name', 'work_time.start_time', 'work_time.end_time',
        'work_time.delete_label', 'project.name as project_name'
    para_dict['select_value'] = []
    para_dict['tablename'] = 'work_time'
    para_dict['key'] = ['work_time.id', 'work_time.delete_label']
    work_time_id = '=' + work_time_id
    para_dict['value'] = [work_time_id, '!=1']
    para_dict['join_tablename'] = ['employee', 'project_function', 'project']
    para_dict['on_key'] = [
        'employee.id', 'project_function.id', 'work_time.project_id'
    para_dict['on_value'] = [
        'work_time.worker_id', 'work_time.function_id', 'project.id'

    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(d.selectSql(para_dict))
    if res == 'Empty':
        return 'error'
    return res
Example #16
def delete_function(project_id, function_id):
    # check if delete_label == 0, return 'error' if delete_label == 1
    sql = f'''select distinct delete_label from project_function where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and id=\'{function_id}\' and delete_label=0;'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    if res == 'Empty':
        return 'error'

    # 1. set delete_label to 1
    # 2. set children functions' delete_label to 1 (children function: function id starts with function_id)
    # children function is parent of grandson function.when children function canceled,children of children function should also canceled
    sql = f'''update project_function set delete_label=1  where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and id like \'{function_id}%\' ;'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return db.otherDB(sql)
Example #17
def delete_function_member(project_id, function_id, worker_id):
    sql = f'''delete from function_partition
              where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and function_id=\'{function_id}\' and worker_id=\'{worker_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return 'ok'
Example #18
def modify_flaw(project_id, id, describe, level, follower, status):
    sql = f'''update project_flaw
              set `describe`=\'{describe}\', level=\'{level}\', follower_id=\'{follower}\', status=\'{status}\'
              where `id`=\'{id}\' and project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return 'ok'
Example #19
def get_custom():
    # return all custom
    # return (custom_id, company_name)
    p = {}
    p['select_key'] = ['id as custom_id','company_name']
    p['tablename'] = 'customer'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    return db.selectDB(d.selectSql(p))
Example #20
def modify_function(project_id, function_id, function_name):
    sql = f'''update project_function
              set function_name=\'{function_name}\'
              where id=\'{function_id}\' and project_id=\'{project_id}\''''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return 'ok'
Example #21
def add_risk(project_id, id, risk_type, describe, level, effect, solve, duty,
             rate, follower):
    # get max id in db
    sql = f'''select max(id) from project_risk where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    new_id = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['max(id)']
    new_id = 0 if new_id is None else int(new_id)
    new_id += 1

    # insert
    sql = f'''insert into project_risk
              values(\'{new_id}\', \'{project_id}\', \'{risk_type}\', \'{describe}\',
              \'{level}\', \'{effect}\', 0, \'{duty}\', \'{rate}\', \'{follower}\', \'{solve}\');'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return db.otherDB(sql)
Example #22
def delete(work_time_id):
    sql = f'select delete_label from work_time where id = {work_time_id};'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    if res == 'Empty':
        # can't find work_time_id
        return 'error'
    if res[0]['delete_label'] == '1':
        # already delete
        return 'ok'

    sql = f'update work_time set delete_label = 1 where id = {work_time_id};'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    return res
Example #23
def login_super(username, password):
    # super account login
    # return 0/1 (ok/fail)
    sql = f'''select username
             from super_login 
             where username = '******' and password = '******';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    return 1 if db.selectDB(sql) == 'Empty' else 0
Example #24
def confirm(project_id, status):
    # check if project status is 1 (pending), return 'error' if not
    sql = f'select status from project where id=\'{project_id}\';'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    if res[0]['status'] != 1:
        return 'error'

    # modify project status, from 1 to 0/2 (rejection/established)
    sql = f'update project set status=\'{status}\' where id=\'{project_id}\';'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.otherDB(sql)
    if res == 'ok':
        return 'ok'
        return 'error'
Example #25
def get_info_include_work_time(uid, project_id):
    sql = f'''select distinct project.id, project.name, project.status, project.update_time, work_time.remain as remain_work_time
              from project
              join work_time on work_time.project_id=project.id
              where work_time.id in (select max(id) from work_time where worker_id=\'{uid}\' and project.id=\'{project_id}\' group by project_id);'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    return res[0]['remain_work_time'] if res != 'Empty' else ''
Example #26
def get_flaw(project_id):
    sql = f'''select e.id, `describe`, level, u.id as follower_id, u.name as follower_name, status
              from project_flaw as e
              join employee as u on e.follower_id=u.id
              where project_id=\'{project_id}\';'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    return res if res != 'Empty' else []
Example #27
def login(username, password):
    # login:id      | username  | password
    # employee:id   | name      | gender    | career
    # superior_id   | tele      | department| mailbox
    sql = '''select login.id,employee.career
             from login join employee
             on login.id = employee.id
             where login.username = '******' and login.password = '******';''' % (
        username, password)

    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)

    if not res == 'Empty':
        if res[0]['career'] in ['0', '1']:
            return (0, res[0])

        # leader or worker
        sql = '''select * from project_participant join login
                 on login.id = project_participant.leader_id
                 where login.username = '******' ;''' % username

        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        if db.selectDB(sql) == 'Empty':
            res[0]['career'] = '3'
            return (0, res[0])
            res[0]['career'] = '2'
            return (0, res[0])
        sql = '''select login.id,employee.career
             from login join employee
             on login.id = employee.id
             where login.username = '******';''' % username

        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        res = db.selectDB(sql)
        if res == 'Empty':
            return 1
            return 2
Example #28
def modify_normal_account(uid, username, password, name, career, department):
    # update password
    if password is not None:
        sql = f'''update login set password = '******' where id='{uid}'; '''
        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)

    # update username
    sql = f'''update login set username='******' where id='{uid}'; '''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)

    # update employee
    sql = f'''update employee 
           set name='{name}', career='{career}', department='{department}'
           where id='{uid}'; '''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database, config.port)
    return 'ok'
Example #29
def get_function(project_id, worker_id=None):
    if worker_id is None:
        # return function_id, function_name, worker_id, worker_name, parent_function_id
        sql = f'''
               select distinct id as function_id, function_name, parent_function_id
               from project_function
               where project_id=\'{project_id}\' and delete_label=0;'''
        db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                              config.database, config.port)
        ret = db.selectDB(sql)

        if ret == 'Empty':
            return []

        for i in range(len(ret)):
            ret[i]['worker_id'] = ''
            ret[i]['worker_name'] = ''
            sql = f'''select e.id as worker_id, e.name as worker_name
                      from function_partition as f
                      join employee as e on f.worker_id=e.id
                      where f.project_id=\'{project_id}\' and f.function_id=\'{ret[i]['function_id']}\';'''
            db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username,
                                  config.password, config.database,
            worker_list = db.selectDB(sql)
            if worker_list == 'Empty':
            for worker in worker_list:
                ret[i]['worker_id'] += worker['worker_id'] + ','
                ret[i]['worker_name'] += worker['worker_name'] + ','
            ret[i]['worker_id'] = ret[i]['worker_id'][:-1]
            ret[i]['worker_name'] = ret[i]['worker_name'][:-1]
        return ret

    sql = f'''select distinct f.id as function_id, f.function_name
              from project_function as f
              join function_partition as fp on f.id=fp.function_id and f.project_id=fp.project_id
              where fp.worker_id=\'{worker_id}\' and fp.project_id=\'{project_id}\' and f.delete_label=0;'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    res = db.selectDB(sql)
    return res if res != 'Empty' else []
Example #30
def create(uid, project_id, function_id, event_name, start_time, end_time,
           remain, describe):
    # status: "ok"/"fail_x" (fail_1: work_time > 24h, fail_2: start_time >= end_time, fail_3: cannot cast to int)

    # 1. check fail_1, fail_2, fail_3
    if not start_time.isdigit() or not end_time.isdigit(
    ) or not remain.isdigit():
        return 'fail_3'

    start_time, end_time, remain = int(start_time), int(end_time), int(remain)
    if start_time >= end_time:
        return 'fail_2'

    date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    date += ' 00:00:00'

    sql = f'select sum(end_time-start_time) from work_time where worker_id=\'{uid}\' and date=\'{date}\';'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    work_time = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['sum(end_time-start_time)']
    if work_time is None:
        work_time = 0
    if work_time + (end_time - start_time) > 24:
        return 'fail_1'

    # 2. get max id
    sql = f'select max(id) from work_time;'
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    work_time_id = db.selectDB(sql)[0]['max(id)']

    if work_time_id is None:
        work_time_id = 0
    work_time_id += 1

    # 3. insert (status=1, delete_label=0)
    sql = f'''insert into work_time(id,worker_id,project_id, date, function_id, event_name, start_time, end_time, remain, `describe`,status,delete_label)
                  values({work_time_id},\'{uid}\',\'{project_id}\', \'{date}\', \'{function_id}\',\'{event_name}\', {start_time}, {end_time}, {remain}, \'{describe}\',1,0);'''
    db = d.ConnectToMysql(config.host, config.username, config.password,
                          config.database, config.port)
    return 'ok'