Example #1
def get_episodes_for_series(seriesname):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + "GetSeries.php", seriesname=seriesname)
    except http.URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_id = query.xpath("//seriesid/text()")

    if not series_id:
        res["error"] = "unknown tv series (using www.thetvdb.com)"
        return res

    series_id = series_id[0]

        series = http.get_xml(base_url + "%s/series/%s/all/en.xml" % (api_key, series_id))
    except http.URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_name = series.xpath("//SeriesName/text()")[0]

    if series.xpath("//Status/text()")[0] == "Ended":
        res["ended"] = True

    res["episodes"] = series.xpath("//Episode")
    res["name"] = series_name
    return res
Example #2
def get_episodes_for_series(seriesname):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + "GetSeries.php", seriesname=seriesname)
    except http.URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_id = query.xpath("//seriesid/text()")

    if not series_id:
        res["error"] = "unknown tv series (using www.thetvdb.com)"
        return res

    series_id = series_id[0]

        series = http.get_xml(
            base_url + "%s/series/%s/all/en.xml" % (api_key, series_id)
    except http.URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_name = series.xpath("//SeriesName/text()")[0]

    if series.xpath("//Status/text()")[0] == "Ended":
        res["ended"] = True

    res["episodes"] = series.xpath("//Episode")
    res["name"] = series_name
    return res
Example #3
def stock(inp):
    "stock <symbol> -- Gets information about stock symbol <symbol>."

    parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)

    if len(parsed) != 1:
        return "error getting stock info"

    # Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
    results = dict(
        (el.tag, el.attrib['data']) for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))

    # if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
    if results['company'] == '':
        return "error: unknown ticker symbol (%s)" % inp

    if results['last'] == '0.00':
        return "%(company)s - last known stock value was 0.00 %(currency)s" \
               " as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % (results)

    if results['change'][0] == '-':
        results['color'] = "5"
        results['color'] = "3"

    ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s "                   \
          "\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s%%)\x03 "       \
          "as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['delay'] != '0':
        ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']

    return ret
Example #4
def twittergrep(inp):
    ".twittergrep <user> <search> -- gets last tweet by this user which includes the search string"

    if inp.strip().find(' ') == -1:
        return 'error: invalid request'

    name = inp[:inp.find(' ')]
    search = inp[inp.find(' ') + 1:].lower().strip()

        tweets = http.get_xml(
            'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml' % name)
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        errors = {
            400: 'bad request (ratelimited?)',
            401: 'tweet is private',
            403: 'tweet is private',
            404: 'invalid user/id',
            500: 'twitter is broken',
            502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
            503: 'twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)'
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid username'
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'error: ' + errors[e.code]
        return 'error: unknown %s' % e.code
Example #5
def time_command(inp, bot=None):
    """time <area> -- Gets the time in <area>"""

    query = "current time in {}".format(inp)

    api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)
    if not api_key:
        return "error: no wolfram alpha api key set"

    request = http.get_xml(api_url, input=query, appid=api_key)
    current_time = " ".join(
    current_time = current_time.replace("  |  ", ", ")

    if current_time:
        # nice place name for UNIX time
        if inp.lower() == "unix":
            place = "Unix Epoch"
            place = capitalize_first(" ".join(
                    "title='Input interpretation']/subpod/plaintext/text()"))
        return "{} - \x02{}\x02".format(current_time, place)
        return "Could not get the time for '{}'.".format(inp)
Example #6
def wiki(inp):
    """wiki <phrase> -- Gets first sentence of Wikipedia article on <phrase>."""

    x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)

    ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}'
    items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')

    if not items:
        if x.find('error') is not None:
            return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
            return 'No results found.'

    def extract(item):
        return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]

    title, desc, url = extract(items[0])

    if 'may refer to' in desc:
        title, desc, url = extract(items[1])

    title = paren_re.sub('', title)

    if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
        desc = title + desc

    desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip()  # remove excess spaces

    desc = text.truncate_str(desc, 200)

    return '{} :: {}'.format(desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))
Example #7
def get_episodes_for_series(seriesname, api_key):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php', seriesname=seriesname)
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_id = query.xpath('//seriesid/text()')

    if not series_id:
        res["error"] = "unknown tv series (using www.thetvdb.com)"
        return res

    series_id = series_id[0]

        series = get_zipped_xml(base_url + '%s/series/%s/all/en.zip' %
                                    (api_key, series_id), path="en.xml")
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_name = series.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]

    if series.xpath('//Status/text()')[0] == 'Ended':
        res["ended"] = True

    res["episodes"] = series.xpath('//Episode')
    res["name"] = series_name
    return res
Example #8
File: time.py Project: Cameri/Gary
def time_command(inp, bot=None):
    """.time <area> - Gets the time in <area>."""

    if inp.lower() == "butts":
        return "It's always time for butts."

    query = "current time in {}".format(inp)

    api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)
    if not api_key:
        return "error: no wolfram alpha api key set"

    request = http.get_xml(api_url, input=query, appid=api_key)
    time = " ".join(
    time = time.replace("  |  ", ", ")

    if time:
        # nice place name for UNIX time
        if inp.lower() == "unix":
            place = "Unix Epoch"
            place = cap_first(
                " ".join(request.xpath("//pod[@" "title='Input interpretation']/subpod/plaintext/text()")).split('|')[0])
            place = place.replace("Current Time In", "").strip()
        return "\x02{}\x02 - {}".format(place, time)
        return "Could not get the time for '{}'.".format(inp)
Example #9
def wiki(inp):
    '''.w/.wiki <phrase> -- gets first sentence of wikipedia ''' \
    '''article on <phrase>'''

    x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)

    ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}'
    items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')

    if items == []:
        if x.find('error') is not None:
            return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
            return 'no results found'

    def extract(item):
        return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]

    title, desc, url = extract(items[0])

    if 'may refer to' in desc:
        title, desc, url = extract(items[1])

    title = paren_re.sub('', title)

    if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
        desc = title + desc

    desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip()  # remove excess spaces

    if len(desc) > 300:
        desc = desc[:300] + '...'

    return '%s -- %s' % (desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))
Example #10
def stock(inp):
    '''.stock <symbol> -- gets information about a stock symbol'''

    url = 'http://www.google.com/ig/api?stock=%s'

    parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)

    if len(parsed) != 1:
        return "error getting stock info"

    # Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
    results = dict((el.tag, el.attrib['data'])
                   for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))

    # if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
    if results['company'] == '':
        return "unknown ticker symbol %s" % inp

    if results['change'][0] == '-':
        results['color'] = "5"
        results['color'] = "3"

    ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s "                   \
          "\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s%%)\x03 "        \
          "as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['delay'] != '0':
        ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']

    return ret
Example #11
def get_series_info(seriesname):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php', seriesname=seriesname)
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res
    series_id = ""
        series_id = query.xpath('//id/text()')
        print "Failed"

    if not series_id:
        result = "\x02Could not find show:\x02 %s" % seriesname
        series_name = query.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]
        overview = query.xpath('//Overview/text()')[0]
        firstaired = query.xpath('//FirstAired/text()')[0]
        #imdb_id = query.xpath('//IMDB_ID/text()')[0]
        #imdb_url = web.isgd("http://www.imdb.com/title/%s" % imdb_id)
        tvdb_url = web.isgd("http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=%s" %
        status = tv_next(seriesname)
        result = '\x02%s\x02 (%s) \x02-\x02 \x02%s\x02 - [%s] - %s' % (
            series_name, firstaired, status, tvdb_url, overview)

    return result
Example #12
def wiki(inp):
    "wiki <phrase> -- Gets first sentence of Wikipedia article on <phrase>."

    x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)

    ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}'
    items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')

    if items == []:
        if x.find('error') is not None:
            return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
            return 'No results found.'

    def extract(item):
        return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in
                            ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]

    title, desc, url = extract(items[0])

    if 'may refer to' in desc:
        title, desc, url = extract(items[1])

    title = paren_re.sub('', title)

    if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
        desc = title + desc

    desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip()  # remove excess spaces

    desc = text.truncate_str(desc, 250)

    return '%s -- %s' % (desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))
Example #13
def wiki(inp):
    '''.w/.wiki <phrase> -- gets first sentence of wikipedia ''' \
        '''article on <phrase>'''

    x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)

    ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}'
    items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')

    if items == []:
        if x.find('error') is not None:
            return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
            return 'no results found'

    def extract(item):
        return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in
                ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]

    title, desc, url = extract(items[0])

    if 'may refer to' in desc:
        title, desc, url = extract(items[1])

    title = paren_re.sub('', title)

    if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
        desc = title + desc

    desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip()  # remove excess spaces

    if len(desc) > 300:
        desc = desc[:300] + '...'

    return '%s -- %s' % (desc, http.quote(http.unquote(url), ':/'))
def kb(inp):
    """kb <topic> -- Gets the first article available on <topic>."""

    x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)

    ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}'
    items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')

    if not items:
        if x.find('error') is not None:
            return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
            return 'No results found.'

    def extract(item):
        return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in
                ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]

    title, desc, url = extract(items[0])

    if 'may refer to' in desc:
        title, desc, url = extract(items[1])

    title = paren_re.sub('', title)

    if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
        desc = title + desc

    desc = u' '.join(desc.split())  # remove excess spaces

    desc = text.truncate_str(desc, 200)

    return u'{} :: {}'.format(desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))
Example #15
def get_series_info(seriesname):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php', seriesname=seriesname)
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res
    series_id = ""
    try: series_id = query.xpath('//id/text()')
    except: print "Failed"

    if not series_id:
        result = "\x02Could not find show:\x02 %s" % seriesname
        series_name = query.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]
        overview = query.xpath('//Overview/text()')[0]
        firstaired = query.xpath('//FirstAired/text()')[0]
        #imdb_id = query.xpath('//IMDB_ID/text()')[0]
        #imdb_url = web.isgd("http://www.imdb.com/title/%s" % imdb_id)
        tvdb_url = web.isgd("http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=%s" % series_id[0])
        status = tv_next(seriesname)
        result = '\x02%s\x02 (%s) \x02-\x02 \x02%s\x02 - [%s] - %s' % (series_name, firstaired, status, tvdb_url, overview)

    return result
Example #16
def stock(inp):
    ".stock <symbol> -- Gets information about stock symbol <symbol>."

    url = 'http://www.google.com/ig/api?stock=%s'

    parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)

    if len(parsed) != 1:
        return "error getting stock info"

    # Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
    results = dict((el.tag, el.attrib['data'])
                   for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))

    # if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
    if results['company'] == '':
        return "unknown ticker symbol %s" % inp

    if results['change'][0] == '-':
        results['color'] = "5"
        results['color'] = "3"

    ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s "                   \
          "\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s)\x03 "        \
          "as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['delay'] != '0':
        ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']

    return ret
Example #17
def get_episodes_for_series(series_name, api_key):
    res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php',
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "error contacting thetvdb.com"
        return res

    series_id = query.xpath('//seriesid/text()')

    if not series_id:
        res["error"] = "Unknown TV series. (using www.thetvdb.com)"
        return res

    series_id = series_id[0]

        series = get_zipped_xml(base_url + '%s/series/%s/all/en.zip' %
                                (api_key, series_id),
    except URLError:
        res["error"] = "Error contacting thetvdb.com."
        return res

    series_name = series.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]

    if series.xpath('//Status/text()')[0] == 'Ended':
        res["ended"] = True

    res["episodes"] = series.xpath('//Episode')
    res["name"] = series_name
    return res
Example #18
def get_twitter(inp):
        text = 'status/text'
        url = 'http://twitter.com/users/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'screen_name'
        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
        text = unescape_xml(tweet.find(text).text.replace('\n', ''))
        screen_name = tweet.find(screen_name).text
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        return 'error: '+str(e.code)
Example #19
def wolframalpha(inp, bot=None):
    "wa <query> -- Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha."

    api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)

    if not api_key:
        return "error: missing api key"

    url = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext'

    result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)

    # get the URL for a user to view this query in a browser
    query_url = "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=" + \
        short_url = web.isgd(query_url)
    except (web.ShortenError, http.HTTPError):
        short_url = query_url

    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod[@primary='true']"):
        title = pod.attrib['title']
        if pod.attrib['id'] == 'Input':

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath('subpod/plaintext/text()'):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
            subpod = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + ': ' + ', '.join(results))

    ret = ' - '.join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return 'No results.'

    ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return unichr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)

    ret = text.truncate_str(ret, 250)

    if not ret:
        return 'No results.'

    return "%s - %s" % (ret, short_url)
Example #20
def getTwitchStream(user):
    r = http.get_xml('http://api.justin.tv/api/stream/list.xml?channel=%s' % user)
        viewers = r.xpath('//stream/channel_count/text()')[0]
    except IndexError:
        return False
    if r.xpath('//stream/format/text()')[0] == 'live':
        if viewers:
            return True, viewers
            return False
        return False
Example #21
def getTwitchStream(user):
    r = http.get_xml('http://api.justin.tv/api/stream/list.xml?channel=%s' %
        viewers = r.xpath('//stream/channel_count/text()')[0]
    except IndexError:
        return False
    if r.xpath('//stream/format/text()')[0] == 'live':
        if viewers:
            return True, viewers
            return False
        return False
Example #22
def getOwnedStream(user):
    h = http.get_xml('http://api.own3d.tv/liveCheck.php?live_id=' + user)
    status = h.xpath('//liveEvent/isLive/text()')[0]
        viewers = h.xpath('//liveEvent/liveViewers/text()')[0]
    except IndexError:
        return False
    if status == 'true':
        if viewers:
            return True, viewers
            return False
        return False
Example #23
def getOwnedStream(user):
    h = http.get_xml('http://api.own3d.tv/liveCheck.php?live_id=' + user)
    status = h.xpath('//liveEvent/isLive/text()')[0]
        viewers = h.xpath('//liveEvent/liveViewers/text()')[0]
    except IndexError:
        return False
    if status == 'true':
        if viewers:
            return True, viewers
            return False
        return False
Example #24
def wolframalpha(inp, bot=None, input=None):
    ".wa <query> -- Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha."

    api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)
    if api_key is None:
        return "error: no api key set"
    if '^' in input.paraml[1]:
        inp = str(inp).replace("^", bot.chanseen[input.conn.server][input.chan][0])
    url = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext'

    result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)
    input.say("Please wait.")
    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod"):
        title = pod.attrib['title']
        if pod.attrib['id'] == 'Input':

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath('subpod/plaintext/text()'):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
            subpod = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + ': ' + '|'.join(results))

    ret = '. '.join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return 'No results.'

    ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return unichr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)

    if len(ret) > 430:
        ret = ret[:ret.rfind(' ', 0, 430)]
        ret = re.sub(r'\W+$', '', ret) + '...'

    if not ret:
        return 'No results..'

    return ret
Example #25
def wolframalpha(inp, bot=None):
    ".wa/.wolframalpha <query> -- computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha"

    api_key = "22PK5Q-Y7YKV77E4U"
    #api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)
    #if api_key is None:
    #    return "error: no api key set"

    url = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext'

    result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)

    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod"):
        title = pod.attrib['title']
        if pod.attrib['id'] == 'Input':

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath('subpod/plaintext/text()'):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
            subpod = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + ': ' + '|'.join(results))

    ret = '. '.join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return 'no results'

    ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return unichr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)

    if len(ret) > 430:
        ret = ret[:ret.rfind(' ', 0, 430)]
        ret = re.sub(r'\W+$', '', ret) + '...'

    if not ret:
        return 'no results'

    return ret
Example #26
def wolframalpha(inp, bot=None):
    ".wa <query> -- Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha."
    api_key = bot.config.get("api", {}).get("wolframalpha")
    if api_key is None:
        return "I have a lazy owner, they won't even bother adding an API key! " + randout.fail() 

    url = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext'

    result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)
    fail = 'No results. ' + randout.fail()

    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod"):
        title = pod.attrib['title']
        if pod.attrib['id'] == 'Input':

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath('subpod/plaintext/text()'):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
            subpod = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + ': ' + '|'.join(results))

    ret = '. '.join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return fail

    ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return unichr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)

    if len(ret) > 430:
        ret = ret[:ret.rfind(' ', 0, 430)]
        ret = re.sub(r'\W+$', '', ret) + '...'

    if not ret:
        return fail

    return ret
Example #27
def bam(inp):
    ".bam [basic|magic|pepsi|jprdy] <message> -- creates a big ass message"

    host = 'http://bigassmessage.com/'
    path = 'dsx_BAM/boe.php?'
    params = {'action': 'saveMsg', 'theStyle': 'basic', 'theMessage': inp}

    if ' ' in inp:
        style, message = inp.split(None, 1)
        if style in ['basic', 'magic', 'pepsi', 'jprdy']:
            params['theStyle'] = style
            params['theMessage'] = message

    response = http.get_xml(host + path, params)
    status = response.xpath('//status/text()')[0]
    if status == 'ok':
        return host + response.xpath('//msgid/text()')[0]
        return response.xpath('//message/text()')[0]
Example #28
def stock(inp):
    """stock <symbol> -- Gets information about stock symbol <symbol>."""

    parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)

    if len(parsed) != 1:
        return "error getting stock info"

    # Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
    results = dict(
        (el.tag, el.attrib['data']) for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))

    # if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
    if not "company" in results:
        guess_data = json.loads(
        guess = guess_data['ResultSet']['Result']
        if len(guess) > 0:
            guess = guess[0]["symbol"]
            return stock(guess)
            return "error: unable to get stock info for '{}'".format(inp)

    if results['last'] == '0.00':
        return "%(company)s - last known stock value was 0.00 %(currency)s" \
               " as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['change'][0] == '-':
        results['color'] = "5"
        results['color'] = "3"

    ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s " \
          "\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s%%)\x03 " \
          "as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['delay'] != '0':
        ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']

    return ret
Example #29
def wolframalpha(inp, api_key=None):
    ".wa/.wolframalpha <query> -- computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha"

    url = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext"

    result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)

    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod"):
        title = "" if pod.attrib["title"] == "Result" else pod.attrib["title"] + ": "
        if pod.attrib["id"] == "Input":

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath("subpod/plaintext/text()"):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace("\\n", "; ")
            subpod = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + "|".join(results))

    ret = ". ".join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return "no results"

    ret = re.sub(r"\\(.)", r"\1", ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return chr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r"\\:([0-9a-z]{4})", unicode_sub, ret)

    if len(ret) > 430:
        ret = ret[: ret.rfind(" ", 0, 430)]
        ret = re.sub(r"\W+$", "", ret) + "..."

    if not ret:
        return "no results"

    return ret
Example #30
def bam(inp):
    ".bam [basic|magic|heart|krugr] <message> -- creates a big ass message"
    host = 'http://bigassmessage.com/'
    path = 'BAM.php?'
    params = {'action': 'SAVE', 'theStyle': 'basic', 'theMessage': inp}
    if ' ' in inp:
        style, message = inp.split(None, 1)
        if style in ['basic', 'magic', 'heart', 'krugr']:
            params['theStyle'] = style
            params['theMessage'] = message
    response = http.get_xml(host + path, params)
    status = response.xpath('//status/text()')[0]
    if status == 'ok':
        return host + response.xpath('//msgid/text()')[0]
        return response.xpath('//message/text()')[0]
Example #31
def bam(inp):
    ".bam [basic|magic|heart|krugr] <message> -- creates a big ass message"

    host = 'http://bigassmessage.com/'
    path = 'BAM.php?'
    params = {'action': 'SAVE', 'theStyle': 'basic', 'theMessage': inp}

    if ' ' in inp:
        style, message = inp.split(None, 1)
        if style in ['basic', 'magic', 'heart', 'krugr']:
            params['theStyle'] = style
            params['theMessage'] = message

    response = http.get_xml(host + path, params)
    status = response.xpath('//status/text()')[0]

    if status == 'ok':
        return host + response.xpath('//msgid/text()')[0]
        return response.xpath('//message/text()')[0]
Example #32
def wa(inp, api_key=None):
    """.wa/.calc <query> - Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha."""

    url = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?format=plaintext'

        result = http.get_xml(url, input=inp, appid=api_key)
        return "WolframAlpha query timed out for '%s'" % inp

    pod_texts = []
    for pod in result.xpath("//pod"):
        title = pod.attrib['title']
        if pod.attrib['id'] == 'Input':

        results = []
        for subpod in pod.xpath('subpod/plaintext/text()'):
            subpod = subpod.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
            subpod = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', subpod)
            if subpod:
        if results:
            pod_texts.append(title + ': ' + '|'.join(results))

    ret = '. '.join(pod_texts)

    if not pod_texts:
        return 'No results'

    ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)

    def unicode_sub(match):
        return unichr(int(match.group(1), 16))

    ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)

    if not ret:
        return 'No results'

    return text.truncate_str(ret.split('. ')[0], 230)
Example #33
def stock(inp):
    """stock <symbol> -- Gets information about stock symbol <symbol>."""

    parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)

    if len(parsed) != 1:
        return "error getting stock info"

    # Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
    results = dict((el.tag, el.attrib['data'])
                   for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))

    # if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
    if not "company" in results:
        guess_data = json.loads(http.get("http://d.yimg.com/autoc.finance.yahoo.com/autoc", query=inp,
        guess = guess_data['ResultSet']['Result']
        if len(guess) > 0:
            guess = guess[0]["symbol"]
            return stock(guess)
            return "error: unable to get stock info for '{}'".format(inp)

    if results['last'] == '0.00':
        return "%(company)s - last known stock value was 0.00 %(currency)s" \
               " as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['change'][0] == '-':
        results['color'] = "5"
        results['color'] = "3"

    ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s " \
          "\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s%%)\x03 " \
          "as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results

    if results['delay'] != '0':
        ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']

    return ret
Example #34
def forecast(inp, nick='', server='',
    reply=None, db=None, notice=None, say=None):
    ".forecast <location> [dontsave] -- Gets a weather forecast" \
    " for <location> from Google."
    loc = inp

    dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
    if dontsave:
        loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()

    db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")

    if not loc:
        loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
        if not loc:
        loc = loc[0]

    w = http.get_xml('http://www.google.com/ig/api', weather=loc)
    w = w.find('weather')

    if w.find('problem_cause') is not None:
        notice("Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " \
                "postal code." % inp)
    city = w.find('forecast_information/city').get('data')

    out = "%s: " % city

    for elem in w.findall('forecast_conditions'):
        info = dict((e.tag, e.get('data')) for e in elem)
        info['high'] = elem.find('high').get('data')
        info['low'] = elem.find('low').get('data')
        out += '[%(day_of_week)s]: %(condition)s (H:%(high)sF'\
            ', L:%(low)sF). ' % info

    return out
Example #35
def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None, notice=None):
    ".weather <location> [dontsave] -- Gets weather data"\
    " for <location> from Google."
    loc = inp

    dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
    if dontsave:
        loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()

    db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")

    if not loc:
        loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
        if not loc:
        loc = loc[0]

    w = http.get_xml('http://www.google.com/ig/api', weather=loc)
    w = w.find('weather')

    if w.find('problem_cause') is not None:
        notice("Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " \
                "postal code." % inp)

    info = dict((e.tag, e.get('data')) for e in w.find('current_conditions'))
    info['city'] = w.find('forecast_information/city').get('data')
    info['high'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/high').get('data')
    info['low'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/low').get('data')

    reply('%(city)s: %(condition)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC (H:%(high)sF'\
            ', L:%(low)sF), %(humidity)s, %(wind_condition)s.' % info)

    if inp and not dontsave:
        db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)",
                     (nick.lower(), loc))
Example #36
def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None):
    ".weather <location> [dontsave] -- gets weather data from Google"

    loc = inp

    dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
    if dontsave:
        loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()

    db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")

    if not loc:  # blank line
        loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
                         (nick, )).fetchone()
        if not loc:
            return weather.__doc__
        loc = loc[0]

    w = http.get_xml('http://www.google.com/ig/api', weather=loc)
    w = w.find('weather')

    if w.find('problem_cause') is not None:
        return "Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " \
                "postal code." % inp

    info = dict((e.tag, e.get('data')) for e in w.find('current_conditions'))
    info['city'] = w.find('forecast_information/city').get('data')
    info['high'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/high').get('data')
    info['low'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/low').get('data')

    reply('%(city)s: %(condition)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC (H:%(high)sF'\
            ', L:%(low)sF), %(humidity)s, %(wind_condition)s.' % info)

    if inp and not dontsave:
        db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)",
                   (nick.lower(), loc))
Example #37
def weather(inp, nick="", server="", reply=None, db=None):
    ",weather <location> [dontsave] -- gets weather data from Google"

    loc = inp

    dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
    if dontsave:
        loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()

    db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")

    if not loc:  # blank line
        loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)", (nick,)).fetchone()
        if not loc:
            return weather.__doc__
        loc = loc[0]

    w = http.get_xml("http://www.google.com/ig/api", weather=loc)
    w = w.find("weather")

    if w.find("problem_cause") is not None:
        return "Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " "postal code." % inp

    info = dict((e.tag, e.get("data")) for e in w.find("current_conditions"))
    info["city"] = w.find("forecast_information/city").get("data")
    info["high"] = w.find("forecast_conditions/high").get("data")
    info["low"] = w.find("forecast_conditions/low").get("data")

        "%(city)s: %(condition)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC (H:%(high)sF"
        ", L:%(low)sF), %(humidity)s, %(wind_condition)s." % info

    if inp and not dontsave:
        db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)", (nick.lower(), loc))
Example #38
def twittergrep(inp):
    ".twittergrep <user> <search> -- gets last tweet by this user which includes the search string"

    if inp.strip().find(' ') == -1:
        return 'error: invalid request'

    name = inp[:inp.find(' ')]
    search = inp[inp.find(' ') + 1:].lower().strip()

        tweets = http.get_xml('http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml' % name)
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        errors = {400: 'bad request (ratelimited?)',
                401: 'tweet is private',
                403: 'tweet is private',
                404: 'invalid user/id',
                500: 'twitter is broken',
                502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
                503: 'twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)'}
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid username'
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'error: ' + errors[e.code]
        return 'error: unknown %s' % e.code
Example #39
def watime(inp, bot=None):
    """time <area> -- Gets the time in <area>"""

    query = "current time in {}".format(inp)

    api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wolframalpha", None)
    if not api_key:
        return "error: no wolfram alpha api key set"

    request = http.get_xml(api_url, input=query, appid=api_key)
    time = " ".join(request.xpath("//pod[@title='Result']/subpod/plaintext/text()"))
    time = time.replace("  |  ", ", ")

    if time:
        # nice place name for UNIX time
        if inp.lower() == "unix":
            place = "Unix Epoch"
            place = capitalize_first(" ".join(request.xpath("//pod[@"
                                                            "title='Input interpretation']/subpod/plaintext/text()"))[
        return "{} - \x02{}\x02".format(time, place)
        return u"Could not get the time for '{}'.".format(inp)
Example #40
def twitter(inp):
    ".twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- gets last/<n>th " "tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/" "gets replied tweet from @<user>"

    def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
        if len(history) == history_max_size:
        history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))

    def find_reply(reply_name):
        for name, id in history:
            if name == reply_name:
                return id if id != -1 else name

    if inp[0] == "@":
        reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
        if reply_inp == None:
            return "error: no replies to %s found" % inp
        inp = reply_inp

    url = "http://twitter.com"
    getting_nth = False
    getting_id = False
    searching_hashtag = False

    time = "status/created_at"
    text = "status/text"
    reply_name = "status/in_reply_to_screen_name"
    reply_id = "status/in_reply_to_status_id"
    reply_user = "******"

    if re.match(r"^\d+$", inp):
        getting_id = True
        url += "/statuses/show/%s.xml" % inp
        screen_name = "user/screen_name"
        time = "created_at"
        text = "text"
        reply_name = "in_reply_to_screen_name"
        reply_id = "in_reply_to_status_id"
        reply_user = "******"
    elif re.match(r"^\w{1,15}$", inp):
        url += "/users/show/%s.xml" % inp
        screen_name = "screen_name"
    elif re.match(r"^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$", inp):
        getting_nth = True
        name, num = inp.split()
        if int(num) > 3200:
            return "error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet"
        url += "/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml?count=1&page=%s" % (name, num)
        screen_name = "status/user/screen_name"
    elif re.match(r"^#\w+$", inp):
        url = "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23" + inp[1:]
        searching_hashtag = True
        return "error: invalid request"

        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        errors = {
            400: "bad request (ratelimited?)",
            401: "tweet is private",
            403: "tweet is private",
            404: "invalid user/id",
            500: "twitter is broken",
            502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
            503: "twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)",
        if e.code == 404:
            return "error: invalid " + ["username", "tweet id"][getting_id]
        if e.code in errors:
            return "error: " + errors[e.code]
        return "error: unknown %s" % e.code
Example #41
File: tvdb.py Project: Ipsum/skybot
def tv_next(inp):
    ".tv_next <series> -- get the next episode of <series> from thetvdb.com"

    # http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:GetSeries
        query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php', seriesname=inp)
    except URLError:
        return "error contacting thetvdb.com"

    series_id = query.xpath('//seriesid/text()')

    if not series_id:
        return "unknown tv series (using www.thetvdb.com)"

    series_id = series_id[0]

        series = get_zipped_xml(base_url + '%s/series/%s/all/en.zip' %
                                    (api_key, series_id), path="en.xml")
    except URLError:
        return "error contacting thetvdb.com"

    series_name = series.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]

    if series.xpath('//Status/text()')[0] == 'Ended':
        return '%s has ended.' % series_name

    next_eps = []
    today = datetime.date.today()

    for episode in reversed(series.xpath('//Episode')):
        first_aired = episode.findtext("FirstAired")

            airdate = datetime.date(*map(int, first_aired.split('-')))
        except (ValueError, TypeError):

        episode_num = "S%02dE%02d" % (int(episode.findtext("SeasonNumber")),

        episode_name = episode.findtext("EpisodeName")
        # in the event of an unannounced episode title, users either leave the
        # field out (None) or fill it with TBA
        if episode_name == "TBA":
            episode_name = None

        episode_desc = '%s' % episode_num
        if episode_name:
            episode_desc += ' - %s' % episode_name

        if airdate > today:
            next_eps = ['%s (%s)' % (first_aired, episode_desc)]
        elif airdate == today:
            next_eps = ['Today (%s)' % episode_desc] + next_eps
            #we're iterating in reverse order with newest episodes last
            #so, as soon as we're past today, break out of loop

    if not next_eps:
        return "there are no new episodes scheduled for %s" % series_name

    if len(next_eps) == 1:
        return "the next episode of %s airs %s" % (series_name, next_eps[0])
        next_eps = ', '.join(next_eps)
        return "the next episodes of %s: %s" % (series_name, next_eps)
Example #42
 def real():
   h = http.get_xml('http://www.vice.com/rss')
   item = random.choice(h.xpath('//item'))
   msg = item.xpath('title')[0].text
   url = item.xpath('link')[0].text
   return msg, url
Example #43
def steamcalc(inp, reply=None):
    """steamcalc <username> [currency] - Gets value of steam account and
       total hours played. Uses steamcommunity.com/id/<nickname>. """

    # check if the user asked us to force reload
    force_reload = inp.endswith(" forcereload")
    if force_reload:
        name = inp[:-12].strip().lower()
        name = inp.strip()

    if force_reload:
            reply("Collecting data, this may take a while.")
            request = get_data(name)
            do_refresh = False
        except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
            return "Could not get data for this user."
            request = get_data(name)
            do_refresh = True
        except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
                reply("Collecting data, this may take a while.")
                request = get_data(name)
                do_refresh = False
            except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
                return "Could not get data for this user."

    csv_data = io.StringIO(request)  # we use StringIO because CSV can't read a string
    reader = unicode_dictreader(csv_data)

    # put the games in a list
    games = []
    for row in reader:

    data = {}

    # basic information
    steam_profile = http.get_xml(steam_api_url.format(name))
        data["name"] = steam_profile.find('steamID').text
        online_state = steam_profile.find('stateMessage').text
    except AttributeError:
        return "Could not get data for this user."

    online_state = online_state.replace("<br/>", ": ")  # will make this pretty later
    data["state"] = text.strip_html(online_state)

    # work out the average metascore for all games
    ms = [float(game["metascore"]) for game in games if is_number(game["metascore"])]
    metascore = float(sum(ms)) / len(ms) if len(ms) > 0 else float('nan')
    data["average_metascore"] = "{0:.1f}".format(metascore)

    # work out the totals
    data["games"] = len(games)

    total_value = sum([float(game["value"]) for game in games if is_number(game["value"])])
    data["value"] = str(int(round(total_value)))

    # work out the total size
    total_size = 0.0

    for game in games:
        if not is_number(game["size"]):

        if game["unit"] == "GB":
            total_size += float(game["size"])
            total_size += float(game["size"]) / 1024

    data["size"] = "{0:.1f}".format(total_size)

    reply("{name} ({state}) has {games} games with a total value of ${value}"
          " and a total size of {size}GB! The average metascore for these"
          " games is {average_metascore}.".format(**data))

    if do_refresh:
Example #44
def twitter(inp):
    ".twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- gets last/<n>th "\
    "tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/"\
    "gets replied tweet from @<user>"

    def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
        if len(history) == history_max_size:
        history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))

    def find_reply(reply_name):
        for name, id in history:
            if name == reply_name:
                return id if id != -1 else name

    if inp[0] == '@':
        reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
        if reply_inp == None:
            return 'error: no replies to %s found' % inp
        inp = reply_inp

    url = 'http://twitter.com'
    getting_nth = False
    getting_id = False
    searching_hashtag = False

    time = 'status/created_at'
    text = 'status/text'
    reply_name = 'status/in_reply_to_screen_name'
    reply_id = 'status/in_reply_to_status_id'
    reply_user = '******'

    if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp):
        getting_id = True
        url += '/statuses/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'user/screen_name'
        time = 'created_at'
        text = 'text'
        reply_name = 'in_reply_to_screen_name'
        reply_id = 'in_reply_to_status_id'
        reply_user = '******'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp):
        url += '/users/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp):
        getting_nth = True
        name, num = inp.split()
        if int(num) > 3200:
            return 'error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet'
        url += '/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml?count=1&page=%s' % (name, num)
        screen_name = 'status/user/screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp):
        url = 'http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23' + inp[1:]
        searching_hashtag = True
        return 'error: invalid request'

        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        errors = {
            400: 'bad request (ratelimited?)',
            401: 'tweet is private',
            403: 'tweet is private',
            404: 'invalid user/id',
            500: 'twitter is broken',
            502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
            503: 'twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)'
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid ' + ['username', 'tweet id'][getting_id]
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'error: ' + errors[e.code]
        return 'error: unknown %s' % e.code
Example #45
def twitter(inp):
    "twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- Gets last/<n>th " \
    "tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/Gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/" \
    "gets replied tweet from @<user>."

    def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
        if len(history) == history_max_size:
        history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))

    def find_reply(reply_name):
        for name, id in history:
            if name == reply_name:
                return id if id != -1 else name

    if inp[0] == '@':
        reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
        if reply_inp == None:
            return 'No replies to %s found.' % inp
        inp = reply_inp

    url = 'http://api.twitter.com'
    getting_nth = False
    getting_id = False
    searching_hashtag = False

    time = 'status/created_at'
    text = 'status/text'
    retweeted_text = 'status/retweeted_status/text'
    retweeted_screen_name = 'status/retweeted_status/user/screen_name'
    reply_name = 'status/in_reply_to_screen_name'
    reply_id = 'status/in_reply_to_status_id'
    reply_user = '******'

    if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp):
        getting_id = True
        url += '/statuses/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'user/screen_name'
        time = 'created_at'
        text = 'text'
        reply_name = 'in_reply_to_screen_name'
        reply_id = 'in_reply_to_status_id'
        reply_user = '******'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp) or re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp):
        getting_nth = True
        if inp.find(' ') == -1:
            name = inp
            num = 1
            name, num = inp.split()
        if int(num) > 3200:
            return 'error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet'
        url += ('/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?include_rts=true&'
                'screen_name=%s&count=1&page=%s' % (name, num))
        screen_name = 'status/user/screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp):
        url = 'http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23' + inp[1:]
        searching_hashtag = True
        return 'Error: Invalid request.'

        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
    except http.HTTPError as e:
        errors = {
            400: 'Bad request (ratelimited?)',
            401: 'Tweet is private',
            403: 'Tweet is private',
            404: 'Invalid user/id',
            500: 'Twitter is broken',
            502: 'Twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
            503: 'Twitter is overloaded'
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid ' + ['username', 'tweet id'][getting_id]
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'Error: %s.' % errors[e.code]
        return 'Unknown Error: %s' % e.code
    except http.URLError as e:
        return 'Error: Request timed out.'

    if searching_hashtag:
        ns = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}'
        tweets = tweet.findall(ns + 'entry/' + ns + 'id')
        if not tweets:
            return 'Hashtag not found!'
        id = random.choice(tweets).text
        id = id[id.rfind(':') + 1:]
        return twitter(id)

    if getting_nth:
        if tweet.find('status') is None:
            return "User doesn't have that many tweets!"

    time = tweet.find(time)
    if time is None:
        return "User has no tweets!"

    reply_name = tweet.find(reply_name).text
    reply_id = tweet.find(reply_id).text
    reply_user = tweet.find(reply_user).text
    if reply_name is not None and (reply_id is not None
                                   or reply_user is not None):
        add_reply(reply_name, reply_id or -1)

    time_raw = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                        strptime(time.text, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))

    time_nice = timesince(parseDateTime(time_raw), datetime.utcnow())

    if tweet.find(retweeted_text) is not None:
        text = 'RT @%s:' % tweet.find(retweeted_screen_name).text
        text += unescape_xml(tweet.find(retweeted_text).text.replace('\n', ''))
        text = unescape_xml(tweet.find(text).text.replace('\n', ''))

    screen_name = tweet.find(screen_name).text

    return "\x02@%s\x02: %s (%s ago)" % (screen_name, text, time_nice)
Example #46
def twitter(inp):
    ".twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- Gets last/<n>th "\
    "tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/Gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/"\
    "gets replied tweet from @<user>."

    def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
        if len(history) == history_max_size:
        history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))

    def find_reply(reply_name):
        for name, id in history:
            if name == reply_name:
                return id if id != -1 else name

    if inp[0] == '@':
        reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
        if reply_inp == None:
            return 'No replies to %s found.' % inp
        inp = reply_inp

    url = 'http://twitter.com'
    getting_nth = False
    getting_id = False
    searching_hashtag = False

    time = 'status/created_at'
    text = 'status/text'
    reply_name = 'status/in_reply_to_screen_name'
    reply_id = 'status/in_reply_to_status_id'
    reply_user = '******'

    if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp):
        getting_id = True
        url += '/statuses/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'user/screen_name'
        time = 'created_at'
        text = 'text'
        reply_name = 'in_reply_to_screen_name'
        reply_id = 'in_reply_to_status_id'
        reply_user = '******'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp):
        url += '/users/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp):
        getting_nth = True
        name, num = inp.split()
        if int(num) > 3200:
            return 'error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet'
        url += '/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml?count=1&page=%s' % (name, num)
        screen_name = 'status/user/screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp):
        url = 'http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23' + inp[1:]
        searching_hashtag = True
        return 'error: invalid request'

        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
    except http.HTTPError, e:
        errors = {400: 'bad request (ratelimited?)',
                401: 'tweet is private',
                403: 'tweet is private',
                404: 'invalid user/id',
                500: 'twitter is broken',
                502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
                503: 'twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)'}
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid ' + ['username', 'tweet id'][getting_id]
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'error: ' + errors[e.code]
        return 'error: unknown %s' % e.code
Example #47
def twitter(inp):
    "twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- Gets last/<n>th " \
    "tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/Gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/" \
    "gets replied tweet from @<user>."

    def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
        if len(history) == history_max_size:
        history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))

    def find_reply(reply_name):
        for name, id in history:
            if name == reply_name:
                return id if id != -1 else name

    if inp[0] == '@':
        reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
        if reply_inp == None:
            return 'No replies to %s found.' % inp
        inp = reply_inp

    url = 'http://api.twitter.com'
    getting_nth = False
    getting_id = False
    searching_hashtag = False

    time = 'status/created_at'
    text = 'status/text'
    retweeted_text = 'status/retweeted_status/text'
    retweeted_screen_name = 'status/retweeted_status/user/screen_name'
    reply_name = 'status/in_reply_to_screen_name'
    reply_id = 'status/in_reply_to_status_id'
    reply_user = '******'

    if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp):
        getting_id = True
        url += '/statuses/show/%s.xml' % inp
        screen_name = 'user/screen_name'
        time = 'created_at'
        text = 'text'
        reply_name = 'in_reply_to_screen_name'
        reply_id = 'in_reply_to_status_id'
        reply_user = '******'
    elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp) or re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp):
        getting_nth = True
        if inp.find(' ') == -1:
            name = inp
            num = 1
            name, num = inp.split()
        if int(num) > 3200:
            return 'error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet'
        url += ('/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?include_rts=true&'
                'screen_name=%s&count=1&page=%s' % (name, num))
        screen_name = 'status/user/screen_name'
    elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp):
        url = 'http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23' + inp[1:]
        searching_hashtag = True
        return 'Error: Invalid request.'

        tweet = http.get_xml(url)
    except http.HTTPError as e:
        errors = {400: 'Bad request (ratelimited?)',
                  401: 'Tweet is private',
                  403: 'Tweet is private',
                  404: 'Invalid user/id',
                  500: 'Twitter is broken',
                  502: 'Twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
                  503: 'Twitter is overloaded'}
        if e.code == 404:
            return 'error: invalid ' + ['username', 'tweet id'][getting_id]
        if e.code in errors:
            return 'Error: %s.' % errors[e.code]
        return 'Unknown Error: %s' % e.code
    except http.URLError as e:
        return 'Error: Request timed out.'

    if searching_hashtag:
        ns = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}'
        tweets = tweet.findall(ns + 'entry/' + ns + 'id')
        if not tweets:
            return 'Hashtag not found!'
        id = random.choice(tweets).text
        id = id[id.rfind(':') + 1:]
        return twitter(id)

    if getting_nth:
        if tweet.find('status') is None:
            return "User doesn't have that many tweets!"

    time = tweet.find(time)
    if time is None:
        return "User has no tweets!"

    reply_name = tweet.find(reply_name).text
    reply_id = tweet.find(reply_id).text
    reply_user = tweet.find(reply_user).text
    if reply_name is not None and (reply_id is not None or
            reply_user is not None):
        add_reply(reply_name, reply_id or -1)

    time_raw = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
             '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))

    time_nice = timesince(parseDateTime(time_raw), datetime.utcnow())

    if tweet.find(retweeted_text) is not None:
        text = 'RT @%s:' % tweet.find(retweeted_screen_name).text
        text += unescape_xml(tweet.find(retweeted_text).text.replace('\n', ''))
        text = unescape_xml(tweet.find(text).text.replace('\n', ''))
    screen_name = tweet.find(screen_name).text

    return "\x02@%s\x02: %s (%s ago)" % (screen_name, text, time_nice)
Example #48
def steamcalc(inp, reply=None):
    """steamcalc <username> [currency] - Gets value of steam account and
       total hours played. Uses steamcommunity.com/id/<nickname>. """

    # check if the user asked us to force reload
    force_reload = inp.endswith(" forcereload")
    if force_reload:
        name = inp[:-12].strip().lower()
        name = inp.strip()

    if force_reload:
            reply("Collecting data, this may take a while.")
            request = get_data(name)
            do_refresh = False
        except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
            return "Could not get data for this user."
            request = get_data(name)
            do_refresh = True
        except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
                reply("Collecting data, this may take a while.")
                request = get_data(name)
                do_refresh = False
            except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError):
                return "Could not get data for this user."

    csv_data = io.StringIO(
        request)  # we use StringIO because CSV can't read a string
    reader = unicode_dictreader(csv_data)

    # put the games in a list
    games = []
    for row in reader:

    data = {}

    # basic information
    steam_profile = http.get_xml(steam_api_url.format(name))
        data["name"] = steam_profile.find('steamID').text
        online_state = steam_profile.find('stateMessage').text
    except AttributeError:
        return "Could not get data for this user."

    online_state = online_state.replace("<br/>",
                                        ": ")  # will make this pretty later
    data["state"] = text.strip_html(online_state)

    # work out the average metascore for all games
    ms = [
        float(game["metascore"]) for game in games
        if is_number(game["metascore"])
    metascore = float(sum(ms)) / len(ms) if len(ms) > 0 else float('nan')
    data["average_metascore"] = "{0:.1f}".format(metascore)

    # work out the totals
    data["games"] = len(games)

    total_value = sum(
        [float(game["value"]) for game in games if is_number(game["value"])])
    data["value"] = str(int(round(total_value)))

    # work out the total size
    total_size = 0.0

    for game in games:
        if not is_number(game["size"]):

        if game["unit"] == "GB":
            total_size += float(game["size"])
            total_size += float(game["size"]) / 1024

    data["size"] = "{0:.1f}".format(total_size)

    reply("{name} ({state}) has {games} games with a total value of ${value}"
          " and a total size of {size}GB! The average metascore for these"
          " games is {average_metascore}.".format(**data))

    if do_refresh: