def task_run_file(hosts, group, data, user, user_agent, client, issuperuser=False): host_data = list() _hosts = '' for host in hosts: _hosts += '{}_{}_{}\n'.format(host['hostname'], host['ip'], host['username']) hostinfo = dict() hostinfo['hostname'] = host['hostname'] hostinfo['ip'] = host['ip'] hostinfo['port'] = host['port'] hostinfo['username'] = host['username'] hostinfo['password'] = host['password'] if issuperuser: if host['superusername']: hostinfo['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': host['superusername'], 'pass': host['superpassword'] } host_data.append(hostinfo) src = data.get('src') dst = data.get('dst', '/tmp') if dst == '': dst = '/tmp' backup = data.get('backup', True) cmds = 'src={} dest={} backup={} decrypt=False'.format(src, dst, backup) inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = CopyCallbackModule(group, src=src, dst=dst, user=user, user_agent=user_agent, client=client, _hosts=_hosts) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback ) ansible_api.run_copy(cmds=cmds, hosts='all', group=group)
def task_run_cmd(hosts, group, cmd, user, user_agent, client, issuperuser=False): host_data = list() _hosts = '' for host in hosts: _hosts += '{}_{}_{}\n'.format(host['hostname'], host['ip'], host['username']) hostinfo = dict() hostinfo['hostname'] = host['hostname'] hostinfo['ip'] = host['ip'] hostinfo['port'] = host['port'] hostinfo['username'] = host['username'] hostinfo['password'] = host['password'] if issuperuser: if host['superusername']: hostinfo['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': host['superusername'], 'pass': host['superpassword'] } host_data.append(hostinfo) inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = ModuleCallbackModule(group, cmd=cmd, user=user, user_agent=user_agent, client=client, _hosts=_hosts) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI(dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback) ansible_api.run_cmd(cmds=cmd, hosts='all', group=group)
def task_run_module(hosts, group, data, user, user_agent, client, issuperuser=False): host_data = list() _hosts = '' for host in hosts: _hosts += '{}_{}_{}\n'.format(host['hostname'], host['ip'], host['username']) hostinfo = dict() hostinfo['hostname'] = host['hostname'] hostinfo['ip'] = host['ip'] hostinfo['port'] = host['port'] hostinfo['username'] = host['username'] hostinfo['password'] = host['password'] if issuperuser: if host['superusername']: hostinfo['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': host['superusername'], 'pass': host['superpassword'] } host_data.append(hostinfo) inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) module = data.get('module', 'command') args = data.get('args', '') cmd = 'module: {0} args: {1}'.format(module, args) callback = ModuleCallbackModule(group, cmd=cmd, user=user, user_agent=user_agent, client=client, _hosts=_hosts) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback ) ansible_api.run_modules(cmds=args, module=module, hosts='all', group=group)
def task_test(): host_data = [ { 'hostname': 'k8s1', 'ip': '', 'port': 22, 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'groups': ['k8s'], }, { 'hostname': 'k8s2', 'ip': '', 'port': 22, 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'groups': ['k8s'], 'become': { 'method': 'su', 'user': '******', 'pass': '******', }, }, { 'hostname': 'k8s3', 'ip': '', 'port': 22, 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'private_key': '/tmp/private_key', 'become': { 'method': 'sudo', 'user': '******', 'pass': None, }, 'groups': ['k8s', 'server'], 'vars': { 'love': 'yes', 'test': 'no' }, }, ] private_key_file = './id_rsa' remote_user = '******' extra_vars = {'var': 'test'} inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( private_key_file=private_key_file, extra_vars=extra_vars, remote_user=remote_user, dynamic_inventory=inventory, # forks=4, ) playbook_yml = '/home/workspace/devops/util/hello.yml' ansible_api.run_playbook(playbook_yml=playbook_yml) # ansible_api.run_module(module_name='setup', module_args='', hosts='k8s') # ansible_api.run_module(module_name='shell', module_args='echo "1" >> /tmp/test.txt', hosts='k8s') ansible_api.get_result()
def task_host_update_info(hostinfo): try: if hostinfo['platform'] in ['linux', 'unix']: host_data = [ { 'hostname': hostinfo['hostname'], 'ip': hostinfo['ip'], 'port': hostinfo['port'], 'username': hostinfo['username'], 'password': hostinfo['password'] } ] if hostinfo['superusername']: host_data[0]['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': hostinfo['superusername'], 'pass': hostinfo['superpassword'] } inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = SetupCallbackModule() ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback ) server_info, failed, unreach, error = ansible_api.get_server_info(hosts='all') if server_info: host = RemoteUserBindHost.objects.get(pk=hostinfo['id']) data = { 'server': host, 'cpu_model': server_info[0]['cpu_model'], 'cpu_number': server_info[0]['cpu_number'], 'vcpu_number': server_info[0]['vcpu_number'], 'disk_total': server_info[0]['disk_total'], 'ram_total': server_info[0]['ram_total'], 'swap_total': server_info[0]['swap_total'], 'kernel': server_info[0]['kernel'], 'system': server_info[0]['system'], 'filesystems': json.dumps(server_info[0]['filesystems']), 'interfaces': json.dumps(server_info[0]['interfaces']), 'server_model': server_info[0]['server_model'], } try: ServerDetail.objects.create(**data) except Exception: del data['server'] ServerDetail.objects.filter(server=host).update(**data) else: if failed: for i in failed: print(json.dumps(i, indent=4)) if unreach: for i in unreach: print(json.dumps(i, indent=4)) if error: for i in error: print(json.dumps(i, indent=4)) except Exception: print(traceback.format_exc())
def task_run_script(hosts, group, data, user, user_agent, client, issuperuser=False): host_data = list() _hosts = '' for host in hosts: _hosts += '{}_{}_{}\n'.format(host['hostname'], host['ip'], host['username']) hostinfo = dict() hostinfo['hostname'] = host['hostname'] hostinfo['ip'] = host['ip'] hostinfo['port'] = host['port'] hostinfo['username'] = host['username'] hostinfo['password'] = host['password'] if issuperuser: if host['superusername']: hostinfo['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': host['superusername'], 'pass': host['superpassword'] } host_data.append(hostinfo) inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = ModuleCallbackModule(group, cmd=data['script_name'], user=user, user_agent=user_agent, client=client, _hosts=_hosts) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback ) path = data.get('path', '/tmp') if path == '': path = '/tmp' exec = data.get('exec', '') script_name = data.get('script_name', '') script = data.get('script', '') now = time.time() tmp_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(int(now))) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPT_ROOT, tmp_date)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPT_ROOT, tmp_date)) script_file = settings.SCRIPT_DIR + '/' + tmp_date + '/' + gen_rand_char(16) + '_' + script_name res_file = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + script_file with open(res_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(script) cmds = '{}'.format(res_file) cmds = cmds + ' ' + 'chdir={}'.format(path) if exec: cmds = cmds + ' ' + 'executable={}'.format(exec) else: if script_name.split('.')[-1] == 'py': cmds = cmds + ' ' + 'executable=/usr/bin/python' elif script_name.split('.')[-1] == 'pl': cmds = cmds + ' ' + 'executable=/usr/bin/perl' elif script_name.split('.')[-1] == 'rb': cmds = cmds + ' ' + 'executable=/usr/bin/ruby' ansible_api.run_script(cmds=cmds, hosts='all', group=group, script=script_file)
def task_run_playbook(hosts, group, data, user, user_agent, client, issuperuser=False): host_data = list() _hosts = '' for host in hosts: _hosts += '{}_{}_{}\n'.format(host['hostname'], host['ip'], host['username']) hostinfo = dict() hostinfo['hostname'] = host['hostname'] hostinfo['ip'] = host['ip'] hostinfo['port'] = host['port'] hostinfo['username'] = host['username'] hostinfo['password'] = host['password'] hostinfo['groups'] = host['groups'] if host['groups'] else None if issuperuser: if host['superusername']: hostinfo['become'] = { 'method': 'su', 'user': host['superusername'], 'pass': host['superpassword'] } host_data.append(hostinfo) inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = PlayBookCallbackModule(group, playbook=data['playbook_name'], user=user, user_agent=user_agent, client=client, _hosts=_hosts) ansible_api = AnsibleAPI(dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback) playbook_name = data.get('playbook_name', '') playbook = data.get('playbook', '') now = time.time() tmp_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(int(now))) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPT_ROOT, tmp_date)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPT_ROOT, tmp_date)) script_file = settings.SCRIPT_DIR + '/' + tmp_date + '/' + gen_rand_char( 16) + '_' + playbook_name playbook_file = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + script_file with open(playbook_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(playbook) ansible_api.run_playbook(playbook_yml=playbook_file, group=group, script=script_file)
'become': { 'method': 'sudo', 'user': '******', 'pass': None, }, 'groups': ['group1', 'group2'], 'vars': { 'love': 'yes' }, }, ] playbook_yml = '/home/workspace/devops/util/hello.yml' private_key_file = './id_rsa' remote_user = '******' extra_vars = {'var': 'test'} inventory = BaseInventory(host_data) callback = PlayBookCallbackModule('saddasd', cmd='xx', user='******', user_agent='admin', client='', _hosts='') ansible_api = AnsibleAPI( # private_key_file=private_key_file, # extra_vars=extra_vars, # remote_user=remote_user, dynamic_inventory=inventory, callback=callback, # forks=4, )