Example #1
	def dumpContext(self, context):
		url = self.contextURL(context)
		o = XMLOutput(open(url, 'w'))
		o.url = url

		with o.scope('html'):
			with o.scope('head'):
				with o.scope('title'):
					o << context.signature.code
					o << ' - '
					o << id(context)
			with o.scope('body'):
				with o.scope('p'):
					o << '['
					with o.scope('a', href='index.html'):
						o << "Index"
					o << ']'
				with o.scope('p'):
					self.displayContext(context, o, link=False)

				self.fold(context, o)
				self.code(context, o)
				self.criticalOps(context, o)
				self.invokesIn(context, o)
				self.invokesOut(context, o)
				self.locals(context, o)
				self.objects(context, o)

				self.constraints(context.constraints, o)
Example #2
	def index(self, contexts, root):
		def forward(context):
			return set([invoke.dst for invoke in context.invokeOut.itervalues()])

		idoms = dominator.findIDoms([root], forward)
		tree = dominator.treeFromIDoms(idoms)

		url = os.path.join(self.directory, 'index.html')
		o = XMLOutput(open(url, 'w'))
		o.url = url

		self.dumpTree(None, tree, o)