Example #1
def get_document_bodies(keyword=None, force=False):
    fname = 'document_bodies{}.json'.format('_' + keyword if keyword else '')
    if not force:
        document_bodies = load_dict_from_json(fname)
        if document_bodies:
            return document_bodies

    print('Creating new entity bodies.')
    entities_with_types = get_all_instance_types()

    long_abstracts = get_entity_data(
        'long_abstracts_en.ttl') if not keyword or keyword == 'long' else {}
    short_abstracts = get_entity_data(
        'short_abstracts_en.ttl') if not keyword or keyword == 'short' else {}
    anchor_texts = get_entity_data(
        'anchor_text_en.ttl') if not keyword or keyword == 'anchor' else {}

    document_bodies = defaultdict(str)
    for entity in entities_with_types:
        if (not keyword or keyword == 'short') and entity in short_abstracts:
            document_bodies[entity] = short_abstracts[entity]
        elif (not keyword or keyword == 'long') and entity in long_abstracts:
            document_bodies[entity] = long_abstracts[entity]

        if (not keyword or keyword == 'anchor') and entity in anchor_texts:
            document_bodies[entity] += anchor_texts[entity]

    save_dict_to_json(document_bodies, fname)
    print(f'Created {len(document_bodies)} document bodies.')
    return document_bodies
Example #2
def get_all_instance_types(transitive=False, force=False):
    fname = f'instance_types{"_all" if transitive else ""}.json'
    if not force:
        instance_types = load_dict_from_json(fname)
        if instance_types:
            return instance_types

    print("Creating new instance types mapping...")
    instance_type_filenames = [
        'instance_types_en.ttl', 'instance_types_sdtyped_dbo_en.ttl'
    if transitive:

    instance_types = defaultdict(list)
    for filename in instance_type_filenames:
        instance_types = get_instance_types(filename, instance_types)

    if transitive:
        ontology = get_ontology()

    for entity in instance_types:
        if transitive:
            types = []
            for t in instance_types[entity]:
                types.extend(ontology.get(t, {}).get('path', []))
            instance_types[entity] = list(set(types))
            instance_types[entity] = list(set(instance_types[entity]))

    save_dict_to_json(instance_types, fname)
    return instance_types
Example #3
def remove_non_existing_types(filename, type_hierarchy):
    s = load_dict_from_json(filename)
    i = 0
    for q in s:
        if q['category'] == 'resource':
            before = len(q['type'])
            q['type'] = [t for t in q['type'] if t in type_hierarchy]
            if len(q['type']) != before:
                i += 1

    print(f'Removed extra types from {i} instances.')
    save_dict_to_json(s, filename)
Example #4
    def load_baseline_results(self, dataset='train', force=False):
        fname = f'top100_{self.model}_{self.similarity}_{dataset}'
        if not force:
            results = load_dict_from_json(fname)
            if results:
                return results

        print('Retrieving from index.')
        queries = load_dict_from_json(f'{dataset}_set_fixed.json')
        if not queries:
            print('Cannot find the dataset.')
            return None

        res = getattr(self, f'baseline_{self.model}_retrieval')(queries)
        save_dict_to_json(res, fname)
        return res
Example #5
def get_type_weights(force=False):
    fname = 'type_weight.json'
    if not force:
        weight_doc = load_dict_from_json(fname)
        if weight_doc:
            return weight_doc

    print('Making new type_weight file.')
    types = get_all_instance_types(True)
    weight_doc = defaultdict(int)
    for _, types in types.items():
        for t in types:
            weight_doc[t] += 1

    save_dict_to_json(weight_doc, fname)
    return weight_doc
Example #6
def get_type_entity(ancestors=False, force=False):
    fname = f'type_entity{"_all" if ancestors else ""}.json'
    if not force:
        documents = load_dict_from_json(fname)
        if documents:
            return documents

    print('Creating new type_entity file.')
    entities_with_types = get_all_instance_types(ancestors)
    documents = defaultdict(list)
    for entity, types in entities_with_types.items():
        for t in types:

    print('Done. Num types: ', len(documents))
    save_dict_to_json(documents, fname)
    return documents
Example #7
def get_EC_documents(doc_body='short', force=False):
    filename = 'document_EC{}.json'.format('_' + doc_body if doc_body else '')
    if not force:
        document = load_dict_from_json(filename)
        if document:
            return document

    print('Creating new document.')
    bodies = get_document_bodies(doc_body)
    # types = get_all_instance_types(transitive=True)

    document = defaultdict(dict)
    for entity, body in bodies.items():
        document[entity]['body'] = body
        # document[entity]['type'] = ' '.join(types[entity])

    save_dict_to_json(document, filename)
    return document
Example #8
def get_ontology(force=False):
    fname = 'ontology.json'
    if not force:
        ontology = load_dict_from_json(fname)
        if ontology:
            return ontology

    print('Creating new ontology file.')
    ontology = defaultdict(dict)
    with open(get_data_path('dbpedia_2016-10.nt', True), 'r',
              encoding='UTF-8') as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith('#'):

            s, p, o = parse_ttl_line(line)
            if (p != 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf'):

            if not ('owl#Thing' in o
                    or o.startswith('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/')):

            subj = resolve_uri(s)
            if not subj:

            subj = 'dbo:' + subj
            obj = resolve_uri(o)
            obj = obj if obj == 'owl#Thing' else 'dbo:' + obj
            if subj in ontology:
                ontology[subj]['parents'] = [obj]

    for entity in ontology:
        path = list(set(get_path(ontology, entity)))
        ontology[entity]['path'] = path
        ontology[entity]['num_ancestors'] = len(path)

    print(f'There are {len(ontology)} types')
    save_dict_to_json(ontology, fname)
    return ontology
Example #9
def get_TC_documents(doc_body='anchor', ancestors=False, force=False):
    filename = 'document_TC{}{}.json'.format(
        '_' + doc_body if doc_body else '', '_all' if ancestors else '')
    if not force:
        document = load_dict_from_json(filename)
        if document:
            return document

    print('Creating new document.')
    bodies = get_document_bodies(doc_body)
    type_entities = get_type_entity(ancestors)
    num_types = len(type_entities)

    document = defaultdict(dict)
    for i, (t, entities) in enumerate(type_entities.items()):
            f'Processing {i+1}/{num_types} type with {len(entities)} entities')
        document[t]['body'] = ' '.join(
            bodies.get(entity, '') for entity in entities)

    save_dict_to_json(document, filename)
    return document
Example #10
def remove_empty_queries(filename='train_set_fixed.json'):
    s = load_dict_from_json(filename)
    num_queries = len(s)
    s = [q for q in s if q['question']]
    print(f'Removed {num_queries-len(s)} from the dataset')
    save_dict_to_json(s, filename)