def gps_listener(self, data): """ROS callback for the gps topic""" latitude =[0] # In degrees longitude =[1] # Converts lat long to x,y using FIXED origin x, y = global_to_local(float(latitude), float(longitude)) #if abs(x) > OUTLIER_THRESHOLD or abs(y) > OUTLIER_THRESHOLD: # return self.gps_speed =[8] self.gps_yaw = np.deg2rad([7]) timestamp =[0] / 1.e9 # Converts lat long to x,y using FIXED origin if not self.ready: # TODO: don't assume initial xdot and ydot are zero self.k1_state = np.matrix([[x], [y], [0], [0]]) self.k2_state = np.matrix([[self.gps_yaw], [0]]) self.ready = True self.last_timestamp = timestamp delta_time = timestamp - self.last_timestamp self.last_timestamp = timestamp self.time_step = [[10]] # Converts lat long to x,y using FIXED origin x, y = global_to_local(float(latitude), float(longitude)) if abs(x) > OUTLIER_THRESHOLD or abs(y) > OUTLIER_THRESHOLD: return self.gps_speed =[8] self.gps_yaw = np.deg2rad([7]) timestamp =[0] / 1.e9 # Converts lat long to x,y using FIXED origin dim = [MultiArrayDimension('data', 1, 2)] layout = MultiArrayLayout(dim, 0) self.pub_debug.publish(layout, gps_debug_state) gps_sensor_data = GPSData(x=x, y=y, yaw=self.gps_yaw, speed=self.gps_speed, timestamp=None) self.position_filter.update(delta_time, gps_sensor=gps_sensor_data)
def kalman_compare_retro(gps_filename, bike_filename): gps_data = [] with open(gps_filename) as gps_file: gps_reader = list(csv.reader(gps_file, delimiter=",")) for row in gps_reader[1:]: # field0 is lat, field1 is long, field7 is yaw in degrees, # field8 is speed from the gps (meters per second) # field10 is timestep (miliseconds) x, y = global_to_local(float(row[2]), float(row[3])) if -0.0001 < x < 0.0001: continue # print '{:6.3f} {:6.3f}'.format(x, y) gps_data.append([x, y, float(row[9])*np.pi/180, float(row[10]), float(row[12])]) # The Kalman filter wants the GPS data in matrix form gps_matrix = np.matrix(gps_data) # Run the Kalman filter output_old = kalman.kalman_retro_old(gps_matrix) # Run updated Kalman filter sensors = SensorData(gps_filename=gps_filename, bike_filename=bike_filename) output_new = kalman.kalman_retro(sensors) # Plot the GPS data plt.scatter(sensors.gps.x, sensors.gps.y, c='r') # Plot the old and new filter output plt.scatter([output_old[:,0]], [output_old[:,1]], c='b') plt.scatter(output_new['x'], output_new['y'], c='g') # Show everything
def loc_listener_old(self, data): #if hasattr(self, 'path_patch') and self.path_patch: # self.path_patch.remove() #if len(self.bike_trajectory): # self.path_patch = PathPatch(Path(self.bike_trajectory), fill=False, # linewidth=2) # axes.add_patch(self.path_patch) # Plot the bike as a wedge pointing in the direction bike.psi bike_x, bike_y = global_to_local(, data.lng) #rospy.logerr("%f,%f"%(bike_x,bike_y)) = (bike_x,bike_y) #if self.prev_bike_patch: self.prev_bike_patch.remove() #wedge_angle = 45 # The angle covered by the wedge #bike_heading = data.yaw #bike_polygon = Wedge((bike_x, bike_y), 1, # bike_heading - wedge_angle / 2 + 180, # bike_heading + wedge_angle / 2 + 180, fc="black") #rospy.logerr(dir(bike_polygon)) #self.axes.add_patch(bike_polygon) #self.prev_bike_patch = bike_polygon #plt.pause(0.00000000000001) self.bike_trajectory.append((bike_x, bike_y)) plt.draw()
def make_location_message(self, lat, lng): x, y = global_to_local(lat, lng) if False: #(y - self.last_y) == 0 and (x - self.last_x) == 0: # we haven't moved return None yaw = math.atan2(y - self.last_y, x - self.last_x) speed = math.sqrt((y - self.last_y)**2 + (x - self.last_x)**2) self.last_x, self.last_y = x, y return Location(lat, lng, yaw, speed)
def load_gps_state(self, gps_filename): x_data = [] y_data = [] yaw_data = [] speed_data = [] timestamp_data = [] with open(gps_filename) as gps_file: csv_reader = list(csv.reader(gps_file, delimiter=','))[1:] for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): x, y = global_to_local(float(row[2]), float(row[3])) yaw = align_radians(-float(row[9]) * np.pi / 180. + np.pi / 2) speed = float(row[10]) timestamp = float(row[0]) / 1.e9 # Remove outliers. if (np.linalg.norm([x, y]) > GPS_RANGE_THRESHOLD or speed > GPS_SPEED_THRESHOLD): print('ignoring outlier gps[{}] = ({}, {})'.format( i, x, y)) continue x_data.append(x) y_data.append(y) yaw_data.append(yaw) speed_data.append(speed) timestamp_data.append(timestamp) # Shift timestamps to get time relative to start. start_time = min(timestamp_data) timestamp_data = [t - start_time for t in timestamp_data] return GPSData(x=np.array(x_data), y=np.array(y_data), yaw=np.array(yaw_data), speed=np.array(speed_data), timestamp=np.array(timestamp_data))
def main(self): rospy.init_node("plotter") while not rospy.has_param('path'): time.sleep(1) self.path = rospy.get_param("path") plt.ion() # enables interactive plotting waypoints = map(lambda p: global_to_local(*p), self.path) rospy.logerr(waypoints) map_model = mapModel.Map_Model(None, waypoints, [], []) paths = map_model.paths fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.axes(**find_display_bounds(map_model.waypoints)) ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-100,100), ylim=(-100,100)) lc = mc.LineCollection(paths, linewidths=2, color = "blue") ax.add_collection(lc) # For plotting the bicycle self.axes = plt.gca() = Circle((0,0),1,ec='r', fc='none') self.axes.add_patch( self.circle2 = Circle((0,0),1,ec='b', fc='none') self.axes.add_patch(self.circle2) # Holds past locations of the bike, for plotting self.bike_trajectory = [] # We need to keep this around to clear it after path updates #self.path_patch = None self.prev_bike_patch = None rospy.Subscriber("/android/gps/fused", Location, self.loc_listener) # RED rospy.Subscriber("/android/gps/gps", Location, self.loc2_listener) # BLUE
def loc2_listener(self, data): = global_to_local(, data.lng) plt.draw()
def update_from_android_gps(data): new_bike.xB, new_bike.yB = global_to_local(, data.lng) new_bike.psi, new_bike.v = data.yaw, data.speed
if __name__ == '__main__': try: old_psi = 0 old_v = 0 d_psi = 0 new_bike = bikeState.Bike(0, -10, 0.1, np.pi / 3, 0, 0, 3.00) # right intersection to middle intersection orig_waypoints = [(42.444253, -76.483271), (42.444238, -76.483661)] #straight path bottom of stairs to middle intersection #orig_waypoints = [(133.74892645377858, -432.5469806370678), (114.05523219700194, -395.85300512410294)] #Straight forward path #orig_waypoints = [(42.444260000000001, -76.48366), (42.44447, -76.48367), (42.44485, -76.48369000000001)] #long path #orig_waypoints = [(42.44422, -76.43866), (42,44447, -76.48367), (42.44458, -76.4835)] #orig_waypoints = [(164.92918389320673, -412.53122538008699), (160.82636519097008, -408.08352424480717), (158.36456020192119, -400.29993577850547), (157.54391784874556, -395.85215731941992), (152.62045116162616, -385.84472352909091), (141.95309049412472, -369.16571007809335), (133.74760279568892, -363.6061261255179), (124.72163122543957, -360.27044577941609), (118.1572971243023, -358.04666168562972), (110.7724130084174, -354.71093523541589), (97.643830726023069, -354.7111316365864), (98.464555727252943, -368.05451128333181), (101.74674006642893, -370.2783626484474), (102.56727829387685, -370.27835061499496), (103.3878330236748, -371.39028775136137), (114.05523219700194, -395.85300512410294), (134.56949349422308, -433.6589141004269)] #converting from lat long to local coordinate plane waypoints = [0 for _ in range(len(orig_waypoints))] for i in range(len(orig_waypoints)): latitude, longitude = orig_waypoints[i][0], orig_waypoints[i][1] waypoints[i] = global_to_local(float(latitude), float(longitude)) new_map = mapModel.Map_Model(new_bike, waypoints, [], []) new_nav = nav.Nav(new_map) talker() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerr('this should never print') pass