def ukf(self,ord=2,N=np.inf,Ninit=20,viz=0,**kwds):
    Use UKF to track previously-loaded trajectory

      ord - int - order of state derivative to track
      N - int - max number of samples to track
      Ninit - int - # of init iterations for ukf
      viz - int - # of samps to skip between vizualization; 0 to disable
      plts - [str,...] - list of plots to generate

      X - N x 6 - rigid body state estimate at each sample

      - assigns self.X
      - saves X to fi+'' and fi+'_ukf.npz'
    # unpack data
    t = self.t; d = self.d; g = self.g; fi =; hz=self.hz
    nn = np.logical_not( np.any( np.isnan(d[:,:,0]), axis=1) ).nonzero()[0]
    assert nn.size > 0
    n = 0
    if nn[0] > 0:
      n = nn[0]
      print self.trk+' not visible until sample #%d; trimming data' % n
      t = t[n:]; d = d[n:,:,:]
    di,fi = os.path.split(fi)
    N0,_,_ = d.shape; N = min(N,N0)
    # init ukf
    from uk import uk, body, pts
    X0 = np.hstack( ( np.zeros(2), 2*np.random.rand(), # pitch,roll,yaw
                     num.nanmean(d[:100,:,:],axis=0).mean(axis=0) ) ) # xyz
    Qd = ( np.hstack( (np.array([1,1,1])*2e-3, np.array([1,1,1])*5e+0) ) )
    for o in range(ord-1):
      X0 = np.hstack( ( X0, np.zeros(6) ) )
      Qd = np.hstack( ( Qd, Qd[-6:]*1e-1) )
    b = body.Mocap( X0, g.T, viz=viz, Qd=Qd ); 
    b.Ninit = Ninit;
    self.b = b
    print 'running ukf on %d samps' % N; ti = time()
    t = t[:N]
    j = dict(pitch=0,roll=1,yaw=2,x=3,y=4,z=5)
    X = uk.mocap( b, np.swapaxes(d[:N,:,:],1,2) ).T
    N,M = X.shape
    X = np.vstack(( np.nan*np.zeros((n,M)), X ))
    X[:,0:3] *= rad2deg
    u = dict(pitch='deg',roll='deg',yaw='deg',x='mm',y='mm',z='mm')
    self.j = j; self.u = u; self.X = X
    print '%0.1f sec' % (time() - ti)
    s = util.Struct(X0=X0,Qd=Qd,ord=ord,b=b,j=j,u=u)
    dir = os.path.join(di,ddir)
    if not os.path.exists( dir ):
      os.mkdir( dir )
    s.write( os.path.join(dir,fi+'') )

    return X
  def geom(self,**kwds):
    Fit rigid body geometry

      - assigns self.g
      - saves g to fi+'_geom.npz'
    # unpack data
    di,fi = os.path.split(
    d = self.d
    N,M,D = d.shape
    # samples where all features appear
    nn = np.logical_not( np.any(np.isnan(d[:,:,0]),axis=1) ).nonzero()[0]
    #assert nn.size > 0
    # fit geometry to pairwise distance data
    pd0 = []; ij0 = []
    for i,j in zip(*[list(a) for a in np.triu(np.ones((M,M)),1).nonzero()]):
      pd0.append(np.sqrt(np.sum((d[:,i,:] - d[:,j,:])**2,axis=1)))
    pd0 = np.array(pd0).T; 
    d0 = num.nanmean(pd0,axis=0); ij0 = np.array(ij0)
    self.pd0 = pd0; self.d0 = d0
    g0 = d[nn[0],:,:]

    # TODO: fix geometry fitting
    if 1:
      g = g0.copy()
      print 'fitting geom'; ti = time()
      g,info,flag = g0, ij0, d0 )
      print '%0.1f sec' % (time() - ti)
      pd = []; pd0 = []
      for i,j in zip(*[list(a) for a in np.triu(np.ones((M,M)),1).nonzero()]):
        pd.append( np.sqrt( np.sum((g[i,:] - g[j,:])**2) ) )
        pd0.append( np.sqrt( np.sum((g0[i,:] - g0[j,:])**2) ) )
      pd = np.array(pd).T; 
      pd0 = np.array(pd0).T; 
    # center and rotate geom flat 
    m = np.mean(g,axis=0)
    g = g - m
    n = geom.plane(g)
    R = geom.orient(n)
    g =,R.T)
    self.g = g
    # save data
    dir = os.path.join(di,ddir)
    if not os.path.exists( dir ):
      os.mkdir( dir )