Example #1
 def getMinHeight(self, element, app):
     tags = element.tags
     if "min_height" in tags:
         z0 = parseNumber(tags["min_height"], 0.)
     elif "building:min_level" in tags:
         numLevels = parseNumber(tags["building:min_level"])
         z0 = 0. if numLevels is None else numLevels * app.levelHeight
         z0 = 0.
     return z0
Example #2
 def getHeight(self, app):
     tags = self.element.tags
     h = parseNumber(tags["roof:height"]) if "roof:height" in tags else None
     if h is None:
         # get the number of levels
         if "roof:levels" in tags:
             h = parseNumber(tags["roof:levels"])
         h = self.defaultHeight if h is None else h * app.levelHeight
     self.h = h
     return h
Example #3
 def getMinHeight(self, element, op):
     tags = element.tags
     if "min_height" in tags:
         z0 = parseNumber(tags["min_height"], 0.0)
     elif "building:min_level" in tags:
         numLevels = parseNumber(tags["building:min_level"])
         z0 = 0.0 if numLevels is None else numLevels * op.levelHeight
         z0 = 0.0
     return z0
Example #4
 def getHeight(self, element, op):
     tags = element.tags
     if "height" in tags:
         h = parseNumber(tags["height"], op.defaultBuildingHeight)
         if "roof:height" in tags:
             h -= parseNumber(tags["roof:height"], 0.0)
     elif "building:levels" in tags:
         numLevels = parseNumber(tags["building:levels"])
         h = op.defaultBuildingHeight if numLevels is None else numLevels * op.levelHeight
         h = op.defaultBuildingHeight
     return h
Example #5
    def getRoofHeight(self, app):
        tags = self.element.tags

        h = parseNumber(tags["roof:height"]) if "roof:height" in tags else None
        if h is None:
            if not self.angleToHeight is None and "roof:angle" in tags:
                angle = parseNumber(tags["roof:angle"])
                if not angle is None:
                    h = self.angleToHeight * self.polygonWidth * math.tan(
            if h is None:
                # get the number of levels
                if "roof:levels" in tags:
                    h = parseNumber(tags["roof:levels"])
                h = self.defaultHeight if h is None else h * app.levelHeight
        return h
Example #6
 def getRoofMinHeight(self, element, app):
     # getting the number of levels
     h = element.tags.get("building:levels")
     if not h is None:
         h = parseNumber(h)
     if h is None:
         h = app.defaultNumLevels
     h *= app.levelHeight
     return h
Example #7
    def processDirection(self):
        polygon = self.polygon
        tags = self.element.tags
        # <d> stands for direction
        d = tags.get("roof:direction")
        if d is None:
            d = tags.get("roof:slope:direction")
        # getting a direction vector with the unit length
        if d is None:
            if self.hasRidge and tags.get("roof:orientation") == "across":
                # The roof ridge is across the longest side of the building outline,
                # i.e. the profile direction is along the longest side
                d = max(self.polygon.edges).normalized()
                d = self.getDefaultDirection()
        elif d in Roof.directions:
            d = Roof.directions[d]
            # trying to get a direction angle in degrees
            d = parseNumber(d)
            if d is None:
                d = self.getDefaultDirection()
                d = math.radians(d)
                d = Vector((math.sin(d), math.cos(d), 0.))
        # the direction vector is used by <profile.RoofProfile>
        self.direction = d

        # For each vertex from <polygon.verts> calculate projection of the vertex
        # on the vector <d> that defines the roof direction
        projections = self.projections
        projections.extend(d[0] * v[0] + d[1] * v[1] for v in polygon.verts)
        minProjIndex = min(range(polygon.n), key=lambda i: projections[i])
        self.minProjIndex = minProjIndex
        maxProjIndex = max(range(polygon.n), key=lambda i: projections[i])
        self.maxProjIndex = maxProjIndex
        # <polygon> width along the vector <d>
        self.polygonWidth = projections[maxProjIndex] - projections[
Example #8
 def getHeight(self, element):
     return parseNumber(
         element.tags["height"]) if "height" in element.tags else None