Example #1
def parse_datapacks(data):
    retval = []
    while data[0] == '\n': #while the next thing is a message
        chunk, data = chunk_datapack(data) #get a chunk
    num_messages = 0
    type_, numbytes = u7i(data) #the thing after the last msg is usually num msgs
    data = data[numbytes:]
    if type_ == 136: #num_messages
        num_messages, numbytes = u7i(data)
        data = data[numbytes:]
    return retval, num_messages, data
Example #2
def get_chunk(data):
    type_, numbytes = u7i(data)
    data = data[numbytes:]
    if type_ == 184: #number of participants, value is next number
        value, length_ = u7i(data)
    elif type_ == 152: #to me/me only, mailing list
        value, length_ = u7i(data)
        length_, numbytes = u7i(data) #else, assume it has a length + value
        data = data[numbytes:] #remove length number
#    if type_ == 146:
#        length_ += 3
    return type_, data[:length_], data[length_:] #return type, value, remainder
Example #3
def parse_datapacks(data):
    retval = []
    while data[0] == '\n':  #while the next thing is a message
        chunk, data = chunk_datapack(data)  #get a chunk
    num_messages = 0
    type_, numbytes = u7i(
        data)  #the thing after the last msg is usually num msgs
    data = data[numbytes:]
    if type_ == 136:  #num_messages
        num_messages, numbytes = u7i(data)
        data = data[numbytes:]
    return retval, num_messages, data
Example #4
def get_mid_date(data):
    orig_length = len(data)
    length_, numbytes = u7i(data) #length of chunk
    expected_length = (orig_length - length_) - numbytes
    data = data[numbytes:]
    msgid, numbytes = u7i(data) #msgid is first number
    data = data[numbytes:]
    _unknown, numbytes = u7i(data) #mystery byte
    data = data[numbytes:]
    time_in_ms, numbytes = u7i(data) #next is time in milliseconds
    data = data[numbytes:]
#    print "len is", len(data), "expected", expected_length
    assert len(data) == expected_length
    return msgid, time_in_ms, data #msgid, time, remainder
Example #5
def get_mid_date(data):
    orig_length = len(data)
    length_, numbytes = u7i(data)  #length of chunk
    expected_length = (orig_length - length_) - numbytes
    data = data[numbytes:]
    msgid, numbytes = u7i(data)  #msgid is first number
    data = data[numbytes:]
    _unknown, numbytes = u7i(data)  #mystery byte
    data = data[numbytes:]
    time_in_ms, numbytes = u7i(data)  #next is time in milliseconds
    data = data[numbytes:]
    #    print "len is", len(data), "expected", expected_length
    assert len(data) == expected_length
    return msgid, time_in_ms, data  #msgid, time, remainder
Example #6
def chunk_datapack(data):
    assert data[0] == '\n' #first char is \n
    data = data[1:]
    num, numbytes = u7i(data) #next bit is utf7 number
#    print "numbytes", numbytes, repr(data[:numbytes])
    data = data[numbytes:] #take off the number
    return data[:num], data[num:] #return value, remainder
Example #7
def get_chunk(data):
    type_, numbytes = u7i(data)
    data = data[numbytes:]
    if type_ == 184:  #number of participants, value is next number
        value, length_ = u7i(data)
    elif type_ == 152:  #to me/me only, mailing list
        value, length_ = u7i(data)
        length_, numbytes = u7i(data)  #else, assume it has a length + value
        data = data[numbytes:]  #remove length number

#    if type_ == 146:
#        length_ += 3
    return type_, data[:length_], data[
        length_:]  #return type, value, remainder
Example #8
def chunk_datapack(data):
    assert data[0] == '\n'  #first char is \n
    data = data[1:]
    num, numbytes = u7i(data)  #next bit is utf7 number
    #    print "numbytes", numbytes, repr(data[:numbytes])
    data = data[numbytes:]  #take off the number
    return data[:num], data[num:]  #return value, remainder
Example #9
def parse_from(from_):
    retval = {}
    assert from_[0] == "\n" #first byte is \n
    from_ = from_[1:]
    retval['mystery_bytes1'], from_ = from_.split("\n", 1) #something, and then \n
#    retval['mystery_bytes1'] = ord(retval['mystery_bytes1']) #seems to be a number
    length_, numbytes = u7i(from_) #length of address
    from_ = from_[numbytes:]
    retval['email_addr'], from_ = from_[:length_], from_[length_:] #address is next
    type_, numbytes = u7i(from_)
    if type_ == 0x12: #text version of from, i.e. the name
        from_ = from_[numbytes:]
        length_, numbytes = u7i(from_)
        from_ = from_[numbytes:]
        retval['from_text'], from_ = from_[:length_], from_[length_:]
    retval['remainder_bytes'] = from_
    return retval
Example #10
def parse_from(from_):
    retval = {}
    assert from_[0] == "\n"  #first byte is \n
    from_ = from_[1:]
    retval['mystery_bytes1'], from_ = from_.split("\n",
                                                  1)  #something, and then \n
    #    retval['mystery_bytes1'] = ord(retval['mystery_bytes1']) #seems to be a number
    length_, numbytes = u7i(from_)  #length of address
    from_ = from_[numbytes:]
    retval['email_addr'], from_ = from_[:length_], from_[
        length_:]  #address is next
    type_, numbytes = u7i(from_)
    if type_ == 0x12:  #text version of from, i.e. the name
        from_ = from_[numbytes:]
        length_, numbytes = u7i(from_)
        from_ = from_[numbytes:]
        retval['from_text'], from_ = from_[:length_], from_[length_:]
    retval['remainder_bytes'] = from_
    return retval
Example #11
def parse_chunk(chunk):
    retval = defaultdict(list)
    mid, time_in_ms, data = get_mid_date(chunk)
    retval["mid"] = mid
    retval["time"] = time_in_ms
    while data:
        t, v, data = get_chunk(data)
        if t == 146: #email
            v = parse_from(v)
        elif t in (152, 184): #personal level, conversation size
#            print repr(v)
            v = u7i(v)[0]
    return retval
Example #12
def parse_chunk(chunk):
    retval = defaultdict(list)
    mid, time_in_ms, data = get_mid_date(chunk)
    retval["mid"] = mid
    retval["time"] = time_in_ms
    while data:
        t, v, data = get_chunk(data)
        if t == 146:  #email
            v = parse_from(v)
        elif t in (152, 184):  #personal level, conversation size
            #            print repr(v)
            v = u7i(v)[0]
    return retval