def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Emphasizes the patches with a given code (from BoT) by reducing the contrast of the rest of the image. """ ) p.add_argument('image', action='store', help='image file name') p.add_argument('res_image', action='store', help='name of the resulting image') p.add_argument('bot_result', action='store', help='a file with BoT coding for regions') p.add_argument('bot_code', action='store', help='the code of the regions to be emphasized', type=int) p.add_argument('-g', '--gamma', action='store', nargs=1, type=float, help='the gamma level of the background regions', default=0.2) args = p.parse_args() img = regs = [] with ModelPersistence(args.bot_result, 'r', format='pickle') as d: block_codes = d['l1_codes'] regs = d['regs'] #print(block_codes) #print(args.bot_code) # filter regions of interest: roi = [ regs[k] for k in np.where(np.array(block_codes, == args.bot_code)[0] ] #print(roi) img = enhance_patches(img, roi, _gamma=args.gamma), img) return
def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Emphasizes some regions of an image by reducing the contrast of the rest of the image. """, epilog=""" The regions are specified in an external file where each (rectangular) region is given in terms of corner coordinates - row min, row max, col min, col max - and a (numeric) label. The user must specify the label of the regions to be emphasized. """) p.add_argument('image', action='store', help='image file name') p.add_argument('result', action='store', help='result image file') p.add_argument('regions', action='store', help='file with the regions of interest') p.add_argument( 'label', action='store', nargs='+', type=int, help= 'one or more labels (space-separated) of the regions to be emphasized') p.add_argument('-g', '--gamma', action='store', nargs=1, type=float, help='the gamma level of the background regions', default=0.2) args = p.parse_args() img_file = args.image res_file = args.result reg_file = args.regions labels = args.label gam = args.gamma img = regs = [] with open(reg_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: r = [int(x_) for x_ in l.strip().split()[:-1]] if r[4] in labels: regs.append(r[0:4]) img = enhance_patches(img, regs, _gamma=gam), img) return
def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Emphasizes some regions of an image by reducing the contrast of the rest of the image. """, epilog=""" The regions are specified in an external file where each (rectangular) region is given in terms of corner coordinates - row min, row max, col min, col max - and a (numeric) label. The user must specify the label of the regions to be emphasized. """) p.add_argument('image', action='store', help='image file name') p.add_argument('result', action='store', help='result image file') p.add_argument('regions', action='store', help='file with the regions of interest') p.add_argument('label', action='store', nargs='+', type=int, help='one or more labels (space-separated) of the regions to be emphasized') p.add_argument('-g', '--gamma', action='store', nargs=1, type=float, help='the gamma level of the background regions', default=0.2) args = p.parse_args() img_file = args.image res_file = args.result reg_file = args.regions labels = args.label gam = args.gamma img = regs = [] with open(reg_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: r = [int(x_) for x_ in l.strip().split()[:-1]] if r[4] in labels: regs.append(r[0:4]) img = enhance_patches(img, regs, _gamma=gam), img) return
def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural descriptors. """) p.add_argument('img_file', action='store', help='RGB image file') p.add_argument('ctxt', action='store', help='Number of contexts to extract', type=int) p.add_argument('wsize', action='store', help='Size of the (square) regions', type=int) p.add_argument( 'roi', action='store', help='a file with ROI coordinates (and context descriptors)') p.add_argument('label', action='store', help='the cluster label of interest') p.add_argument('--prefix', action='store', help='optional prefix for the resulting files', default=None) p.add_argument( '--gabor', action='store_true', help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts' ) p.add_argument( '--lbp', action='store_true', help= 'compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts' ) p.add_argument( '--mfs', action='store_true', help= 'compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument('--eosine', action='store_true', help='should also Eosine component be processed?') p.add_argument('--scale', action='store', type=float, default=1.0, help='scaling factor for ROI coordinates') args = p.parse_args() base_name = os.path.basename(args.img_file).split('.') if len(base_name) > 1: # at least 1 suffix .ext base_name.pop() # drop the extension base_name = '.'.join( base_name) # reassemble the rest of the list into file name if args.prefix is not None: pfx = args.prefix else: pfx = base_name ROIs = [] for l in file(args.roi).readlines(): # extract the coordinates and the label from each ROI # (one per row): lb, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = map(lambda _x: int(float(_x)), l.split('\t')[1:5]) row_min = int(mh.floor(row_min * args.scale)) row_max = int(mh.floor(row_max * args.scale)) col_min = int(mh.floor(col_min * args.scale)) col_max = int(mh.floor(col_max * args.scale)) if lb == args.label: ROIs.append([row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]) im = imread(args.img_file) print("Original image size:", im.shape) # get the H and E planes: h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im) if args.gabor: print("---------> Gabor descriptors:") g = GaborDescriptor() desc_label = 'gabor' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.haralick: print("---------> Haralick descriptors:") g = GLCMDescriptor() desc_label = 'haralick' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.lbp: print("---------> LBP descriptors:") g = LBPDescriptor() desc_label = 'lbp' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.mfs: print("---------> MFS descriptors:") g = MFSDescriptor() desc_label = 'mfs' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") return
def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural descriptors. """) p.add_argument('img_file', action='store', help='RGB image file') p.add_argument('ctxt', action='store', help='Number of contexts to extract', type=int) p.add_argument('wsize', action='store', help='Size of the (square) regions', type=int) p.add_argument('roi', action='store', help='a file with ROI coordinates (and context descriptors)') p.add_argument('label', action='store', help='the cluster label of interest') p.add_argument('--prefix', action='store', help='optional prefix for the resulting files', default=None) p.add_argument('--gabor', action='store_true', help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument('--lbp', action='store_true', help='compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument('--mfs', action='store_true', help='compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument('--eosine', action='store_true', help='should also Eosine component be processed?') p.add_argument('--scale', action='store', type=float, default=1.0, help='scaling factor for ROI coordinates') args = p.parse_args() base_name = os.path.basename(args.img_file).split('.') if len(base_name) > 1: # at least 1 suffix .ext base_name.pop() # drop the extension base_name = '.'.join(base_name) # reassemble the rest of the list into file name if args.prefix is not None: pfx = args.prefix else: pfx = base_name ROIs = [] for l in file(args.roi).readlines(): # extract the coordinates and the label from each ROI # (one per row): lb, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = map(lambda _x: int(float(_x)), l.split('\t')[1:5]) row_min = int(mh.floor(row_min * args.scale)) row_max = int(mh.floor(row_max * args.scale)) col_min = int(mh.floor(col_min * args.scale)) col_max = int(mh.floor(col_max * args.scale)) if lb == args.label: ROIs.append([row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]) im = imread(args.img_file) print("Original image size:", im.shape) # get the H and E planes: h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im) if args.gabor: print("---------> Gabor descriptors:") g = GaborDescriptor() desc_label = 'gabor' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.haralick: print("---------> Haralick descriptors:") g = GLCMDescriptor() desc_label = 'haralick' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.lbp: print("---------> LBP descriptors:") g = LBPDescriptor() desc_label = 'lbp' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.mfs: print("---------> MFS descriptors:") g = MFSDescriptor() desc_label = 'mfs' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_h_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window_on_regions(h.shape, ROIs, (args.wsize,args.wsize), step=(args.wsize,args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) ) np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1,1+args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx+'_'+desc_label+'_e_'+str(k)+'.ppm', im2) print("OK") return
def main(): p = opt.ArgumentParser(description=""" Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural descriptors. """) p.add_argument('img_file', action='store', help='RGB image file') p.add_argument('ctxt', action='store', help='Number of contexts to extract', type=int) p.add_argument('wsize', action='store', help='Size of the (square) regions', type=int) p.add_argument('--prefix', action='store', help='optional prefix for the resulting files', default=None) p.add_argument( '--gabor', action='store_true', help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts' ) p.add_argument( '--lbp', action='store_true', help= 'compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts' ) p.add_argument( '--mfs', action='store_true', help= 'compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument( '--haralick', action='store_true', help= 'compute Haralick descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts') p.add_argument('--row_min', action='store', type=int, help='start row (rows start at 0)', default=0) p.add_argument('--col_min', action='store', type=int, help='start column (columns start at 0)', default=0) p.add_argument('--row_max', action='store', type=int, help='end row (maximum: image height-1)', default=0) p.add_argument('--col_max', action='store', type=int, help='end column (maximum: image width-1)', default=0) p.add_argument('--eosine', action='store_true', help='should also Eosine component be processed?') args = p.parse_args() base_name = os.path.basename(args.img_file).split('.') if len(base_name) > 1: # at least 1 suffix .ext base_name.pop() # drop the extension base_name = '.'.join( base_name) # reassemble the rest of the list into file name if args.prefix is not None: pfx = args.prefix else: pfx = base_name im = imread(args.img_file) print("Original image size:", im.shape) row_min = min(max(args.row_min, 0), im.shape[0] - 2) col_min = min(max(args.col_min, 0), im.shape[1] - 2) row_max = max(min(args.row_max, im.shape[0] - 1), 0) col_max = max(min(args.col_max, im.shape[1] - 1), 0) if row_max == 0: row_max = im.shape[0] - 1 if col_max == 0: col_max = im.shape[1] - 1 if row_max - row_min < args.wsize or col_max - col_min < args.wsize: raise ValueError('Window size too large for requested image size.') im = im[row_min:row_max + 1, col_min:col_max + 1, :] # crop the image to multiple of wsize: nh, nw = mh.floor(im.shape[0] / args.wsize), mh.floor(im.shape[1] / args.wsize) dh, dw = mh.floor((im.shape[0] - nh * args.wsize) / 2), mh.floor( (im.shape[1] - nw * args.wsize) / 2) im = im[dh:dh + nh * args.wsize, dw:dw + nw * args.wsize, :] print("Image cropped to:", im.shape) imsave(pfx + '_cropped.ppm', im) # get the H and E planes: h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im) if args.gabor: print("---------> Gabor descriptors:") g = GaborDescriptor() desc_label = 'gabor' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label) # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.haralick: print("---------> Haralick descriptors:") g = GLCMDescriptor() desc_label = 'haralick' print("------------> H plane") # on H-plane: img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_gabor(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.lbp: print("---------> LBP descriptors:") g = LBPDescriptor() desc_label = 'lbp' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_lbp(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") if args.mfs: print("---------> MFS descriptors:") g = MFSDescriptor() desc_label = 'mfs' # on H-plane: print("------------> H plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) if args.eosine: # repeat on E plane: print("------------> E plane") img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize), step=(args.wsize, args.wsize)) dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label) dst = pdist_mfs(dsc) cl = average(dst) id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt, criterion='maxclust') # get the various contexts # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the # current image system which might have been cropped from the original -> # should add back the shift z1 = desc_to_matrix( dsc, desc_label) # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max] z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose() z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1)) np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t") # save visualizations for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt): i = np.where(id == k)[0] p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i] im2 = enhance_patches(im, p) imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2) print("OK") return