Example #1
def generate(agent_path,
    """ Generating novel molecules with SMILES representation and
    storing them into hard drive as a data frame.

        agent_path (str): the neural states file paths for the RNN agent (generator).
        out (str): file path for the generated molecules (and scores given by environment).
        num (int, optional): the total No. of SMILES that need to be generated. (Default: 10000)
        environ_path (str): the file path of the predictor for environment construction.
    batch_size = 500
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    voc = util.Voc("data/voc.txt")
    agent = model.Generator(voc)
    for i in range(num // batch_size + 1):
        if i == 0 and num % batch_size == 0: continue
        batch = pd.DataFrame()
        samples = agent.sample(batch_size if i != 0 else num % batch_size)
        smiles, valids = util.check_smiles(samples, agent.voc)
        if environ_path is not None:
            # calculating the reward of each SMILES based on the environment (predictor).
            environ = util.Environment(environ_path)
            scores = environ(smiles)
            scores[valids == 0] = 0
            valids = scores
            batch['SCORE'] = valids
        batch['CANONICAL_SMILES'] = smiles
        df = df.append(batch)
    df.to_csv(out, sep='\t', index=None)
Example #2
def main():
    voc = util.Voc(init_from_file="data/voc_b.txt")
    netR_path = 'output/rf_dis.pkg'
    netG_path = 'output/net_p'
    netD_path = 'output/net_d'
    agent_path = 'output/net_gan_%d_%d_%dx%d' % (SIGMA * 10, BL * 10,
                                                 BATCH_SIZE, MC)

    netR = util.Environment(netR_path)

    agent = model.Generator(voc)
    agent.load_state_dict(T.load(netG_path + '.pkg'))

    df = pd.read_table('data/CHEMBL251.txt')
    df = df[df['PCHEMBL_VALUE'] >= 6.5]
    data = util.MolData(df, voc)
    loader = DataLoader(data,

    netD = model.Discriminator(VOCAB_SIZE, EMBED_DIM, FILTER_SIZE, NUM_FILTER)
    if not os.path.exists(netD_path + '.pkg'):
        Train_dis_BCE(netD, agent, loader, epochs=100, out=netD_path)
    netD.load_state_dict(T.load(netD_path + '.pkg'))

    best_score = 0
    log = open(agent_path + '.log', 'w')
    for epoch in range(1000):
        print('\n--------\nEPOCH %d\n--------' % (epoch + 1))
        print('\nPolicy Gradient Training Generator : ')
        Train_GAN(agent, netD, netR)

        print('\nAdversarial Training Discriminator : ')
        Train_dis_BCE(netD, agent, loader, epochs=1)

        seqs = agent.sample(1000)
        ix = util.unique(seqs)
        smiles, valids = util.check_smiles(seqs[ix], agent.voc)
        scores = netR(smiles)
        scores[valids == False] = 0
        unique = (scores >= 0.5).sum() / 1000
        if best_score < unique:
            T.save(agent.state_dict(), agent_path + '.pkg')
            best_score = unique
        print("Epoch+: %d average: %.4f valid: %.4f unique: %.4f" %
              (epoch, scores.mean(), valids.mean(), unique),
        for i, smile in enumerate(smiles):
            print('%f\t%s' % (scores[i], smile), file=log)

        for param_group in agent.optim.param_groups:
            param_group['lr'] *= (1 - 0.01)

Example #3
def main():
    global Epsilon
    # Vocabulary containing all of the tokens for SMILES construction
    voc = util.Voc("data/voc.txt")
    # File path of predictor in the environment
    environ_path = 'output/RF_cls_ecfp6.pkg'
    # file path of hidden states in RNN for initialization
    initial_path = 'output/net_p'
    # file path of hidden states of optimal exploitation network
    agent_path = 'output/net_e_%.2f_%.1f_%dx%d' % (Epsilon, Baseline,
                                                   BATCH_SIZE, MC)
    # file path of hidden states of exploration network
    explore_path = 'output/net_p'

    # Environment (predictor)
    environ = util.Environment(environ_path)
    # Agent (generator, exploitation network)
    agent = model.Generator(voc)
    agent.load_state_dict(torch.load(initial_path + '.pkg'))

    # exploration network
    explore = model.Generator(voc)
    explore.load_state_dict(torch.load(explore_path + '.pkg'))

    best_score = 0
    log = open(agent_path + '.log', 'w')

    for epoch in range(1000):
        print('\n--------\nEPOCH %d\n--------' % (epoch + 1))
        print('\nForward Policy Gradient Training Generator : ')
        Policy_gradient(agent, environ, explore=explore)
        seqs = agent.sample(1000)
        ix = util.unique(seqs)
        smiles, valids = util.check_smiles(seqs[ix], agent.voc)
        scores = environ(smiles)
        scores[valids == False] = 0
        unique = (scores >= 0.5).sum() / 1000
        # The model with best percentage of unique desired SMILES will be persisted on the hard drive.
        if best_score < unique:
            torch.save(agent.state_dict(), agent_path + '.pkg')
            best_score = unique
        print("Epoch+: %d average: %.4f valid: %.4f unique: %.4f" %
              (epoch, scores.mean(), valids.mean(), unique),
        for i, smile in enumerate(smiles):
            print('%f\t%s' % (scores[i], smile), file=log)

        # Learing rate exponential decay
        for param_group in agent.optim.param_groups:
            param_group['lr'] *= (1 - 0.01)
Example #4
def main():
    # Construction of the vocabulary
    voc = util.Voc("data/voc.txt")
    netP_path = 'output/net_pr'
    netE_path = 'output/net_ex'

    # Pre-training the RNN model with ZINC set
    prior = model.Generator(voc)
    if not os.path.exists(netP_path + '.pkg'):
        print('Exploitation network begins to be trained...')
        zinc = util.MolData("data/zinc_corpus.txt", voc, token='SENT')
        zinc = DataLoader(zinc,
        prior.fit(zinc, out=netP_path)
        print('Exploitation network training is finished!')
    prior.load_state_dict(T.load(netP_path + '.pkg'))

    # Fine-tuning the RNN model with A2AR set as exploration stragety
    explore = model.Generator(voc)
    df = pd.read_table('data/chembl_corpus.txt').drop_duplicates(
    valid = df.sample(BATCH_SIZE)
    train = df.drop(valid.index)
    explore.load_state_dict(T.load(netP_path + '.pkg'))

    # Training set and its data loader
    train = util.MolData(train, voc, token='SENT')
    train = DataLoader(train,

    # Validation set and its data loader
    valid = util.MolData(valid, voc, token='SENT')
    valid = DataLoader(valid,

    print('Exploration network begins to be trained...')
    explore.fit(train, loader_valid=valid, out=netE_path, epochs=1000)
    print('Exploration network training is finished!')