Example #1
def instances_for_model(model, fields=None, limit=20, offset=0):
    if not fields:
        fields = fields_for_model(model)
    attribute_from_field = par(field_to_attribute, model)
    keywordify = comp(K, attribute_from_field)
    entity_from_field = comp(get_entity, keywordify)
    rules = map(entity_from_field, fields)
    query = [K("find"), S("?touched"), K("in"), S("$"), S("%"),
             K("where"), S("(get-entity ?eid)"),
                          [S("(datomic.api/entity $ ?eid)"), S("?e")],
                          [S("(datomic.api/touch ?e)"), S("?touched")]]
    return query_fn(Config().berossus_url, query,
                    params=[rules], limit=limit, offset=offset)
Example #2
def summ(step, wtr = tf.summary.FileWriter(pform(P.log, C.trial))
         , summary = tf.summary.merge(
             ( tf.summary.scalar('step_errt', model.errt)
             , tf.summary.scalar('step_loss', model.loss)))):
    errt, loss = map(comp(np.mean, np.concatenate), zip(*chain(*(
        batch_run(sess, m, (m.errt_samp, m.loss_samp), s, t, batch= C.batch_valid)
        for m, (s, t) in zip(valid, data_valid)))))
    wtr.add_summary(sess.run(summary, {model.errt: errt, model.loss: loss}), step)
Example #3
def load_batch(names, load=comp(np.load, "trial/data/grams/{}.npy".format)):
    names = names.astype(np.str)
    x = vpack(map(load, names), complex('(nan+nanj)'), 1, 1)
    # x = vpack(map(comp(load, path), names), complex('(nan+nanj)'), 1, 1)
    x[:, 0] = 0j
    x = c2r(x)
    _, t, d = x.shape
    assert t <= len_cap
    assert d == dim_tgt
    return x
Example #4
def instance(id):
    page_desc = "Viewing instance id: " + str(id)
    extra_bc = request.args.get("breadcrumb")
    breadcrumbs = [("Home", url_for("index"))]
    if extra_bc:
    this = models.values_for_instance(id)[K("result")][0][0]
    fields = this.keys()
    headers = map(comp(Item, str), fields)
    data = [map(lambda x: Item(this[x]), this)]
    return render_template('table.html', **locals())
Example #5
    def reapplySequence(self):
        compSS = self.strandSet().complementStrandSet()

        # the strand sequence will need to be regenerated from scratch
        # as there are no guarantees about the entirety of the strand moving
        # i.e. both endpoints thanks to multiple selections so just redo the 
        # whole thing
        self._sequence = None

        for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(self):
            compSeq = compStrand.sequence()
            usedSeq = util.comp(compSeq) if compSeq else None
            usedSeq = self.setComplementSequence(
                                        usedSeq, compStrand)
Example #6
 def reapplySequence(self):
     compSS = self.strandSet().complementStrandSet()
     # the strand sequence will need to be regenerated from scratch
     # as there are no guarantees about the entirety of the strand moving
     # i.e. both endpoints thanks to multiple selections so just redo the 
     # whole thing
     self._sequence = None
     for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(self):
         compSeq = compStrand.sequence()
         usedSeq = util.comp(compSeq) if compSeq else None
         usedSeq = self.setComplementSequence(
                                     usedSeq, compStrand)
Example #7
def summ(step, model=model_valid):
                zip((model.errt, model.loss_gen, model.loss_kld),
                        comp(np.mean, np.concatenate),
                        zip(*(sess.run((model.errt_samp, model.loss_gen_samp,
                                        model.loss_kld_samp), {
                                            model.src: valid[i:j],
                                            model.tgt: valid[i:j]
                              for i, j in partition(
                                  len(valid), T.batch_valid, discard=False)
                              )))))), step)
Example #8
        def undo(self):
            olg = self._oligo
            oS = ''.join(self._oldSequence) if self._oldSequence else None

            oligoList = [olg]

            for strand in olg.strand5p().generator3pStrand():
                usedSeq, oS = strand.setSequence(oS)

                # get the compliment ahead of time
                usedSeq = util.comp(usedSeq) if usedSeq else None
                compSS = strand.strandSet().complementStrandSet()
                for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(strand):
                    subUsedSeq = compStrand.setComplementSequence(usedSeq, strand)
                # end for
            # for

            for oligo in oligoList:
Example #9
 def redo(self):
     olg = self._oligo
     nS = ''.join(self._newSequence) if self._newSequence else None
     nS_original = self._newSequence
     oligoList = [olg]
     for strand in olg.strand5p().generator3pStrand():
         usedSeq, nS = strand.setSequence(nS)
         # get the compliment ahead of time
         usedSeq = util.comp(usedSeq) if usedSeq else None
         compSS = strand.strandSet().complementStrandSet()
         for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(strand):
             subUsedSeq = compStrand.setComplementSequence(usedSeq, strand)
         # end for
         # as long as the new Applied Sequence is not None
         if nS == None and nS_original:
     # end for
     for oligo in oligoList:
Example #10
        def undo(self):
            olg = self._oligo
            oS = ''.join(self._oldSequence) if self._oldSequence else None

            oligoList = [olg]

            for strand in olg.strand5p().generator3pStrand():
                usedSeq, oS = strand.setSequence(oS)

                # get the compliment ahead of time
                usedSeq = util.comp(usedSeq) if usedSeq else None
                compSS = strand.strandSet().complementStrandSet()
                for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(strand):
                    subUsedSeq = compStrand.setComplementSequence(
                        usedSeq, strand)
                # end for
            # for

            for oligo in oligoList:
Example #11
 def redo(self):
     olg = self._oligo
     nS = ''.join(self._newSequence) if self._newSequence else None
     nS_original = self._newSequence
     oligoList = [olg]
     for strand in olg.strand5p().generator3pStrand():
         usedSeq, nS = strand.setSequence(nS)
         # get the compliment ahead of time
         usedSeq = util.comp(usedSeq) if usedSeq else None
         compSS = strand.strandSet().complementStrandSet()
         for compStrand in compSS._findOverlappingRanges(strand):
             subUsedSeq = compStrand.setComplementSequence(
                 usedSeq, strand)
         # end for
         # as long as the new Applied Sequence is not None
         if nS == None and nS_original:
     # end for
     for oligo in oligoList:
Example #12
def field_instances_for_model(model):
    attributes = map(par(field_to_attribute, model), fields_for_model(model))
    return map(comp(grab_single, instance_for_ident), attributes)
Example #13
def grab_single(result):
    return comp(ffirst, par(nth, K("result")))(result)
Example #14
valid_en, train_en = np.load(pform(P.data, "valid_en.npy")), np.load(pform(P.data, "train_en.npy"))
# valid_nl, train_nl = np.load(pform(P.data, "valid_nl.npy")), np.load(pform(P.data, "train_nl.npy"))
valid_de, train_de = np.load(pform(P.data, "valid_de.npy")), np.load(pform(P.data, "train_de.npy"))
# valid_da, train_da = np.load(pform(P.data, "valid_da.npy")), np.load(pform(P.data, "train_da.npy"))
valid_sv, train_sv = np.load(pform(P.data, "valid_sv.npy")), np.load(pform(P.data, "train_sv.npy"))

data_index =        0,        2,        4
data_valid = valid_en, valid_de, valid_sv
data_train = train_en, train_de, train_sv

def batch(arrs, size= C.batch_train, seed= C.seed):
    size //= len(arrs) * (len(arrs) - 1)
    for i in batch_sample(len(arrs[0]), size, seed):
        yield tuple(arr[i] for arr in arrs)

perm = comp(tuple, partial(permutations, r= 2))
data_index = perm(data_index)
data_valid = perm(data_valid)
data_train = perm(pipe(partial(batch, data_train), (tf.int32,)*len(data_train), prefetch= 16))

# build model #

model = Model.new(**select(C, *Model._new))
valid = tuple(model.data(i, j).valid() for i, j in data_index)
train = tuple(model.data(i, j, s, t).train(**T) for (i, j), (s, t) in zip(data_index, data_train))

model.lr   = train[0].lr
model.step = train[0].step
model.errt = train[0].errt
Example #15
def bleu(gold, pred):
    """-> float in [0, 1]; gold, pred : seq (sent : seq (word : str))"""
    from nltk.translate.bleu_score import corpus_bleu
    return corpus_bleu([[g] for g in gold], pred)

def parse_args():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="corpus-level BLEU score.")
    parser.add_argument('gold', help="file for the gold-standard sentences")
                        help="files for the predicted sentences",
                        help="case insensitive")
    return parser.parse_args()

if '__main__' == __name__:
    args = parse_args()
    from util import comp, partial
    from util_io import load
    proc = str.split
    if args.ignore_case: proc = comp(proc, str.lower)
    load_corpus = comp(list, partial(map, proc), load)
    gold = load_corpus(args.gold)
    for pred in args.pred:
        print(pred, "{:.4f}".format(bleu(gold, load_corpus(pred))))
Example #16
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from util import comp, partial, PointedIndex
from util_io import path, load_meta, load
from util_np import np, vpack

names, texts = load_meta()

chars = {char for text in texts for char in text}
chars.remove(" ")
index = PointedIndex(" \n" + "".join(sorted(chars)))
texts = vpack(
    map(comp(partial(np.fromiter, dtype=np.uint8), partial(map, index)),
        texts), index("\n"))

np.save("trial/data/index", index.vec)
np.save("trial/data/texts", texts)
np.save("trial/data/names", names)

for name in names:
    np.save("trial/data/grams/" + name, load(path(name)))