Example #1
    def job(self, job_id, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /job/[ID] <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#getting-a-job-definition>`_

            job_id : str
                Rundeck Job ID

            fmt : str
                the format of the response one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.JobDefFormat` ``values``
                (default: 'xml')

        :return: A Requests response
        :rtype: requests.models.Response
        params = cull_kwargs(('fmt', ), kwargs)

        if 'fmt' in params:
            params['format'] = params.pop('fmt')

        return self._exec(GET,
Example #2
    def execution_output(self, execution_id, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /execution/[ID]/output <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#execution-output>`_

            execution_id : str
                Rundeck Job Execution ID

            fmt : str
                the format of the response one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.ExecutionOutputFormat`
                ``values`` (default: 'text')
            offset : int
                byte offset to read from in the file, 0 indicates the beginning
            lastlines : int
                number of lines to retrieve from the end of the available output, overrides offset
            lastmod : int
                a unix millisecond timestamp; return output data received after this timestamp
            maxlines : int
                maximum number of lines to retrieve forward from the specified offset

        :return: A Requests response
        :rtype: requests.models.Response
        params = cull_kwargs(
            ('fmt', 'offset', 'lastlines', 'lastmod', 'maxlines'), kwargs)
        if 'fmt' in params:
            params['format'] = params.pop('fmt')

        parse_response = kwargs.pop('parse_response', False)

        return self._exec(GET,
Example #3
    def jobs_export(self, project, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /jobs/export <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#exporting-jobs>`_

            name : str
                name of the project

            fmt : str ('xml'|'yaml')
                format of the definition string (default: 'xml')
            idlist : list(str, ...)
                a list of job ids to return
            groupPath : str
                a group path, partial group path or the special top level only
                char '-'
            jobFilter: str
                find job names that include this string

        :return: A Requests response
        :rtype: requests.models.Response
        params = cull_kwargs(('fmt', 'idlist', 'groupPath', 'jobFilter'),
        if 'fmt' in params:
            params['format'] = params.pop('fmt')
        params['project'] = project

        return self._exec(GET,
Example #4
    def jobs_import(self, definition, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API POST /jobs/import <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#importing-jobs>`_

            definition : str
                a string representing a job definition

            fmt : str ('xml'|'yaml')
                format of the definition string (default: 'xml')
            dupeOption : str ('skip'|'create'|'update')
                a value to indicate the behavior when importing jobs which already exist
                (default: 'create')
            project : str
                specify the project that all job definitions should be imported to otherwise all
                job definitions must define a project
            uuidOption : str ('preserve'|'remove')
                preserve or remove UUIDs in imported jobs - preserve may fail if a UUID already

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        data = cull_kwargs(('fmt', 'dupeOption', 'project', 'uuidOption'),
        data['xmlBatch'] = definition
        if 'fmt' in data:
            data['format'] = data.pop('fmt')

        return self._exec(POST, 'jobs/import', data=data, **kwargs)
Example #5
    def jobs(self, project, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /jobs <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#listing-jobs>`_

            project : str
                the name of a project

            idlist : str | list(str, ...)
                specify a comma-separated string or a list of Job IDs to include
            groupPath : str
                specify a group or partial group path to include all jobs within that group path
                or "*" for all groups or "-" to match top level jobs only (default: "*")
            jobFilter : str
                specify a job name filter; will match any job name that contains this string
            jobExactFilter : str
                specify an exact job name to match
            groupPathExact : str
                specify an exact group path to match or "-" to match the top level jobs only

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        params = cull_kwargs(('idlist', 'groupPath', 'jobFilter',
                              'jobExactFilter', 'groupPathExact'), kwargs)

        if 'jobExactFilter' in params or 'groupPathExact' in params:

        return self._exec(GET,
Example #6
    def run_command(self, project, command, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /run/command <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#running-adhoc-commands>`_

            project : str
                name of the project
            command : str
                the shell command string to run

            nodeThreadcount : int
                the number of threads to use
            nodeKeepgoing : bool
                if True, continue executing on other nodes even if some fail
            asUser : str
                specifies a username identifying the user who ran the command; requires runAs
            hostname : str
                hostname inclusion filter
            tags : str
                tags inclusion filter
            os-name : str
                os-name inclusion filter
            os-family : str
                os-family inclusion filter
            os-arch : str
                os-arch inclusion filter
            os-version : str
                os-version inclusion filter
            name : str
                name inclusion filter
            exlude-hostname : str
                hostname exclusion filter
            exlude-tags : str
                tags exclusion filter
            exlude-os-name : str
                os-name exclusion filter
            exlude-os-family : str
                os-family exclusion filter
            exlude-os-arch : str
                os-arch exclusion filter
            exlude-os-version : str
                os-version exclusion filter
            exlude-name : str
                name exclusion filter

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        params = cull_kwargs(('nodeThreadcount', 'nodeKeepgoing', 'asUser', 'hostname', 'tags', \
            'os-name', 'os-family', 'os-arch', 'os-version', 'name', 'exlude-hostname', \
            'exlude-tags', 'exlude-os-name', 'exlude-os-family', 'exlude-os-arch', \
            'exlude-os-version', 'exlude-name'), kwargs)

        params['project'] = project
        params['exec'] = command

        return self._exec(GET, 'run/command', params=params, **kwargs)
Example #7
    def project_resources(self, project, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /project/[NAME]/resources <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#updating-and-listing-resources-for-a-project>`_

            project : str
                name of the project

            fmt : str
                the format of the response one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.ExecutionOutputFormat`
                ``values`` (default: 'text')
            hostname : str
                hostname inclusion filter
            tags : str
                tags inclusion filter
            os-name : str
                os-name inclusion filter
            os-family : str
                os-family inclusion filter
            os-arch : str
                os-arch inclusion filter
            os-version : str
                os-version inclusion filter
            name : str
                name inclusion filter
            exlude-hostname : str
                hostname exclusion filter
            exlude-tags : str
                tags exclusion filter
            exlude-os-name : str
                os-name exclusion filter
            exlude-os-family : str
                os-family exclusion filter
            exlude-os-arch : str
                os-arch exclusion filter
            exlude-os-version : str
                os-version exclusion filter
            exlude-name : str
                name exclusion filter

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`

        params = cull_kwargs(('fmt', 'scriptInterpreter', 'interpreterArgsQuoted', 'hostname', \
            'tags', 'os-name', 'os-family', 'os-arch', 'os-version', 'name', 'exlude-hostname', \
            'exlude-tags', 'exlude-os-name', 'exlude-os-family', 'exlude-os-arch', \
            'exlude-os-version', 'exlude-name'), kwargs)

        if 'fmt' in params:
            params['format'] = params.pop('fmt')

        return self._exec(GET,
Example #8
    def history(self, project, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /history <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#listing-history>`_

            project : str
                name of the project

            jobIdFilter : str
                include event for a job ID
            reportIdFilter : str
                include events for an event name
            userFilter : str
                include events created by user
            statFilter : str
                one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.Status` ``values``
            jobListFilter : str | list
                one or more full job group/name to include
            excludeJobListFilter : str | list
                one or more full job group/name to include
            recentFilter | str
                Use a simple text format to filter executions that completed within a period of
                time; the format is "XY" where 'X' is an integer and 'Y' is one of:

                    * `h`:hour
                    * `d`:day
                    * `w`:week
                    * `m`:month
                    * `y`:year

                So a value of "2w" would return executions that completed within the last two weeks

            begin : int | str
                either a unix millisecond timestamp or a W3C dateTime "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
            end : int | str
                either a unix millisecond timestamp or a W3C dateTime "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
            max : int
                maximum number of results to include in response (default: 20)
            offset : int
                offset for result set (default: 0)

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        params = cull_kwargs(('jobIdFilter', 'reportIdFilter', 'userFilter', 'statFilter', \
            'jobListFilter', 'excludeJobListFilter', 'recentFilter', 'begin', 'end', 'max', \
            'offset'), kwargs)
        params['project'] = project
        return self._exec(GET, 'history', params=params, **kwargs)
Example #9
    def execution_abort(self, execution_id, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /execution/[ID]/output <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#execution-output>`_

            execution_id : str
                Rundeck Job Execution ID

            asUser : str
                specifies a username identifying the user who aborted the execution

        :return: A Requests response
        :rtype: requests.models.Response
        params = cull_kwargs(('asUser', ), kwargs)
        return self._exec(GET,
Example #10
    def job_executions(self, job_id, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /job/[ID]/executions <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#getting-executions-for-a-job>`_

            job_id : str
                a Job ID

            status : str
                one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.Status` ``values``
            max : int
                maximum number of results to include in response (default: 20)
            offset : int
                offset for result set (default: 0)

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        params = cull_kwargs(('status', 'max', 'offset'), kwargs)
        return self._exec(GET,
Example #11
    def project_archive_import(self, project, archive_zip_data, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API PUT /api/14/project/[PROJECT]/import <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#project-archive-import>`_

          project : str
              name of the project
          archive_zip_data : ?
              Zip file containing a project archive.

          jobUuidOption : str ('preserve'|'remove')
              Option declaring how duplicate Job UUIDs should be handled. If preserve (default) then
              imported job UUIDs will not be modified, and may conflict with jobs in other projects.
              If remove then all job UUIDs will be removed before importing.
          importExecutions : bool
               import all executions and logs from the archive (default: true)
          importConfig : bool
               import project configurationfrom the archive (default: true)
          importACL : bool
               import all of the ACL policies from the archive (default: true)

      :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
      :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        data = cull_kwargs(
            ('jobUuidOption', 'importExecutions', 'importConfig', 'importACL'),

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/zip'}

        return self._exec(PUT,
Example #12
    def run_url(self, project, scriptURL, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API POST /run/url <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#running-adhoc-script-urls>`_
        Requires API version >4

            project : str
                name of the project
            scriptURL : str
                a URL referencing a script to download and run

            argString : str | dict
                argument string to pass to job - if str, will be passed as-is
                else if dict will be converted to compatible string
            nodeThreadcount : int
                the number of threads to use
            nodeKeepgoing : bool
                if True, continue executing on other nodes even if some fail
            asUser : str
                specifies a username identifying the user who ran the command; requires runAs
            scriptInterpreter : str
                a command to use to run the script (requires API version 8 or higher)
            interpreterArgsQuoted : bool
                if True the script file and arguments will be quoted as the last argument to the
                scriptInterpreter (requires API version 8 or higher)
            hostname : str
                hostname inclusion filter
            tags : str
                tags inclusion filter
            os-name : str
                os-name inclusion filter
            os-family : str
                os-family inclusion filter
            os-arch : str
                os-arch inclusion filter
            os-version : str
                os-version inclusion filter
            name : str
                name inclusion filter
            exlude-hostname : str
                hostname exclusion filter
            exlude-tags : str
                tags exclusion filter
            exlude-os-name : str
                os-name exclusion filter
            exlude-os-family : str
                os-family exclusion filter
            exlude-os-arch : str
                os-arch exclusion filter
            exlude-os-version : str
                os-version exclusion filter
            exlude-name : str
                name exclusion filter

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`

        data = cull_kwargs(('argString', 'nodeThreadcount', 'nodeKeepgoing', 'asUser', \
            'scriptInterpreter', 'interpreterArgsQuoted', 'hostname', 'tags', 'os-name', \
            'os-family', 'os-arch', 'os-version', 'name', 'exlude-hostname', 'exlude-tags', \
            'exlude-os-name', 'exlude-os-family', 'exlude-os-arch', 'exlude-os-version', \
            'exlude-name'), kwargs)

        data['project'] = project
        data['scriptURL'] = scriptURL

        if 'scriptInterpreter' in data or 'interpreterArgsQuoted' in data:

        argString = data.get('argString', None)
        if argString is not None:
            data['argString'] = dict2argstring(argString)

        return self._exec(POST, 'run/url', data=data, **kwargs)
Example #13
    def executions(self, project, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /executions <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#getting-execution-info>`_

            project : str
                name of the project

            statusFilter : str
                one of :class:`~rundeck.defaults.Status` ``values``
            abortedbyFilter : str
                user name that aborted the execution
            userFilter : str
                user name that initiated the execution
            recentFilter | str
                Use a simple text format to filter executions that completed within a period of
                time; the format is "XY" where 'X' is an integer and 'Y' is one of:

                    * `h`:hour
                    * `d`:day
                    * `w`:week
                    * `m`:month
                    * `y`:year

                So a value of "2w" would return executions that completed within the last two weeks

            begin : int | str
                either a unix millisecond timestamp or a W3C dateTime "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
            end : int | str
                either a unix millisecond timestamp or a W3C dateTime "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
            adhoc : bool
                includes adhoc executions
            jobIdListFilter : str | list
                one or more job ids to include
            excludeJobIdListFilter : str | list
                one or more job ids to exclude
            jobListFilter : str | list
                one or more full job group/name to include
            excludeJobListFilter : str | list
                one or more full job group/name to include
            groupPath : str
                a group or partial group path to include, special "-" setting matches top level
                jobs only
            groupPathExact : str
                an exact group path to include, special "-" setting matches top level jobs only
            excludeGroupPath : str
                a group or partial group path to exclude, special "-" setting matches top level
                jobs only
            excludeGroupPathExact : str
                an exact group path to exclude, special "-" setting matches top level jobs only
            jobExactFilter : str
                an exact job name
            exludeJobExactFilter : str
                an exact job name to exclude
            max : int
                maximum number of results to include in response (default: 20)
            offset : int
                offset for result set (default: 0)

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`

        params = cull_kwargs(('statusFilter', 'abortedbyFilter', 'userFilter', 'recentFilter', \
            'begin', 'end', 'adhoc', 'jobIdListFilter', 'excludeJobIdListFilter', \
            'jobListFilter', 'excludeJobListFilter', 'groupPath', 'groupPathExact', \
            'excludeGroupPath', 'excludeGroupPathExact', 'jobExactFilter', \
            'exludeJobExactFilter', 'max', 'offset'), kwargs)
        params['project'] = project

        return self._exec(GET, 'executions', params=params, **kwargs)
Example #14
    def job_run(self, job_id, **kwargs):
        """Wraps `Rundeck API GET /job/[ID]/run <http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#running-a-job>`_

            job_id : str
                Rundeck Job ID

            argString : str | dict
                argument string to pass to job - if str, will be passed as-is
                else if dict will be converted to compatible string
            loglevel : str('DEBUG', 'VERBOSE', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR')
                logging level (default: 'INFO')
            asUser : str
                user to run the job as
            exclude-precedence : bool
                set the exclusion precedence (default True)
            hostname : str
                hostname inclusion filter
            tags : str
                tags inclusion filter
            os-name : str
                os-name inclusion filter
            os-family : str
                os-family inclusion filter
            os-arch : str
                os-arch inclusion filter
            os-version : str
                os-version inclusion filter
            name : str
                name inclusion filter
            exlude-hostname : str
                hostname exclusion filter
            exlude-tags : str
                tags exclusion filter
            exlude-os-name : str
                os-name exclusion filter
            exlude-os-family : str
                os-family exclusion filter
            exlude-os-arch : str
                os-arch exclusion filter
            exlude-os-version : str
                os-version exclusion filter
            exlude-name : str
                name exclusion filter

        :return: A :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        :rtype: :class:`~.rundeck.connection.RundeckResponse`
        params = cull_kwargs(('argString', 'loglevel', 'asUser', 'exclude-precedence', \
            'hostname', 'tags', 'os-name', 'os-family', 'os-arch', 'os-version', 'name', \
            'exlude-hostname', 'exlude-tags', 'exlude-os-name', 'exlude-os-family', \
            'exlude-os-arch', 'exlude-os-version', 'exlude-name'), kwargs)

        argString = params.get('argString', None)
        if argString is not None:
            params['argString'] = dict2argstring(argString)

        return self._exec(POST,