Example #1
def post_android(request):
    post from an android phone. thanks to some omissions on the
    platform (like an easy way to serialize up a MIME document)*, we
    do this a little differently: the params are HTTP headers and the
    image (if there is one) is the request body.
    * there probably is one; I didn't look too hard
    #ctx = get_basic_context(request, is_mobile = True)
    reply_to = default_int(request.META.get(REPLY_TO_HTTP_HEADER, None), -1)
    has_image = request.META.get(HAS_IMAGE_HTTP_HEADER, None) == YES
    raw_content = request.META.get(CONTENT_HTTP_HEADER, None)
    owner_token = request.META.get(OWNER_TOKEN_HTTP_HEADER, None)
    #assert owner_token # FIXME: don't require this ; some ppl have older clients
    content = urllib.unquote(raw_content.replace("+"," "))\
        .decode('utf8', 'replace') if raw_content else None
    # FIXME: in the dev version of django, we can use a file-like
    # iface and skip the stringio
    imagedata = request.raw_post_data
    image = None
    if imagedata:
        image = save_image(StringIO.StringIO(imagedata))
    assert image or not has_image
    reply_to_post = Post.objects.get(id=reply_to, censored=False) \
        if reply_to != -1 else None

    newpost = make_real_post(request, owner_token, 
                             picture = image, source=ANDROID)
    return HttpResponse(content=str(newpost.id), status=200)
Example #2
def get_single_post_ajax(request):
    """ get just the postbox for a single post """
    ctx = get_basic_context(request)
    assert ctx['loc']
    postid = request.REQUEST.get('postid', None)
    if str(request.REQUEST.get("is_mobile", "0")) == "1":
        ctx['is_mobile'] = True # force it to be true
    truncate = default_int(request.REQUEST.get('truncate', 0), 0)
    if not postid:
        return Http404("No post id supplied.")
#    update_onepost_context(ctx, postid, define_single_post = True, 
#                           truncate = truncate)
    found = Post.objects.filter(id=postid, censored=False)
    assert len(found) == 1
    ctx['posts'] = found
    ctx['onepostmode'] = True
    ctx['post'] = found[0]
    ctx['threadmap'] = build_thread_map(ctx['posts'], truncate)
    if ctx['posts']:
        if request.REQUEST.get('json', False):
            return HttpResponse(wrap_json_posts(ctx['loc'], \
            serialize_posts_to_list(ctx['posts'], ctx['threadmap'], 
            return render_to_response('postbox.html', ctx)
        return Http404("No post with that id.")
Example #3
def post_ajax(request):
    actually make a post via ajax. note that this kind of post
    can't have an image unless it's uploaded separately.
    parsedpost = urlparse.parse_qs(str(request.POST['form']))
    # FIXME: is the csrf stuff needed?
    csrftoken = request.COOKIES.get('csrftoken', None)
    if not csrftoken:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'csrf token missing']))
    if csrftoken != parsedpost.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', [None])[0]:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(\
                ['fail', 'csrf token mismatch %s %s' \
                     % (csrftoken, parsedpost['csrfmiddlewaretoken'])]))
    owner_token = parsedpost.get('owner_token', [None])[0]
    if not owner_token:
        owner_token = get_owner_token(request, cookie_only=True)
    #if not owner_token: # fixme: shouldn not require this...
    #    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'owner_token missing']))

    #rounding = default_int(parsedpost.get('round', [None])[0], c.DEFAULT_ROUNDING)
    # FIXME: if rounding-editing is re-enabled, we should use the above not this
    rounding = get_current_rounding(request)

    loc = string_to_location(parsedpost.get('loc', [None])[0])
    if not loc:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'location invalid']))
    content = parsedpost.get('content', [None])[0]
    if not content:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'post was blank']))
    if len(content) > MAX_POST_LEN:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 
                   'post must be under %d characters' % MAX_POST_LEN]))
#    content = raw_extract(content)
    content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
    antidupetoken = parsedpost.get('antidupetoken', None)
    if not antidupetoken:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'antidupetoken missing']))
    if antidupetoken == request.session.get('antidupetoken',''):
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'duplicate post ignored']))
    reply_to = default_int(parsedpost.get('reply_to', [None])[0], -1)
    reply_to = reply_to if reply_to and reply_to != -1 else None
    if reply_to == None:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['fail', 'All thread-creating posts'
                                        ' must contain an image.']))
        found = Post.objects.filter(id=reply_to, censored=False)
        if len(found) == 1:
            reply_to = found[0]
            return HttpResponse(\
                            'internal error: invalid reply_to id.']))
    make_real_post(request, owner_token, loc, content, 
                   rounding, reply_to, 
                   source=MOBILE_WEB if use_mobile(request) else WEB)
    request.session['antidupetoken'] = antidupetoken
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(['ok', '']))
Example #4
def get_latest_ajax(request):
    """ get the latest via ajax """
    ctx = get_basic_context(request)
    if str(request.REQUEST.get("is_mobile", "0")) == "1":
        ctx['is_mobile'] = True # force it to be true
    skip = [default_int(item, None) for item in \
                request.REQUEST.get("skip", "").split(",")]

    postids = [default_int(item, None) for item in \
                   request.REQUEST.get("postids", "").split(",")]

    use_only_these = not not request.REQUEST.get("only_these_postids", False)
    skip = [item for item in skip if item]
    # fixme: check loc cookie!
    # FIXME: radius!!
    ctx['posts'] = get_latest(ctx['loc'], 
                              skiplist = skip, includelist=postids, 
                              only_these_postids = use_only_these)

    if request.REQUEST.get('return_empty_if_none', False) and not ctx['posts']:
        return HttpResponse(status=204, content="")
    truncate_to = 0 if request.REQUEST.get('show_all_replies', False) \
        else SHOW_REPLY_COUNT 

    ctx['threadmap'] = build_thread_map(ctx['posts'], truncate=truncate_to)
    if request.REQUEST.get('json', False):
        # note that remote_owner_token is *ignored* in the multipost view
        remote_owner_token = get_owner_token(request)
        return HttpResponse(\
            wrap_json_posts(ctx['loc'], serialize_posts_to_list(\
                    ctx['posts'], ctx['threadmap'], remote_owner_token)))
        return render_to_response('posts_div_contents.html', ctx)
Example #5
def conventional_post(request):
    """ handle a conventional post (used to handle a file upload)
        -> take the post and redirect the user to the main page

    postform = forms.PostForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
    if not postform.is_valid():
        # FIXME: this is incredibly user-unfriendly, but all errors
        # should be caught by the javascript before we get
        # here. anything that gets this far is a serious problem with
        # the site, not a user-input error.
        return HttpResponse(content="Error: %s. Please click the back"
                            " button to correct it." % postform.errors)

    # this is also bad, but it's the consequence of the redirect to
    # /conventional-post. we could do a second redirect back to / and
    # save the form state so we could show the user an error message,
    # but, quite frankly, I think errors of this sort will be rare. 
    if request.FILES['picture_file'].size > MAXFILESIZE:
        return HttpResponse(content=("Error: file too large (%d bytes)."\
                                     " Maximum permitted is %d bytes. "\
                                     "Please click the back button "
                                     "and submit a smaller file.")\
                                % (request.FILES['picture_file'].size, 

    picture = save_image(request.FILES['picture_file'])
    if not picture:
        return HttpResponse(content=("Error: could not save picture. "
                                     "It might be invalid. "
                                     " Please click the back button and"
                                     " submit a different image."))

    owner_token = get_owner_token(request)
    # FIXME; we shouldn't _require_ this
    # if not owner_token:
    #     return HttpResponse(content=("Post error: owner_token missing."
    #                                  " Are cookies disabled? "
    #                                  "Try enabling cookies, reloading the page,"
    #                                  " and reposting."))

    reply_to = default_int(request.POST.get('reply_to', None), -1)
    reply_to = reply_to if reply_to and reply_to != -1 else None
    if reply_to != None:
        found = Post.objects.filter(id=reply_to, censored=False)
        if len(found) == 1:
            reply_to = found[0]
            # FIXME: log these
            return HttpResponse(content=("Internal error: invalid reply_to id."
                                         " Try pressing the back button,"
                                         " reloading the page, and reposting."))

    newpost = make_real_post(request, owner_token,
                   picture = picture, 
                   source=MOBILE_WEB if use_mobile(request) else WEB)
    response = HttpResponse(content="Post successful! Redirecting...", 

    # note that in_thread_view means *single* thread view.
    in_thread_view = request.REQUEST.get('in_thread_view', None)=="1"

    response["Location"] = ("/m/" if use_mobile(request) else "/") \
        + (("thread/"+str(reply_to.id)) if in_thread_view else "") \
        + "#postchildbox_" + str(newpost.id)
    return response