Example #1
 def to_dict(self, keys_to_show="all"):
     if keys_to_show=="all":
         attributes_to_ignore = ["snaps"]
         ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
         ret = dict_from_dir(self, keys_to_show=keys_to_show)
     return ret
 def to_dict(self):
     attributes_to_exclude = [
     return dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_exclude)
Example #3
 def to_dict(self, hide_keys=[], show_keys="all"):
     hide_keys += [
         "medline_citation", "mesh_terms_no_stars",
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, hide_keys, show_keys)
     return ret
Example #4
 def to_dict(self):
     attributes_to_ignore = [
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
     return ret
    def to_dict(self, keys_to_show="all"):
        if keys_to_show=="all":
            attributes_to_ignore = [
            ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
            ret = dict_from_dir(self, keys_to_show=keys_to_show)

        ret["_tiid"] = self.tiid
        return ret
    def to_dict(self):
        attributes_to_ignore = [

        ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
        return ret
Example #7
 def to_dict(self):
     # ignore some properties to keep dict small.   
     properties_to_ignore = [
     ret = util.dict_from_dir(self, properties_to_ignore)
     return ret
Example #8
 def to_dict(self, hide_keys=[], show_keys="all"):
     hide_keys += [
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, hide_keys, show_keys)
     return ret
Example #9
    def to_dict(self):
        # ignore some properties to keep dict small.   
        properties_to_ignore = ["profile", "product"]
        ret = util.dict_from_dir(self, properties_to_ignore)

        # individual cards can add in more subelements to help with debugging
        ret["url_slug"] = self.profile.url_slug

        return ret
    def to_dict(self):
        attributes_to_ignore = [
        ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)

        # ret = {}
        # for k in dir(self):
        #     if k.startswith("_"):
        #         pass
        #     else:
        #         ret[k] = getattr(self, k)

        return ret
 def to_dict(self):
     attributes_to_ignore = [
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
     return ret
Example #12
 def to_dict(self):
     return dict_from_dir(self)
 def to_dict(self):
     ignore = [
     return dict_from_dir(self, keys_to_ignore=ignore)
Example #14
 def to_dict(self):
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, ["config", "snaps"])
     return ret
Example #15
 def to_dict(self):
     ret = util.dict_from_dir(self)
     return ret
Example #16
 def to_dict(self):
     attributes_to_ignore = [
     ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
     return ret
Example #17
 def to_dict(self):
     return dict_from_dir(self)
Example #18
    def to_dict(self):
        attributes_to_ignore = [
        ret = dict_from_dir(self, attributes_to_ignore)
        return ret

# example
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Example #19
 def to_dict(self):
     ret = util.dict_from_dir(self)
     return ret