def profile_group(fname, gname, *group):
    # Get information about the modules `group` with respect to the other files.
    # TODO
    group = list(group)
    d = util.dict_of_file(gname)
    print("Profiling group '%s'" % group)
    with open(gname, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            print("  " + line.strip())
    tr_list = [(title, int(statistics.mean(row))) for (title, row) in rows_where_group_is_boundary(fname, group, d)]
    tr_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
    for title, val in tr_list:
        print("Config '%s' has avg. runtime %d" % (title, val))
    ## Plot bar graph
    wd = 200
    num_bars = len(tr_list)
    ind = [i * wd for i in range(0, num_bars)]
    xlabels = [x[0] for x in tr_list]
    xvals = [x[1] for x in tr_list]
    plt.axis([0, wd * (num_bars - 1), 0, max(xvals)])
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(), xvals, width=100)
    fig.set_size_inches(25, 10)
    plt.xlabel("Config. (%s)" % (sorted([(key, int(val[0])) for (key, val) in d.items()], key=lambda x: x[1])))
    plt.ylabel("Avg. Runtime (ms)")
    plt.title("%s, where group %s is a boundary" % (fname.rsplit("/", 1)[-1], group))
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "+".join((x.rsplit(".", 1)[0] for x in group)), "png")
    print("Saved figure as '%s'" % new_name)
def count_stable_groups(fname, gname):
    """ Search the space of all configurations for "significant groups"
     - For all groups of (n/2) modules, where n is the number of modules
     - Collect the runtimes of all configurations where the group is typed
       and part of a boundary (determined by the .graph file)
     - If these runtimes are pretty stable, print the group & runtimes
    d = util.dict_of_file(gname)
    num_modules = len(d)
    ## init counters
    num_groups, num_stable, num_unstable = 0, 0, 0
    stable_groups = []
    for group in itertools.combinations(d.keys(), int(num_modules / 2)):
        group = list(group)
        # print("Checking group '%s'" % group)
        num_groups += 1
        runtimes = []
        titles = []
        for title, row in rows_where_group_is_boundary(fname, group, d):
        if pretty_stable(runtimes, group):
            num_stable += 1
            stable_groups.append((group, [(title, int(x)) for (title, x) in zip(titles, runtimes)]))
            num_unstable += 1
    print("Finished checking %d groups. %d stable, %d unstable." % (num_groups, num_stable, num_unstable))
    print("Stable groups are:\n- %s" % ("\n- ".join((str(x) for x in stable_groups))))