def get_post_comments(db, post_id, user): """ Returns list of all comments for specific post id, including user avatars and comment votes for the related comment. A vote count is also returned which determines if the logged in user has voted on a specific comment (1 being upvote, -1 being downvote, 0 for unvoted) """ cursor = db.cursor() query = """ SELECT c.*, u.avatar, (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(up) - SUM(down), 0) FROM comment_votes WHERE comment_id = v, (SELECT SUM(up + -down) FROM comment_votes WHERE comment_id = AND username = ?) FROM users u LEFT OUTER JOIN comments c ON u.username = c.username WHERE c.post_id = ? AND is not NULL ORDER BY v DESC """ cursor.execute(query, (user, post_id)) result = [] for row in cursor: row = list(row) # Format date and time row[5] = format_date(row[5]) # If vote count is None, set it to 0 if row[7] is None: row[7] = 0 result.append(row) return result
def get_post(db, post_id, user): """ Returns specific post by id if it exists, otherwise None """ cursor = db.cursor() query = """ SELECT p.*, u.avatar, (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(up) - SUM(down), 0) FROM post_votes WHERE post_id =, (SELECT SUM(up + -down) FROM post_votes WHERE post_id = AND username = ?), GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword) FROM users u LEFT OUTER JOIN posts p ON u.username = p.username LEFT OUTER JOIN post_keywords pk ON = pk.post_id LEFT OUTER JOIN keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = WHERE = ? GROUP BY """ cursor.execute(query, (user, post_id)) post = cursor.fetchone() if post: post = list(post) # Format date and time post[6] = format_date(post[6]) # Split keywords into a list to be returned if post[10] is not None: post[10] = [x.strip() for x in post[10].split(',')] return post return None
def set_cookie(self, key, value, expires=1, domain=None, path='/', secure=False, http_only=False): ''' Send a cookie to the client. :param key: Key to use for cookie :param value: Data to pass to cookie :param expires: How long (in hours) until the cookie expires :param domain: Domain that the cookie should apply to :param path: Path that the cookie should apply to :param secure: Whether or not "Secure" flag should be passed to cookie :param http_only: Whether or not "HttpOnly" flag should be passed to cookie ''' cookie = ["%s=%s" % (key, value)] if expires: now = get_gmt_now() then = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=expires) cookie.append("Expires=%s" % format_date(then)) if domain: cookie.append("Domain=%s" % domain) if path: cookie.append("Path=%s" % path) if secure: cookie.append("Secure") if http_only: cookie.append("HttpOnly") self.headers['Set-Cookie'] = '; '.join(cookie)
def initWithFrame_oldTransfer_(self, frame, transferInfo): self = NSView.initWithFrame_(self, frame) if self: self.oldTransferInfo = transferInfo NSBundle.loadNibNamed_owner_("FileTransferItemView", self) filename = transferInfo.file_path if filename.endswith(".download"): filename = filename[:-len(".download")] self.updateIcon(NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile_(filename)) self.nameText.setStringValue_(os.path.basename(filename)) self.fromText.setStringValue_('To %s from account %s' % (transferInfo.remote_uri, transferInfo.local_uri) if transferInfo.direction=='outgoing' else 'From %s to account %s' % (transferInfo.remote_uri, transferInfo.local_uri)) time_print = format_date(transferInfo.time) if transferInfo.status == "completed": t = NSLocalizedString("Completed transfer of ", "Label") status = t + "%s %s" % (format_size(transferInfo.file_size, 1024), time_print) else: if transferInfo.direction == "outgoing": status = '%s %s' % (transferInfo.status.title(), time_print) self.retryButton.setHidden_(False) else: #status = "%s of %s"%(format_size(transferInfo.bytes_transfered, 1024), format_size(transferInfo.file_size, 1024)) status = "%s %s" % (transferInfo.status.title(), time_print) self.sizeText.setStringValue_(status) frame.size = self.view.frame().size self.setFrame_(frame) self.addSubview_(self.view) self.relayoutForDone() self.done = True return self
def _gen_cmd(self, job, params): script = 'shell_%s.%s' % (, thread_id()) templ = """cmd="%s" eval $cmd """ f = open(script, 'w') f.write(templ % params[COMMAND]) f.close() log = '%s.log.%s' % (, format_date(now())) # we can not remove it in the cmd # as it will return success to replace the actual cmd output cmd = 'chmod +x %(script)s; ./%(script)s > %(log)s 2>&1' % { 'script': script, 'log': log } return cmd
def _terminate(self, failure_reason=None, failure_status=None): notification_center = NotificationCenter() if failure_reason is None: self.log_info("File Transfer ended (%i of %i bytes transferred)" % (self.bytes, self.total_bytes)) self.end_time = t = NSLocalizedString("Completed transfer of ", "Label") self.status = t + format_size(self.file_size) + NSLocalizedString( " in ", "Label") + format_duration( self.end_time - self.start_time) + " " + format_date( self.end_time) self.ft_info.status = "completed" self.ft_info.bytes_transfered = self.file_selector.size else: if failure_status is None: if self.total_bytes: self.log_info("File Transfer was interrupted") self.status = NSLocalizedString( "Transferred %s of ", "Label") % format_size( self.bytes, 1024) + format_size( self.total_bytes) + " - " + failure_reason else: self.log_info("File Transfer was cancelled") self.status = failure_reason else: self.log_info("File Transfer failed: %s" % failure_reason) self.status = failure_status self.ft_info.status = "failed" self.ft_info.bytes_transfered = self.file_pos if self.session is not None and is not None and self.handler is not None: notification_center.remove_observer(self, notification_center.remove_observer(self, sender=self.handler) self.session = None = None self.handler = None self.transfer_rate = None notification_center.post_notification( "BlinkFileTransferDidEnd", sender=self, data=NotificationData(file_path=self.ft_info.file_path, error=failure_reason is not None)) self.add_to_history()
def get_all_posts(db, user, keyword=''): """ Return a list of posts, including user avatars, comment count, post votes and keywords, ordered by votes. Can return list of posts that can contain keyword """ cursor = db.cursor() query = """ SELECT p.*, u.avatar, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE post_id =, (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(up) - SUM(down), 0) FROM post_votes WHERE post_id = v, (SELECT SUM(up + -down) FROM post_votes WHERE post_id = AND username = ?), GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword) FROM users u LEFT OUTER JOIN posts p ON u.username = p.username LEFT OUTER JOIN post_keywords pk ON = pk.post_id LEFT OUTER JOIN keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = WHERE is not NULL GROUP BY HAVING (p.title LIKE ? OR p.username LIKE ? OR GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword) LIKE ?) ORDER BY v DESC """ keyword = '%' + str(keyword) + '%' cursor.execute(query, (user, keyword, keyword, keyword)) result = [] for row in cursor: row = list(row) # Form date and time row[6] = format_date(row[6]) # If vote count is None, set it as 0 if row[9] is None: row[9] = 0 # Split keywords into a list to be returned if row[11] is not None: row[11] = [x.strip() for x in row[11].split(',')] result.append(row) return result
def initWithFrame_oldTransfer_(self, frame, transferInfo): self = NSView.initWithFrame_(self, frame) if self: self.oldTransferInfo = transferInfo self.file_path = transferInfo.file_path self.remote_uri = transferInfo.remote_uri self.local_uri = transferInfo.local_uri NSBundle.loadNibNamed_owner_("FileTransferItemView", self) self.updateIcon(NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile_( self.file_path)) self.nameText.setStringValue_(os.path.basename(self.file_path)) self.fromText.setStringValue_( 'To %s from account %s' % (transferInfo.remote_uri, transferInfo.local_uri) if transferInfo.direction == 'outgoing' else 'From %s to account %s' % (transferInfo.remote_uri, transferInfo.local_uri)) self.revealButton.setHidden_(not os.path.exists(self.file_path)) time_print = format_date(transferInfo.time) if transferInfo.status == "completed": self.sizeText.setTextColor_(NSColor.blueColor()) t = NSLocalizedString("Completed transfer of ", "Label") status = t + "%s %s" % (format_size(transferInfo.file_size, 1024), time_print) else: self.sizeText.setTextColor_(NSColor.redColor()) status = "%s %s" % (transferInfo.status.title(), time_print) self.sizeText.setStringValue_(status) frame.size = self.view.frame().size self.setFrame_(frame) self.addSubview_(self.view) self.relayoutForDone() if transferInfo.direction == "outgoing" and transferInfo.status != "completed" and os.path.exists( self.file_path): self.retryButton.setHidden_(False) self.done = True return self
def update_row(self, jira_issue): for row in self.soup.findAll('tr')[1:]: key = row.findAll('td')[2].text if key == jira_issue.key: ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 3, None, jira_issue.summary) ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 4, ConfluencePage.__get_colour(jira_issue.status), jira_issue.status) ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 5, None, jira_issue.get_custom_field('is_dc')) ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 7, None, jira_issue.reporter) ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 8, None, jira_issue.get_custom_field('onshore_ba')) if jira_issue.get_custom_field('is_dc') != 'Yes': ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 6, None, ' ') else: if jira_issue.status == 'completed' and row.findAll('td')[6].text not in DC_STATUSES: ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 6, ConfluencePage.__get_colour(jira_issue.status), 'Ready') if jira_issue.status == 'accepted' and row.findAll('td')[6].text != 'Pass': ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 6, ConfluencePage.__get_colour(jira_issue.status), 'Pass') est_date = jira_issue.get_custom_field('est_date') if est_date != '': est_date = format_date(est_date) ConfluencePage.__update_cell(row, 9, None, est_date) self.set_content(self.soup.find('table'))
def add_last_modified(request, response): ''' Ensures that all responses have a Last-Modified header. ''' if 'Last-Modified' not in response.headers: response.headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date(get_gmt_now())
def add_date(request, response): ''' Adds the current timestamp to all requests. ''' response.headers['Date'] = format_date(get_gmt_now())
def match(self, environ): ''' Checks the WSGI environment provided to see if the requested path exists within the static mappings. If it does, returns the file; else, throws ``404 Not Found``. :param environ: WSGI environment (uses `PATH_INFO`) :param return: Returns a :class:`frame.response.Response` with the appropriate content-type, body, etc. ''' for key, value in self.static_map.items(): # Fix trouble caused by multiple preceeding '/' uri = '/%s' % environ['PATH_INFO'].lstrip('/') if uri.startswith(key): uri = uri[len(key):] uri = uri.lstrip('/') status = '200 OK' file_path = os.path.join(value, uri).rstrip('/') trash, extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) headers = dict(config.response.default_headers) if os.path.exists(file_path) and file_path.startswith(value): headers['Date'] = format_date(get_gmt_now()) try: headers['Content-Type'] = mimetypes.types_map[extension] except KeyError: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' try: headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes' if 'range' in range_match = self.ranges_pattern.match( if range_match: ranges =',') if False: #ranges[0] == '0-': response_body = self.read_file(open(file_path, 'r')) else: status = '206 Partial Content' boundary_string = self.get_boundary_string() file_obj = open(file_path, 'r'), 2) if len(ranges) == 1: temp_range = self.get_range(file_obj, ranges[0]) headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes %s-%s/%s' % temp_range else: headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s' % boundary_string response_body = self.read_file(file_obj, ranges, boundary_string) else: raise Error416 else: response_body = self.read_file(open(file_path, 'r')) except EnvironmentError: raise Error401 else: continue try: st = os.stat(file_path) except EnvironmentError, e: pass else: last_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime(time.gmtime(st.st_mtime))) headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date(last_modified) response = Response.from_data(status, headers, response_body) return response
def get_reminder_set_message(request_info): return ("You are looking for carpool on " + util.format_date( + " from " + request_info.from_location + " to " + request_info.to_location + "\n" + "Type cancel reminder to cancel it any time.")
def test_accuracy(n_train, n_test): #n_train = load_list(c.NODES_FILENAME) #n_test = load_list(c.TEST_NODES_FILENAME) td = [] succeeds = 0 for n in n_test: # exclude rarer nodes to fix overrepresentation if n.reach_percentage() < 0.1 or len(n.passages) < 100: continue for i in pick_random_passage(n, 10): passage = n.passages[i] route = n.get_route(i) # pick random spot from passage.route # use 2 data points for calculation spot = random.randint(0, len(route) - 2) real_arrival = passage.enters_meas_area(route[spot + 1][2]) print(n_train[spot + 1]) predict_p, pred_parts = predict_path(n_train, route[spot], route[spot + 1], 3) if predict_p == 0: continue predict_t = calculate_arrival(predict_p, route[spot], pred_parts) t = (predict_t - real_arrival) / 3600 if abs(t) > 13: n.add_passage(passage, n.passage_i[i]) #print("Already visited area") c = random_color() passage.plot(c) n.draw(c) Map.draw_circle(route[spot + 1][0], route[spot + 1][1], 2000, "red") #print(n.label[i]) print(predict_t / 3600, real_arrival / 3600, "(", format_date(route[spot + 1][2]), format_date(passage.enters_meas_area()), ")") if abs(t) < 0.5: succeeds += 1 #print(t) td.append(t) print("Average time delta", np.mean(td)) text = "Predictions in 1 hour margin {0}%\n".format( int(succeeds / len(td) * 100)) text += "n=" + str(len(td)) def draw_chart(values): plt.hist(values, np.arange(-5, 5, step=0.5), density=False) plt.xlabel("hours") plt.ylabel("propability") plt.xticks(np.arange(-5, 6, step=1)) #plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1, step=0.2)) plt.ticklabel_format(axis='x') plt.gca().set_aspect('auto', adjustable='datalim') #plt.text(0, .025, r'$\mu=100,\ \sigma=15$') # xy scale is dependant on data, bad practice plt.text(-5, 400, text) draw_chart(td)