Example #1
def load_negative_training_db_12(neg_dir):
    # neg image cropping
    nid = 0
    neg_file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(neg_dir) if f.endswith(".jpg")]
    print("Loading negative training db: {} images from {}".format(len(neg_file_list),neg_dir))

    neg_db_12 = [0 for n in range(len(neg_file_list))]
    for filename in neg_file_list:

        img = Image.open(param.neg_dir + filename)

        # check if gray
        if len(np.shape(np.asarray(img))) != param.input_channel:
            img = np.asarray(img)
            img = np.reshape(img, (np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1], 1))
            img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), axis=2)
            img = Image.fromarray(img)

        neg_db_line = np.zeros((param.neg_per_img, param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
        for neg_iter in range(param.neg_per_img):

            rad_rand = randint(0, min(img.size[0], img.size[1]) - 1)
            while (rad_rand <= param.face_minimum):
                rad_rand = randint(0, min(img.size[0], img.size[1]) - 1)

            x_rand = randint(0, img.size[0] - rad_rand - 1)
            y_rand = randint(0, img.size[1] - rad_rand - 1)

            neg_cropped_img = img.crop((x_rand, y_rand, x_rand + rad_rand, y_rand + rad_rand))
            neg_cropped_arr = util.img2array(neg_cropped_img, param.img_size_12)

            # for debugging
            # neg_cropped_img.save(param.neg_dir + str(fid) + "_" + str(r) + ".jpg")

            neg_db_line[neg_iter, :] = neg_cropped_arr

        neg_db_12[nid] = neg_db_line
        nid += 1

    neg_db_12 = [elem for elem in neg_db_12 if type(elem) != int]
    neg_db_12 = np.vstack(neg_db_12)

    return neg_db_12
    #check if gray
    if len(np.shape(img)) != param.input_channel:
        img = np.asarray(img)
        img = np.reshape(img, (np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1], 1))
        img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), axis=2)
        img = Image.fromarray(img)

    #box: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score, cropped_img, scale
    neg_box = util.sliding_window(img, param.thr_12, net_12, input_12_node)

    neg_db_tmp = np.zeros((len(neg_box), param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12,
                           param.input_channel), np.float32)
    for id_, box in enumerate(neg_box):
        neg_db_tmp[id_, :] = util.img2array(box[5], param.img_size_12)

    calib_result = net_12_calib.prediction.eval(
        feed_dict={input_12_node: neg_db_tmp})
    neg_box = util.calib_box(neg_box, calib_result, img)

    #NMS for each scale
    scale_cur = 0
    scale_box = []
    suppressed = []
    for id_, box in enumerate(neg_box):
        if box[6] == scale_cur:
        if box[6] != scale_cur or id_ == len(neg_box) - 1:
            suppressed += util.NMS(scale_box)
            scale_cur = box[6]
Example #3
            img = np.asarray(img)
            img = np.reshape(img, (np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1], 1))
            img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), axis=2)
            img = Image.fromarray(img)

        #xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score, cropped_img, scale
        result_box = util.sliding_window(img, param.thr_12, net_12,

        result_db_tmp = np.zeros((len(result_box), param.img_size_12,
                                  param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
        for id_, box in enumerate(result_box):
            result_db_tmp[id_, :] = util.img2array(box[5], param.img_size_12)

        calib_result = net_12_calib.prediction.eval(
            feed_dict={input_12_node: result_db_tmp})
        result_box = util.calib_box(result_box, calib_result, img)

        #NMS for each scale
        scale_cur = 0
        scale_box = []
        suppressed = []
        for id_, box in enumerate(result_box):
            if box[6] == scale_cur:
            if box[6] != scale_cur or id_ == len(result_box) - 1:
                suppressed += util.NMS(scale_box)
                scale_cur = box[6]
Example #4
def load_db_calib_train(dim):

    print "Loading calibration training db..."

    annot_fp = open('/home/the/scratch/label_script.txt', "r")
    raw_data = annot_fp.readlines()

    #pos image cropping
    x_db = [0 for _ in xrange(len(raw_data))]
    for i, line in enumerate(raw_data):

        parsed_line = line.split(',')

        # filename = parsed_line[0][3:-1]
        # xmin = int(parsed_line[1])
        # ymin = int(parsed_line[2])
        # xmax = xmin + int(parsed_line[3])
        # ymax = ymin + int(parsed_line[4][:-2])
        filename = parsed_line[0]
        timeind = int(parsed_line[1])
        xmin = int(parsed_line[2])
        ymin = int(parsed_line[3])
        xmax = int(parsed_line[4])
        ymax = int(parsed_line[5])

        img = util.open_nc(filename, timeind)

        #truncated image(error)
        # if i == 8160 or i == 14884 or i == 14886:
        #     continue

        #check if gray
        # if len(np.shape(np.asarray(img))) != param.input_channel:
        #     img = np.asarray(img)
        #     img = np.reshape(img,(np.shape(img)[0],np.shape(img)[1],1))
        #     img = np.concatenate((img,img,img),axis=2)
        #     img = Image.fromarray(img)

        if xmax >= img.size[0]:
            xmax = img.size[0] - 1
        if ymax >= img.size[1]:
            ymax = img.size[1] - 1

        x_db_list = [0 for _ in xrange(param.cali_patt_num)]

        for si, s in enumerate(param.cali_scale):
            for xi, x in enumerate(param.cali_off_x):
                for yi, y in enumerate(param.cali_off_y):

                    new_xmin = xmin - x * float(xmax - xmin) / s
                    new_ymin = ymin - y * float(ymax - ymin) / s
                    new_xmax = new_xmin + float(xmax - xmin) / s
                    new_ymax = new_ymin + float(ymax - ymin) / s

                    new_xmin = int(new_xmin)
                    new_ymin = int(new_ymin)
                    new_xmax = int(new_xmax)
                    new_ymax = int(new_ymax)

                    if new_xmin < 0 or new_ymin < 0 or new_xmax >= img.size[
                            0] or new_ymax >= img.size[1]:

                    cropped_img = util.img2array(
                        util.img_crop(img, new_xmin, new_ymin, new_xmax,
                                      new_ymax), dim)
                    calib_idx = si * len(param.cali_off_x) * len(
                        param.cali_off_y) + xi * len(param.cali_off_y) + yi

                    #for debugging
                    #cropped_img.save(param.pos_dir + str(i)  + ".jpg")

                    x_db_list[calib_idx] = [cropped_img, calib_idx]

        x_db_list = [elem for elem in x_db_list if type(elem) != int]
        if len(x_db_list) > 0:
            x_db[i] = x_db_list

    x_db = [elem for elem in x_db if type(elem) != int]
    x_db = [
        x_db[i][j] for i in xrange(len(x_db)) for j in xrange(len(x_db[i]))

    return x_db
Example #5
def load_db_detect_train(dim):

    print "Loading positive training db..."

    # annot_dir = param.db_dir + "AFLW/aflw/data/"
    annot_fp = open('/home/the/scratch/label_script.txt', "r")
    raw_data = annot_fp.readlines()

    #pos image cropping
    pos_db_12 = [0 for _ in xrange(len(raw_data))]
    pos_db_24 = [0 for _ in xrange(len(raw_data))]
    pos_db_48 = [0 for _ in xrange(len(raw_data))]

    for i, line in enumerate(raw_data):

        parsed_line = line.split(',')

        filename = parsed_line[0]
        timeind = int(parsed_line[1])
        xmin = int(parsed_line[2])
        ymin = int(parsed_line[3])
        xmax = int(parsed_line[4])
        ymax = int(parsed_line[5])

        # img = Image.open(param.pos_dir+filename)

        img = util.open_nc(filename, timeind)

        #for debugging
        #img.save(str(i)  + ".jpg")

        #truncated image(error)
        # if i == 8160 or i == 14884 or i == 14886:
        #     continue

        #check if gray
        # if len(np.shape(img)) != param.input_channel:
        #     img = np.asarray(img)
        #     img = np.reshape(img,(np.shape(img)[0],np.shape(img)[1],1))
        #     img = np.concatenate((img,img,img),axis=2)
        #     img = Image.fromarray(img)

        pos_db_line_12 = np.zeros(
            (2, param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
        pos_db_line_24 = np.zeros(
            (2, param.img_size_24, param.img_size_24, param.input_channel),
        pos_db_line_48 = np.zeros(
            (2, param.img_size_48, param.img_size_48, param.input_channel),

        if xmax >= img.size[0]:
            xmax = img.size[0] - 1
        if ymax >= img.size[1]:
            ymax = img.size[1] - 1

        cropped_img = util.img_crop(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        # flipped_img = cropped_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        flipped_img = util.img_flip(cropped_img)

        cropped_arr_12 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_12)
        flipped_arr_12 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_12)
        cropped_arr_24 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_24)
        flipped_arr_24 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_24)
        cropped_arr_48 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_48)
        flipped_arr_48 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_48)

        #for debugging
        #cropped_img.save(param.pos_dir + str(i)  + ".jpg")

        pos_db_line_12[0, :] = cropped_arr_12
        pos_db_line_24[0, :] = cropped_arr_24
        pos_db_line_48[0, :] = cropped_arr_48

        pos_db_line_12[1, :] = flipped_arr_12
        pos_db_line_24[1, :] = flipped_arr_24
        pos_db_line_48[1, :] = flipped_arr_48

        pos_db_12[i] = pos_db_line_12
        pos_db_24[i] = pos_db_line_24
        pos_db_48[i] = pos_db_line_48


    pos_db_12 = [elem for elem in pos_db_12 if type(elem) != int]
    pos_db_24 = [elem for elem in pos_db_24 if type(elem) != int]
    pos_db_48 = [elem for elem in pos_db_48 if type(elem) != int]

    pos_db_12 = np.vstack(pos_db_12)
    pos_db_24 = np.vstack(pos_db_24)
    pos_db_48 = np.vstack(pos_db_48)

    print "Loading negative training db..."
    if dim == param.img_size_12:

        #neg image cropping
        nid = 0
        # neg_file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir) if f.endswith(".nc")]
        neg_file_list, timeind_list = util.get_nc_db(param.neg_dir)

        neg_db_12 = [0 for n in xrange(len(neg_file_list))]

        for iii, filename in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            # img = Image.open(param.neg_dir + filename)
            timeind = timeind_list[iii]
            img = util.open_nc(filename, timeind)

            #check if gray
            # if len(np.shape(np.asarray(img))) != param.input_channel:
            #     img = np.asarray(img)
            #     img = np.reshape(img,(np.shape(img)[0],np.shape(img)[1],1))
            #     img = np.concatenate((img,img,img),axis=2)
            #     img = Image.fromarray(img)

            neg_db_line = np.zeros((param.neg_per_img, param.img_size_12,
                                    param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
            for neg_iter in xrange(param.neg_per_img):

                # rad_rand = randint(0,min(img.size[0],img.size[1])-1)
                rad_rand = randint(param.face_minimum, 80)
                # while(rad_rand <= param.face_minimum):
                #     rad_rand = randint(0,min(img.size[0],img.size[1])-1)

                x_rand = randint(0, img.size[0] - rad_rand - 1)
                y_rand = randint(0, img.size[1] - rad_rand - 1)

                neg_cropped_img = util.img_crop(img, x_rand, y_rand,
                                                x_rand + rad_rand,
                                                y_rand + rad_rand)

                neg_cropped_arr = util.img2array(neg_cropped_img,

                #for debugging
                #neg_cropped_img.save(param.neg_dir + str(fid) + "_" + str(r) + ".jpg")

                neg_db_line[neg_iter, :] = neg_cropped_arr

            neg_db_12[nid] = neg_db_line
            nid += 1

        neg_db_12 = [elem for elem in neg_db_12 if type(elem) != int]
        neg_db_12 = np.vstack(neg_db_12)
        return [pos_db_12, pos_db_24, pos_db_48], neg_db_12

    elif dim == param.img_size_24:

        neg_db_12 = np.empty(
            (0, param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
        neg_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/24/")
            if f.startswith("12_") and f.endswith(".npy")
        for nid, db_name in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            tmp = np.load(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/24/" + db_name)
            neg_db_12 = np.concatenate((neg_db_12, tmp), axis=0)

        neg_db_24 = np.empty(
            (0, param.img_size_24, param.img_size_24, param.input_channel),
        neg_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/24/")
            if f.startswith("24_") and f.endswith(".npy")
        for nid, db_name in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            tmp = np.load(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/24/" + db_name)
            neg_db_24 = np.concatenate((neg_db_24, tmp), axis=0)

        return [pos_db_12, pos_db_24, pos_db_48], neg_db_12, neg_db_24

    elif dim == param.img_size_48:

        neg_db_12 = np.empty(
            (0, param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12, param.input_channel),
        neg_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/")
            if f.startswith("12_") and f.endswith(".npy")
        for nid, db_name in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            tmp = np.load(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/" + db_name)
            neg_db_12 = np.concatenate((neg_db_12, tmp), axis=0)

        neg_db_24 = np.empty(
            (0, param.img_size_24, param.img_size_24, param.input_channel),
        neg_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/")
            if f.startswith("24_") and f.endswith(".npy")
        for nid, db_name in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            tmp = np.load(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/" + db_name)
            neg_db_24 = np.concatenate((neg_db_24, tmp), axis=0)

        neg_db_48 = np.empty(
            (0, param.img_size_48, param.img_size_48, param.input_channel),
        neg_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/")
            if f.startswith("48_") and f.endswith(".npy")
        for nid, db_name in enumerate(neg_file_list):

            tmp = np.load(param.neg_dir + "neg_hard/48/" + db_name)
            neg_db_48 = np.concatenate((neg_db_48, tmp), axis=0)

        return [pos_db_12, pos_db_24,
                pos_db_48], neg_db_12, neg_db_24, neg_db_48
Example #6
def load_positive_training_db(annot_filename):

    annot_fp = open(annot_filename, "r") 
    raw_data = annot_fp.readlines()

    print("Loading positive training db: {} images from {}".format(len(raw_data),annot_filename))

    # pos image cropping
    pos_db_12 = [0 for _ in range(len(raw_data))]
    pos_db_24 = [0 for _ in range(len(raw_data))]
    pos_db_48 = [0 for _ in range(len(raw_data))]
    for i, line in enumerate(raw_data):

        parsed_line = line.split(',')
        # print(parsed_line)

        filename = parsed_line[0]
        xmin = int(parsed_line[1])
        ymin = int(parsed_line[2])
        xmax = xmin + int(parsed_line[3])
        ymax = ymin + int(parsed_line[4])
        # print((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
        # exit()

        img = Image.open(param.pos_dir + filename)

        # for debugging
        # img.save(str(i)  + ".jpg")

        # truncated image(error)
        if i == 8160 or i == 14884 or i == 14886:

        # check if gray
        if len(np.shape(img)) != param.input_channel:
            img = np.asarray(img)
            img = np.reshape(img, (np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1], 1))
            img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), axis=2)
            img = Image.fromarray(img)

        pos_db_line_12 = np.zeros((2, param.img_size_12, param.img_size_12, param.input_channel), np.float32)
        pos_db_line_24 = np.zeros((2, param.img_size_24, param.img_size_24, param.input_channel), np.float32)
        pos_db_line_48 = np.zeros((2, param.img_size_48, param.img_size_48, param.input_channel), np.float32)

        if xmax >= img.size[0]:
            xmax = img.size[0] - 1
        if ymax >= img.size[1]:
            ymax = img.size[1] - 1

        cropped_img = img.crop((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
        flipped_img = cropped_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

        cropped_arr_12 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_12)
        flipped_arr_12 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_12)
        cropped_arr_24 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_24)
        flipped_arr_24 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_24)
        cropped_arr_48 = util.img2array(cropped_img, param.img_size_48)
        flipped_arr_48 = util.img2array(flipped_img, param.img_size_48)

        # for debugging
        # cropped_img.save(param.pos_dir + str(i)  + ".jpg")

        pos_db_line_12[0, :] = cropped_arr_12
        pos_db_line_24[0, :] = cropped_arr_24
        pos_db_line_48[0, :] = cropped_arr_48

        pos_db_line_12[1, :] = flipped_arr_12
        pos_db_line_24[1, :] = flipped_arr_24
        pos_db_line_48[1, :] = flipped_arr_48

        pos_db_12[i] = pos_db_line_12
        pos_db_24[i] = pos_db_line_24
        pos_db_48[i] = pos_db_line_48


    pos_db_12 = [elem for elem in pos_db_12 if type(elem) != int]
    pos_db_24 = [elem for elem in pos_db_24 if type(elem) != int]
    pos_db_48 = [elem for elem in pos_db_48 if type(elem) != int]
    pos_db_12 = np.vstack(pos_db_12)
    pos_db_24 = np.vstack(pos_db_24)
    pos_db_48 = np.vstack(pos_db_48)

    return pos_db_12, pos_db_24, pos_db_48
Example #7
def load_db_calib_train(dim):
    annot_dir = param.db_dir + "AFLW/aflw/data/"
    annot_filename = annot_dir + "annot"
    annot_fp = open(annot_filename, "r")
    raw_data = annot_fp.readlines()

    print("Loading calibration training db: {} from {}".format(len(raw_data),annot_filename))

    #pos image cropping
    x_db = [0 for _ in range(len(raw_data))]
    for i,line in enumerate(raw_data):
        parsed_line = line.split(',')

        filename = parsed_line[0][3:-1]
        xmin = int(parsed_line[1])
        ymin = int(parsed_line[2])
        xmax = xmin + int(parsed_line[3])
        ymax = ymin + int(parsed_line[4][:-2])

        img = Image.open(param.pos_dir+filename)
        #truncated image(error)
        if i == 8160 or i == 14884 or i == 14886:

        #check if gray
        if len(np.shape(np.asarray(img))) != param.input_channel:
            img = np.asarray(img)
            img = np.reshape(img,(np.shape(img)[0],np.shape(img)[1],1))
            img = np.concatenate((img,img,img),axis=2)
            img = Image.fromarray(img)

        if xmax >= img.size[0]:
            xmax = img.size[0]-1
        if ymax >= img.size[1]:
            ymax = img.size[1]-1
        x_db_list = [0 for _ in range(param.cali_patt_num)]

        for si,s in enumerate(param.cali_scale):
            for xi,x in enumerate(param.cali_off_x):
                for yi,y in enumerate(param.cali_off_y):
                    new_xmin = xmin - x*float(xmax-xmin)/s
                    new_ymin = ymin - y*float(ymax-ymin)/s
                    new_xmax = new_xmin+float(xmax-xmin)/s
                    new_ymax = new_ymin+float(ymax-ymin)/s
                    new_xmin = int(new_xmin)
                    new_ymin = int(new_ymin)
                    new_xmax = int(new_xmax)
                    new_ymax = int(new_ymax)

                    if new_xmin < 0 or new_ymin < 0 or new_xmax >= img.size[0] or new_ymax >= img.size[1]:
                    cropped_img = util.img2array(img.crop((new_xmin, new_ymin, new_xmax, new_ymax)),dim)
                    calib_idx = si*len(param.cali_off_x)*len(param.cali_off_y)+xi*len(param.cali_off_y)+yi

                    #for debugging
                    #cropped_img.save(param.pos_dir + str(i)  + ".jpg")

                    x_db_list[calib_idx] = [cropped_img,calib_idx]

        x_db_list = [elem for elem in x_db_list if type(elem) != int]
        if len(x_db_list) > 0:
            x_db[i] = x_db_list

    x_db = [elem for elem in x_db if type(elem) != int]    
    x_db = [x_db[i][j] for i in range(len(x_db)) for j in range(len(x_db[i]))]
    return x_db