def link_del(message, from_id, bacon): match = links_del_matcher.match(message) url = user_id = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE jid=?', (jid_to_userhost(from_id),)).fetchone()[0] bacon.sqlite.execute( 'DELETE FROM plugin_links WHERE user_id=? AND url=?', (user_id, url)) return "URL %s removed." % url
def link_list(message, from_id, bacon): user_id = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE jid=?', (jid_to_userhost(from_id),)).fetchone()[0] urls = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT url, tags FROM plugin_links WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY -time', (user_id,)).fetchall() return_str = "" for url in urls: return_str += "%s Tags: %s\n" % (url[0], url[1]) return return_str
def link_search(message, from_id, bacon): match = links_search_matcher.match(message) tags = user_id = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE jid=?', (jid_to_userhost(from_id),)).fetchone()[0] return_str = "" used_urls = [] for tag in tags: urls = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT url, tags FROM plugin_links WHERE user_id=? AND tags LIKE ?', (user_id, "%%%s%%" % tag,)).fetchall() for url in urls: if url not in used_urls: return_str += "%s Tags: %s\n" % (url[0], url[1]) used_urls.append(url) if return_str == "": return "No results." else: return return_str
def link(message, from_id, bacon): matches = url_matcher.match(message) url = tags = user_id = bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE jid=?', (jid_to_userhost(from_id),)).fetchone()[0] if len(bacon.sqlite.execute( 'SELECT link_id FROM plugin_links WHERE user_id=? AND url=?', (user_id, url)).fetchall()) == 0: # Insert if it doesn't exist bacon.sqlite.execute( 'INSERT INTO plugin_links (url, tags, user_id, time) VALUES (?, ? ,? ,?)', (url, tags, user_id, time.time())) else: bacon.sqlite.execute( 'UPDATE plugin_links SET tags=?, time=?', (tags, time.time())) #logging.debug("Link: Saving link %s, for user %s. Tags: %s" % (url, user_id, tags)) return "URL %s added." % url