def doc_vect(alldocs): print 'Doc2Vec Each Tag is ID' train_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'train'] test_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'test'] print('%d docs: %d train-sentiment, %d test-sentiment' % (len(alldocs), len(train_docs), len(test_docs))) documents = [] for doc in train_docs: sentence = TaggedDocument(doc.words, doc.tags) documents.append(sentence) print len(documents) cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() simple_models = [ # PV-DM w/concatenation - window=5 (both sides) approximates paper's 10-word total window size Doc2Vec(documents, dm=1, dm_concat=1, size=400, window=5, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, iter=20, min_count=1, workers=cores), # PV-DBOW Doc2Vec(documents, dm=0, size=400, window=5, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, iter=20, min_count=1, workers=cores), # PV-DM w/average Doc2Vec(documents, dm=1, dm_mean=1, size=400, window=5, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, iter=20, min_count=1, workers=cores), ] models_by_name = OrderedDict((str(model), model) for model in simple_models) models_by_name['dbow+dmm'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec([simple_models[1], simple_models[2]]) models_by_name['dbow+dmc'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec([simple_models[1], simple_models[0]]) for name, model in models_by_name.items(): print name train_targets, train_regressors = zip(*[(doc.sentiment, model.docvecs[doc.tags[0]]) for doc in train_docs]) test_targets, test_regressors = zip(*[(doc.sentiment, model.infer_vector(doc.words)) for doc in test_docs]) util.logit(train_regressors, train_targets, test_regressors, test_targets) util.svm(train_regressors, train_targets, test_regressors, test_targets)
def get_mu_sigma(self, X_noisy, t): """ Generate mu and sigma for one step in the reverse trajectory, starting from a minibatch of images X_noisy, and at timestep t. """ Z = self.mlp.apply(X_noisy) mu_coeff, beta_coeff = self.temporal_readout(Z, t) # reverse variance is perturbation around forward variance beta_forward = self.get_beta_forward(t) # make impact of beta_coeff scaled appropriately with mu_coeff beta_coeff_scaled = beta_coeff / np.sqrt(self.trajectory_length).astype(theano.config.floatX) beta_reverse = T.nnet.sigmoid(beta_coeff_scaled + util.logit(beta_forward)) # # reverse mean is decay towards mu_coeff # mu = (X_noisy - mu_coeff)*T.sqrt(1. - beta_reverse) + mu_coeff # reverse mean is a perturbation around the mean under forward # process # # DEBUG -- use these lines to test objective is 0 for isotropic Gaussian model # beta_reverse = beta_forward # mu_coeff = mu_coeff*0 mu = X_noisy*T.sqrt(1. - beta_forward) + mu_coeff*T.sqrt(beta_forward) sigma = T.sqrt(beta_reverse) = 'mu p' = 'sigma p' return mu, sigma
def classify(self, doc): model_file_path = self.path + "svm_model" model_file = '%ssvm_model' % self.path if not self.feats: util.die('Incomplete model') if not os.path.isfile(model_file): util.die('no model [%s]' % model_file) ## testing data file sys.stderr.write('SVM classifying... ') lines = [] frag = doc.frag while frag: if frag.label == None: svm_label = '0' elif frag.label: svm_label = '+1' else: svm_label = '-1' line = '%s ' % svm_label feats = [f + '_' + v for f, v in frag.features.items()] svm_feats = [self.feats[f] for f in feats if f in self.feats] svm_feats.sort(lambda x, y: x - y) line += ' '.join(['%d:1' % x for x in svm_feats]) lines.append(line) frag = unused, test_file = tempfile.mkstemp() fh = open(test_file, 'w') fh.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') fh.close() ## classify test data unused, pred_file = tempfile.mkstemp() options = '-v 0' #cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s' %(SVM_CLASSIFY, options, test_file, model_file, pred_file) #cmd = SVM_CLASSIFY + " " +options + " " +test_file + " " + model_file + " " + pred_file cmd = "\"" + SVM_CLASSIFY + "\" " + options + " \"" + test_file + "\" \"" + model_file_path + "\" \"" + pred_file + "\"" print cmd os.system(cmd) ## get predictions total = 0 preds = map(float, open(pred_file).read().splitlines()) frag = doc.frag while frag: frag.pred = util.logit(preds[total]) frag = total += 1 ## clean up #os.remove(test_file) #os.remove(pred_file) sys.stderr.write('done!\n')
def classify(self, doc): model_file_path = self.path + "svm_model" model_file = '%ssvm_model' %self.path if not self.feats: util.die('Incomplete model') if not os.path.isfile(model_file): util.die('no model [%s]' %model_file) ## testing data file sys.stderr.write('SVM classifying... ') lines = [] frag = doc.frag while frag: if frag.label == None: svm_label = '0' elif frag.label: svm_label = '+1' else: svm_label = '-1' line = '%s ' %svm_label feats = [f+'_'+v for f,v in frag.features.items()] svm_feats = [self.feats[f] for f in feats if f in self.feats] svm_feats.sort(lambda x,y: x-y) line += ' '.join(['%d:1' %x for x in svm_feats]) lines.append(line) frag = unused, test_file = tempfile.mkstemp() fh = open(test_file, 'w') fh.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') fh.close() ## classify test data unused, pred_file = tempfile.mkstemp() options = '-v 0' #cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s' %(SVM_CLASSIFY, options, test_file, model_file, pred_file) #cmd = SVM_CLASSIFY + " " +options + " " +test_file + " " + model_file + " " + pred_file cmd = "\""+SVM_CLASSIFY + "\" " +options + " \"" +test_file + "\" \"" + model_file_path + "\" \"" + pred_file+"\"" print cmd os.system(cmd) ## get predictions total = 0 preds = map(float, open(pred_file).read().splitlines()) frag = doc.frag while frag: frag.pred = util.logit(preds[total]) frag = total += 1 ## clean up #os.remove(test_file) #os.remove(pred_file) sys.stderr.write('done!\n')
def spec_loss(self, y_hat, y, mask, priority_bin=None, priority_w=0): masked_l1 = MaskedL1Loss() l1 = nn.L1Loss() w = self.hparams.masked_loss_weight # L1 loss if w > 0: assert mask is not None l1_loss = w * masked_l1(y_hat, y, mask=mask) + (1 - w) * l1( y_hat, y) else: assert mask is None l1_loss = l1(y_hat, y) # Priority L1 loss if priority_bin is not None and priority_w > 0: if w > 0: priority_loss = w * masked_l1( y_hat[:, :, :priority_bin], y[:, :, :priority_bin], mask=mask) \ + (1 - w) * l1(y_hat[:, :, :priority_bin], y[:, :, :priority_bin]) else: priority_loss = l1(y_hat[:, :, :priority_bin], y[:, :, :priority_bin]) l1_loss = (1 - priority_w) * l1_loss + priority_w * priority_loss # Binary divergence loss if self.w <= 0: binary_div = else: y_hat_logits = logit(y_hat) z = -y * y_hat_logits + torch.log1p(torch.exp(y_hat_logits)) if w > 0: binary_div = w * masked_mean(z, mask) + (1 - w) * z.mean() else: binary_div = z.mean() return l1_loss, binary_div
def cross_validation(X_train, y_train, params, X_test=None, verbose_eval=False): NUM_BOOST_ROUND = 1000 best_iterations = [] train_scores = [] valid_scores = [] y_preds = [] kf = KFold(y_train.shape[0], n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=12345) for train_index, valid_index in kf: _X_train, _X_valid = X_train.ix[train_index], X_train.ix[valid_index] _y_train, _y_valid = y_train[train_index], y_train[valid_index] dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(_X_train, _y_train) dvalid = xgb.DMatrix(_X_valid, _y_valid) watchlist = [(dtrain, 'train'), (dvalid, 'eval')] bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, NUM_BOOST_ROUND, evals=watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=200, verbose_eval=verbose_eval) # best iterations and valid score best_iterations.append(bst.best_iteration + 1) valid_scores.append(bst.best_score) if X_test is not None: dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test) y_pred = bst.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=bst.best_iteration) y_preds.append(y_pred) y_pred = util.sigmoid(np.mean(util.logit(np.array(y_preds)), axis=0)) result = {"best-iterations": best_iterations, "best-iteration": np.mean(best_iterations), "valid-score": np.mean(valid_scores), "valid-scores": valid_scores, "y_pred": y_pred, "y_preds": y_preds} return result
def label_vect(alldocs): print 'Label2Vec with pre-classification' train_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'train'] test_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'test'] non_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'extra'] print('%d docs: %d train-sentiment, %d test-sentiment' % (len(alldocs), len(train_docs), len(test_docs))) ylin = pre_class(train_docs, test_docs, non_docs) documents = [] for doc in train_docs: sentence = TaggedDocument(doc.words, [str(doc.sentiment)]) documents.append(sentence) i = 0 for doc in test_docs + non_docs: sentence = TaggedDocument(doc.words, [str(ylin[i])]) documents.append(sentence) i += 1 print len(documents) cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() simple_models = [ # PV-DM w/concatenation - window=5 (both sides) approximates paper's 10-word total window size Doc2Vec(documents, dm=1, dm_concat=1, size=100, window=10, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, workers=cores), # PV-DBOW Doc2Vec(documents, dm=0, size=100, window=10, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, workers=cores), # PV-DM w/average Doc2Vec(documents, dm=1, dm_mean=1, size=100, window=10, negative=5, hs=1, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, workers=cores), ] models_by_name = OrderedDict( (str(model), model) for model in simple_models) models_by_name['dbow+dmm'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec( [simple_models[1], simple_models[2]]) models_by_name['dbow+dmc'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec( [simple_models[1], simple_models[0]]) for name, model in models_by_name.items(): print name train_targets, train_regressors = zip(*[(doc.sentiment, model.infer_vector(doc.words)) for doc in train_docs]) test_targets, test_regressors = zip(*[(doc.sentiment, model.infer_vector(doc.words)) for doc in test_docs]) util.logit(train_regressors, train_targets, test_regressors, test_targets)
def _logit_transform(x): """ Transforms pixel values with logit to be unconstrained. """ return util.logit(CIFAR10.alpha + (1 - 2 * CIFAR10.alpha) * x)
def inv(i, max): sc = (i / max) * 0.999 + 0.0005 return logit(sc)