def links_append(): """Add Markdown links table to Markdown files.""" if "links" not in return with open(["links"], "r") as reader: links = yaml.safe_load(reader) util.make_config("links", links) links_table = "\n".join(f'[{entry["key"]}]: {entry["url"]}' for entry in links) def visitor(node): if _needs_links(node): node.text += "\n\n" + links_table ivy.nodes.root().walk(visitor)
def _flatten_tables(collected): """Convert collected table information to flat lookup table.""" major = util.make_major() tables = util.make_config("tables") for fileslug in collected: if fileslug in major: for (i, entry) in enumerate(collected[fileslug]): entry.number = (str(major[fileslug]), str(i + 1)) tables[entry.slug] = entry
def collect(): """Collect information by parsing shortcodes.""" parser = shortcodes.Parser(inherit_globals=False, ignore_unknown=True) parser.register(_process_index, "i", "/i") index = util.make_config("index") ivy.nodes.root().walk(lambda node: parser.parse(node.text, { "node": node, "index": index }))
def bib_ref(pargs, kwargs, node): """Handle [% b "key1,key2" %] biblography reference shortcodes.""" if len(pargs) == 0:"Empty 'b' shortcode in {node.filepath}") citations = util.make_config("citations") citations |= set(pargs) keys = [f'<a href="@root/bibliography/#{k}">{k}</a>' for k in pargs] return f"[{', '.join(keys)}]"
def glossary_ref(pargs, kwargs, node, content): """Handle [% g slug %]text[% /g %] glossary reference shortcodes.""" if len(pargs) != 1:"Badly-formatted 'g' shortcode {pargs} in {node.filepath}") definitions = util.make_config("definitions") slug = pargs[0] definitions.add(slug) return ( f'<a class="glossref" href="@root/glossary/#{slug}" markdown="1">{content}</a>' )
def glossary(pargs, kwargs, node): """Convert glossary to Markdown.""" if "glossary" not in return '<p class="warning">No glossary specified.</p>' if "lang" not in return '<p class="warning">No language specified.</p>' with open(["glossary"], "r") as reader: glossary = yaml.safe_load(reader) or {} lang =["lang"] try: glossary.sort(key=lambda x: x[lang]["term"].lower()) except KeyError as exc: f"Glossary entry or entries missing key, term, or {lang}: {exc}.") util.make_config("glossary", glossary) lookup = {entry["key"]: entry[lang]["term"] for entry in glossary} result = "\n\n".join( _as_markdown(lookup, lang, entry) for entry in glossary) return result
def excerpt(pargs, kwargs, node): """Handle a file inclusion, possibly excerpting.""" # Error checking. if pargs: f"Badly-formatted excerpt shortcode with {pargs} in {node.filepath}" ) # Handle by cases. inclusions = util.make_config("inclusions") if ("pat" in kwargs) and ("fill" in kwargs): return _multi(inclusions, node, **kwargs) elif "file" not in kwargs: f"Badly-formatted excerpt shortcode with {kwargs} in {node.filepath}" ) elif ("keep" in kwargs) and ("omit" in kwargs): return _keep_omit(inclusions, node, **kwargs) elif "keep" in kwargs: return _keep(inclusions, node, **kwargs) elif "omit" in kwargs: return _omit(inclusions, node, **kwargs) else: return _file(inclusions, node, **kwargs)
def _flatten_headings(collected): """Create flat cross-reference table.""" headings = util.make_config("headings") for group in collected.values(): for entry in group: headings[entry.slug] = entry
if (bib_filename :="bibliography", None)) is None: return '<p class="warning">No bibliography specified.</p>' if (bib_style :="bibliography_style", None)) is None: return '<p class="warning">No bibliography style specified.</p>' # Set up Pybtex. html = find_plugin("pybtex.backends", "html")() style = find_plugin("", bib_style)() # Format a single bibliography entry. def _format(key, body): return f'<dt id="{key}">{key}</dt>\n<dd>{body}</dd>' # Load and save bibliography. bib = parse_file(bib_filename) util.make_config("bibliography", {k for k in bib.entries.keys()}) # Generate HTML. formatted = style.format_bibliography(bib) entries = [ _format(entry.key, entry.text.render(html)) for entry in formatted ] return '<dl class="bibliography">\n\n' + "\n\n".join(entries) + "\n\n</dl>" def check(): if (citations := util.get_config("citations")) is None: return if (bibliography := util.get_config("bibliography")) is None: return