def mstHeuristic(state, problem):
    if "calc" not in problem.heuristicInfo:
        problem.heuristicInfo["calc"] = DistanceCalculator(
    calculator = problem.heuristicInfo["calc"]

    BIG_COST = 1000
    totalCost = -BIG_COST
    foodList = state[1].asList()
    # only works for integral pacman positions
    treeNodes = {}
    nonTreeNodes = util.PriorityQueue()
    nodeCosts = {}
    for pos in foodList:
        nonTreeNodes.push(pos, BIG_COST)
        nodeCosts[pos] = BIG_COST
    while not nonTreeNodes.isEmpty():
        newNode = nonTreeNodes.pop()
        cost = nodeCosts[newNode]
        totalCost += cost
        treeNodes[newNode] = 1
        for nonTreeNode in foodList:
            if treeNodes.has_key(nonTreeNode):
            newDist = calculator.getDistance(newNode, nonTreeNode)
            # newDist = manhattanDist(newNode, nonTreeNode)
            oldDist = nodeCosts[nonTreeNode]
            if newDist < oldDist:
                nodeCosts[nonTreeNode] = newDist
                nonTreeNodes.push(nonTreeNode, newDist)
    return totalCost
 def getAction(self, gameState):
   Calls chooseAction on a grid position, but continues on half positions.
   This method also cedes some processing time to the distance calculator, 
   which computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points.
   If you subclass CaptureAgent, you shouldn't need to override this method.  It
   takes care of appending the current gameState on to your observation history
   (so you have a record of the game states of the game) and will call your
   choose action method if you're in a state (rather than halfway through your last
   move - this occurs because Pacman agents move half as quickly as ghost agents).
   If you aren't going to be using the distance calculator we provide, you can comment
   out the line beginning "distanceCalculator" so as not to lose computing time to the
   calculating distances you're not using.
   # Give some time to the distance calculator thread
   myState = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
   myPos = myState.getPosition()
   if myPos != nearestPoint(myPos): 
     # We're halfway from one position to the next
     return gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)[0]
     return self.chooseAction(gameState)
Example #3
  def getSuccessor(self, index, gameState, action):
    Finds the next successor which is a grid position (location tuple).
    team = self.getTeam(gameState)
    for agent in team:
        if index == agent:
            temp = gameState.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
            successor = temp.deepCopy()
   = copy.deepcopy(
            pos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
            if pos != nearestPoint(pos):
                # Only half a grid position was covered
                return successor.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
                return successor            

    successor = gameState.deepCopy() = copy.deepcopy( = gameState.copyAgentStates(
    position = self.getNextPosition(successor,[index].configuration.pos, action)[index].configuration.pos = position
    foodList = self.getFoodYouAreDefending(gameState).asList()
    for food in foodList:
        if food == position:
            x,y = position
  [x][y] = False
   += 1
   = 1
    return successor
Example #4
    def __str__(self):
        width, height = self.layout.width, self.layout.height
        map = Grid(width, height)
        if ut.isInstance(, (1, 2)):
   = ut.reconstituteGrid(
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                food, walls =, self.layout.walls
                map[x][y] = self._foodWallStr(food[x][y], walls[x][y])

        for agentState in self.agentStates:
            if agentState is None:
            if agentState.configuration is None:
            x, y = [int(i) for i in
            agent_dir = agentState.configuration.direction
            if agentState.isPacman:
                map[x][y] = self._pacStr(agent_dir)
                map[x][y] = self._ghostStr(agent_dir)

        for x, y in self.capsules:
            map[x][y] = 'o'

        return str(map) + ("\nScore: %d\n" % self.score)
Example #5
 def getAction(self, state):
     "The agent receives a GameState (defined in"
     "[Project 1] YOUR CODE HERE"
     vector = {Directions.EAST:(1, 0), Directions.WEST:(-1, 0), Directions.SOUTH:(0, -1), Directions.NORTH:(0, 1), Directions.STOP:(0, 0)}
     pacman_pos = state.getPacmanPosition()
     ghost_pos_all = []
     for ghost_pos in state.getGhostPositions():
         ghost_pos = util.nearestPoint(ghost_pos)
         for key in vector:
             x = ghost_pos[0] + vector[key][0]
             y = ghost_pos[1] + vector[key][1]
             ghost_pos_all.append((x, y))
     print ghost_pos_all
     next_pos_all = []
     for action in state.getLegalActions():
         next_pos_all.append((pacman_pos[0] + vector[action][0], pacman_pos[1] + vector[action][1]))
     for next_pos in next_pos_all:
         if next_pos in ghost_pos_all:
             for action in [Directions.NORTH, Directions.SOUTH]:
                 if action in state.getLegalActions():
                     return action
     for action in [Directions.EAST, Directions.WEST]:
         if (pacman_pos[0] + vector[action][0], pacman_pos[1] + vector[action][1]) in ghost_pos_all:
             return Directions.REVERSE[action]
     return Directions.STOP
Example #6
  def applyAction( state, action, index ):
    Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
    legal = BombermanRules.getLegalActions( state, index)
    if action not in legal:
      print ("Illegal action " + str(action) + " with agentIndex " + str(index) + ' and legals:' + str(legal))
      #action = random.choice(legal)
      if Directions.STOP in legal: action = Directions.STOP
      else : action =random.choice(legal)

    agentState =[index]

    # Update Configuration
    vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, agentState.getSpeed() )
    agentState.configuration = agentState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )
    # Eat
    next = agentState.configuration.getPosition()
    nearest = nearestPoint( next )
    if manhattanDistance( nearest, next ) <= 0.5 :
      # consume item
      BombermanRules.consume( nearest, state, index )
    # Lay bomb
    if action is Actions.LAY:
 def isGoalState(self, state):
   pos = state.getAgentState(self.agentIndex).getPosition()
   x,y = nearestPoint(pos)
   if pos != (x,y): return False
   if self.targets[x][y]:
   return self.targets[x][y]
Example #8
 def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action):
     successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
     pos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
     if pos != nearestPoint(pos):
         return successor.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
         return successor
  def applyAction(state, action, agentIndex):
    Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
    legal = AgentRules.getLegalActions(state, agentIndex)
    if action not in legal:
      raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

    # Update Configuration
    agentState =[agentIndex]
    speed = 1.0
    # if agentState.isPacman: speed = 0.5
    vector = Actions.directionToVector(action, speed)
    oldConfig = agentState.configuration
    agentState.configuration = oldConfig.generateSuccessor(vector)

    # Eat
    next = agentState.configuration.getPosition()
    nearest = nearestPoint(next)
    if agentState.isPacman and manhattanDistance(nearest, next) <= 0.9 :
      AgentRules.consume(nearest, state, state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex))

    # Change agent type
    if next == nearest:
      agentState.isPacman = [state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex), state.isRed(agentState.configuration)].count(True) == 1
 def getPathToNearestDot(self, gameState, myState):
   A path takes the form [(whereYouAre, whatYouDo), ...]
   food = self.getFood(gameState)
   problem = AnyDotOnSideWillDo(nearestPoint(myState.getPosition()), food, gameState.getWalls())
   states, actions, cost = search.breadthFirstSearch(problem)
   return zip(states, actions)
 def evalFn(self, successor, action):
   if self.getFood(successor).count() == 0: return 1000
   myState = successor.getAgentState(self.index)
   pos = myState.getPosition() 
   if pos != nearestPoint(pos): return self.evalFn(successor.generateSuccessor(self.index, action), action)
   food = self.getFood(successor)
   problem = AnyDotOnSideWillDo(nearestPoint(pos), food, successor.getWalls())
   distanceToFood = search.breadthFirstSearch(problem)[2]
   distanceToOpponent = 100
   for enemyIndex in self.getOpponents(successor):
     opp = successor.getAgentState(enemyIndex)
     if not opp.isPacman:
       distanceToOpponent = min(distanceToOpponent, manhattanDistance(myState.getPosition(), opp.getPosition()))
   return -0.3 * distanceToFood + self.getScore(successor) + 2 * math.log(distanceToOpponent)
 def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action):
   # Finds the next successor which is a grid position (location tuple).
   successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
   pos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
   if pos != nearestPoint(pos):
     # Only half a grid position was covered
     return successor.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
     return successor
Example #13
 def getAction(self, gameState):
     myState = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
     myPos = myState.getPosition()
     if myPos != util.nearestPoint(myPos):
       # We're halfway from one position to the next
           return gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)[0]
           return self.chooseAction(gameState)
  def getAction(self, state):
    myState = state.getAgentState(self.index)
    myPos = myState.getPosition()
    if myPos != nearestPoint(myPos): 
      return self.lastAction

    action = self.chooseAction(state, myState)
    if action == Directions.STOP: print 'stop'
    self.lastAction = action
    return action
 def capsuleEdible(self, pacmanPos, capsulePos):
         pacmanPos is an x,y position on the board (representing pacman's location)
         capsulePos is an x,y position on the board (representing a capsule's location)
         True if pacman can eat the capsule at capsulePos from pacmanPos, else False
     nearest = nearestPoint(pacmanPos)
     return nearest == capsulePos and manhattanDistance(nearest, pacmanPos) <= 0.5
Example #16
    def getAction(self, state):
        "The agent receives a GameState (defined in"
        "[Project 1] YOUR CODE HERE"
        INTMAX = 100000
        vector = {Directions.EAST:(1, 0), Directions.WEST:(-1, 0), Directions.SOUTH:(0, -1), Directions.NORTH:(0, 1)}
        grid = list(state.getWalls())
        pacman_pos = state.getPacmanPosition()
        food = list(state.getFood())
        near_food_depth = INTMAX
        for x in range(len(food)):
            for y in range(len(food[x])):
                food_depth = util.manhattanDistance(pacman_pos, (x, y))
                if food[x][y] and near_food_depth > food_depth:
                    near_food_depth = food_depth
                    food_pos = (x, y)
        bfs_map = [[0 for y in range(len(grid[x]))] for x in range(len(grid))]
        bfs_map[food_pos[0]][food_pos[1]] = 1
        for x in range(len(grid)): #grid = [[not y for y in x] for x in grid]
            for y in range(len(grid[x])):
                grid[x][y] = not grid[x][y]
        ghost_pos_all = []
        for ghost_pos in state.getGhostPositions():
            ghost_pos = util.nearestPoint(ghost_pos)
            bfs_map[ghost_pos[0]][ghost_pos[1]] = 0
            for key in vector:
                x = ghost_pos[0] + vector[key][0]
                y = ghost_pos[1] + vector[key][1]
                ghost_pos_all.append((x, y))
                bfs_map[x][y] = 0
        q = util.Queue()
        q.push(Node(food_pos, 1))
        grid[food_pos[0]][food_pos[1]] = False
        while not q.isEmpty():
            node = q.pop()
            for key in vector:
                x = node.pos[0] + vector[key][0]
                y = node.pos[1] + vector[key][1]
                if grid[x][y]:
                    if (x, y) not in ghost_pos_all:
                        bfs_map[x][y] = node.depth + 1
                    q.push(Node((x, y), node.depth + 1))
                    grid[x][y] = False
        mn = INTMAX
        move = Directions.STOP
        for key in vector:
            x = pacman_pos[0] + vector[key][0]
            y = pacman_pos[1] + vector[key][1]
            if bfs_map[x][y] != 0 and mn > bfs_map[x][y]:
                move = key
                mn = bfs_map[x][y]
        return move

        return Directions.STOP
 def cumGhostsDistance(position, ghostPositions, state):
   ghostStates = state.getGhostStates()
   scaredTimes = [ghostState.scaredTimer for ghostState in ghostStates]
   total = 0
   for i in range(len(scaredTimes)):
     d = math.sqrt(mazeDistance(position, util.nearestPoint(state.getGhostPosition(i+1)), state))
     if scaredTimes[i] > 0:
       d = d * math.sqrt(scaredTimes[i])
       d *= -1 
     total += int(d)
   return total
Example #18
  def applyAction( state, action, agentIndex ):
    Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
    legal = AgentRules.getLegalActions( state, agentIndex )
    if action not in legal:
      raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

    # Update Configuration
    agentState =[agentIndex]
    speed = 1.0
    # if agentState.isPacman: speed = 0.5
    vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, speed )
    oldConfig = agentState.configuration
    agentState.configuration = oldConfig.generateSuccessor( vector )

    # Eat
    next = agentState.configuration.getPosition()
    nearest = nearestPoint( next )
# TODO limit change agent type(in our case always 1 pacman two ghost)
# TODO or just say we think in this way it's fun...
    if next == nearest:
      isRed = state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex)
      # Change agent type
      # important for change agent type once on opponent's land
      agentState.isPacman = [isRed, state.isRed(agentState.configuration)].count(True) == 1
      # if he's no longer pacman, he's on his own side, so reset the num carrying timer
      #agentState.numCarrying *= int(agentState.isPacman)
      if agentState.numCarrying > 0 and not agentState.isPacman:
        # TODO score = agentState.numCarrying if isRed else -1*agentState.numCarrying
        # TODO temp disable one point score per numcarrying
        score = 0 += score

        agentState.numReturned += agentState.numCarrying
        agentState.numCarrying = 0

        redCount = 0
        blueCount = 0
        for index in range(state.getNumAgents()):
          agentState =[index]
          if index in state.getRedTeamIndices():
            redCount += agentState.numReturned
            blueCount += agentState.numReturned
        #if redCount >= (TOTAL_FOOD/2) - MIN_FOOD or blueCount >= (TOTAL_FOOD/2) - MIN_FOOD:
 = True

    if agentState.isPacman and manhattanDistance( nearest, next ) <= 0.9 :
      AgentRules.consume( nearest, state, state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex) )
Example #19
def scoreEvaluation(state):
    score  = state.getScore()
    position = state.getPacmanPosition()
    nearest = nearestPoint(position)
    for index in range(1,len(
        if not[index].scaredTimer > 0:
            gstate =[index].configuration.getPosition()
            dis = manhattanDistance(gstate,nearest)
            if dis <= 3:
                score -= (20-5*dis)
            elif dis <= 5:
                score -= (11-2*dis)
    return score
Example #20
  def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action, alternateId = None):
    Finds the next successor which is a grid position (location tuple).
    if alternateId: id = alternateId
    else: id = self.index

    successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(id, action)
    pos = successor.getAgentState(id).getPosition()
    if pos != nearestPoint(pos):
      # Only half a grid position was covered
      return successor.generateSuccessor(id, action)
      return successor
    def evalState(state):
      position = state.getPacmanPosition()
      capsules = state.getCapsules()
      foodGrid = state.getFood()
      foodState = position, foodGrid, tuple(capsules)
      closestFood = None
      if foodState in closestFoodCache:
        closestFood = closestFoodCache[foodState]
        nodes = util.Queue()
        node = position, 0
        closestFood = findClosestFood(nodes, foodGrid, capsules, state.getWalls())
        closestFoodCache[foodState] = closestFood
      ghostState = position, tuple(ghostPositions)
      closestGhost = None
      if ghostState in evalCache:
        closestGhost = evalCache[ghostState]
        closestGhost = min(mazeDistance(position, util.nearestPoint(ghostPosition), state) for ghostPosition in ghostPositions)
        evalCache[ghostState] = closestGhost

      foodLeft = state.getNumFood()         
      score = state.getScore()
      #scared = newScaredTimes[0] > 0
      #cgd = cumGhostsDistance(position, ghostPositions, state)
      #numFoodEaten = startNumFood - foodLeft

      # a = 0
      # if score < 0:
      #   a = -1 * math.sqrt(abs(score))
      # elif score > 0:
      #   a = math.sqrt(score)
      a = score
      b = -1 * closestFood
      c = -1 * foodLeft**2
      #d = 0.5 * (( closestGhost**(1.0/4)) + ( 10 * scared * closestGhost))
      d = -1 * closestGhost
      #e = cgd
      f = 100 * len(capsules) 
      #print 'newScaredTimes', newScaredTimes
      #print 'score, closestFood, cgd', score, b, e
      result = a + b + d + f
      return result
Example #22
    def applyAction(state, action):
        '''Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.'''
        legal = PacmanRules.getLegalActions( state )
        if action not in legal:
            raise Exception('Illegal action ' + str(action))

        pacmanState =[0]

        # Update Configuration
        vector = Actions.directionToVector(action, PacmanRules.PACMAN_SPEED)
        pacmanState.configuration = pacmanState.configuration.generateSuccessor(vector)

        # Eat
        next = pacmanState.configuration.getPosition()
        nearest = nearestPoint(next)
        if manhattanDistance(nearest, next) <= 0.5:
            # Remove food
            PacmanRules.consume(nearest, state)
  def getAction(self, gameState):
    Calls chooseAction on a grid position, but continues on half positions.
    If you subclass CaptureAgent, you shouldn't need to override this method.  It
    takes care of appending the current gameState on to your observation history
    (so you have a record of the game states of the game) and will call your
    choose action method if you're in a state (rather than halfway through your last
    move - this occurs because Pacman agents move half as quickly as ghost agents).


    myState = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
    myPos = myState.getPosition()
    if myPos != nearestPoint(myPos):
      # We're halfway from one position to the next
      return gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)[0]
      return self.chooseAction(gameState)
Example #24
  def applyAction( state, action ):
    Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
    legal = PacmanRules.getLegalActions( state )
    if action not in legal:
      raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

    pacmanState =[0]
    # Update Configuration
    vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, PacmanRules.PACMAN_SPEED )
    pacmanState.configuration = pacmanState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )
    # Eat
    next = pacmanState.configuration.getPosition()
    nearest = nearestPoint( next )
    def getAction(self, gameState):
    Calls chooseAction on a grid position, but continues on half positions.
    This method also cedes some processing time to the distance calculator, 
    which computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points.
        # Give some time to the distance calculator thread


        myState = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
        myPos = myState.getPosition()
        if myPos != nearestPoint(myPos):
            # We're halfway from one position to the next
            return gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)[0]
            return self.chooseAction(gameState)
    def applyAction( state, action ):
        Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
        legal = ghWorkerRules.getLegalActions( state )
        if action not in legal:
            raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

        ghWorkerState =[0]

        # Update Configuration
        vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, ghWorkerRules.GHWORKER_SPEED )
        ghWorkerState.configuration = ghWorkerState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )

        # Eat
        next = ghWorkerState.configuration.getPosition()
        nearest = nearestPoint( next )
        if manhattanDistance( nearest, next ) <= 0.5 :
            # Remove food
            ghWorkerRules.consume( nearest, state )
Example #27
	def getAveragedEnemyLocation(self, enemyIndex):
		xavg = 0
		yavg = 0

		for pos, prob in self.tracking[enemyIndex].getBeliefDistribution().items():
			x, y = pos
			xavg += x * prob
			yavg += y * prob

		avgPoint = util.nearestPoint((xavg, yavg))

		# annoying thing because mazeDistance doesn't work if one point is a wall
		if avgPoint in self.walls:
			neighbors = list(getNeighbors(avgPoint))
			neighbors = [n for n in neighbors if n in self.legalPositions]
			if len(neighbors) > 0:
				avgPoint = neighbors[0]
				raise Exception("avg enemy location is wall surrounded by walls")

		return avgPoint
def actualGhostDistance(gameState, ghostPosition):
    from game import Directions
    from game import Actions
    visited = {}
    curState=startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    fringe = util.FasterPriorityQueue()
    fringe.push(tuple((startPosition,curDist)), priorityVal)
    visited[startPosition] = True
    walls    = gameState.getWalls()
    foodGrid = gameState.getFood()
    isFood   = lambda(x, y): foodGrid[x][y]
    #isGhost  = lambda(x, y): (x, y) in ghostPositions
    while not fringe.isEmpty():
        curState,curDist = fringe.pop()
        # if goal state is found return the distance
        if (curState==ghostPosition):
            #print "returned: %d" % curDist
            return (curState, curDist)
        # if you find a ghost before you find your closest food!! you are screwed =(
        #if (isGhost(curState)):
        #    ghostInRange = True
        for action in [Directions.NORTH, Directions.SOUTH, Directions.EAST, Directions.WEST]:
            x,y = curState
            dx, dy = Actions.directionToVector(action)
            nextx, nexty = int(x + dx), int(y + dy)
            nextState = (nextx, nexty)
            if ((not walls[nextx][nexty]) and (nextState not in visited)):
                newcurDist = curDist + 1
                visited[nextState] = True
                fringe.push(tuple((nextState,newcurDist)), priorityVal)    
    return (curState,curDist)
Example #29
def actualGhostDistance(gameState, ghostPosition):
    from game import Directions
    from game import Actions

    visited = {}
    ghostPosition = util.nearestPoint(ghostPosition)
    curState = startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    fringe = util.FasterPriorityQueue()
    Hvalue = util.manhattanDistance(startPosition, ghostPosition)
    curDist = 0
    priorityVal = Hvalue + curDist
    fringe.push(tuple((startPosition, curDist)), priorityVal)
    visited[startPosition] = True
    walls = gameState.getWalls()
    foodGrid = gameState.getFood()
    isFood = lambda (x, y): foodGrid[x][y]

    while not fringe.isEmpty():
        curState, curDist = fringe.pop()

        # terminal test: if the position has a ghost
        if curState == ghostPosition:
            return (curState, curDist)

        for action in [Directions.NORTH, Directions.SOUTH, Directions.EAST, Directions.WEST]:
            x, y = curState
            dx, dy = Actions.directionToVector(action)
            nextx, nexty = int(x + dx), int(y + dy)
            nextState = (nextx, nexty)
            if (not walls[nextx][nexty]) and (nextState not in visited):
                newcurDist = curDist + 1
                priorityVal = util.manhattanDistance(nextState, ghostPosition) + newcurDist
                visited[nextState] = True
                fringe.push(tuple((nextState, newcurDist)), priorityVal)
    return (curState, curDist)
Example #30
 def decrementTimer( ghostState):
   timer = ghostState.scaredTimer
   if timer == 1: 
     ghostState.configuration.pos = nearestPoint( ghostState.configuration.pos )
   ghostState.scaredTimer = max( 0, timer - 1 )
Example #31
    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        Choose action according to the state whether the agent is chased.
        If it is chased, use WA* back to safe points
        Otherwise, eating food until getting 18 food
        Specially, if the capsule is eaten within safe time, eat food normally
        currentPosition = util.nearestPoint(
        enemies = [
            gameState.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(gameState)
        currentObserveDefenders = [
            util.nearestPoint(a.getPosition()) for a in enemies
            if not a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None
        ''' Expected defenders position '''
        for opponentPosition in self.observedDefender.copyList():
            if opponentPosition not in currentObserveDefenders:
        for cod in currentObserveDefenders:
        expectedDefenders = self.observedDefender.copyList()
        self.opponents = set(
            self.getDefenderBlockingPosition(gameState, expectedDefenders))
        ''' Observed defenders position and state within safe distance '''
        distanceToDefenders = [
            self.getMazeDistance(currentPosition, d)
            for d in currentObserveDefenders
        cloestDefender, cloestDistanceToDefender = self.findCloestPositionAndDistance(
            currentObserveDefenders, currentPosition)
        if cloestDistanceToDefender > self.safeDistance:
            cloestDefender = None
        cloestDefenderState = None
        for a in enemies:
            if cloestDefender is not None and a.getPosition(
            ) == cloestDefender:
                cloestDefenderState = a
        ''' Record current position in history '''

        if self.beingChased and cloestDefender is None or \
                cloestDefenderState is not None and cloestDefenderState.scaredTimer > self.safeTimer:
            ''' In capsule power time '''
            self.beingChased = False
            self.opponents = set()

        elif (not self.beingChased
              and self.isReadyOffensing(gameState.getAgentPosition(self.index))
              and cloestDefender is not None
              and min(distanceToDefenders) < self.safeDistance):
            self.beingChased = True

        ''' counting food I ate '''
        myScore = gameState.getAgentState(self.index).numCarrying
        ''' Initialize returnFlag '''
        if currentPosition in self.safePoints.asList():
            self.returnFlag = False
        ''' Number of food left '''
        numOfFood = len(self.getFood(gameState).asList())
        ''' Adjust my food '''
        if currentPosition == self.start:
            distanceToFoods = self.getFoodSortedByDistance(
                currentPosition, gameState)
            self.myFood = [
                foods[0] for i, foods in enumerate(distanceToFoods)
                if i >= self.minDistanceFoodStart
        self.myFood = [
            food for food in self.myFood
            if food in self.getFood(gameState).asList()
        if len(self.myFood) == 0:
            self.myFood = self.getFood(gameState).asList()
        ''' Action '''
        if numOfFood < 3:
            ''' Number of food is smaller than 3 '''
            self.goal = self.borderPoints.asList()
        elif self.beingChased or self.returnFlag:
            ''' Chased by defender '''
            self.goal = self.safePoints.asList()
        elif self.getScore(gameState) < 0 and myScore + self.getScore(
                gameState) > self.catchup:
            #or myScore >= self.returnFood:
            ''' Come back if I ate a lot or I can reverse score '''
            self.goal = self.borderPoints.asList()
            positionCounter = Counter(self.observeCurrentPosition.list)
            numRepeat = positionCounter[currentPosition] - self.repeatLimit

            if numRepeat <= 0:
                self.goal = self.myFood

            elif numRepeat >= self.numHistoryObserve // 2 - self.repeatLimit or numRepeat >= numOfFood - 1:
                ''' Repeat too much and return to safe points '''
                self.goal = self.safePoints.asList()
                self.returnFlag = True
                ''' Pick another goal '''
                minStart = (self.minDistanceFoodStart + random.randint(
                    numRepeat, numOfFood - 1)) % (numOfFood)
                distanceToFoods = self.getFoodSortedByDistance(
                    currentPosition, gameState)
                self.goal = [
                    foods[0] for i, foods in enumerate(distanceToFoods)
                    if i >= minStart
                if len(self.goal) == 0:
                    self.goal = self.safePoints.asList()

        actions = self.waStarSearch(gameState, self.heuristicMin, 10)
        if actions is None or len(actions) == 0:
            randomActions = self.getLegalActions(gameState)
            if len(randomActions) > 1 and Directions.STOP in randomActions:
            return random.choice(self.getLegalActions(gameState))
        return actions[0]
Example #32
 def getSuccessor(self, gameState, action):
     successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(action)
     pos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
     if pos != util.nearestPoint(pos):
         return successor.generateSuccessor(action)
     return successor
Example #33
def betterEvaluationFunction(currentGameState):
    Your extreme, unstoppable evaluation function (problem 4).

    DESCRIPTION: The idea behind the below is as follows.

    Losing is always avoided, significantly, by heavily penalizing all such states.
    Winning is heavily rewarded (above just a simple score), so that PacMan always tries to win.

    For everything else, we use BFS to compute distances to food items, scared ghosts, and
    normal ghosts from pacman. We then use a simply formula (arrived at after experimentation)
    to combine these features into a single store.

    Intuitively, here are the properties we're generally looking for:
      1. A higher game score implies a higher evaluation score.
      2. Closer food items imply higher scores.
      3. A lower number of capsules implies a higher score.
      4. A lower number of food items left implies a higher score.
      5. Closer scared ghosts imply a higher score (because we can eat them)
      6. Further active ghosts imply a higher score (because they won't eat us)

  # BEGIN_YOUR_CODE (our solution is 26 lines of code, but don't worry if you deviate from this)
  walls = currentGameState.getWalls()
  food = currentGameState.getFood()
  capsules = set(currentGameState.getCapsules())
  scaredGhosts = {util.nearestPoint(ghost.getPosition()) : ghost.scaredTimer
    for ghost in currentGameState.getGhostStates() if ghost.scaredTimer}
  adversarialGhosts = {ghost.getPosition() for ghost in currentGameState.getGhostStates() if not ghost.scaredTimer}
  def greedyApproachCost(pacmanPos, eaten, reward=10, is_edible=lambda x,y: food[x][y], maxRestarts=None):
    """If we were to take a greedy route, ignoring ghosts, what is our cost"""
    def end():
      if len(eaten.values()) > 0:
        costs, rewards = zip(*eaten.values())
        return sum(costs) - sum(rewards)
      return 0
    if maxRestarts is not None and maxRestarts == 0:
      return end()
    queue = util.Queue()
    queue.push((pacmanPos, 0))
    visited = {}
    while not queue.isEmpty():
      (x,y), distance = queue.pop()
      if (x,y) not in eaten and is_edible(x,y):
        eaten[(x,y)] = (distance, reward)
        return greedyApproachCost(pacmanPos=(x,y), eaten=eaten,
          reward=reward, is_edible=is_edible, maxRestarts=maxRestarts if maxRestarts is None else maxRestarts - 1)
      visited[(x,y)] = distance
      actions = Actions.getLegalNeighbors((x,y), walls)
      for neighbor in actions:
        if neighbor not in visited:
          queue.push((neighbor, distance + 1))
    return end()

  def minDistanceToAllReachablePoints(pos):
    """Basically BFS to find how many steps it'll take to get places.
    Returns a function that given a loc returns the minimum distance from pos to loc.
    queue = util.Queue()
    queue.push((pos, 0))
    visited = {}
    while not queue.isEmpty():
      curr, distance = queue.pop()
      visited[curr] = distance
      for neighbor in Actions.getLegalNeighbors(curr, walls):
        if neighbor not in visited:
          queue.push((neighbor, distance + 1))
    return lambda loc: visited[util.nearestPoint(loc)]

  # distanceFunction = lambda loc: util.manhattanDistance(pos, loc)
  distanceFunction = minDistanceToAllReachablePoints(currentGameState.getPacmanPosition())
  def loseEvaluationScore():
    if not adversarialGhosts: return -1000
    closestGhost = min([distanceFunction(pos) for pos in adversarialGhosts])
    # The closer the ghost, the more we want this state.
    return -closestGhost

  def winEvaluationScore():
    greedyScore = scoreEvaluationFunction(currentGameState)
    greedyScore += sum({200 - distanceFunction(pos) for pos in scaredGhosts})
    # greedyScore += 30*len(currentGameState.getCapsules())
    #if len(adversarialGhosts) == 2:
      # Punish if the ghosts get too close to each other.
    #  ghosts = list(adversarialGhosts)
    #  greedyScore -= (greedyScore / 10.0) / (1 + minDistanceToAllReachablePoints(ghosts[0])(ghosts[1]))
    greedyScore -= greedyApproachCost(pacmanPos=currentGameState.getPacmanPosition(), eaten={}, reward=10, maxRestarts=None)
    # Look ahead one level to see if we'll win.
    score = 0
    if greedyScore > 1000:
      for action in currentGameState.getLegalActions(0):
        nextState = currentGameState.generateSuccessor(0, action)
        if nextState.isWin():
          score += 500
    return greedyScore + score

  # Compute an upperbound on our score.
  maxFromFood = 10 * food.count()
  maxForWin = 500
  maxForKillingGhosts = 400*len(currentGameState.getCapsules()) + 200*len(scaredGhosts)
  maxPossibleScore = scoreEvaluationFunction(currentGameState) + maxFromFood + maxForWin + maxForKillingGhosts

  # We know we can normally do well. Decide if we want to win our lose at this point.
  return winEvaluationScore()
Example #34
    def makeObservation(self, gameState):
        DIFFERENCE = 32
        MY_FOOD_SIGN = 10
        MY_CAPSULE_SIGN = 20
        GHOST_ME = 71
        PACMAN_ME = 80
        SCARED_ME = 87
        gameStateStr = str(gameState.deepCopy())
        gameStateStr = gameStateStr[:gameStateStr.
                                    rfind('\n', 0,
                                          len(gameStateStr) - 1)]
        gameStateStr = gameStateStr.replace("\n", "")
        gameStateStr = gameStateStr.replace(' ', chr(0))
        gameStateList = list(gameStateStr)
        gameStateList = [ord(c) for c in gameStateList]
        gameStateList = np.array(gameStateList, dtype=np.float32)
        gameStateList = gameStateList.reshape(,

        myFoodList = self.getFoodYouAreDefending(gameState).asList()
        for x, y in myFoodList:
            gameStateList[ - 1 -
                          y][x] = MY_FOOD_SIGN

        foodList = self.getFood(gameState).asList()
        for x, y in foodList:
            gameStateList[ - 1 - y][x] = FOOD_SIGN

        myCapsuleList = self.getCapsulesYouAreDefending(gameState)
        for x, y in myCapsuleList:
            gameStateList[ - 1 -
                          y][x] = MY_CAPSULE_SIGN

        capsuleList = self.getCapsules(gameState)
        for x, y in capsuleList:
            gameStateList[ - 1 -
                          y][x] = CAPSULE_SIGN

        enemies = [
            gameState.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(gameState)
        for a in enemies:
            if not a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None:
                if a.scaredTimer > 0:
                    x, y = util.nearestPoint(a.getPosition())
                    gameStateList[ - 1 -
                                  y][x] = SCARED_DEFENDER
                    x, y = util.nearestPoint(a.getPosition())
                    gameStateList[ - 1 -
                                  y][x] = GHOST_ENEMY
            elif a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None:
                x, y = util.nearestPoint(a.getPosition())
                gameStateList[ - 1 -
                              y][x] = PACMAN_ENEMY

        teams = [
            gameState.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getTeam(gameState)
            if i != self.index
        teammate = teams[0]
        me = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)

        if not me.isPacman and me.getPosition() != None:
            if me.scaredTimer > 0:
                x, y = util.nearestPoint(me.getPosition())
                gameStateList[ - 1 -
                              y][x] = SCARED_ME
                x, y = util.nearestPoint(me.getPosition())
                gameStateList[ - 1 -
                              y][x] = GHOST_ME
        elif me.isPacman and me.getPosition() != None:
            x, y = util.nearestPoint(me.getPosition())
            gameStateList[ - 1 - y][x] = PACMAN_ME

        if not teammate.isPacman and teammate.getPosition() != None:
            if teammate.scaredTimer > 0:
                x, y = util.nearestPoint(teammate.getPosition())
                gameStateList[ - 1 -
                              y][x] = SCARED_TEAMATE
                x, y = util.nearestPoint(teammate.getPosition())
                gameStateList[ - 1 -
                              y][x] = GHOST_TEAMMATE
        elif teammate.isPacman and teammate.getPosition() != None:
            x, y = util.nearestPoint(teammate.getPosition())
            gameStateList[ - 1 -
                          y][x] = PACMAN_TEAMATE

        gameStateList = np.reshape(gameStateList,
                                   (1, ) + gameStateList.shape + (1, ))

        return gameStateList
Example #35
 def value(self, pos):
     (x, y) = util.nearestPoint(pos)
Example #36
 def decrementTimer( ghostState):
     timer = ghostState.scaredTimer
     if timer == 1:
         ghostState.configuration.pos = nearestPoint( ghostState.configuration.pos )
     ghostState.scaredTimer = max( 0, timer - 1 )
Example #37
 def decrementTimer(state):
     timer = state.scaredTimer
     if timer == 1:
         state.configuration.pos = nearestPoint(state.configuration.pos)
     state.scaredTimer = max(0, timer - 1)