Example #1
def distMatrix(clusters):
    Calculate the all-pairs distance matrix between the given clusters
    @type clusters: dict
    @param clusters:  The list of clusters to calculate the all-pairs distance 
                      matrix, keyed on cluster ID. The new cluster is assumed to be the last element. 
    @rtype: tuple
    @return: The all-pairs distance matrix and the pair with the overall minimum distance 
    min = None; minpair = None
    dist = {}
    ids = np.sort(clusters.keys())
    for i in ids:
        dist[i] = {}
        for j in ids[i+1:ids.shape[0]]:
            dist[i][j] = util.nonSymmetricClusterDistance(clusters[i], clusters[j])
            if (min is None) or (dist[i][j] < min):
                min = dist[i][j]
                minpair = (i,j)
    return dist, minpair
Example #2
def updateDistMatrix(clusters, matrix, remIDs, newID):
    Selectively update the distance calculations by deleting the removed 
    clusters and adding calculations for the replacement cluster 
    :@type clusters: dict
    :@param clusters: The data split into clusters stored in numpy arrays, 
                      keyed on ID.
    :@type matrix: dict
    :@param matrix: A dict containing one dict for each cluster, keyed on the 
                    cluster id with the distance as the value.
    :@type remIDs: tuple
    :@param remIDs: The ids of the removed clusters.
    :@type newID: int
    :@param newID: The id of the replacement cluster.
    # remove rows
    for i in remIDs:
        del matrix[i]
    for i in np.sort(clusters.keys()):
        # remove the old cluster distance calculations (columns)
        if i != newID:
            for j in remIDs:
                if j in matrix[i]:
                    del matrix[i][j]
            # calculate distances to the new cluster
            matrix[i][newID] = util.nonSymmetricClusterDistance(clusters[i], clusters[newID])
    # calculate the minpair: 
    # inner min finds the minpairs for each row, outer min finds overall minpair 
    minpair = min([(i,min(matrix[i], key=lambda z:matrix[i].get(z))) for i in matrix], 
                  key=lambda p: matrix.get(p[0]).get(p[1]))    
    # Add empty distance dict for later updates
    matrix[newID] = {}
    return matrix, minpair