def main(weights, tflite_path, create_model_fn): register_tf_netbuilder_extensions() # load saved model module = importlib.import_module('models') create_model = getattr(module, create_model_fn) model = create_model() model.load_weights(weights) # first pass probe_model_singlenet(model, test_img_path="resources/ski_224.jpg") # export model to tflite export_to_tflite(model, tflite_path) print("Done !!!")
tflite_model = converter.convert() open(output_path, "wb").write(tflite_model) register_tf_netbuilder_extensions() # load saved model module = importlib.import_module('models') create_model_fn = 'create_openpose_singlenet' create_model = getattr(module, create_model_fn) path_weights = "output_singlenet/openpose_singlenet" model = create_model() model.load_weights(path_weights) # first pass probe_model_singlenet(model, test_img_path="resources/ski_224.jpg") # export model to tflite tflite_path = 'tf_lite/' tflite_path = 'tf_lite/temp.tflite' export_to_tflite(model, tflite_path) print("Done !!!") ## use tflite to predict import os import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def train(ds_train, ds_val, model, optimizer, ckpt, last_epoch, last_step, max_epochs, steps_per_epoch): train_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) train_loss_heatmap = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss_heatmap', dtype=tf.float32) train_loss_paf = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss_paf', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss_heatmap = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss_heatmap', dtype=tf.float32) val_loss_paf = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('val_loss_paf', dtype=tf.float32) current_time ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") train_log_dir = 'logs_singlenet/gradient_tape/' + current_time + '/train' train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir) val_log_dir = 'logs_singlenet/gradient_tape/' + current_time + '/val' val_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(val_log_dir) output_paf_idx = 2 output_heatmap_idx = 3 # determine start epoch in case the training has been stopped manually and resumed resume = last_step != 0 and (steps_per_epoch - last_step) != 0 if resume: start_epoch = last_epoch else: start_epoch = last_epoch + 1 # start processing for epoch in range(start_epoch, max_epochs + 1, 1): start = timer() print("Start processing epoch {}".format(epoch)) # set the initial step index depending on if you resumed the processing if resume: step = last_step + 1 data_iter = ds_train.skip(last_step) print(f"Skipping {last_step} steps (May take a few minutes)...") resume = False else: step = 0 data_iter = ds_train # process steps for x, y in data_iter: step += 1 losses, total_loss = train_one_step(model, optimizer, x, y) train_loss(total_loss) train_loss_heatmap(losses[output_heatmap_idx]) train_loss_paf(losses[output_paf_idx]) print('step=', step) if step % 10 == 0: tf.print('Epoch', epoch, f'Step {step}/{steps_per_epoch}', 'Paf1', losses[0], 'Paf2', losses[1], 'Paf3', losses[2], 'Heatmap', losses[3], 'Total loss', total_loss) with train_summary_writer.as_default(): summary_step = (epoch - 1) * steps_per_epoch + step - 1 tf.summary.scalar('loss', train_loss.result(), step=summary_step) tf.summary.scalar('loss_heatmap', train_loss_heatmap.result(), step=summary_step) tf.summary.scalar('loss_paf', train_loss_paf.result(), step=summary_step) if step % 100 == 0: figure = probe_model_singlenet( model, test_img_path="resources/ski_224.jpg") with train_summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.image("Test prediction", plot_to_image(figure), step=step) if step % 1000 == 0: ckpt.step.assign(step) ckpt.epoch.assign(epoch) save_path = print("Saved checkpoint for step {}: {}".format( step, save_path)) if step >= steps_per_epoch: break print("Completed epoch {}. Saving weights...".format(epoch)) model.save_weights(output_weights, overwrite=True) # save checkpoint at the end of an epoch ckpt.step.assign(step) ckpt.epoch.assign(epoch) # reset metrics every epoch train_loss.reset_states() train_loss_heatmap.reset_states() train_loss_paf.reset_states() end = timer() print("Epoch training time: " + str(timedelta(seconds=end - start))) # calculate validation loss print("Calculating validation losses...") for val_step, (x_val, y_val_true) in enumerate(ds_val): if val_step % 1000 == 0: print(f"Validation step {val_step} ...") y_val_pred = model(x_val) losses = [ eucl_loss(y_val_true[0], y_val_pred[0]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[0], y_val_pred[1]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[0], y_val_pred[2]), eucl_loss(y_val_true[1], y_val_pred[3]) ] total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(losses) val_loss(total_loss) val_loss_heatmap(losses[output_heatmap_idx]) val_loss_paf(losses[output_paf_idx]) val_loss_res = val_loss.result() val_loss_heatmap_res = val_loss_heatmap.result() val_loss_paf_res = val_loss_paf.result() print( f'Validation losses for epoch: {epoch} : Loss paf {val_loss_paf_res}, Loss heatmap ' f'{val_loss_heatmap_res}, Total loss {val_loss_res}') with val_summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar('val_loss', val_loss_res, step=epoch) tf.summary.scalar('val_loss_heatmap', val_loss_heatmap_res, step=epoch) tf.summary.scalar('val_loss_paf', val_loss_paf_res, step=epoch) val_loss.reset_states() val_loss_heatmap.reset_states() val_loss_paf.reset_states()