def userSignup(args, sessid=0): # password or site-precookie # password is manually chosen, but site pre-cookie should be computed from hash(siteid + rootcookie) if not MULTIUSER and sessid > 0: raise ValueError("Multiuser not enabled, sessid > 0 not allowed.") password = args.password # global userid salt = randstr(SALTLEN) passwordhash = hash(password) # always compute checks to prevent timing attacks, # that could guess if password is in use. not_new = passwordhash in data.salts not_rare = ALLOWUSERPASSWORDS and not rare(password) if not_new or not_rare: raise ValueError(SIGNUPFAIL) return userid = randstr(IDLEN) while(userid in data.users): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users? userid = randstr(IDLEN) username = args.username or "" email = or "" if username in data.names: raise ValueError("Sorry, that username is taken.") return if email in data.emails: raise ValueError("Sorry, that email address is taken.") sitecookie = hash(password + salt) # store this entire salt, because it is strictly private on the server. data.authhashes.addRow(*authHashes(userid, password, AUTHHASHES)) data.cookies.addRow(sitecookie, userid, salt) data.salts.addRow(passwordhash, salt) data.users.addRow(userid, username, email, sitecookie) if len(username): data.names.addRow(username, userid) if len(email): data.emails.addRow(email, userid, False) print(f" New user created.") print(f" User Id: '{userid}'") print(f" SiteCookie: '{sitecookie}'") name = username if len(name) == 0: name = userid
def autoSignup(args, sessid=0): password = randstr(AUTOPASSLEN) passwordhash = hash(password) while(passwordhash in data.salts): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users? password = randstr(AUTOPASSLEN) passwordhash = hash(password) SignupArguments = namedtuple('Arguments', "username password email") signupargs = SignupArguments(args.username, password, userSignup(signupargs, sessid) print(" Password: " + password)
def updatePublicAccount(userid = None, currencylookup = None, newbalance = None, balancechange = None): # TODO test this if userid == None: raise ValueError("cannot update account for 'None' user.") if currencylookup == None: raise ValueError("cannot update a 'None' account.") if newbalance == None and balancechange == None: raise ValueError("newbalance or balancechange required to update account.") if newbalance != None and balancechange != None: raise ValueError("updatePublicAccount: newbalance and balancechange were both specified. Choose one, not both.") if not currencylookup in data.currencylookup: raise ValueError("updatePublicAccount: there was no matching currency for provided 'currencylookup'") currencyid = data.currencylookup[currencylookup].CurrencyId privacctid = userid + ":" + currencyid exists = privacctid in data.privaccts balance = 0 pubacctid = None if exists: pubacctid = data.privaccts[privacctid].AcctId acct = data.pubaccts[pubacctid] balance = int(acct.Balance) else: pubacctid = randstr(IDLEN) while(pubacctid in data.pubaccts): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users? pubacctid = randstr(IDLEN) if balancechange != None: assert isinstance(balancechange, int), "balancechange was not an integer" newbalance = balance + balancechange assert isinstance(newbalance, int), "balancechange was not an integer" if newbalance < 0: raise ValueError("balance may not be less than zero.") user = data.users[userid] sitecookie = user.SiteCookie sitepostcookie = hash(sitecookie) acctversion = randstr(IDLEN) acctsecret = hash(pubacctid + ":" + acctversion + ":" + sitepostcookie) accthash = hash(pubacctid + ":" + userid + ":" + acctsecret) if exists: del data.pubaccts[pubacctid] else: data.privaccts.addRow(privacctid, pubacctid) data.pubaccts.addRow(pubacctid, acctversion, accthash, currencyid, newbalance)
def authHashes(userid, password, n): result = [] result.append(userid) for i in range(n): salt = randstr(SALTLEN) authcookie = hash(password + salt) authhash = hash(authcookie) publicsalt = salt[:SALTLEN-SALTSECRET] result.append(publicsalt) result.append(authhash) return result
def createCheck(args, sessid=0): userid = getUser(sessid) if userid == None: raise ValueError(f"You must be logged in to issue a check.") lookup = args.currency + ":" + NAMESPACE; currencyid = getCurrencyId(lookup) amt = int(args.amount) updatePublicAccount(userid, lookup, balancechange = -amt) checksecret = randstr(IDLEN) checkhash = hash(checksecret) while(checkhash in data.checks): checksecret = randstr(IDLEN) checkhash = hash(checksecret) data.checks.addRow(checkhash, currencyid, amt) print(f"Check Secret: \"{checksecret}\"") print(f"Check issued for {amt} units of {lookup}")
def newRoot(args): rootcookie = randstr(ROOTCOOKIELEN) print("root-cookie: " + rootcookie) print("TODO save")
import numpy import perfmon import yaml import webview import appdb import util import shutil import copy UIAUTOMATOR_DUMPFILE = "/sdcard/window_dump.xml" UIAUTO_DUMP_ALL = "/sdcard/win*.xml" webview_empty_re = re.compile("WebView[^/>]+/>") logger = logging.getLogger("sense") prefix = "appmodel" + util.randstr(4) last_screen_name = "appmodelLast" + util.randstr(4) + ".png" @perfmon.op("sense", "grab_full") def grab_full(dev, no_img=False): xml_hier = grab_hier_xml(dev) actname = grab_actname(dev) ret = {'xml': xml_hier, 'act': actname} if not no_img: scrfile = grab_screen(dev) ret['scr'] = scrfile return ret
def mintCoin(args, sessid=0): userid = getUser(sessid) # anonymously issued coins are all deposited into a bearer check. name = args.coinname namespace = NAMESPACE supply = int( if supply < 0: raise ValueError("Can only mint non-negative amounts of a currency.") issuer = userid anonymous = (userid == None) locked = True if anonymous else False # anonymously created currencies must be locked. lookup = name + ":" + namespace if anonymous: print("TODO: issue check for supply of anonymous currency."); pass #TODO anonymously created currencies have all their balance put into one check. elif lookup in data.currencylookup: #TODO allow issuers to issue more. raise ValueError("That currency already exists") else: currencyid = randstr(IDLEN) while(currencyid in data.currencies): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users? currencyid = randstr(IDLEN) data.currencies.addRow(currencyid, NAMESPACE, name, issuer, supply, locked) data.currencylookup.addRow(lookup, currencyid) user = data.users[userid] sitecookie = user.SiteCookie sitepostcookie = hash(sitecookie) # TODO obfuscate pubaccts # compute pubacct info acctid = randstr(IDLEN) while(acctid in data.pubaccts): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users? acctid = randstr(IDLEN) acctversion = randstr(IDLEN) # for when you update an account, do this. # while(acctversion == data.pubaccts[acctid]): # it should be okay, if the account version conflicts with a previous version, as it exists primarily, to make it difficult to track a specific account history, as account versions exist primarily to mitigate against potential replay attacks. # acctversion = randstr(IDLEN) updatePublicAccount(userid, lookup, supply) data.privaccts.addRow(userid + ":" + currencyid, acctid) acctsecret = hash(acctid + ":" + acctversion + ":" + sitepostcookie) accthash = hash(acctid + ":" + userid + ":" + acctsecret) data.pubaccts.addRow(acctid, acctversion, accthash, currencyid, supply) hint = "" if supply > 9999: power = int(math.log(supply, 10)) lead = int(supply / 10**(power-1))/10 hint = f" ({lead} x 10^{power})" print(f"Minted {supply}{hint} units of currency {lookup} to \"{user.Username}\"({userid})")
import skimage.transform import numpy import perfmon import yaml import webview import appdb import util import shutil UIAUTOMATOR_DUMPFILE = "/sdcard/window_dump.xml" UIAUTO_DUMP_ALL = "/sdcard/win*.xml" webview_empty_re = re.compile("WebView[^/>]+/>") logger = logging.getLogger("sense") prefix = "appmodel" + util.randstr(4) @perfmon.op("sense", "grab_full") def grab_full(dev, no_img=False): xml_hier = grab_hier_xml(dev) actname = grab_actname(dev) ret = {'xml': xml_hier, 'act': actname} if not no_img: scrfile = grab_screen(dev) ret['scr'] = scrfile return ret @perfmon.op("sense", "grab_xml")