def __init__(self, video_location, start_fnum=0, stop_fnum=0): self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_location) self.capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, start_fnum) self.window_name = "Damage TM Parameter Analyzer" self.start_fnum = start_fnum self.stop_fnum = stop_fnum if stop_fnum == 0: self.stop_fnum = int(self.capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) cv2.createTrackbar("Step Size", self.window_name, 1, 100, self.on_step_trackbar) cv2.createTrackbar("Delay", self.window_name, 10, 500, self.on_delay_trackbar) cv2.createTrackbar("TM ~ Off, On", self.window_name, 0, 1, self.on_tm_trackbar) self.step_size = 1 self.step_delay = 10 self.tm_flag = False # Read all ten of the damage integer images and extract a binary mask # based off of the alpha channel. Also, resize to a 360p height. self.orig_num_img, self.orig_num_mask = [None] * 10, [None] * 10 self.num_img, self.num_mask = [None] * 10, [None] * 10 for i in range(0, 10): self.orig_num_img[i], self.orig_num_mask[ i] = util.get_image_and_mask("resources/{:}.png".format(i), gray_flag=True) self.num_img[i] = util.resize_img(self.orig_num_img[i], 360 / 480) self.num_mask[i] = util.resize_img(self.orig_num_mask[i], 360 / 480) self.num_h, self.num_w = self.num_img[0].shape[:2]
def __init__(self, capture, frame_range=None, gray_flag=True, save_flag=False, show_flag=False, wait_flag=False): self.capture = capture self.gray_flag = gray_flag self.save_flag = save_flag self.show_flag = show_flag # Predetermined parameters that have been tested to work best. self.calib_w_range = (24, 30) # The possible template width values. self.conf_thresh = 0.8 # The cv2 Template Matching conf thresh. self.min_match_length_s = 30 # Minimum time of a "match" in seconds. self.num_init_frames = 30 # # of frames to init. template size. self.num_port_frames = 20 # # of frames to find port each match. self.prec_step_size = 2 # Fnum step size during precision sweep. self.max_prec_tl_gap_size = 4 # Max size of precise t.l. gaps to fill. self.max_tl_gap_size = 4 # Max size of timeline gaps to fill. self.roi_y_tolerance = 3 # The size to expand the ROI y-dimensons. self.step_size = 60 # Frame number step size during sweep. self.template_zero_radius = 2 # Size of match_mat subregion to zero. # Paramaters that are redefined later on during initialization. self.template_roi = None # A bounding box to search for templates. # Set the start/stop frame to the full video if frame_range undefined. if frame_range: self.start_fnum, self.stop_fnum = frame_range else: self.start_fnum = 0 self.stop_fnum = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # Set the wait_length for cv2.waitKey. 0 represents waiting, 1 = 1ms. if wait_flag: self.wait_length = 0 else: self.wait_length = 1 # Read the percentage sign image file and extract a binary mask based # off of the alpha channel. Also, resize to the 360p base height. self.orig_pct_img, self.orig_pct_mask = util.get_image_and_mask( "resources/pct.png", gray_flag) self.pct_img = util.resize_img(self.orig_pct_img, 360 / 480) self.pct_mask = util.resize_img(self.orig_pct_mask, 360 / 480)
def download(url, file, size=0): tries = 0 while tries < 10: try: response = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=3) if response.status_code == 200: if size > 0: img = np.asarray(bytearray(response.content), dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(img, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img = resize_img(img, size, 255) cv2.imwrite(file.replace('.png', '.jpg'), img) else: with open(file, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) lock.release() return except: tries += 1 if tries >= 10: print("Failed to Download Image {}".format(file), flush=True) lock.release() return # print("Retry to Download Image {}".format(file), flush=True) continue lock.release()
def __getitem__(self, idx): ''' Params: idx (integer): the index of the image we want to look at Returns: x (array): the transformed numpy array representing the image we want y (list): list of labels associated with the image ''' # get prediction labels y = list(self.df.iloc[idx][list(self.label_cols)]) if self.mode == "CheXpert": y = torch.tensor(y) # get images path = CHEXPERT_DIR / self.df.iloc[idx]["Path"] x = cv2.imread(str(path), 0) # tranform images x = util.resize_img(x, self.resize_shape) x = Image.fromarray(x).convert('RGB') if self.data_transform is not None: x = self.data_transform(x) return x, y
def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.img_list[index % len(self.img_list)] img = cv2.imread(img_path) #transform to torchtensor _, img_tensor = util.resize_img(img, self.net_h, self.net_w) img_tensor = img_tensor[0] #label load label_path = self.label_list[index % len(self.label_list)] label_np = np.loadtxt(label_path).reshape(-1, 5) label = torch.from_numpy(label_np) height, width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] if len(label) == 0: return None, None, None #transform to (x,y,w,h) in resized image scaling = min(self.net_h / height, self.net_w / width) label[:, 1] *= width label[:, 1] *= scaling label[:, 1] += (self.net_w - width * scaling) / 2 label[:, 1] /= self.net_w label[:, 2] *= height label[:, 2] *= scaling label[:, 2] += (self.net_h - height * scaling) / 2 label[:, 2] /= self.net_h label[:, 3] *= width * scaling label[:, 3] /= self.net_w label[:, 4] *= height * scaling label[:, 4] /= self.net_h if self.augment: if np.random.random() < 0.5: img, label = horisontal_flip(img_tensor, label) return img_path, img_tensor, label
def load_feature(img_path): img = util.cv_imread(img_path) norm_img = img / 255. resized_img = util.resize_img(norm_img, size) crop = cv2.resize(resized_img, (size, size)) return crop
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 6 11:26:49 2019 @author: hasee """ import yolov3 import util import torch import cv2 num_classes=1 confidence=0.3 nms_theshold=0.4 classes=util.load_classes('data/animeface.names') model=yolov3.yolov3_darknet('cfg/animeface.cfg') #model.load_weights('weights/yolov3.weights') model.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) img=cv2.imread('samples/test2.png') net_h,net_w=int(model.net_info['height']),int(model.net_info['width']) new_img,img_tensor=util.resize_img(img,net_h,net_w) _,prediction=model(img_tensor,torch.cuda.is_available()) prediction=util.write_results(prediction,confidence,num_classes) write_img=util.writebox(img,model,prediction,classes) cv2.imwrite('test.png',write_img)
def get_direction(dists): # right now there is no laser scanner for true dists so # obstacle avoidance is very basic return np.argmin(dists) ts = time.time() time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') img_dir = f'img/{time_str}' util.mkdir_if_missing(img_dir) count = 0 while rval: board = np.zeros((2 * height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) rval, raw_image = raw_image = util.resize_img(raw_image) image = util.prep_image_for_model(raw_image) depth = inference_model.inference_depth(image, sess) depth = np.squeeze(depth) norm_depth = util.normalize_depth(depth) depth_rgb = util.depth_to_rgb(depth) depth_rgb *= 255 depth_rgb = depth_rgb.astype(np.uint8) dists = get_dists(norm_depth) direction = get_direction(dists) raw_image = cv2.cvtColor(raw_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) depth_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(depth_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) board[:height, :, :] = raw_image board[height:, :, :] = depth_bgr board = draw_regions(board) board = draw_direction(board, direction)
def load_feature(img_path): img = util.cv_imread(img_path) norm_img = img / 255. resized_img = util.resize_img(norm_img, config.INPUT_SIZE) crop = cv2.resize(resized_img, (config.INPUT_SIZE, config.INPUT_SIZE)) return crop