Example #1
    def __create_table_query(self, columns):
            "Dropping existing table - {schema}.{table_name}".format(
                schema=self.schema, table_name=self.table))
        q = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {schema}.{table_name};".format(
            schema=self.schema, table_name=self.table)
        run_query(self.conn, q)

        q = "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {schema};CREATE TABLE {schema}.{table_name} (".format(
            schema=self.schema, table_name=self.table)
        for column in columns:
            q += "{column_name} VARCHAR(8000),".format(column_name=column)

        q = q[:-1] + ");"
        return q
def get_operating_hours_by_month(start_date, end_date, trainId):
    query = (
        " SELECT HISTOGRAM(loggedAt, INTERVAL 1 hour) as h, vobcid from dlr_train_move"
        "  where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' and vobcid ={} group by vobcid, h"
    ).format(start_date, end_date, trainId)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return len(L.index)
def get_switch_linechart_data(switchId, start_date, end_date):
    query = (
        "SELECT switchCommand, switchCommandDesc,statusDesc,positionDesc, loggedAt, switchId from dlr_switch_move"
        " where switchId = {} and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
        " order by loggedAt ").format(switchId, start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
Example #4
def get_faultcount_by_vobcid_loc_date(start_date, end_date, vobcid, fault_code, location, velocity_dropdown = None, apstatus = None):
    faults = ''
    vobcs = ''
    loc = ''
    veld = ''
    apstat = ''
    if (fault_code != -1 ):
        faults = " and faultCode  = {}".format(fault_code)    
    if (vobcid != -1 ):
        vobcs = " and vobcid = {}".format(vobcid)    
    if (location is not None ):
        loc = " and locationName = '{}'".format(location)   
    if velocity_dropdown is 0: 
        veld = " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity_dropdown is 1: 
        veld = " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = false"

    start_date,end_date = util.date2str2(start_date,end_date)
    query = ("SELECT HISTOGRAM(loggedAt, INTERVAL 1 DAY) as date, count(loggedAt) as FaultCount" 
            " from dlr_vobc_fault" 
            " where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' and faultCodeSet = true  {} {} {} {} {}" 
            " GROUP BY date").format(start_date, end_date, vobcs, faults, loc, veld, apstat)
    df = util.run_query(query)

    return df
Example #5
def get_fault_name(faultCode):
    query = ("SELECT faultName FROM dlr_vobc_fault "
    " where faultCode = {} group by faultName").format(faultCode)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    if L.empty == False:
        return L["faultName"].tolist()
    return []
def get_commLoss_by_vobcid_loc(start_date,

    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    veld = ''
    apstat = ''
    commT = ''
    if velocity_dropdown is 0:
        veld = " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity_dropdown is 1:
        veld = " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1:
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0:
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = false"
    if commtype is not None and commtype != -1:
        commT = " and commType = {}".format(commtype)

    query = (
        "SELECT vobcid, locationName, count(commType) as commLossCount from dlr_vobc_comloss"
        " where commType > 0 and commType < 6 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} {} {}"
        " group by vobcid, locationName"
        " order by commLossCount desc"
        " LIMIT 300").format(start_date, end_date, veld, apstat, commT)

    df = util.run_query(query)
    if df is None:
        df = pd.DataFrame()
    return df
def get_train_mileage_by_loop(vobcid, start_date, end_date):
    query = (
        "SELECT HISTOGRAM(loggedAt, INTERVAL 30 MINUTES) as time, loopName, SUM(distance) as Distance FROM dlr_train_move "
        " where vobcid = {} and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' group by time, loopName"
    ).format(vobcid, start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
def get_commLoss_list(start_date,
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = "SELECT vobcid, parentTrainId, loggedAt, velocity, activePassiveStatus, locationName, commType from dlr_vobc_comloss where commType > 0 and commType < 6 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'".format(
        start_date, end_date)

    if vobc_id is not None and vobc_id != -1:
        query += " and vobcid = {}".format(vobc_id)
    if (location is not None):
        query += " and locationName = '{}'".format(location)
    if velocity is 0:
        query += " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity is 1:
        query += " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1:
        query += " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0:
        query += " and activePassiveStatus = false"
    if commtype is not None and commtype != -1:
        query += " and commType = {}".format(commtype)

    df = util.run_query(query)

    if df is None:
        df = pd.DataFrame()

    return df
Example #9
def get_faultcount_by_vobcid_loc(start_date, end_date,fault_code, velocity_dropdown = None, apstatus = None ):
    start_date,end_date = util.date2str2(start_date,end_date)
    faults = ''
    veld = ''
    apstat = ''
    if (fault_code != -1 ):
        faults = " and faultCode  = {}".format(fault_code)   
    if velocity_dropdown is 0: 
        veld = " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity_dropdown is 1: 
        veld = " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = false"

    query = ("SELECT vobcid, locationName, count(vobcid) as FaultCount from dlr_vobc_fault"
                " where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' and faultCodeSet = true {} {} {}" 
                " group by vobcid, locationName"
                " order by FaultCount desc"
                " LIMIT 300").format(start_date, end_date, faults, veld, apstat)
    df = util.run_query(query)

    return df
def get_mileage_by_train(start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = (
        "SELECT vobcid, SUM(distance)/1000 as Distance FROM dlr_train_move "
        " where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' group by vobcid").format(
            start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
def get_fleet_daily_mileage(start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = (
        "SELECT loggedDate, SUM(distance)/1000 as daily_distance FROM dlr_train_move "
        " where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' group by loggedDate"
    ).format(start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
Example #12
    def __import_file(self):
        content = pd.read_csv(self.file_path)
        columns = list(content.columns)
        columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in columns]
        create_table_query = self.__create_table_query(columns)
        self.logger.info("Creating table {schema}.{table_name}".format(
            schema=self.schema, table_name=self.table))
        run_query(self.conn, create_table_query)

        self.logger.info("Importing file...")
            "  COPY {schema}.{table} FROM '{file_path}' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"
        self.logger.info("Import Completed!")
def get_trainId(start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = (
        "SELECT vobcid from dlr_train_move where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' "
        " group by vobcid").format(start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    L = L["vobcid"].tolist()
    return L
Example #14
def get_posts_ids(limit, offset):
    key = create_posts_keys(limit, offset)
    latest = memcache.get(key)
    if latest is None:
        keys = util.run_query(create_posts_query(), limit, offset=offset, keys_only=True)
        latest = ','.join([str(k.id()) for k in keys])
        memcache.add(key, latest, 86400)
    return [long(k) for k in latest.split(',')]
Example #15
def get_vobc_fault_list(start_date, end_date,faultCode):
    start_date, end_date  = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = ("SELECT loggedAt, faultCodeSet, faultCode,parentTrainId, vehicleName,"
    " vobcid, activePassiveStatus as VobcStatus, locationName, loopName, velocity, "
    " faultDescription FROM dlr_vobc_fault where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' and faultCode = {}"
    " and faultCodeSet = true").format(start_date, end_date, faultCode)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
Example #16
def get_fault_names(start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date  = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = ("SELECT faultName FROM dlr_vobc_fault "
    " where faultCode > 0 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' group by faultName").format(start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    if L.empty == False:
        return L["faultName"].tolist()
    return []
def get_switchId(start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    query = (
        "SELECT switchId from dlr_switch_move where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' "
        " group by switchId").format(start_date, end_date)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    L = L["switchId"].tolist()
    return L
def get_unlock_count(start_date, end_date):
    query = (
        "SELECT switchId, COUNT(*) as count from dlr_switch_move"
        " where interval > 0 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
        " and intervalDesc in ('Moving Time to Left' , 'Moving Time to Right' ) "
        " and duration >= 10  group by switchId").format(start_date, end_date)

    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
Example #19
def get_fault_types_per_day(start_date, end_date, vobcid = None):
    start_date, end_date  = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    if vobcid is not None:
        x = ("and vobcid = {}").format(vobcid)
        x = ""
    query = ("SELECT HISTOGRAM(loggedAt, INTERVAL 1 Day) as loggedDay, faultName, count(*) as faultcount FROM dlr_vobc_fault "
    " where faultCode > 0 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} group by faultName, loggedDay").format(start_date, end_date, x)
    L = util.run_query(query)
    return L
Example #20
def index(page):
    tag = util.param('tag')
    y = util.param('year')
    m = util.param('month')
    if tag or y or m:
        return abort(404)

    posts = create_posts_query()
    title = ''

    if page > 1:
        title = u" {0}-я страница".format(page)

    all_posts = util.run_query(create_posts_query())

    archieve = {}
    for year_and_month, group in itertools.groupby(all_posts, key=lambda post: (post.created.year, post.created.month)):
        if year_and_month[0] not in archieve:
            archieve[year_and_month[0]] = []
        # iterate each month in the year and month group
        for m, months in itertools.groupby(group, key=lambda p: p.created.month):
            posts_count = len(filter(None, months))
            item = (m, posts_count)

    # all posts for each year counting
    for y in archieve:
        total = 0
        for year_and_month in archieve[y]:
            total += year_and_month[1]
        item = (y, total)
        # all posts for a year fake item to output year's statistic
        archieve[y].insert(0, item)

    posts = get_paginator(util.run_query(posts), page)

    return render_template(
def get_switch_data(switchId, start_date, end_date):
    query = (
        "SELECT switchCommand, switchCommandDesc,statusDesc,positionDesc, loggedAt, switchId from dlr_switch_move"
        " where switchId = {} and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
        " order by loggedAt ").format(switchId, start_date, end_date)
    df = util.run_query(query)
    if df.empty == True:
    df = df.set_index("loggedAt")
    df = df.between_time("6:00", "00:00")
    df = df.reset_index()
    return df
def get_unique_vobcid_list(start_date, end_date, trainId):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    if trainId == None or end_date == None or start_date == None:
        return []
    query = ("SELECT vobcid from dlr_train_move"
             " where trainId = '{}' and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
             " group by vobcid").format(trainId, start_date, end_date)

    df = util.run_query(query)
    if df is None or df.empty:
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        return df

    df = df['vobcid'].unique()
    return df
Example #23
def get_first_fault_time(op_date, fault_code, vobc_id):
    op_date = util.str2date1(op_date)

    query = ("SELECT min(loggedAt) as fcStart"
            " from dlr_vobc_fault"
            " where faultCode = {} and vobcid ={} and loggedDate = '{}'").format(fault_code, vobc_id,  op_date.date())

    df = util.run_query(query)

    if (df is None):
        return op_date
    dt_str = numpy.datetime_as_string(df['fcStart'][0].to_datetime64(), unit='s')

    return dateparser.parse(dt_str)
Example #24
def posts_json():
    year = util.param('year', int)
    month = util.param('month', int)
    q = create_posts_query()
    if year:
        if year and month:
            current_month = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)
            next_month = util.add_months(datetime.datetime(year, month, 1), 1)
            current_month = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)
            next_month = datetime.datetime(year+1, 1, 1)

        q = q.filter(Post.created >= current_month, Post.created < next_month)
        q = util.run_query(q)
        tag = util.param('tag')
        if tag:
            q = q.filter(Post.tags.IN([tag]))
            q = util.run_query(q)
            offset = util.param('offset', int) or 0
            limit = util.param('limit', int) or config.ATOM_FEED_LIMIT
            q = util.run_query(q, limit, offset=offset)
    return util.jsonify_model_dbs(q)
Example #25
def get_count_location(fault_code, start_date, end_date, vobcid):
    fault_condition = ''
    vobc_condition = ''
    if (fault_code != -1 ):
        fault_condition = " and faultCode  = {}".format(fault_code)    
    if (vobcid != -1 ):
        vobc_condition = " and vobcid = {}".format(vobcid)    

    start_date,end_date = util.date2str2(start_date,end_date)

    query = ("SELECT faultName, faultCode, locationName as LocationName, count(*) as FaultCount"
            " from dlr_vobc_fault"
            " where vobcid <=300 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} {}" 
            " group by faultName, faultCode, locationName  LIMIT 5000").format(start_date, end_date, fault_condition, vobc_condition)
    df = util.run_query(query)
    return df
def get_commLoss(start_date, end_date, vobcid):

    if vobcid == None or end_date == None or start_date == None:
        return pd.DataFrame()

    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)

    query = ("SELECT commLossCount, loggedAt, velocity from dlr_train_move"
             " where vobcid = '{}' and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
             ).format(vobcid, start_date, end_date)

    df = util.run_query(query)
    if df is None:
        df = pd.DataFrame()

    return df
Example #27
def recent_feed():
    feed = AtomFeed('{0} feed'.format(config.CONFIG_DB.brand_name),
                    feed_url=flask.request.url, url=flask.request.url_root)
    limit = config.ATOM_FEED_LIMIT
    if util.param('limit'):
        limit = util.param('limit', int)

    articles = util.run_query(create_posts_query(), limit)

    make_external = lambda url: urljoin(flask.request.url_root, url)

    for article in articles:
        feed.add(article.title, unicode(article.short_text),
                 author="Alexander Egorov",
                 url=make_external(flask.url_for('news.post', key_id=article.key.id())),
    return feed.get_response()
def get_trainmove(parent_id, start_date, end_date):
    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)
    if (parent_id == None or parent_id == -1):
        return None

    query = (
        "SELECT activePassiveStatus, loggedAt, loggedDate, loopName, velocity, vobcid, trainId, maximumVelocity, doorCmd, doorStatus"
        " from dlr_train_move "
        " where trainId = {} and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'"
        " order by loggedAt LIMIT 10000 ").format(parent_id, start_date,

    df = util.run_query(query)

    if df is not None and not df.empty:
        df['doorStatus'] = df['doorStatus'].apply(lambda x: x * 10 - 35)
        df['doorCmd'] = df['doorCmd'].apply(lambda x: x * 10 - 35)
        df['loggedAt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['loggedAt'])

    return df
Example #29
  def page(self, number):
    "Returns a Page object for the given 1-based page number."
    number = self.validate_number(number)
    bottom = (number - 1) * self.per_page
    # Get one more entity than requested to see if 
    # we have one more page
    if type(self.object_list) == list:
        top = bottom + self.per_page
        page_items = self.object_list[bottom:top+1]
        page_items = run_query(self.object_list, self.per_page, offset=bottom)
    if not page_items:
      if number == 1 and self.allow_empty_first_page:
        raise EmptyPage('That page contains no results')

    # Check if there is a next page
    has_next = number < self.num_pages
    return Page(page_items[:self.per_page], number, self, has_next)
def get_commLoss_by_vobcid_loc_date(start_date,

    vobcs = ''
    loc = ''
    veld = ''
    apstat = ''
    commT = ''
    if (vobcid != -1):
        vobcs = " and vobcid = {}".format(vobcid)
    if (location is not None):
        loc = " and locationName = '{}'".format(location)
    if velocity_dropdown is 0:
        veld = " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity_dropdown is 1:
        veld = " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1:
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0:
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = false"
    if commtype is not None and commtype != -1:
        commT = " and commType = {}".format(commtype)

    start_date, end_date = util.date2str2(start_date, end_date)

    query = (
        "SELECT HISTOGRAM(loggedAt, INTERVAL 1 DAY) as date, count(*) as commLossCount"
        " from dlr_vobc_comloss"
        " where commType > 0 and commType < 6 and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} {} {} {} {}"
        " GROUP BY date").format(start_date, end_date, vobcs, loc, veld,
                                 apstat, commT)

    df = util.run_query(query)

    return df
Example #31
def get_fault_list(start_date,end_date, vobc_id = None, faultCode = None, location = None, velocity= None, apstatus = None):
    start_date,end_date = util.date2str2(start_date,end_date)
    query = "SELECT vobcid, parentTrainId, faultName, faultCode, loggedAt, velocity, faultCodeSet, activePassiveStatus, locationName from dlr_vobc_fault where loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}'".format(start_date,end_date)

    if vobc_id is not None and vobc_id != -1:
        query += " and vobcid = {}".format(vobc_id)
    if faultCode is not None and faultCode != 0 and faultCode != -1:
        query += " and faultCode = {}".format(faultCode)
    if (location is not None ):
        query += " and locationName = '{}'".format(location)
    if velocity is 0: 
        query += " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity is 1: 
        query += " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1: 
        query += " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0: 
        query += " and activePassiveStatus = false"

    df = util.run_query(query)
    return df
Example #32
def get_count_trend(fault_code, start_date, end_date, vobcid, velocity = None, apstatus = None):
    fault_condition = ''
    vobc_condition = ''
    veld = ''
    apstat = ''
    if (fault_code != -1 ):
        fault_condition = " and faultCode  = {}".format(fault_code)    
    if (vobcid != -1 ):
        vobc_condition = " and vobcid = {}".format(vobcid)     
    if velocity is 0: 
        veld = " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity is 1: 
        veld = " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0: 
        apstat = " and activePassiveStatus = false"

    query = ("SELECT faultName, faultCode, loggedDate as LoggedDate, count(*) as FaultCount"
            " from dlr_vobc_fault"
            " where vobcid <=300 and faultCodeSet = True and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} {} {} {}" 
            " group by faultName, faultCode, loggedDate  LIMIT 5000").format(start_date, end_date, fault_condition, vobc_condition, veld, apstat)
    df = util.run_query(query)
    return df
Example #33
def get_count_by(fault_code, start_date, end_date, velocity = None, apstatus = None):
    fault_condition = ''
    apstat =''
    vel = ''
    if (fault_code != -1):
        fault_condition = " and faultCode = {}".format(fault_code)
    if velocity is 0: 
        vel += " and velocity = 0"
    if velocity is 1: 
        vel += " and NOT(velocity = 0)"
    if apstatus is 1: 
        apstat += " and activePassiveStatus = true"
    if apstatus is 0: 
        apstat += " and activePassiveStatus = false"
    start_date,end_date = util.date2str2(start_date,end_date)

    query = ("SELECT faultName, faultCode, vobcid as VOBCID, count(*) as FaultCount"
             " from dlr_vobc_fault "
             " where vobcid <= 300 and faultCodeSet = True and loggedAt >= '{}' and loggedAt < '{}' {} {} {} "
             " group by faultName, faultCode, vobcid "
             " LIMIT 10000 ").format( start_date, end_date, fault_condition, vel, apstat)
    df = util.run_query(query)
    return df
Example #34
def test_runquery():
    df = util.run_query(
        "SELECT faultName, loggedAt, velocity from dlr_vobc_fault where loggedAt >= '2014-01-01T00:00:00' and loggedAt < '2015-04-25T00:13:26.017995' LIMIT 2000 "
    assert df['loggedAt'].count() > 100
Example #35
def get_all_fault():
    query = "SELECT faultName, faultCode, count(*) as FaultCount from dlr_vobc_fault group by faultName, faultCode LIMIT 50"
    df = util.run_query(query)
    return df