Example #1
def sum_in_date(x='date', y='net_sales', filter_dict=None, model='WikiItem', app=DEFAULT_APP, sort=True, limit=100000):
    Count the number of records for each discrete (categorical) value of a field and return a dict of two lists, the field values and the counts.

    >>> from django.db import connection
    >>> connection.close()
    >>> x, y = sum_in_date(y='net_sales', filter_dict={'model__startswith': 'LC60'}, model='WikiItem', limit=5, sort=1)
    >>> len(x) == len(y) == 5
    >>> y[1] >= y[0]
    sort = sort_prefix(sort)
    model = get_model(model, app)
    filter_dict = filter_dict or {}
    objects = model.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
    # only the x values are now in the queryset (datetime information)
    objects = objects.values(x)
    objects = objects.annotate(y=models.Sum(y))

    if sort is not None:
        # FIXME: this duplicates the dict of lists sort below
        objects = objects.order_by(sort + 'y')
    objects = objects.all()
    if limit:
        objects = objects[:int(limit)]
    objects = util.sod_transposed(objects)
    if sort is not None:
        objects = sorted_dict_of_lists(objects, field_names=['y', x], reverse=bool(sort=='-'))
    if not x in objects or not 'y' in objects:
        return [], []
        return objects[x], objects['y']
Example #2
def count_in_category(x='call_type', filter_dict=None, model=DEFAULT_MODEL, app=DEFAULT_APP, sort=True, limit=1000):
    Count the number of records for each discrete (categorical) value of a field and return a dict of two lists, the field values and the counts.

    >>> x, y = count_in_category(x='call_type', filter_dict={'model__startswith': 'LC60'}, limit=5, sort=1)
    >>> len(x) == len(y) == 5
    >>> y[1] >= y[0]
    sort = sort_prefix(sort)
    model = get_model(model, app)
    filter_dict = filter_dict or {}

    x = fuzzy.extractOne(str(x), model._meta.get_all_field_names())[0]    

    objects = model.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
    objects = objects.values(x)
    objects = objects.annotate(y=models.Count(x))
    if sort is not None:
        objects = objects.order_by(sort + 'y')
    objects = objects.all()
    if limit:
        objects = objects[:int(limit)]
    objects = normalize_choices(util.sod_transposed(objects), field_name=x, app=app, human_readable=True)
    if not objects:
        return None
    objects = consolidated_counts(objects, field_name=x, count_name='y')
    if sort is not None:
        objects = sorted_dict_of_lists(objects, field_names=['y', x], reverse=bool(sort))
    return objects[x], objects['y']
Example #3
def count_in_date(x='date_time', filter_dict=None, model=DEFAULT_MODEL, app=DEFAULT_APP, sort=True, limit=100000):
    Count the number of records for each discrete (categorical) value of a field and return a dict of two lists, the field values and the counts.

    >>> from django.db import connection
    >>> connection.close()
    >>> x, y = count_in_date(x='date', filter_dict={'model__icontains': 'LC5'}, limit=5, sort=1)
    >>> len(x) == len(y) == 5
    >>> y[1] >= y[0]
    sort = sort_prefix(sort)
    model = get_model(model, app)
    filter_dict = filter_dict or {}

    x = fuzzy.extractOne(str(x), model._meta.get_all_field_names())[0]    

    objects = model.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
    objects = objects.extra({'date_bin_for_counting': 'date(%s)' % x})
    objects = objects.values('date_bin_for_counting')
    objects = objects.annotate(count_of_records_per_date_bin=models.Count('pk'))
    # FIXME: this duplicates the dict of lists sort below
    if sort is not None:
        objects = objects.order_by(sort + 'date_bin_for_counting')
    objects = objects.all()
    if limit:
        objects = objects[:int(limit)]
    objects = util.sod_transposed(objects)
    if sort is not None:
        objects = sorted_dict_of_lists(objects, field_names=['count_of_records_per_date_bin', 'date_bin_for_counting'], reverse=bool(sort))
    return objects['date_bin_for_counting'], objects['count_of_records_per_date_bin']
Example #4
def sequence_from_filter_spec(field_names, filter_dict=None, model=DEFAULT_MODEL, app=DEFAULT_APP, sort=None, limit=5000):
    field_names = listify(field_names)
    # TODO: enable +1 to mean increasing order on 1st column
    sort_char = sort_prefix(sort)
    model = get_model(model, app)
    filter_dict = filter_dict or {}
    objects = model.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
    # only the x values are now in the queryset (datetime information)
    objects = objects.values(*field_names)
    if sort is not None:
        # FIXME: this duplicates the dict of lists sort below
        objects = objects.order_by(sort_char + field_names[-1])
    objects = objects.all()
    if limit:
        objects = objects[:int(limit)]
    objects = util.sod_transposed(objects)
    if sort is not None:
        if len(field_names) > 1:
            objects = sorted_dict_of_lists(objects, field_names=[field_names[-1]] + field_names[:-1], reverse=bool(sort_prefix))
            objects = sorted_dict_of_lists(objects, field_names=field_names, reverse=bool(sort))
    return tuple(objects[fn] for fn in field_names)
Example #5
def format_fields(x, y, filter_dict={'model__startswith': 'LC60'}, model=DEFAULT_MODEL, app=DEFAULT_APP, count_x=None, count_y=None, order_by=None, limit=1000, aggregate=None, sum_x=None, sum_y=None):
    model = get_model(model, app)
    if order_by in ('x', 'y', '+x', '+y', '-x', '-y', x, y, '+' + x, '+' + y, '-' + x, '-' + y):
        order_by += '_value'

    if isinstance(x, basestring):
        count_x = bool(count_x) or x.endswith('__count')
        count_y = bool(count_y)or y.endswith('__count')
        objects = model.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
        if aggregate:
            objects = objects.extra({'x_value': aggregate})
            objects = objects.values('x_value')
            x = 'x_value'
            objects = objects.annotate(y_value=models.Count('pk'))
            y = 'y_value'
            if count_x:
                objects = objects.annotate(x_value=models.Count(x))
                x = 'x_value'
            if count_y:
                objects = objects.annotate(y_value=models.Count(y))
                y = 'y_value'
            if sum_x:
                objects = objects.annotate(x_value=models.Sum(x))
                x = 'x_value'
            if sum_y:
                objects = objects.annotate(y_value=models.Sum(y))
                y = 'y_value'
        objects = objects.values(x, y)
        if order_by:
            objects = objects.order_by(order_by)
        objects = objects.all()
        if limit:
            objects = objects[:limit]
    return util.sod_transposed(objects)