Example #1
def main():
    ping = hours_per_ping = settings.gap / 3600

    if len(sys.argv) != 3 or settings.beemauth is None:
    ttlf = sys.argv[1]     # tagtime log filename
    usrslug = sys.argv[2]  # like alice/weight
    m = re.search(r"^(?:.*?(?:\.\/)?data\/)?([^\+\/\.]*)[\+\/]([^\.]*)", usrslug)
    if not m:
    usr, slug = m.groups();

    beem = beemapi.Beeminder(settings.beemauth, usr)

    # beef = bee file (cache of data on bmndr)
    beef = os.path.join(settings.path, '{}+{}.bee'.format(usr, slug))

    #if(defined(@beeminder)) { # for backward compatibility
    #  print "Deprecation warning: Get your settings file in line!\n";
    #  print "Specifically, 'beeminder' should be a hash, not an arry.\n";
    #  for(@beeminder) {
    #    @stuff = split(/\s+/, $_); # usrslug and tags
    #    $us = shift(@stuff);
    #    $beeminder{$us} = [@stuff];
    #  }

    crit = settings.beeminder.get(usrslug)
    if crit is None:
        raise ValueError("Can't determine which tags match {}".format(usrslug))

    # ph (ping hash) maps "y-m-d" to number of pings on that day.
    # sh (string hash) maps "y-m-d" to the beeminder comment string for that day.
    # bh (beeminder hash) maps "y-m-d" to the bmndr ID of the datapoint on that day.
    # ph1 and sh1 are based on the current tagtime log and
    # ph0 and sh0 are based on the cached .bee file or beeminder-fetched data.
    ph = defaultdict(int)
    sh = defaultdict(str)
    bh = {}
    ph1 = defaultdict(int)
    sh1 = defaultdict(str)
    ph0 = defaultdict(int)
    sh0 = defaultdict(str)
    start = time.time()   # start and end are the earliest and latest times we will
    end   = 0             # need to care about when updating beeminder.
    # bflag is true if we need to regenerate the beeminder cache file. reasons we'd
    # need to: 1. it doesn't exist or is empty; 2. any beeminder IDs are missing
    # from the cache file; 3. there are multiple datapoints for the same day.
        bflag = not os.stat(beef).st_size
    except FileNotFoundError:
        bflag = True
    bf1 = False
    bf2 = False
    bf3 = False
    bf4 = False  # why bflag?
    if bflag:
        bf1 = True

    remember = {} # remember which dates we've already seen in the cache file
        with open(beef, 'r') as B:
            for line in B:
                m = re.search(r'''
                (\d+)\s+		  # year
                (\d+)\s+		  # month
                (\d+)\s+		  # day
                (\S+)\s+		  # value
                "(\d+)			  # number of pings
                (?:[^\n\"\(:]*) # currently the string " ping(s)"
                :                 # the ": " after " pings"
                ([^\[]*)          # the comment string (no brackets)
                (?:\[             # if present,
                bID\:([^\]]*)     # the beeminder ID, in brackets
                \])?              # end bracket for "[bID:abc123]"
                              ''', line, re.VERBOSE)
                # XXX if not m set an error flag and continue
                y, m, d, v, p, c, b = m.groups()
                y = int(y)
                m = int(m)
                d = int(d)
                p = int(p)
                c = c.strip()
                ts = '{:04}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(y, m, d)

                ph0[ts] = p
                #$ph0{$ts} = $p;
                #$c =~ s/\s+$//;
                #m = re.match(r'\s+$/', c)
                sh0[ts] = c
                bh[ts] = b
                t = time.mktime((y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))
                if t < start:
                    start = t
                if t > end:
                    end = t
                if not b:
                    bflag = True
                    bf2 += 1
                    if bf2 == 1:
                        print("Problem with this line in cache file:\n{}".format(line))
                    elif bf2 == 2:
                        print("Additional problems with cache file, which is expected if this "
                              "is your first time updating TagTime with the new Bmndr API.\n")
                if remember.get(ts):
                    bflag = bf3 = True
                remember[ts] = True;
    except IOError:
        bflag = True
        bf4 = True

    if bflag: # re-slurp all the datapoints from beeminder
        ph0 = defaultdict(int)
        sh0 = defaultdict(str)
        bh = {}
        start = time.time() # reset these since who knows what happened to
        end   = 0           # them when we calculated them from the cache file
        # we decided to toss.

        #my $tmp = $beef;  $tmp =~ s/(?:[^\/]*\/)*//; # strip path from filename
        tmp = os.path.basename(beef)
        if bf1:
            print("Cache file missing or empty ({}); recreating... ".format(tmp))
        elif bf2:
            print("Cache file doesn't have all the Bmndr IDs; recreating... ")
        elif bf3:
            print("Cache file has duplicate Bmndr IDs; recreating... ")
        elif bf4:
            print("Couldn't read cache file; recreating... ")
        else:   # this case is impossible
            print("Recreating Beeminder cache ({})[{bf1}{bf2}{bf3}{bf4}]... ".format(
                bf1=bf1, bf2=bf2, bf3=bf3, bf4=bf4

        data = beem.data(slug)
        print("[Bmndr data fetched]")

        # take one pass to delete any duplicates on bmndr; must be one datapt per day
        #i = 0;
        remember = {}
        newdata = []
        for x in data:
            tm = time.localtime(x["timestamp"])
            y, m, d = tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday
            timetuple = time.localtime(x['timestamp'])
            # XXX okay so we're using localtime here, but
            # does this change if/when generalized
            # midnight is rolled out, etc?
            ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', timetuple)
            b = x['id']
            if remember.get(ts) is not None:
                print("Beeminder has multiple datapoints for the same day. "
                      "The other id is {}. Deleting this one:".format(remember[ts]))
                beem.delete_point(slug, b)
            remember[ts] = b
            #i += 1

        data = newdata
        # for my $x (reverse(@todelete)) {
        #   splice(@$data,$x,1);
        # }
        for x in data:   # parse the bmndr data into %ph0, %sh0, %bh
            timetuple = time.localtime(x['timestamp'])
            y, m, d, *rest = timetuple
            # XXX see note above about generalized midnight
            ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', timetuple)
            #t = util.pd(ts)     # XXX isn't x['timestamp'] the unix time anyway already
            t = x['timestamp']
            if t < start:
                start = t
            if t > end:
                end = t
            v = x['value']
            c = x['comment']
            b = x['id']
            i = re.search(r'^\d+', c)
            ph0[ts] = int(i.group(0) if i else 0) # ping count is first thing in the comment
            sh0[ts] = re.sub(r'[^:]*:\s+', '', c) # drop the "n pings:" comment prefix
            # This really shouldn't happen.
            if ts in bh:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Duplicate cached/fetched id datapoints for {ts}: {bhts}, {b}.\n{val}".format(
                        ts=ts, bhts=bh[ts], b=b, val=pformat(x)))
            bh[ts] = b

        with open(ttlf) as T:
            np = 0 # number of lines (pings) in the tagtime log that match
            for line in T: # parse the tagtime log file
                m = re.search(r'^(\d+)\s*(.*)$', line)
                if not m:
                    raise ValueError("Bad line in TagTime log: " + line)
                t = int(m.group(1)) # timestamp as parsed from the tagtime log
                ts = time.localtime(t)
                stuff = m.group(2)  # tags and comments for this line of the log
                tags = util.strip(stuff)
                if tagmatch(tags, crit, ts):
                    #print('found a match for line: {}'.format(line))
                    #y, m, d, *rest = time.localtime(t)
                    ymd = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', ts)
                    ph1[ymd] += 1
                    sh1[ymd] += util.stripb(stuff) + ", "
                    np += 1
                    if t < start:
                        start = t
                    if t > end:
                        end = t
    except IOError:
        raise ValueError("Can't open TagTime log file: "+ttlf)

    # clean up $sh1: trim trailing commas, pipes, and whitespace
    # for(sort(keys(%sh1))) { $sh1{$_} =~ s/\s*(\||\,)\s*$//; }
    for key in sorted(sh1.keys()):
        sh1[key] = re.sub(r'\s*(\||,)\s*$', '', sh1[key])

    #print "Processing datapoints in: ", ts($start), " - ", ts($end), "\n";

    nquo  = 0  # number of datapoints on beeminder with no changes (status quo)
    ndel  = 0  # number of deleted datapoints on beeminder
    nadd  = 0  # number of created datapoints on beeminder
    nchg  = 0  # number of updated datapoints on beeminder
    minus = 0  # total number of pings decreased from what's on beeminder
    plus  = 0  # total number of pings increased from what's on beeminder
    ii    = 0
    for t in range(daysnap(start) - 86400, daysnap(end) + 86401, 86400):
        timetuple = time.localtime(t)
        y, m, d, *rest = timetuple
        ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', timetuple)
        b = bh.get(ts, "")
        p0 = ph0.get(ts, 0)
        p1 = ph1.get(ts, 0)
        s0 = sh0.get(ts, "")
        s1 = sh1.get(ts, "")
        if p0 == p1 and s0 == s1: # no change to the datapoint on this day
            if b:
                nquo += 1
        if not b and p1 > 0: # no such datapoint on beeminder: CREATE
            nadd += 1
            plus += p1
            point = beem.create_point(slug, value=p1*ping,
                                      timestamp=t, comment=util.splur(p1, 'ping') + ': ' + s1)
            bh[ts] = point['id']
            #print "Created: $y $m $d  ",$p1*$ping," \"$p1 pings: $s1\"\n";
        elif p0 > 0 and p1 <= 0: # on beeminder but not in tagtime log: DELETE
            ndel += 1
            minus += p0
            beem.delete_point(slug, b)
            #print "Deleted: $y $m $d  ",$p0*$ping," \"$p0 pings: $s0 [bID:$b]\"\n";
        elif p0 != p1 or s0 != s1:  # bmndr & tagtime log differ: UPDATE
            nchg += 1
            if p1 > p0:
                plus += p1 - p0
            elif p1 < p0:
                minus += p0 - p1
            beem.update_point(slug, b, value=(p1*ping),
                              comment=util.splur(p1, 'ping') + ': ' + s1)
            # If this fails, it may well be because the point being updated was deleted/
            # replaced on another machine (possibly as the result of a merge) and is no
            # longer on the server. In which case we should probably fail gracefully
            # rather than failing with an ERROR (see beemupdate()) and not fixing
            # the problem, which requires manual cache-deleting intervention.
            # Restarting the script after deleting the offending cache is one option,
            # though simply deleting the cache file and waiting for next time is less
            # Intrusive. Deleting the cache files when merging two TT logs would reduce
            # the scope for this somewhat.
            #print "Updated:\n";
            #print "$y $m $d  ",$p0*$ping," \"$p0 pings: $s0 [bID:$b]\" to:\n";
            #print "$y $m $d  ",$p1*$ping," \"$p1 pings: $s1\"\n";
            print("ERROR: can't tell what to do with this datapoint (old/new):\n")
            print(ts, p0 * ping, " \"{p0} pings: {s0} [bID:{b}]\"".format(p0=p0, s0=s0, b=b))
            print(ts, p1 * ping, " \"{p1} pings: {s1}\"\n".format(p1=p1, s1=s1))
    with open(beef, 'w') as f: # generate the new cache file
        for ts in sorted(ph1.keys()):
            y, m, d = re.split(r'-', ts)
            p = ph1[ts]
            v = p * ping
            c = sh1[ts]
            b = bh[ts]
            out = '{y} {m} {d}  {v} "{pings}: {c} [bID:{b}]"\n'.format(
                y=y, m=m, d=d, v=v, pings=util.splur(p, "ping"), c=c, b=b)
    nd = len(ph1)                 # number of datapoints
    if nd != nquo + nchg + nadd:  # sanity check
        print("\nERROR: total != nquo+nchg+nadd ({nd} != {nquo}+{nchg}+{nadd})\n".format(
            nd=nd, nquo=nquo, nchg=nchg, nadd=nadd))

    print("Datapts: {nd} (~{nquo} *{nchg} +{nadd} -{ndel}), ".format(
        nd=nd, nquo=nquo, nchg=nchg, nadd=nadd, ndel=ndel),
          "Pings: {np} (+{plus} -{minus}) ".format(np=np, plus=plus, minus=minus))
    if isinstance(crit, str):
        print("w/ tag", crit)
    elif isinstance(crit, list):
        print("w/ tags in {", ','.join(crit), "}")
    elif hasattr(crit, 'search'):
        print('matching', crit.pattern)
    elif callable(crit):
        print('satisfying lambda')
        print("(unknown-criterion: {crit})".format(crit=crit))
Example #2
    # XXX task file

    tagstr = util.strip(resp).strip()
    comments = util.stripc(resp).strip()
    #tagstr = re.sub(r'\b(\d+)\b', lambda m)
    #$tagstr =~ s//($tags{$1} eq "" ? "$1" : "$1 ").$tags{$1}/eg;
    #$tagstr =~ s/\b(\d+)\b/tsk $1/;
    tagstr += autotags
    tagstr = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', tagstr)
    a = util.annotime("{} {} {}".format(t, tagstr, comments), t)
    if (not tagstr) or\
        (not settings.enforcenums or re.search(r'\b(\d+|non|afk)\b', tagstr)):
        # if enforcenums is enabled, requires a digit or "non" or "afk" to end


# Send your TagTime log to Beeminder
#   (maybe should do this after retro pings too but launch.pl would do that).
if settings.beeminder and resp:
    print(util.divider(" sending your tagtime data to beeminder "))
    for key in settings.beeminder:
    if eflag:
        print('{}, press enter to dismiss...'.format(util.splur(eflag, 'error')))
        tmp = input()

Example #3
    # 		print "ERROR: Can't read task file ($tskf) again\n";
    # 		$eflag++;
    # 	  }
    # 	}
    # XXX task file

    tagstr = util.strip(resp).strip()
    comments = util.stripc(resp).strip()
    # tagstr = re.sub(r'\b(\d+)\b', lambda m)
    # $tagstr =~ s//($tags{$1} eq "" ? "$1" : "$1 ").$tags{$1}/eg;
    # $tagstr =~ s/\b(\d+)\b/tsk $1/;
    tagstr += autotags
    tagstr = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", tagstr)
    a = util.annotime("{} {} {}".format(t, tagstr, comments), t)
    if (not tagstr) or (not settings.enforcenums or re.search(r"\b(\d+|non|afk)\b", tagstr)):
        # if enforcenums is enabled, requires a digit or "non" or "afk" to end

# Send your TagTime log to Beeminder
# 	(maybe should do this after retro pings too but launch.pl would do that).
if settings.beeminder and resp:
    print(util.divider(" sending your tagtime data to beeminder "))
    for key in settings.beeminder:
    if eflag:
        print("{}, press enter to dismiss...".format(util.splur(eflag, "error")))
        tmp = input()