def importFountain(fileName, frame): # regular expressions for fountain markdown. # ire = re.compile( # one star r'\*' # anything but a space, then text r'([^\s].*?)' # finishing with one star r'\*' # must not be followed by star r'(?!\*)' ) bre = re.compile( # two stars r'\*\*' # must not be followed by space r'(?=\S)' # inside text r'(.+?[*_]*)' # finishing with two stars r'(?<=\S)\*\*' ) ure = re.compile( # underline r'_' # must not be followed by space r'(?=\S)' # inside text r'([^_]+)' # finishing with underline r'(?<=\S)_' ) boneyard_re = re.compile('/\\*.*?\\*/', flags=re.DOTALL) # random magicstring used to escape literal star '\*' literalstar = "Aq7RR" # returns s with markdown formatting removed. def unmarkdown(s): s = s.replace("\\*", literalstar) for style in (bre, ire, ure): s = style.sub(r'\1', s) return s.replace(literalstar, "*") data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000) if data is None: return None if len(data) == 0: wx.MessageBox("The .fountain file is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame) return None inf = [] inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import titles as action lines.")) inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Remove unsupported formatting markup.")) inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import section/synopsis as notes.")) dlg = misc.CheckBoxDlg(frame, "Fountain Import Options", inf, "Import Options:", False) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None importTitles = inf[0].selected removeMarkdown = inf[1].selected importSectSyn = inf[2].selected # pre-process data - fix newlines, remove boneyard. data = util.fixNL(data) data = boneyard_re.sub('', data) prelines = data.split("\n") for i in xrange(len(prelines)): try: util.toLatin1(prelines[i]) except: prelines[i] = util.cleanInput(u"" + prelines[i].decode('UTF-8', "ignore")) lines = [] tabWidth = 4 lns = [] sceneStartsList = ("INT", "EXT", "EST", "INT./EXT", "INT/EXT", "I/E", "I./E") TWOSPACE = " " skipone = False # First check if title lines are present: c = 0 while c < len(prelines): if prelines[c] != "": c = c+1 else: break # prelines[0:i] are the first bunch of lines, that could be titles. # Our check for title is simple: # - the line does not start with 'fade' # - the first line has a single ':' if c > 0: l = util.toInputStr(prelines[0].expandtabs(tabWidth).lstrip().lower()) if not l.startswith("fade") and l.count(":") == 1: # these are title lines. Now do what the user requested. if importTitles: # add TWOSPACE to all the title lines. for i in xrange(c): prelines[i] += TWOSPACE else: #remove these lines prelines = prelines[c+1:] for l in prelines: if l != TWOSPACE: lines.append(util.toInputStr(l.expandtabs(tabWidth))) else: lines.append(TWOSPACE) linesLen = len(lines) def isPrevEmpty(): if lns and lns[-1].text == "": return True return False def isPrevType(ltype): return (lns and lns[-1].lt == ltype) # looks ahead to check if next line is not empty def isNextEmpty(i): return (i+1 < len(lines) and lines[i+1] == "") def getPrevType(): if lns: return lns[-1].lt else: return screenplay.ACTION def isParen(s): return (s.startswith('(') and s.endswith(')')) def isScene(s): if s.endswith(TWOSPACE): return False if s.startswith(".") and not s.startswith(".."): return True tmp = s.upper() if (re.match(r'^(INT|EXT|EST)[ .]', tmp) or re.match(r'^(INT\.?/EXT\.?)[ .]', tmp) or re.match(r'^I/E[ .]', tmp)): return True return False def isTransition(s): return ((s.isupper() and s.endswith("TO:")) or (s.startswith(">") and not s.endswith("<"))) def isCentered(s): return s.startswith(">") and s.endswith("<") def isPageBreak(s): return s.startswith('===') and s.lstrip('=') == '' def isNote(s): return s.startswith("[[") and s.endswith("]]") def isSection(s): return s.startswith("#") def isSynopsis(s): return s.startswith("=") and not s.startswith("==") # first pass - identify linetypes for i in range(linesLen): if skipone: skipone = False continue s = lines[i] sl = s.lstrip() # mark as ACTION by default. line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_FORCED, screenplay.ACTION, s) # Start testing lines for element type. Go in order: # Scene Character, Paren, Dialog, Transition, Note. if s == "" or isCentered(s) or isPageBreak(s): # do nothing - import as action. pass elif s == TWOSPACE: = getPrevType() elif isScene(s): = screenplay.SCENE if sl.startswith('.'): line.text = sl[1:] else: line.text = sl elif isTransition(sl) and isPrevEmpty() and isNextEmpty(i): = screenplay.TRANSITION if line.text.startswith('>'): line.text = sl[1:].lstrip() elif s.isupper() and isPrevEmpty() and not isNextEmpty(i): = screenplay.CHARACTER if s.endswith(TWOSPACE): = screenplay.ACTION elif isParen(sl) and (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE)): = screenplay.PAREN elif (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE) or isPrevType(screenplay.PAREN)): = screenplay.DIALOGUE elif isNote(sl): = screenplay.NOTE line.text = sl.strip('[]') elif isSection(s) or isSynopsis(s): if not importSectSyn: if isNextEmpty(i): skipone = True continue = screenplay.NOTE line.text = sl.lstrip('=#') if line.text == TWOSPACE: pass elif != screenplay.ACTION: line.text = line.text.lstrip() else: tmp = line.text.rstrip() # we don't support center align, so simply add required indent. if isCentered(tmp): tmp = tmp[1:-1].strip() width = frame.panel.ctrl.sp.cfg.getType(screenplay.ACTION).width if len(tmp) < width: tmp = ' ' * ((width - len(tmp)) // 2) + tmp line.text = tmp if removeMarkdown: line.text = unmarkdown(line.text) if == screenplay.CHARACTER and line.text.endswith('^'): line.text = line.text[:-1] lns.append(line) ret = [] # second pass helper functions. def isLastLBForced(): return ret and ret[-1].lb == screenplay.LB_FORCED def makeLastLBLast(): if ret: ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST def isRetPrevType(t): return ret and ret[-1].lt == t # second pass - remove unneeded empty lines, and fix the linebreaks. for ln in lns: if ln.text == '': if isLastLBForced(): makeLastLBLast() else: ret.append(ln) elif not isRetPrevType( makeLastLBLast() ret.append(ln) else: ret.append(ln) makeLastLBLast() return ret
def importFountain(fileName, frame): # regular expressions for fountain markdown. # ire = re.compile( # one star r'\*' # anything but a space, then text r'([^\s].*?)' # finishing with one star r'\*' # must not be followed by star r'(?!\*)') bre = re.compile( # two stars r'\*\*' # must not be followed by space r'(?=\S)' # inside text r'(.+?[*_]*)' # finishing with two stars r'(?<=\S)\*\*') ure = re.compile( # underline r'_' # must not be followed by space r'(?=\S)' # inside text r'([^_]+)' # finishing with underline r'(?<=\S)_') boneyard_re = re.compile('/\\*.*?\\*/', flags=re.DOTALL) # random magicstring used to escape literal star '\*' literalstar = "Aq7RR" # returns s with markdown formatting removed. def unmarkdown(s): s = s.replace("\\*", literalstar) for style in (bre, ire, ure): s = style.sub(r'\1', s) return s.replace(literalstar, "*") data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000) if data == None: return None if len(data) == 0: wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame) return None inf = [] inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import titles as action lines.")) inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Remove unsupported formatting markup.")) inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import section/synopsis as notes.")) dlg = misc.CheckBoxDlg(frame, "Fountain import options", inf, "Import options:", False) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None importTitles = inf[0].selected removeMarkdown = inf[1].selected importSectSyn = inf[2].selected # pre-process data - fix newlines, remove boneyard. data = util.fixNL(data) data = boneyard_re.sub('', data) prelines = data.split("\n") for i in xrange(len(prelines)): try: util.toLatin1(prelines[i]) except: prelines[i] = util.cleanInput( u"" + prelines[i].decode('UTF-8', "ignore")) lines = [] tabWidth = 4 lns = [] sceneStartsList = ("INT", "EXT", "EST", "INT./EXT", "INT/EXT", "I/E", "I./E") TWOSPACE = " " skipone = False # First check if title lines are present: c = 0 while c < len(prelines): if prelines[c] != "": c = c + 1 else: break # prelines[0:i] are the first bunch of lines, that could be titles. # Our check for title is simple: # - the line does not start with 'fade' # - the first line has a single ':' if c > 0: l = util.toInputStr(prelines[0].expandtabs(tabWidth).lstrip().lower()) if not l.startswith("fade") and l.count(":") == 1: # these are title lines. Now do what the user requested. if importTitles: # add TWOSPACE to all the title lines. for i in xrange(c): prelines[i] += TWOSPACE else: #remove these lines prelines = prelines[c + 1:] for l in prelines: if l != TWOSPACE: lines.append(util.toInputStr(l.expandtabs(tabWidth))) else: lines.append(TWOSPACE) linesLen = len(lines) def isPrevEmpty(): if lns and lns[-1].text == "": return True return False def isPrevType(ltype): return (lns and lns[-1].lt == ltype) # looks ahead to check if next line is not empty def isNextEmpty(i): return (i + 1 < len(lines) and lines[i + 1] == "") def getPrevType(): if lns: return lns[-1].lt else: return screenplay.ACTION def isParen(s): return (s.startswith('(') and s.endswith(')')) def isScene(s): if s.endswith(TWOSPACE): return False if s.startswith(".") and not s.startswith(".."): return True tmp = s.upper() if (re.match(r'^(INT|EXT|EST)[ .]', tmp) or re.match(r'^(INT\.?/EXT\.?)[ .]', tmp) or re.match(r'^I/E[ .]', tmp)): return True return False def isTransition(s): return ((s.isupper() and s.endswith("TO:")) or (s.startswith(">") and not s.endswith("<"))) def isCentered(s): return s.startswith(">") and s.endswith("<") def isPageBreak(s): return s.startswith('===') and s.lstrip('=') == '' def isNote(s): return s.startswith("[[") and s.endswith("]]") def isSection(s): return s.startswith("#") def isSynopsis(s): return s.startswith("=") and not s.startswith("==") # first pass - identify linetypes for i in range(linesLen): if skipone: skipone = False continue s = lines[i] sl = s.lstrip() # mark as ACTION by default. line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_FORCED, screenplay.ACTION, s) # Start testing lines for element type. Go in order: # Scene Character, Paren, Dialog, Transition, Note. if s == "" or isCentered(s) or isPageBreak(s): # do nothing - import as action. pass elif s == TWOSPACE: = getPrevType() elif isScene(s): = screenplay.SCENE if sl.startswith('.'): line.text = sl[1:] else: line.text = sl elif isTransition(sl) and isPrevEmpty() and isNextEmpty(i): = screenplay.TRANSITION if line.text.startswith('>'): line.text = sl[1:].lstrip() elif s.isupper() and isPrevEmpty() and not isNextEmpty(i): = screenplay.CHARACTER if s.endswith(TWOSPACE): = screenplay.ACTION elif isParen(sl) and (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE)): = screenplay.PAREN elif (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE) or isPrevType(screenplay.PAREN)): = screenplay.DIALOGUE elif isNote(sl): = screenplay.NOTE line.text = sl.strip('[]') elif isSection(s) or isSynopsis(s): if not importSectSyn: if isNextEmpty(i): skipone = True continue = screenplay.NOTE line.text = sl.lstrip('=#') if line.text == TWOSPACE: pass elif != screenplay.ACTION: line.text = line.text.lstrip() else: tmp = line.text.rstrip() # we don't support center align, so simply add required indent. if isCentered(tmp): tmp = tmp[1:-1].strip() width = frame.panel.ctrl.sp.cfg.getType( screenplay.ACTION).width if len(tmp) < width: tmp = ' ' * ((width - len(tmp)) // 2) + tmp line.text = tmp if removeMarkdown: line.text = unmarkdown(line.text) if == screenplay.CHARACTER and line.text.endswith('^'): line.text = line.text[:-1] lns.append(line) ret = [] # second pass helper functions. def isLastLBForced(): return ret and ret[-1].lb == screenplay.LB_FORCED def makeLastLBLast(): if ret: ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST def isRetPrevType(t): return ret and ret[-1].lt == t # second pass - remove unneeded empty lines, and fix the linebreaks. for ln in lns: if ln.text == '': if isLastLBForced(): makeLastLBLast() else: ret.append(ln) elif not isRetPrevType( makeLastLBLast() ret.append(ln) else: ret.append(ln) makeLastLBLast() return ret
def importFDX(fileName, frame): elemMap = { "Action" : screenplay.ACTION, "Character" : screenplay.CHARACTER, "Dialogue" : screenplay.DIALOGUE, "Parenthetical" : screenplay.PAREN, "Scene Heading" : screenplay.SCENE, "Shot" : screenplay.SHOT, "Transition" : screenplay.TRANSITION, } # the 5 MB limit is arbitrary, we just want to avoid getting a # MemoryError exception for /dev/zero etc. data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 5000000) if data == None: return None if len(data) == 0: wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame) return None try: root = etree.XML(data) lines = [] for para in root.xpath("Content//Paragraph"): et = para.get("Type") # "General" has embedded Dual Dialogue paragraphs inside it; # nothing to do for the General element itself. if et == "General": continue # all unknown linetypes are converted to Action lt = elemMap.get(et, screenplay.ACTION) s = u"" for text in para.xpath("Text"): # text.text is None for paragraphs with no text, and += # blows up trying to add a string object and None, so # guard against that if text.text: s += text.text # FD uses some fancy unicode apostrophe, replace it with a # normal one s = s.replace(u"\u2019", "'") s = util.toInputStr(util.toLatin1(s)) lines.append(screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_LAST, lt, s)) if len(lines) == 0: wx.MessageBox("The file contains no importable lines", "Error", wx.OK, frame) return None return lines except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e: wx.MessageBox("Error parsing file: %s" %e, "Error", wx.OK, frame) return None