def btnFullscreen_Click(self, btn): = util.toggle_fullscreen() = not btn.toggleSourceImage()
def main(): """ Initialize pygame and start main game loop """ game = GameFlow() # create an instance of the gameflow class # Initialize pygame & setup screen try: os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # center window at startup pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 512) # initializing sound before pygame.init() solves problems with lagging sound! pygame.init() #initialize pygame game.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF) # optional flag: FULLSCREEN fadeSurface = pygame.Surface((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)).convert_alpha() # fadeSurface is blitted on top of everything else to provide a nice fade effect between game modes pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load(os.path.join('gfx', 'icon.png'))) # Note: The icon looks horrible - icons do not seem to work properly in pygame (my computer only?) except: game.fatalError(["error_init"]) pygame.display.set_caption(GAME_NAME ) fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # Start with title screen gameTitle = title.Title(game)"InSpira_-_Follow_the_Waves.mp3") # Main game loop while 1: # Wait for next frame game.ticks = float(fpsClock.tick(FPS)) / 1000 # Handle events game.mouseClicked = False for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: game.fadeTo(GM_QUIT) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE: # ESC: Back to title screen or quit game on title screen if game.gameMode == GM_TITLE: game.fadeTo(GM_QUIT) else: game.fadeTo(GM_TITLE) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_F11: # F11: Toggle fullscreen (does not work on my computer) game.fullscreen = not game.fullscreen game.screen = util.toggle_fullscreen() elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: game.mouseX, game.mouseY = event.pos # cache mouse events in game instance for other modules to query elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: game.mouseX, game.mouseY = event.pos # -"- game.mouseClicked = True # Update game state if game.gameMode == GM_TITLE: gameTitle.update() elif game.gameMode == GM_HELP: gameHelp.update() elif game.gameMode == GM_GAME: game.playfield.update() # Update buttons for but in game.buttonHandler: but.update() # Update fade overlay if game.fadeMode == FADE_IN: game.fadeValue -= 1.75 * game.ticks if game.fadeValue <= 0: game.fadeValue = 0 game.fadeMode = FADE_NONE game.fadeColor = 255 # game starts from black and fades to titlescreen, but then we want all fades to be to/from white (this line) elif game.fadeMode == FADE_OUT: game.fadeValue += 1.75 * game.ticks if game.fadeValue >= 1: # fade is complete -> change game mode! game.fadeValue = 1 game.fadeMode = FADE_IN game.gameMode = game.fadeToGameMode text.clearTextCache() game.buttonHandler = [] # clear buttons if game.delayedSetLangued != "": # language change waiting game.setLanguage(game.delayedSetLangued, False ) # initialize new game mode objects if game.gameMode == GM_TITLE: gameTitle = title.Title(game)"InSpira_-_Follow_the_Waves.mp3") elif game.gameMode == GM_HELP: gameHelp = help.Help(game)"InSpira_-_Follow_the_Waves.mp3") elif game.gameMode == GM_GAME: game.playfield = playfield.Playfield(game) game.newGame()"InSpira_-_BEACH_GROOVE.mp3") elif game.gameMode == GM_QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Draw screen if game.gameMode == GM_TITLE: gameTitle.draw() pass elif game.gameMode == GM_HELP: gameHelp.draw() elif game.gameMode == GM_GAME: game.playfield.draw() # Draw buttons for but in game.buttonHandler: but.draw() # Draw fade overlay if needed if game.fadeMode == FADE_IN or game.fadeMode == FADE_OUT: fadeSurface.fill((game.fadeColor, game.fadeColor, game.fadeColor, 255 * game.fadeValue)) game.screen.blit(fadeSurface, (0, 0)) # Update display pygame.display.flip()