Example #1
def test_validation_utf8_from_lua(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace, table1):
    # Create one row that the Lua functions below will run on
    cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table1} (k, a) VALUES (1, 'hello')")
    # This test is significantly slower than the rest, because we run the
    # CREATE FUNCTION operation separately for each tested string, and it is
    # very slow. So we only try a random sample of the good and bad strings.
    # TODO: can we have a faster Lua test, which uses a single function only
    # with different parameters, instead of multiple functions?
    for b in random.sample(good_utf8, 3):
        fname = unique_name()
        # translate byte 0xAB into the string "\xAB"
        b_lua = ''.join([('\\x%02x' % c) for c in b])
        cql.execute(f"CREATE FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{fname}(k int) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS text LANGUAGE Lua AS 'return \"{b_lua}\"';")
        results = list(cql.execute(f"SELECT {fname}(k) FROM {table1} WHERE k=1"))
        assert len(results) == 1
        assert len(results[0]) == 1
        assert results[0][0].encode('utf-8') == b
        cql.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{fname}")
    for b in random.sample(bad_utf8, 3):
        fname = unique_name()
        b_lua = ''.join([('\\x%02x' % c) for c in b])
        cql.execute(f"CREATE FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{fname}(k int) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS text LANGUAGE Lua AS 'return \"{b_lua}\"';")
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match='value is not valid utf8'):
            cql.execute(f"SELECT {fname}(k) FROM {table1} WHERE k=1")
        cql.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{fname}")
Example #2
def test_validate_params(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    inc_float_name = "inc_float_" + unique_name()
    inc_float_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param f32) (result f32)))
  (func ${inc_float_name} (type 0) (param f32) (result f32)
    local.get 0
    f32.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;)
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "memory" (memory 0))
  (export "{inc_float_name}" (func ${inc_float_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func))
    src = f"(input int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS float LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{inc_float_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, inc_float_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, i, f, txt) VALUES (700, 7, 7., 'oi')")
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="type mismatch"):
            cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inc_float_name}(i) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 700")
    src = f"(input text) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{inc_float_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, inc_float_name):
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="failed"):
            cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inc_float_name}(txt) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 700")
    src = f"(input float) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{inc_float_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, inc_float_name):
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="Expected i32, got f32"):
            cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inc_float_name}(f) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 700")
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="number.*arguments"):
            cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inc_float_name}(i, f) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 700")
Example #3
def test_short_ints(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    plus_name = "plus_" + unique_name()
    plus_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
  (func ${plus_name} (type 0) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
    local.get 1
    local.get 0
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "{plus_name}" (func ${plus_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func))
    src = f"(input tinyint, input2 tinyint) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS tinyint LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{plus_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, plus_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, t, t2, s, s2) VALUES (42, 42, 24, 33, 55)")
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, t, t2, s, s2) VALUES (43, 120, 112, 32000, 24001)")
        res = [row for row in cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{plus_name}(t, t2) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 42")]
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == 66
        # Overflow is fine
        res = [row for row in cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{plus_name}(t, t2) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 43")]
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == -24
    # A similar run for 16bit ints - note that the exact same source code is used
    src = f"(input smallint, input2 smallint) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS smallint LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{plus_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, plus_name):
        res = [row for row in cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{plus_name}(s, s2) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 42")]
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == 88
        # Overflow is fine
        res = [row for row in cql.execute(f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{plus_name}(s, s2) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 43")]
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == -9535
Example #4
def table1(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
        f"CREATE TABLE {table} (p int PRIMARY KEY, v int, a ascii, b boolean, vi varint, mai map<ascii, int>, tup frozen<tuple<text, int>>, l list<text>, d double)"
    yield table
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #5
def test_mv_select_stmt_bound_values(cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p int PRIMARY KEY'
    mv = unique_name()
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
            cql.execute(f"CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {test_keyspace}.{mv} AS SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE p = ? PRIMARY KEY (p)")
        cql.execute(f"DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {test_keyspace}.{mv}")
Example #6
def table1(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
        f"CREATE TABLE {table} (p int primary key, t1 text, t2 text, t3 text, t4 text, t5 text, t6 text)"
    yield table
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #7
def table1(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
        f"CREATE TABLE {table} (p text primary key, a ascii, b blob, t text, v varchar)"
    yield table
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #8
def create_type(cql, keyspace, cmd):
    type_name = keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE TYPE " + type_name + " " + cmd)
        yield type_name
        cql.execute("DROP TYPE " + type_name)
Example #9
def create_keyspace(cql, arg):
    ks_name = unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE " + ks_name + " WITH " + arg)
        yield ks_name
        cql.execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + ks_name)
Example #10
    def login(self, e=None):
        """Processes submitting the login form"""
        name = self.name.get()
        # Need to have an ID to look up in the db
        if not name.isnumeric():
            member_id = util.find_by_name(name)
            member_id = int(name)

        if member_id in data.members:
            member = data.members[member_id]

            if can_login(member_id, self.password.get()):
                    "Login Successful",
                    "You are now logged in as {}, member ID {}".format(
                        util.unique_name(member), member["member_id"]))
                # A successful login clears the name field
                self.name.delete(0, END)
                    "Login failed",
                    "Invalid password for {first_name} {last_name}.".format(
                "Login failed",
                "Member \"{}\" not found.".format(self.name.get()))
        # Both successful and unsuccessful logins clear the password field
        self.password.delete(0, END)
Example #11
def create_materialized_view(cql, keyspace, arg):
    mv_name = keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW " + mv_name + " " + arg)
        yield mv_name
        cql.execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + mv_name)
Example #12
def test_f32_param(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    inc_float_name = "inc_float_" + unique_name()
    inc_float_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param f32) (result f32)))
  (func ${inc_float_name} (type 0) (param f32) (result f32)
    local.get 0
    f32.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;)
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "{inc_float_name}" (func ${inc_float_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func)
  (global (;0;) i32 (i32.const 1024))
  (export "_scylla_abi" (global 0))
  (data $.rodata (i32.const 1024) "\\01"))
    src = f"(input float) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS float LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{inc_float_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, inc_float_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, f) VALUES (121, 121.00390625)")
        res = [
            row for row in cql.execute(
                f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inc_float_name}(f) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 121"
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == 122.00390625
Example #13
def test_bool_negate(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    negate_name = "negate_" + unique_name()
    negate_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
  (func ${negate_name} (type 0) (param i32) (result i32)
    local.get 0
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "{negate_name}" (func ${negate_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func)
  (global (;0;) i32 (i32.const 1024))
  (export "_scylla_abi" (global 0))
  (data $.rodata (i32.const 1024) "\\01"))
    src = f"(input boolean) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{negate_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, negate_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, bl) VALUES (19, true)")
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, bl) VALUES (21, false)")
        res = [
            row for row in cql.execute(
                f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{negate_name}(bl) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 19"
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == False
        res = [
            row for row in cql.execute(
                f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{negate_name}(bl) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 21"
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == True
Example #14
def test_f64_param(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    dec_double_name = "dec_double_" + unique_name()
    dec_double_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param f64) (result f64)))
  (func ${dec_double_name} (type 0) (param f64) (result f64)
    local.get 0
    f64.const -0x1p+0 (;=-1;)
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "{dec_double_name}" (func ${dec_double_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func)
  (global (;0;) i32 (i32.const 1024))
  (export "_scylla_abi" (global 0))
  (data $.rodata (i32.const 1024) "\\01"))
    src = f"(input double) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS double LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{dec_double_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, dec_double_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p,d) VALUES (17,17.015625)")
        res = [
            row for row in cql.execute(
                f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{dec_double_name}(d) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 17"
        assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].result == 16.015625
Example #15
def test_infinite_loop(cql, test_keyspace, table1, scylla_with_wasm_only):
    table = table1
    inf_loop_name = "inf_loop_" + unique_name()
    inf_loop_source = f"""
  (type (;0;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
  (func ${inf_loop_name} (type 0) (param i32) (result i32)
    loop (result i32)  ;; label = @1
      br 0 (;@1;)
  (table (;0;) 1 1 funcref)
  (table (;1;) 32 externref)
  (memory (;0;) 17)
  (export "{inf_loop_name}" (func ${inf_loop_name}))
  (elem (;0;) (i32.const 0) func)
  (global (;0;) i32 (i32.const 1024))
  (export "_scylla_abi" (global 0))
  (data $.rodata (i32.const 1024) "\\01"))
    src = f"(input int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{inf_loop_source}'"
    with new_function(cql, test_keyspace, src, inf_loop_name):
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p,i) VALUES (10, 10)")
        import time
        start = time.monotonic()
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="fuel consumed"):
                f"SELECT {test_keyspace}.{inf_loop_name}(i) AS result FROM {table} WHERE p = 10"
        elapsed_s = time.monotonic() - start
        print(f"Breaking the loop took {elapsed_s*1000:.2f}ms")
Example #16
def create_function(cql, keyspace, arg):
    function_name = keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE FUNCTION " + function_name + " " + arg)
        yield function_name
        cql.execute("DROP FUNCTION " + function_name)
Example #17
def test_keyspace(cql, this_dc):
    name = unique_name()
        "CREATE KEYSPACE " + name +
        " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '" +
        this_dc + "' : 1 }")
    yield name
    cql.execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + name)
Example #18
    def create_new_object(self, key):
        match = RE_METHOD.search(key)
        if match and hasattr(self.app.objects[match.group(1)].__class__,
            obj_class = self.app.objects[match.group(1)].__class__
            obj = getattr(obj_class, match.group(2))
            if not callable(obj):
                obj = getattr(self.app.objects[match.group(1)], match.group(2))
                name = unique_name(self.app,
                                   match.group(1) + "_" + match.group(2))
                name = unique_name(self.app,
                                   obj_class.__name__ + "_" + obj.__name__)

            self.app.objects[name] = obj

            return name
Example #19
def test_keyspace(cql):
    name = unique_name()
        "CREATE KEYSPACE " + name +
        " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }"
    yield name
    cql.execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + name)
Example #20
def table1(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
        "CREATE TABLE " + table +
        "(p bigint PRIMARY KEY, p2 bigint, i int, i2 int, s smallint, s2 smallint, t tinyint, t2 tinyint, d double, f float, bl boolean, txt text)"
    yield table
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #21
	def _on_item_method(self, item, attr):
		result = attr()
		if isinstance(result, bool):
		elif result:
			name = unique_name(self.app, item.name + "_" + attr.__name__)
			self.app.objects[name] = result
Example #22
def scylla_with_wasm_only(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
        f42 = unique_name()
        f42_body = f'(module(func ${f42} (param $n i64) (result i64)(return i64.const 42))(export "{f42}" (func ${f42})))'
        res = cql.execute(f"CREATE FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{f42} (input int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS int LANGUAGE xwasm AS '{f42_body}'")
        cql.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {test_keyspace}.{f42}")
    except NoHostAvailable as err:
        if "not enabled" in str(err):
            pytest.skip("WASM support was not enabled in Scylla, skipping")
Example #23
def table1(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table +
        "(k int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c))")
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            cql.execute(f'INSERT INTO {table} (k, c, v) VALUES ({i}, {j}, {j})')
    everything = list(cql.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + table))
    yield (table, everything)
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #24
def create_table(cql, keyspace, schema):
    global previously_used_table_names
    if not previously_used_table_names:
    table_name = previously_used_table_names.pop()
    table = keyspace + "." + table_name
    cql.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + " " + schema)
    yield table
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #25
def table4(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table} (k int, c1 int, c2 int, PRIMARY KEY (k,c1,c2))")
    cql.execute(f"CREATE INDEX ON {table} (c2)")
    cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (k, c1, c2) VALUES (0, 0, 1)")
    cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (k, c1, c2) VALUES (0, 1, 1)")

    everything = list(cql.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table}"))
    wait_for_index(cql, table, 'c2', everything)
    yield (table, everything)
    cql.execute(f"DROP TABLE {table}")
def test_create_index_if_not_exists2(cql, test_keyspace, cassandra_bug):
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, 'p int primary key, v1 int, v2 int') as table:
        index_name = unique_name()
        cql.execute(f"CREATE INDEX {index_name} ON {table}(v1)")
        # Obviously can't create a different index with the same name:
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="already exists"):
            cql.execute(f"CREATE INDEX {index_name} ON {table}(v2)")
        # Even with "IF NOT EXISTS" we still get a failure. An index for
        # {table}(v2) does not yet exist, so the index creation is attempted.
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="already exists"):
            cql.execute(f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {index_name} ON {table}(v2)")
Example #27
def test_is_not_operator_must_be_null(cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p int PRIMARY KEY'
    mv = unique_name()
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
            with pytest.raises(SyntaxException, match="NULL"):
                    f"CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {test_keyspace}.{mv} AS SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE p IS NOT 42 PRIMARY KEY (p)"
                f"DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {test_keyspace}.{mv}")
Example #28
def table2(cql, test_keyspace):
    table = test_keyspace + "." + unique_name()
    cql.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table +
        "(k int, a int, b int, PRIMARY KEY (k))")
    cql.execute("CREATE INDEX ON " + table + "(a)")
    for i in range(0, 5):
        cql.execute("INSERT INTO {} (k, a, b) VALUES ({}, {}, {})".format(
                table, i, i*10, i*100))
    everything = list(cql.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + table))
    wait_for_index(cql, table, 'a', everything)
    yield (table, everything)
    cql.execute("DROP TABLE " + table)
Example #29
def test_update_view_with_large_row(cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p int, c int, v text, primary key (p,c)'
    mv = unique_name()
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        cql.execute(f"CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {test_keyspace}.{mv} AS SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE p IS NOT NULL AND c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (c,p)")
            big = 'x'*11*1024*1024
            cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table}(p,c,v) VALUES (1,1,'{big}')")
            res = [row for row in cql.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {test_keyspace}.{mv}")]
            assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].v == big
            cql.execute(f"DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW {test_keyspace}.{mv}")
Example #30
def test_create_named_index_when_its_name_is_taken(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p int primary key, v int'
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        index_name = unique_name()
            cql.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {test_keyspace}.{index_name}_index (i_do_not_exist_in_the_base_table int primary key)")
            # Creating an index should fail, because it's impossible to create
            # its underlying materialized view, because its name is taken by a regular table
            with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match="already exists"):
                cql.execute(f"CREATE INDEX {index_name} ON {table}(v)")
            cql.execute(f"DROP TABLE {test_keyspace}.{index_name}_index")