Example #1
    def __init__(self, expiredIn):
        self.messageQueue = RBTree()
        self.subscribers = RBTree()
        self.expiredIn = expiredIn
        self.idGenerator = IdGenerator()

        task.LoopingCall(self.purgeMessageQueue).start(1, False)
        task.LoopingCall(self.purgeSubscribers).start(1, False)
Example #2
class Channel:
    """ Channel provides pub/sub service for a single channel"""
    def __init__(self, expiredIn):
        self.messageQueue = RBTree()
        self.subscribers = RBTree()
        self.expiredIn = expiredIn
        self.idGenerator = IdGenerator()

        task.LoopingCall(self.purgeMessageQueue).start(1, False)
        task.LoopingCall(self.purgeSubscribers).start(1, False)

    def subscriber_size(self):
        count = 0
        for s in self.subscribers.values():
            count += len(s)
        return count

    def publish(self, data, isAsync = True):
        """ Publish the data to the message queue. After messages
            are published, interested subscribers will be notified.
            @params isAsync: specify if the subscribers should be
                notified asynchronously or synchronously.
        time = now()
        dataWithId = (self.idGenerator.generateId(), data)
        self.messageQueue.setdefault(time, []).append(dataWithId)
        self.notify(time, dataWithId, isAsync)

    def subscribe(self, onReceive, onTimeout,
                  timeFrom = 0, timeTo = sys.maxint,
                  minId = 0, timeoutSec = 0):
        """ subscribe messages within a specific time span.
            @params onReceive: if the interested messages are
                retrieved, onReceive will be invoked to notify
                the subscribers.
            @params onTimeout: if subscriber waits for more than
                `timeoutSec` seconds, onTimeout will be invoked.
            @params timeFrom: only retrieve messages after timestamp
                `timeFrom`; time is represented in unix time.
            @params timeTo: only retrieve messages before timestamp
                `timeTo`; time is represented in unix time.
            @params minId: this is HACK...
        messages = self._flatten(self.messageQueue[timeFrom: timeTo], minId)
        messages = list(messages)

        if len(messages) != 0 or timeoutSec == 0:

        waitUntil = now() + timeoutSec
        subscription = (timeFrom, timeTo, onReceive, onTimeout)

        self.subscribers.setdefault(waitUntil, []).append(subscription)

    def notify(self, time, data, isAsync = True):
        # purge expired subscribers

        for time, bucket in self.subscribers.items():
            index = partition(bucket,
                              lambda sub: time < sub[0] or time > sub[1])

            data = [data]
            for i in range(index, len(bucket)):
                callback = bucket[i][2]
                if isAsync:
                    reactor.callLater(0, callback, data)

            del bucket[index:]

            if len(bucket) == 0:
                del self.subscribers[time]

    def purgeMessageQueue(self):
        expired = now() - self.expiredIn + 1
        del self.messageQueue[:expired]

    def purgeSubscribers(self):
        expired = now() + 1
        for data in self._flatten(self.subscribers[:expired], 0):
        del self.subscribers[:expired]

    # --- Utilities ---
    def _flatten(self, buckets, minId):
        for bucket in buckets.values():
            for item in bucket:
                if item[0] >= minId:
                    yield item