def train(args, model, trainloader, optimizer, epoch): model.train() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='elementwise_mean') metrics = Metrics('') metrics.reset() batch_idx = 0 for input_tensors in tqdm(trainloader): batch_idx = batch_idx + 1 optimizer.zero_grad() input_data, target, site = input_tensors if args.cuda: input_data = input_data.cuda() target = target.cuda() ucsd_input = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) new_input = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) ucsd_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) new_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) for i in range(len(input_data)): if site[i] == 'ucsd': if len(ucsd_input) == 0: ucsd_input = input_data[i].unsqueeze(0) ucsd_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])) else: ucsd_input =, input_data[i].unsqueeze(0))) ucsd_label =, torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])))) else: if len(new_input) == 0: new_input = input_data[i].unsqueeze(0) new_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])) else: new_input =, input_data[i].unsqueeze(0))) new_label =, torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])))) if len(ucsd_input) > 1: ucsd_output, ucsd_features = model(ucsd_input, 'ucsd') if len(new_input) > 1: new_output, new_features = model(new_input, 'ucsd') if len(ucsd_input) > 1 and len(new_input) > 1: output =, new_output)) labels =, new_label)).cuda() features =, new_features)) elif len(ucsd_input) > 1 and len(new_input) < 2: output = ucsd_output labels = ucsd_label.cuda() features = ucsd_features else: output = new_output labels = new_label.cuda() features = new_features if len(output) != len(labels): continue if len(features) == 32 and args.cont: temperature = 0.05 cont_loss_func = losses.NTXentLoss(temperature) cont_loss = cont_loss_func(features, labels) loss = criterion(output, labels) + cont_loss else: loss = criterion(output, labels) loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 2.0) optimizer.step() correct, total, acc = accuracy(output, labels) top1_correct = top_k_acc(output, labels, k=1) top3_correct = top_k_acc(output, labels, k=2) metrics.update({'correct': correct, 'total': total, 'loss': loss.item(), 'accuracy': acc, 'top1_correct': top1_correct, 'top3_correct': top3_correct}) print_summary(args, epoch, metrics, mode="train") return metrics
def validation(args, model, testloader, epoch, mode='test'): conf_matrix = torch.zeros(args.classes, args.classes).cuda() model.eval() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() metrics = Metrics('') metrics.reset() batch_idx = 0 ucsd_correct_total = 0 sars_correct_total = 0 ucsd_test_total = 0 sars_test_total = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for input_tensors in tqdm(testloader): batch_idx = batch_idx + 1 input_data, target, site = input_tensors if args.cuda: input_data = input_data.cuda() target = target.cuda() ucsd_input = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) new_input = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) ucsd_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) new_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([])) for i in range(len(input_data)): if site[i] == 'ucsd': if len(ucsd_input) == 0: ucsd_input = input_data[i].unsqueeze(0) ucsd_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])) else: ucsd_input =, input_data[i].unsqueeze(0))) ucsd_label =, torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])))) else: if len(new_input) == 0: new_input = input_data[i].unsqueeze(0) new_label = torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])) else: new_input =, input_data[i].unsqueeze(0))) new_label =, torch.from_numpy(np.array([target[i]])))) if len(ucsd_input) > 1: ucsd_output, ucsd_features = model(ucsd_input, 'ucsd') ucsd_correct, ucsd_total, ucsd_acc = accuracy(ucsd_output, ucsd_label.cuda()) ucsd_correct_total += ucsd_correct ucsd_test_total += ucsd_total if len(new_input) > 1: new_output, new_features = model(new_input, 'ucsd') sars_correct, sars_total, sars_acc = accuracy(new_output, new_label.cuda()) sars_correct_total += sars_correct sars_test_total += sars_total if len(ucsd_input) > 1 and len(new_input) > 1: output =, new_output)) labels =, new_label)).cuda() features =, new_features)) elif len(ucsd_input) > 1 and len(new_input) < 2: output = ucsd_output labels = ucsd_label.cuda() else: output = new_output labels = new_label.cuda() loss = criterion(output, labels) preds = torch.argmax(output, dim=1) for t, p in zip(target.view(-1), preds.view(-1)): conf_matrix[t.long(), p.long()] += 1 correct, total, acc = accuracy(output, labels) # top k acc top1_correct = top_k_acc(output, labels, k=1) top3_correct = top_k_acc(output, labels, k=2) metrics.update({'correct': correct, 'total': total, 'loss': loss.item(), 'accuracy': acc, 'top1_correct': top1_correct, 'top3_correct': top3_correct}) print_summary(args, epoch, metrics, mode="test") return metrics, conf_matrix, ucsd_correct_total, sars_correct_total, ucsd_test_total, sars_test_total