Example #1
	def execute(self, message):
		:type message: IrcMessage
		#Immediately check if there's any parameters, to prevent useless work
		if message.messagePartsLength == 0:
			message.reply("Please provide a term to search for. See '{}help {}' for an explanation how to use this command".format(message.bot.commandPrefix, message.trigger), "say")

		searchType = message.messageParts[0].lower()

		addExtendedInfo = message.trigger == 'netrunner'

		#Check for update command before file existence, to prevent message that card file is missing after update, which doesn't make much sense
		if searchType == 'update' or searchType == 'forceupdate':
			if self.areCardfilesBeingUpdated:
				replytext = "I'm already updating!"
			elif not message.bot.isUserAdmin(message.user, message.userNickname, message.userAddress):
				replytext = "Sorry, only admins can use my update function"
			elif not searchType == 'forceupdate' and not self.shouldUpdate():
				replytext = "The last update check was done pretty recently, there's no need to check again so soon"
				replytext = self.updateCardFile()[1]
				#Since we're checking now, set the automatic check to start counting from now on
			message.reply(replytext, "say")

		#Check if the data file even exists
		elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(GlobalStore.scriptfolder, 'data', 'NetrunnerCards.json')):
			if self.areCardfilesBeingUpdated:
				message.reply("I don't have my card database, but I'm solving that problem as we speak! Try again in, oh,  10, 15 seconds")
				message.reply("Sorry, I don't appear to have my card database. I'll try to retrieve it though! Give me 20 seconds, tops")

		#If we reached here, we're gonna search through the card store
		searchDict = {}
		# If there is an actual search (with colon key-value separator OR a random card is requested with specific search requirements
		if (searchType == 'search' and ':' in message.message) or (searchType == 'random' and message.messagePartsLength > 1):
			#Advanced search!
			if message.messagePartsLength <= 1:
				message.reply("Please provide an advanced search query too, in JSON format, so 'key1: value1, key2: value2'")

			#Turn the search string (not the argument) into a usable dictionary, case-insensitive,
			searchDict = StringUtil.stringToDict(" ".join(message.messageParts[1:]).lower(), True)
			if len(searchDict) == 0:
				message.reply("That is not a valid search query. It should be entered like JSON, so 'name: Wall of Thorns, type: ICE,...'. ")
		#If the searchtype is just 'random', don't set a 'name' field so we don't go through all the cards first
		#  Otherwise, set the whole message as the 'name' search, since that's the default search
		elif not searchType.startswith('random'):
			searchDict['title'] = message.message.lower()

		#Correct some values, to make searching easier (so a search for 'set' or 'sets' both work)
		searchTermsToCorrect = {'setname': ['set', 'sets'], 'flavor': ['flavour'], 'title': ['name']}
		for correctTerm, listOfWrongterms in searchTermsToCorrect.iteritems():
			for wrongTerm in listOfWrongterms:
				if wrongTerm in searchDict:
					if correctTerm not in searchDict:
						searchDict[correctTerm] = searchDict[wrongTerm]

		#Turn the search strings into actual regexes
		regexDict = {}
		errors = []
		for attrib, query in searchDict.iteritems():
				#Since the query is a string, and the card data is unicode, convert the query to unicode before turning it into a regex
				regex = re.compile(unicode(query, encoding='utf8'), re.IGNORECASE)
			except (re.error, SyntaxError) as e:
				self.logError("[Netrunner] Regex error when trying to parse '{}': {}".format(query, e))
			except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
				self.logError("[Netrunner] Unicode error in key '{}': {}".format(attrib, e))
				regexDict[attrib] = regex
		#If there were errors parsing the regular expressions, don't continue, to prevent errors further down
		if len(errors) > 0:
			#If there was only one search element to begin with, there's no need to specify
			if len(searchDict) == 1:
				message.reply("An error occurred when trying to parse your search query. Please check if it is a valid regular expression, and that there are no non-UTF8 characters")
			#If there were more elements but only one error, specify
			elif len(errors) == 1:
				message.reply("An error occurred while trying to parse the query for the '{}' field. Please check if it is a valid regular expression without non-UTF8 characters".format(errors[0]))
			#Multiple errors, list them all
				message.reply("Errors occurred while parsing attributes: {}. Please check your search query for errors".format(", ".join(errors)))

		#All entered data is valid, look through the stored cards
		with open(os.path.join(GlobalStore.scriptfolder, 'data', 'NetrunnerCards.json'), 'r') as jsonfile:
			cardstore = json.load(jsonfile)

		for index in xrange(0, len(cardstore)):
			carddata = cardstore.pop(0)

			#Then check if the rest of the attributes match
			for attrib in regexDict:
				if attrib not in carddata or not regexDict[attrib].search(carddata[attrib]):
					#If the wanted attribute is either not in the card, or it doesn't match, throw it out
			#The else-block of a for-loop is executed when a for-loop isn't broken out of. So if everything matches, we get here

		numberOfCardsFound = len(cardstore)
		#Pick a random card if needed and possible
		if searchType.startswith('random') and numberOfCardsFound > 0:
			cardstore = [random.choice(cardstore)]
			numberOfCardsFound = 1

		if numberOfCardsFound == 0:
			replytext = "Sorry, no card matching your query was found"
		elif numberOfCardsFound == 1:
			replytext = self.getFormattedCardInfo(cardstore[0], addExtendedInfo)
			nameMatchedCardFound = False
			replytext = ""
			#If there was a name search, check if the literal name is in the resulting cards
			if 'title' in searchDict:
				titleMatchIndex = None
				for index, card in enumerate(cardstore):
					if card['title'].lower() == searchDict['title']:
						titleMatchIndex = index

				if titleMatchIndex:
					replytext = self.getFormattedCardInfo(cardstore[titleMatchIndex], addExtendedInfo)
					numberOfCardsFound -= 1
					nameMatchedCardFound = True

			#Pick some cards to show
			maxCardsToList = 15
			if numberOfCardsFound > maxCardsToList:
				cardstore = random.sample(cardstore, maxCardsToList)
			cardnameText = ""
			for card in cardstore:
				cardnameText += card['title'].encode('utf-8') + "; "
			cardnameText = cardnameText[:-2]

			if nameMatchedCardFound:
				replytext += " ({:,} more match{} found: ".format(numberOfCardsFound, 'es' if numberOfCardsFound > 1 else '')
				replytext += "Your search returned {:,} cards: ".format(numberOfCardsFound)
			replytext += cardnameText
			if numberOfCardsFound > maxCardsToList:
				replytext += " and {:,} more".format(numberOfCardsFound - maxCardsToList)
			#Since the extra results list is bracketed when a literal match was also found, it needs a closing bracket
			if nameMatchedCardFound:
				replytext += ")"

		re.purge()  #Clear the stored regexes, since we don't need them anymore