Example #1
    def clean(self):
        import util2

        self.type = self.prefix.split(":")[0].upper()
        self.name = self.name.strip()
        if self.isDoi:
            if self.crossrefEnabled:
                if self.datacenter != None:
                    raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError({
                        "Non-DataCite DOI shoulder has datacenter."
                if self.datacenter == None:
                    raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                        {"datacenter": "Missing datacenter."})
            if self.datacenter != None:
                raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                    {"datacenter": "Non-DOI shoulder has datacenter."})
            if self.crossrefEnabled:
                raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError({
                    "Only DOI shoulders may be Crossref enabled."
        self.isTest = util2.isTestIdentifier(self.prefix)
Example #2
    def cleanAgentPid(self):
        # Checks applicable to agent PIDs only.
        import config
        import util2

        if not self.isArk:
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"identifier": "Agent PID is not an ARK."})
        if self.owner == None or self.owner.username != config.get(
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"owner": "Agent PID is not owned by the EZID administrator."})
        if not self.isPublic:
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"status": "Agent PID is not public."})
        if self.exported:
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"exported": "Agent PID is exported."})
        if self.target != self.defaultTarget:
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"target": "Agent PID has non-default target URL."})
        # N.B.: the isTest field hasn't been computed yet.
        if util2.isTestIdentifier(self.identifier):
            raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(
                {"identifier": "Agent PID is a test identifier."})
Example #3
def authorizeCreate(user, prefix):
  Returns True if a request to mint or create an identifier is
  authorized.  'user' is the requestor and should be an authenticated
  StoreUser object.  'prefix' may be a complete identifier or just an
  identifier prefix corresponding to a shoulder; in either case it
  must be qualified, e.g., "doi:10.5060/".
    if util2.isTestIdentifier(prefix): return True
    if any(map(lambda s: prefix.startswith(s.prefix), user.shoulders.all())):
        return True
    if any(authorizeCreate(u, prefix) for u in user.proxy_for.all()):
        return True
    # Note what's missing here: group and realm administrators get no
    # extra identifier creation privileges.
    if user.isSuperuser: return True
    return False
Example #4
    def computeComputedValues(self):
        import util2

        self.isTest = util2.isTestIdentifier(self.identifier)