Example #1
 def make_W1():
     W1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     W1[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
     W1[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u1)
     W1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)),
                       np.dot(H, u1))
     return W1
Example #2
 def make_W2():
     W2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     W2[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
     W2[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u2)
     W2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)),
                       np.dot(H, u2))
     return W2
def draw_epipolar_lines(Irgb1, Irgb2, pts1, pts2, H):
    """ Draws epipolar lines, and displays them to the user in an
    interactive manner.
        nparray Irgb1, Irgb2: H x W x 3
        nparray pts1, pts2: N x 2
        nparray H: 3x3
    h, w = Irgb1.shape[0:2]
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1):
        Irgb1_ = Irgb1.copy()
        Irgb2_ = Irgb2.copy()
        pt2 = pts2[i]
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((pt2, np.array([1.0])))
        epiline2 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(pt2_h), np.dot(H, pt1_h))
        epiline1 = np.dot(H.T, epiline2)
        epiline1 = epiline1 / epiline1[2]
        epiline2 = epiline2 / epiline2[2]
        print "Epiline1 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(-epiline1[0] / epiline1[1],
                                                         -epiline1[2] / epiline1[1])
        print "Epiline2 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(-epiline2[0] / epiline2[1],
                                                         -epiline2[2] / epiline2[1])
        Irgb1_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb1_, epiline1)
        Irgb2_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb2_, epiline2)
        cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb1_), tuple(intrnd(*pts1[i])), 3, (255, 0, 0))
        cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb2_), tuple(intrnd(*pts2[i])), 3, (255, 0, 0))
        print "(Displaying epipolar lines from img1 to img2. Press <enter> to continue.)"
        cv2.imshow('display1', Irgb1_)
        cv2.imshow('display2', Irgb2_)
Example #4
def draw_epipolar_lines(Irgb1, Irgb2, pts1, pts2, H):
    """ Draws epipolar lines, and displays them to the user in an
    interactive manner.
        nparray Irgb1, Irgb2: H x W x 3
        nparray pts1, pts2: N x 2
        nparray H: 3x3
    h, w = Irgb1.shape[0:2]
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1):
        Irgb1_ = Irgb1.copy()
        Irgb2_ = Irgb2.copy()
        pt2 = pts2[i]
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((pt2, np.array([1.0])))

        epiline2 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(pt2_h),
                          np.dot(H, pt1_h))
        epiline1 = np.dot(H.T, epiline2)
        epiline1 = epiline1 / epiline1[2]
        epiline2 = epiline2 / epiline2[2]
        print "Epiline1 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(
            -epiline1[0] / epiline1[1], -epiline1[2] / epiline1[1])
        print "Epiline2 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(
            -epiline2[0] / epiline2[1], -epiline2[2] / epiline2[1])
        Irgb1_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb1_, epiline1)
        Irgb2_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb2_, epiline2)
        cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb1_), tuple(intrnd(*pts1[i])), 3,
                  (255, 0, 0))
        cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb2_), tuple(intrnd(*pts2[i])), 3,
                  (255, 0, 0))
        print "(Displaying epipolar lines from img1 to img2. Press <enter> to continue.)"
        cv2.imshow('display1', Irgb1_)
        cv2.imshow('display2', Irgb2_)
Example #5
def test_koopa_singleimage(SHOW_EPIPOLAR=False):
    """ Here, I want to do "undo" the perspective distortion in the
    image, based on the fact that I know:
        - The camera matrix K
        - The scene is planar
        - The location of four points in the image that create a 
          rectangle in the world plane with known metric lengths
          Note: I don't have to necessarily know the metric lengths,
                but at least I need to know length ratios to construct
                a corrected image with length ratios preserved.
    In the literature, this is also known as: perspective rectification,
    perspective correction.
    imgpath = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_MED, 'DSCN0643.png')
    pts1 = np.array([
        [373.0, 97.0],  # A (upper-left red corner)
        [650.0, 95.0],  # B (upper-right red corner)
        [674.0, 215.0],  # C (lower-right red corner)
        [503.0, 322.0],  # D (lower-left green corner)
        [494.0, 322.0],  # E (lower-right blue corner)
        [303.0, 321.0],  # F (lower-left blue corner)
        [332.0, 225.0],  # G (upper-left blue corner)
        [335.0, 215.0],  # H (lower-left red corner)
        [475.0, 135.0],  # K (tip of pen)
        [507.0, 225.0],  # L (upper-left green corner)
        [362.0, 248.0],  # M (tip of glue bottle)
    worldpts = get_worldplane_coords()
    assert len(pts1) == len(worldpts)
    calib_imgpaths = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB_MED)
    print "(Calibrating camera...)"
    if True:
        print "(Using pre-computed camera matrix K!)"
        K = np.array([[158.23796519, 0.0, 482.07814366],
                      [0., 28.53758493, 333.32239125], [0., 0., 1.]])
        K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(calib_imgpaths, 9, 6, 0.023)
    print "Finished calibrating camera, K is:"
    print K
    Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)

    pts1_norm = normalize_coords(pts1, K)
    HL = estimate_planar_homography(pts1_norm, worldpts)

    print "Estimated homography, H is:"
    print HL
    print "rank(H):", np.linalg.matrix_rank(HL)
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(HL) != 3:
        print "    Oh no! H is not full rank!"

    #### Normalize H := H / sigma_2(H_)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(HL)
    H = HL / S[1]
    #### Enforce positive depth constraint
    flag_flipped = False
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = worldpts[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack(
            (pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            if flag_flipped:
                print "WOAH, flipping twice?!"
            print "FLIP IT! val_{0} was: {1}".format(i, val)
            H = H * -1
            flag_flipped = True
    # (Sanity check positive depth constraint)
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = worldpts[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack(
            (pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            print "WOAH, positive depth constraint violated!?"
    #### Check projection error from I1 -> I2.
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((worldpts[i], np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_pred = np.dot(H, pt1_h)
        pt2_pred = pt2_pred / pt2_pred[2]
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt2_h - pt2_pred))
    print "Projection error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(
        sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Check if planar epipolar constraint is satisfied:
    ####     x2_hat * H * x1 = 0.0
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))
        pt2_hat = util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(worldpts[i])
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(np.dot(pt2_hat, np.dot(H, pt1_h))))
    print "Epipolar constraint error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(
        sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Sanity-check that world points project to pixel points
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
    errs = []
    for i, worldpt in enumerate(worldpts):
        pt_img = np.hstack((pts1[i], [1.0]))
        p = np.dot(Hinv, np.hstack((worldpt, [1.0])))
        p /= p[2]
        p = np.dot(K, p)
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt_img - p))
    print "world2img errors (in pixels): {0} (mean={1} std={2})".format(
        sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Perform Inverse Perspective Mapping (undo perspective effects)
    ## Pixel coordinates of a region of the image known to:
    ##     a.) Lie on the plane
    ##     b.) Has known metric lengths
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
    # Define hardcoded pixel/world coordinates on the poster plane
    # TODO: We could try generalizing this to new images by:
    #     a.) Asking the user to choose four image points, and enter
    #         in metric length information (simplest)
    #     b.) Automatically detect four corner points that correspond
    #         to a world rectangle (somehow). If there are no
    #         reference lengths, then I believe the best thing we can
    #         do is do a perspective-correction up to an affine
    #         transformation (since we don't know the correct X/Y
    #         lengths).
    pts_pix = np.array(
            [372.0, 97.0],  # Upperleft of redbox (x,y)
            [651.0, 95.0],  # Upperright of redbox (x,y)
            [303.0, 321.0],  # Lowerleft of bluebox (x,y)
            [695.0, 324.0]
        ],  # Lowerright of greenbox (x,y)
    pts_world = np.zeros([0, 2])
    # Populate pts_world via H (maps image plane -> world plane)
    for pt_pix in pts_pix:
        pt_world = homo2pt(np.dot(H, np.dot(Kinv, pt2homo(pt_pix))))
        pts_world = np.vstack((pts_world, pt_world))
    pts_world *= 1000.0  # Let's get a reasonable-sized image please!

    # These are hardcoded world coords, but, we can auto-gen them via
    # H, Kinv as above. Isn't geometry nice?
    #pts_world = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],
    #                      [175.0, 0.0],
    #                      [0.0, 134.0],
    #                      [175.0, 134.0]])
    IPM0, IPM1 = compute_IPM(pts_pix, pts_world)
    print 'IPM0 is:'
    print IPM0
    print 'IPM1 is:'
    print IPM1
    I = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR).astype('float64')
    I = (2.0 * I) + 40  # Up that contrast! Orig. images are super dark.
    h, w = I.shape[0:2]
    # Determine bounding box of IPM-corrected image
    a = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([0.0, 0.0])))  # upper-left corner
    b = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([w - 1, 0.0])))  # upper-right corner
    c = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([0.0, h - 1])))  # lower-left corner
    d = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([w - 1, h - 1])))  # lower-right corner
    w_out = intrnd(max(b[0] - a[0], d[0] - c[0]))
    h_out = intrnd(max(c[1] - a[1], d[1] - b[1]))
    print "New image dimensions: ({0} x {1}) (Orig: {2} x {3})".format(
        w_out, h_out, w, h)
    # Warp the entire image I with the homography IPM1
    Iwarp = cv2.warpPerspective(I, IPM1, (w_out, h_out))
    # Draw selected points on I
    for pt in pts_pix:
        cv2.circle(I, tupint(pt), 5, (0, 255, 0))
    # Draw rectified-rectangle in Iwarp
    a = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo(pts_pix[0])))
    b = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo(pts_pix[3])))
    cv2.rectangle(Iwarp, tupint(a), tupint(b), (0, 255, 0))
    #Iwarp = transform_image.transform_image_forward(I, IPM)
    print "(Displaying before/after images, press <any key> to exit.)"
    cv2.imshow('original', I.astype('uint8'))
    cv2.imshow('corrected', Iwarp.astype('uint8'))
Example #6
def test_koopa(SHOW_EPIPOLAR=False):
    """ Estimate the homography H between two image views of the planar
    poster. Also decomposes H into {R, (1/d)T, N}.
    imgpath1 = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_SMALL, 'DSCN0643.png')
    imgpath2 = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_SMALL, 'DSCN0648.png')
    img1 = cv2.imread(imgpath1)
    img2 = cv2.imread(imgpath2)
    pts1_ = (
        (150.0, 39.0),  # Upperleft corner redbox
        (220.0, 47.0),  # Koopa's left-eye
        (191.0, 55.0),  # Tip of Koopa's pencil
        (122.0, 128.0),  # Lowerleft corner of bluebox
        (144.0, 100.0),  # Tip of glue bottle
        (278.0, 129.0),  # Lowerright corner of greenbox
    pts2_ = (
        (276.0, 34.0),  # Upperleft corner redbox
        (327.0, 61.0),  # Koopa's left-eye
        (286.0, 57.0),  # Tip of Koopa's pencil
        (141.0, 86.0),  # Lowerleft corner of bluebox
        (188.0, 75.0),  # Tip of glue bottle
        (237.0, 154.0),  # Lowerright corner of greenbox
    calib_imgpaths = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB_SMALL)
    print "(Calibrating camera...)"
    K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(calib_imgpaths, 9, 6, 0.023)
    print "Finished calibrating camera, K is:"
    print K
    print "(Estimating homography...)"
    pts1 = tup2nparray(pts1_)
    pts2 = tup2nparray(pts2_)
    pts1_norm = normalize_coords(pts1, K)
    pts2_norm = normalize_coords(pts2, K)

    # H goes from img1 -> img2
    H_ = estimate_planar_homography(pts1_norm, pts2_norm)
    print "Estimated homography, H is:",
    print H_
    print "rank(H):", np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_)
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_) != 3:
        print "    Oh no! H is not full rank!"

    #### Normalize H := H / sigma_2(H_)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(H_)
    H = H_ / S[1]

    #### Enforce positive depth constraint
    flag_flipped = False
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = pts2_norm[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack(
            (pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            if flag_flipped:
                print "WOAH, flipping twice?!"
            print "FLIP IT! val_{0} was: {1}".format(i, val)
            H = H * -1
            flag_flipped = True
    # (Sanity check positive depth constraint)
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = pts2_norm[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack(
            (pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            print "WOAH, positive depth constraint violated!?"

    #### Check projection error from I1 -> I2.
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((pts2_norm[i], np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_pred = np.dot(H, pt1_h)
        pt2_pred = pt2_pred / pt2_pred[2]
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt2_h - pt2_pred))
    print "Projection error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(
        sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Check if planar epipolar constraint is satisfied:
    ####     x2_hat * H * x1 = 0.0
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))
        pt2_hat = util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(pts2_norm[i])
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(np.dot(pt2_hat, np.dot(H, pt1_h))))
    print "Epipolar constraint error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(
        sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Draw epipolar lines
    Irgb1 = cv2.imread(imgpath1, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
    Irgb2 = cv2.imread(imgpath2, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        draw_epipolar_lines(Irgb1, Irgb2, pts1, pts2, H)

    decomps = decompose_H(H)
    for i, (R, Ts, N) in enumerate(decomps):
        print "==== Decomposition {0} ====".format(i)
        print "    R is:", R
        print "    Ts is:", Ts
        print "    N is:", N
        H_redone = (R + np.dot(np.array([Ts]).T, np.array([N])))
        print "norm((R+Ts*N.T) - H, 'fro'):", np.linalg.norm(
            H - H_redone, 'fro')
        print "    det(R)={0} rank(R)={1}".format(np.linalg.det(R),
        #### Sanity check that H_redone still maps I1 to I2
        errs = []
        for ii, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
            pt1_h = np.hstack(([pt1, [1.0]]))
            pt2_h = np.hstack((pts2_norm[ii], [1.0]))
            pt1_proj = np.dot(H_redone, pt1_h)
            pt1_proj /= pt1_proj[2]
            print pt1_proj
            print pt2_h
            errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt1_proj - pt2_h))
        print "Reprojection error: {0} (mean={1}, std={2})".format(
            sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))
Example #7
 def make_U2():
     U2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     U2[:, 0] = v2
     U2[:, 1] = u2
     U2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
     return U2
Example #8
 def make_U1():
     U1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     U1[:, 0] = v2
     U1[:, 1] = u1
     U1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
     return U1
Example #9
def decompose_H(H, pts1=None, pts2=None):
    """ Decomposes homography H into (R, (1/d)*T, N), where (R,T) is
    the relative camera motion between the planes, and N is the normal
    vector of the plane w.r.t. the first camera view.
        nparray H: 3x3
        nparray pts1, pts2: Nx2
            If given, then this function will only output the
            physically possible (R,T,N) by enforcing the positive
            depth constraint.
        (nparray R, nparray Ts, nparray N)
    Where R is 3x3, N is a 3x1 column vector, and Ts is a 3x1 column
    vector defined UP TO an unknown scale (1/d).
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(H.T, H))
    if np.linalg.det(U) < 0:
        # We require that U, Vt have det=+1
        U = -U
        Vt = -Vt
    V = Vt.T  # Recall: svd outputs V as V.T
    v1 = V[:, 0]
    v2 = V[:, 1]
    v3 = V[:, 2]
    norm_ = np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - S[2]**2.0)
    u1 = ((np.sqrt(1 - S[2]**2.0) * v1) +
          (np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - 1) * v3)) / norm_
    u2 = ((np.sqrt(1 - S[2]**2.0) * v1) -
          (np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - 1) * v3)) / norm_

    def make_U1():
        U1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        U1[:, 0] = v2
        U1[:, 1] = u1
        U1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
        return U1

    def make_U2():
        U2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        U2[:, 0] = v2
        U2[:, 1] = u2
        U2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
        return U2

    def make_W1():
        W1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        W1[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
        W1[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u1)
        W1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)),
                          np.dot(H, u1))
        return W1

    def make_W2():
        W2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        W2[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
        W2[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u2)
        W2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)),
                          np.dot(H, u2))
        return W2

    U1 = make_U1()
    U2 = make_U2()
    W1 = make_W1()
    W2 = make_W2()

    # Generate 4 possible solutions
    R1 = np.dot(W1, U1.T)
    N1 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
    Ts1 = np.dot((H - R1), N1)

    R2 = np.dot(W2, U2.T)
    N2 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
    Ts2 = np.dot((H - R2), N2)

    R3 = R1
    N3 = -N1
    Ts3 = -Ts1

    R4 = R2
    N4 = -N2
    Ts4 = -Ts2
    ## Remove physically impossible decomps: n3 < 0
    decomps = []
    if N1[2] < 0:
        # N1 is impossible, N3 must be correct
        R3 = util_camera.normalize_det(R3)
        decomps.append((R3, Ts3, N3))
        R1 = util_camera.normalize_det(R1)
        decomps.append((R1, Ts1, N1))
    if N2[2] < 0:
        # N2 is impossible, N4 must be correct
        R4 = util_camera.normalize_det(R4)
        decomps.append((R4, Ts4, N4))
        R2 = util_camera.normalize_det(R2)
        decomps.append((R2, Ts2, N2))
    return decomps
 def make_W2():
     W2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     W2[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
     W2[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u2)
     W2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)), np.dot(H, u2))
     return W2
def test_koopa(SHOW_EPIPOLAR=False):
    """ Estimate the homography H between two image views of the planar
    poster. Also decomposes H into {R, (1/d)T, N}.
    imgpath1 = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_SMALL, 'DSCN0643.png')
    imgpath2 = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_SMALL, 'DSCN0648.png')
    img1 = cv2.imread(imgpath1)
    img2 = cv2.imread(imgpath2)
    pts1_ = ((150.0, 39.0),    # Upperleft corner redbox
             (220.0, 47.0),    # Koopa's left-eye
             (191.0, 55.0),    # Tip of Koopa's pencil
             (122.0, 128.0),   # Lowerleft corner of bluebox
             (144.0, 100.0),   # Tip of glue bottle
             (278.0, 129.0),   # Lowerright corner of greenbox
    pts2_ = ((276.0, 34.0),    # Upperleft corner redbox
             (327.0, 61.0),    # Koopa's left-eye
             (286.0, 57.0),    # Tip of Koopa's pencil
             (141.0, 86.0),    # Lowerleft corner of bluebox
             (188.0, 75.0),    # Tip of glue bottle
             (237.0, 154.0),   # Lowerright corner of greenbox
    calib_imgpaths = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB_SMALL)
    print "(Calibrating camera...)"
    K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(calib_imgpaths, 9, 6, 0.023)
    print "Finished calibrating camera, K is:"
    print K
    print "(Estimating homography...)"
    pts1 = tup2nparray(pts1_)
    pts2 = tup2nparray(pts2_)
    pts1_norm = normalize_coords(pts1, K)
    pts2_norm = normalize_coords(pts2, K)
    # H goes from img1 -> img2
    H_ = estimate_planar_homography(pts1_norm, pts2_norm)
    print "Estimated homography, H is:",
    print H_
    print "rank(H):", np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_)
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_) != 3:
        print "    Oh no! H is not full rank!"

    #### Normalize H := H / sigma_2(H_)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(H_)
    H = H_ / S[1]

    #### Enforce positive depth constraint
    flag_flipped = False
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = pts2_norm[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            if flag_flipped:
                print "WOAH, flipping twice?!"
            print "FLIP IT! val_{0} was: {1}".format(i, val)
            H = H * -1
            flag_flipped = True
    # (Sanity check positive depth constraint)
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = pts2_norm[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            print "WOAH, positive depth constraint violated!?"
    #### Check projection error from I1 -> I2.
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((pts2_norm[i], np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_pred = np.dot(H, pt1_h)
        pt2_pred = pt2_pred / pt2_pred[2]
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt2_h - pt2_pred))
    print "Projection error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Check if planar epipolar constraint is satisfied:
    ####     x2_hat * H * x1 = 0.0
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))
        pt2_hat = util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(pts2_norm[i])
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(np.dot(pt2_hat, np.dot(H, pt1_h))))
    print "Epipolar constraint error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Draw epipolar lines
    Irgb1 = cv2.imread(imgpath1, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
    Irgb2 = cv2.imread(imgpath2, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        draw_epipolar_lines(Irgb1, Irgb2, pts1, pts2, H)

    decomps = decompose_H(H)
    for i, (R, Ts, N) in enumerate(decomps):
        print "==== Decomposition {0} ====".format(i)
        print "    R is:", R
        print "    Ts is:", Ts
        print "    N is:", N
        H_redone = (R + np.dot(np.array([Ts]).T, np.array([N])))
        print "norm((R+Ts*N.T) - H, 'fro'):", np.linalg.norm(H - H_redone, 'fro')
        print "    det(R)={0} rank(R)={1}".format(np.linalg.det(R), np.linalg.matrix_rank(R))
        #### Sanity check that H_redone still maps I1 to I2
        errs = []
        for ii, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
            pt1_h = np.hstack(([pt1, [1.0]]))
            pt2_h = np.hstack((pts2_norm[ii], [1.0]))
            pt1_proj = np.dot(H_redone, pt1_h)
            pt1_proj /= pt1_proj[2]
            print pt1_proj
            print pt2_h
            errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt1_proj - pt2_h))
        print "Reprojection error: {0} (mean={1}, std={2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))
 def make_W1():
     W1 = np.zeros((3,3))
     W1[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
     W1[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u1)
     W1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)), np.dot(H, u1))
     return W1
 def make_U2():
     U2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     U2[:, 0] = v2
     U2[:, 1] = u2
     U2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
     return U2
 def make_U1():
     U1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     U1[:, 0] = v2
     U1[:, 1] = u1
     U1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
     return U1
def decompose_H(H, pts1=None, pts2=None):
    """ Decomposes homography H into (R, (1/d)*T, N), where (R,T) is
    the relative camera motion between the planes, and N is the normal
    vector of the plane w.r.t. the first camera view.
        nparray H: 3x3
        nparray pts1, pts2: Nx2
            If given, then this function will only output the
            physically possible (R,T,N) by enforcing the positive
            depth constraint.
        (nparray R, nparray Ts, nparray N)
    Where R is 3x3, N is a 3x1 column vector, and Ts is a 3x1 column
    vector defined UP TO an unknown scale (1/d).
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(H.T, H))
    if np.linalg.det(U) < 0:
        # We require that U, Vt have det=+1
        U = -U
        Vt = -Vt
    V = Vt.T    # Recall: svd outputs V as V.T
    v1 = V[:, 0]
    v2 = V[:, 1]
    v3 = V[:, 2]
    norm_ = np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - S[2]**2.0)
    u1 = ((np.sqrt(1 - S[2]**2.0)*v1) + (np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - 1)*v3)) / norm_
    u2 = ((np.sqrt(1 - S[2]**2.0)*v1) - (np.sqrt(S[0]**2.0 - 1)*v3)) / norm_
    def make_U1():
        U1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        U1[:, 0] = v2
        U1[:, 1] = u1
        U1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
        return U1
    def make_U2():
        U2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        U2[:, 0] = v2
        U2[:, 1] = u2
        U2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
        return U2
    def make_W1():
        W1 = np.zeros((3,3))
        W1[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
        W1[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u1)
        W1[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)), np.dot(H, u1))
        return W1
    def make_W2():
        W2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
        W2[:, 0] = np.dot(H, v2)
        W2[:, 1] = np.dot(H, u2)
        W2[:, 2] = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(np.dot(H, v2)), np.dot(H, u2))
        return W2
    U1 = make_U1()
    U2 = make_U2()
    W1 = make_W1()
    W2 = make_W2()
    # Generate 4 possible solutions
    R1 = np.dot(W1, U1.T)
    N1 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u1)
    Ts1 = np.dot((H - R1), N1)
    R2 = np.dot(W2, U2.T)
    N2 = np.dot(util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(v2), u2)
    Ts2 = np.dot((H - R2), N2)
    R3 = R1
    N3 = -N1
    Ts3 = -Ts1
    R4 = R2
    N4 = -N2
    Ts4 = -Ts2
    ## Remove physically impossible decomps: n3 < 0
    decomps = []
    if N1[2] < 0:
        # N1 is impossible, N3 must be correct
        R3 = util_camera.normalize_det(R3)
        decomps.append((R3, Ts3, N3))
        R1 = util_camera.normalize_det(R1)
        decomps.append((R1, Ts1, N1))
    if N2[2] < 0:
        # N2 is impossible, N4 must be correct
        R4 = util_camera.normalize_det(R4)
        decomps.append((R4, Ts4, N4))
        R2 = util_camera.normalize_det(R2)
        decomps.append((R2, Ts2, N2))
    return decomps
Example #16
def test_koopa_singleimage(SHOW_EPIPOLAR=False):
    """ Here, I want to do "undo" the perspective distortion in the
    image, based on the fact that I know:
        - The camera matrix K
        - The scene is planar
        - The location of four points in the image that create a 
          rectangle in the world plane with known metric lengths
          Note: I don't have to necessarily know the metric lengths,
                but at least I need to know length ratios to construct
                a corrected image with length ratios preserved.
    In the literature, this is also known as: perspective rectification,
    perspective correction.
    imgpath = os.path.join(IMGSDIR_KOOPA_MED, 'DSCN0643.png')
    pts1 = np.array([[373.0, 97.0],        # A (upper-left red corner)
                     [650.0, 95.0],        # B (upper-right red corner)
                     [674.0, 215.0],       # C (lower-right red corner)
                     [503.0, 322.0],       # D (lower-left green corner)
                     [494.0, 322.0],       # E (lower-right blue corner)
                     [303.0, 321.0],       # F (lower-left blue corner)
                     [332.0, 225.0],       # G (upper-left blue corner)
                     [335.0, 215.0],       # H (lower-left red corner)
                     [475.0, 135.0],       # K (tip of pen)
                     [507.0, 225.0],       # L (upper-left green corner)
                     [362.0, 248.0],       # M (tip of glue bottle)
    worldpts = get_worldplane_coords()
    assert len(pts1) == len(worldpts)
    calib_imgpaths = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB_MED)
    print "(Calibrating camera...)"
    if True:
        print "(Using pre-computed camera matrix K!)"
        K = np.array([[ 158.23796519,    0.0,          482.07814366],
                      [   0.,           28.53758493,  333.32239125],
                      [   0.,            0.,            1.        ]])
        K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(calib_imgpaths, 9, 6, 0.023)
    print "Finished calibrating camera, K is:"
    print K
    Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)

    pts1_norm = normalize_coords(pts1, K)
    HL = estimate_planar_homography(pts1_norm, worldpts)

    print "Estimated homography, H is:"
    print HL
    print "rank(H):", np.linalg.matrix_rank(HL)
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(HL) != 3:
        print "    Oh no! H is not full rank!"

    #### Normalize H := H / sigma_2(H_)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(HL)
    H = HL / S[1]
    #### Enforce positive depth constraint
    flag_flipped = False
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = worldpts[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            if flag_flipped:
                print "WOAH, flipping twice?!"
            print "FLIP IT! val_{0} was: {1}".format(i, val)
            H = H * -1
            flag_flipped = True
    # (Sanity check positive depth constraint)
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt2 = worldpts[i]
        val = np.dot(np.hstack((pt2, [1.0])), np.dot(H, np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))))
        if val < 0:
            print "WOAH, positive depth constraint violated!?"
    #### Check projection error from I1 -> I2.
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_h = np.hstack((worldpts[i], np.array([1.0])))
        pt2_pred = np.dot(H, pt1_h)
        pt2_pred = pt2_pred / pt2_pred[2]
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt2_h - pt2_pred))
    print "Projection error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Check if planar epipolar constraint is satisfied:
    ####     x2_hat * H * x1 = 0.0
    errs = []
    for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1_norm):
        pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, [1.0]))
        pt2_hat = util_camera.make_crossprod_mat(worldpts[i])
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(np.dot(pt2_hat, np.dot(H, pt1_h))))
    print "Epipolar constraint error: {0} (Mean: {1} std: {2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))

    #### Sanity-check that world points project to pixel points
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
    errs = []
    for i, worldpt in enumerate(worldpts):
        pt_img = np.hstack((pts1[i], [1.0]))
        p = np.dot(Hinv, np.hstack((worldpt, [1.0])))
        p /= p[2]
        p = np.dot(K, p)
        errs.append(np.linalg.norm(pt_img - p))
    print "world2img errors (in pixels): {0} (mean={1} std={2})".format(sum(errs), np.mean(errs), np.std(errs))
    #### Perform Inverse Perspective Mapping (undo perspective effects)
    ## Pixel coordinates of a region of the image known to:
    ##     a.) Lie on the plane
    ##     b.) Has known metric lengths
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
    # Define hardcoded pixel/world coordinates on the poster plane
    # TODO: We could try generalizing this to new images by:
    #     a.) Asking the user to choose four image points, and enter
    #         in metric length information (simplest)
    #     b.) Automatically detect four corner points that correspond
    #         to a world rectangle (somehow). If there are no 
    #         reference lengths, then I believe the best thing we can
    #         do is do a perspective-correction up to an affine 
    #         transformation (since we don't know the correct X/Y
    #         lengths).
    pts_pix = np.array([[372.0, 97.0],     # Upperleft of redbox (x,y)
                        [651.0, 95.0],     # Upperright of redbox (x,y)
                        [303.0, 321.0],    # Lowerleft of bluebox (x,y)
                        [695.0, 324.0]],   # Lowerright of greenbox (x,y)
    pts_world = np.zeros([0, 2])
    # Populate pts_world via H (maps image plane -> world plane)
    for pt_pix in pts_pix:
        pt_world = homo2pt(np.dot(H, np.dot(Kinv, pt2homo(pt_pix))))
        pts_world = np.vstack((pts_world, pt_world))
    pts_world *= 1000.0 # Let's get a reasonable-sized image please!
    # These are hardcoded world coords, but, we can auto-gen them via
    # H, Kinv as above. Isn't geometry nice?
    #pts_world = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],
    #                      [175.0, 0.0],
    #                      [0.0, 134.0],
    #                      [175.0, 134.0]])
    IPM0, IPM1 = compute_IPM(pts_pix, pts_world)
    print 'IPM0 is:'
    print IPM0
    print 'IPM1 is:'
    print IPM1
    I = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR).astype('float64')
    I = (2.0*I) + 40    # Up that contrast! Orig. images are super dark.
    h, w = I.shape[0:2]
    # Determine bounding box of IPM-corrected image
    a = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([0.0, 0.0])))  # upper-left corner
    b = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([w-1, 0.0])))  # upper-right corner
    c = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([0.0, h-1])))  # lower-left corner
    d = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo([w-1, h-1])))  # lower-right corner
    w_out = intrnd(max(b[0] - a[0], d[0] - c[0]))
    h_out = intrnd(max(c[1] - a[1], d[1] - b[1]))
    print "New image dimensions: ({0} x {1}) (Orig: {2} x {3})".format(w_out, h_out, w, h)
    # Warp the entire image I with the homography IPM1
    Iwarp = cv2.warpPerspective(I, IPM1, (w_out, h_out))
    # Draw selected points on I
    for pt in pts_pix:
        cv2.circle(I, tupint(pt), 5, (0, 255, 0))
    # Draw rectified-rectangle in Iwarp
    a = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo(pts_pix[0])))
    b = homo2pt(np.dot(IPM1, pt2homo(pts_pix[3])))
    cv2.rectangle(Iwarp, tupint(a), tupint(b), (0, 255, 0))
    #Iwarp = transform_image.transform_image_forward(I, IPM)
    print "(Displaying before/after images, press <any key> to exit.)"
    cv2.imshow('original', I.astype('uint8'))
    cv2.imshow('corrected', Iwarp.astype('uint8'))