def relative_future_course_speed(speed, nfuture, sample_rate):
        def norm_course_diff(course):
            if course > math.pi:
                course = course - 2 * math.pi
            if course < -math.pi:
                course = course + 2 * math.pi
            return course

        # given the speed vectors, calculate the future location relative to
        # the current location, with facing considered
        course_list = MyDataset.to_course_list(speed)
        course_list = MyDataset.fix_none_in_course(course_list)

        # integrate the speed to get the location
        loc = util_car.integral(speed, 1.0 / sample_rate)

        out = np.zeros_like(loc)
        l = out.shape[0]
        for i in range(l):
            if i + nfuture < l:
                fi = min(i + nfuture, l - 1)
                # first is course diff
                out[i, 0] = norm_course_diff(course_list[fi] - course_list[i])
                # second is the distance
                out[i, 1] = np.linalg.norm(loc[fi, :] - loc[i, :])
                # at the end of the video, just use what has before
                out[i, :] = out[i - 1, :]

        # normalize the speed to be per second
        timediff = 1.0 * nfuture / sample_rate
        out = out / timediff

        return out
    def relative_future_location(speed, nfuture, sample_rate):
        # given the speed vectors, calculate the future location relative to
        # the current location, with facing considered
        course_list = MyDataset.to_course_list(speed)
        course_list = MyDataset.fix_none_in_course(course_list)

        # integrate the speed to get the location
        loc = util_car.integral(speed, 1.0 / sample_rate)

        # project future motion on to the current facing direction
        # this is counter clock wise
        def rotate(vec, theta):
            c = math.cos(theta)
            s = math.sin(theta)
            xp = c * vec[0] - s * vec[1]
            yp = s * vec[0] + c * vec[1]
            return np.array([xp, yp])

        out = np.zeros_like(loc)
        l = out.shape[0]
        for i in range(l):
            future = loc[min(i + nfuture, l - 1), :]
            delta = future - loc[i, :]
            out[i, :] = rotate(delta, course_list[i])

        return out