Example #1
def us_person(residence, nationality):
    Function to check if person is US person (taxes) 
        -- residence - is SMS.1 from customer
        -- nationality - is PHONE.1 from customer
    Return: true/false
    if ut.isnull(residence) and ut.isnull(nationality):
        return False
    return (residence == 'US' or nationality == 'US')
def national_register_number(val):
    if ut.isnull(val):
        global missed_tax_id_counter
        missed_tax_id_counter +=1
        return None
    return str(fake.random_number(digits=11, fix_len=True))
Example #3
def street_converter(val):
    Function converts free-hand address into street name, house and flat no 

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: street name, house no, flat no

    Sample addresses to test
    # RUE NEUVE 82
    # GRNAD-ROUTE  22A/9
    # AV DE 14 JUILLET  41
    # RES. LE 205  RUE GRANDE 205/1.3
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return None, None, None

    house = None
    apartment = None

    # remove more than two spaces
    val = re.sub("[  ]{2,}", " ", val).strip()

    # BTE - flat number
    val = re.sub(" BTE[^a-zA-Z]", "/", val)
    val = re.sub(" BTE ", "/", val)
    if len(re.findall(r"[0-9]{1,}BTE[^a-zA-Z]", val)) > 0:
        repl_str = re.findall(r"[0-9]{1,}BTE", val)[-1]
        val = val.replace(repl_str, repl_str.replace('BTE', "/"))

    # remove spaces before and after house-apartment devider
    val = re.sub(" /", "/", val)
    val = re.sub("/ ", "/", val)

    # split the address
    street = val
    addr = val.split(' ')

    # just one no case
    if len(addr) == 1:
        return (fp.street_name(val), house, apartment) if IS_TEST_ENVIRONMENT else (val, house, apartment)

    # most common cases - last contain a number
    if re.search(r"[0-9]{1,}", addr[-1]) and len(re.search(r"[0-9]{1,}", addr[-1]).group()) > 0:
        street = ' '.join(addr[:-1])
        house = addr[-1]
        splitted = addr[-1].split('/')
        if len(splitted) > 1:
            house = splitted[0]
            apartment = splitted[1]

    return (fp.street_name(val), fp.street_number(val), apartment) if IS_TEST_ENVIRONMENT else (val, house, apartment)
Example #4
def pep(val):
    Convert pep value from origin Service "N", "Y", None to Boolean

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: converted value #Tomasz Mierzwiński decission False as default
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return False
    return True if val == 'Y' else False
Example #5
def to_lowercase(val):
    simply converts val to lower case - change object to str

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: converted to str lowercase cell
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return None
    val = str(val)
    return val.lower()
Example #6
def float_converter(val):
    converts value from cell to float

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: float value of cell or none
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return None
        return np.float(val.replace(' ', '').replace(',', '.'))
        return None
Example #7
def date_converter(val):
    converts date from R11 files in format YYYYMMDD to YYYY-MM-DD

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: iso date as expected in API
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return None

    # simpler approach
    # return f'{val[0:4]}-{val[4:6]}-{val[-2:]}'
        # this approach required date to be valied
        return datetime.strptime(val, '%Y%m%d').date().isoformat()
        # TODO??? to be decided case with invalid date
        return None
Example #8
def valid_email(val):
    simple email validation - to consider using python validate_email - existence is possible
    Arguments -- val: single cell
    Return: 0 - not valied, 1 valied

    if ut.isnull(val):
        return 0
    #from validate_email import validate_email
    # return validate_email(val,verify=True)

    #for more than one we pick-up first
    if len(val.split('|')) > 0 and len(val.split('|')[0]) > 0:
        val = val.split('|')[0]

    return 0 if not validators.email(val) else 1
Example #9
def validate_birthday(val):
    For a belgium validate birthday and Registry number

    In T24 R11 TAX.ID is unique and mandatory if the RESIDENCE is BE.  A check is be made on the national register number in Belgium which is composed of 11 digits:

    the first 6 positions form the date of birth in the opposite direction. For a person born on July 30, 1985, his first 6 numbers are 850730;
    The following 3 positions constitute the daily birth counter. This figure is even for women and odd for men; • the last 2 positions constitute the check digit. This check digit is a sequence of 2 digits.
    This number is the complement of 97 of the modulo 97 of the number formed:

    - by the first 9 digits of the national number for persons born before 1 January 2000;

    - by the number 2 followed by the first 9 digits of the national number for persons born after 31 December 1999.

    Checks only Belgium customers
     Arguments -- val: three piped cells  - Country code | tax.id | birth_day
    - True/False -
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return False
    val = str(val)
    val = val.split('|')
    if len(val) != 3:
        return False
    if val[0] != 'BE':
        return True
    if len(val) <3 :
        return False
    tax_id = val[1]
    tax_id = re.sub(r"\D", "", tax_id)
    if len(tax_id) != 11:
        return False
    if val[2][0] == '2':
        tax_id = '2'+tax_id
    check_num, val_num = int(tax_id[-2:]), int(tax_id[:-2])
    belgium_modulo_number = 97
    return (belgium_modulo_number - val_num % belgium_modulo_number) == check_num
Example #10
def phone_segmenter(val):
    Function converts phone number into "semantic" valied, prefix, phone number, if possible

    Arguments -- val: single cell
    - True/False - if sematic is correct (corret digits number)
    - prefix - eg 48
    - phone number without prefix
    - True/False - phone possible - for the country
    if ut.isnull(val):
        return False, DEFAULT_PHONE_PREFIX, DEFAULT_PHONE, False
    if str(val).find(DEFAULT_PHONE) > -1:
            return False, DEFAULT_PHONE_PREFIX, DEFAULT_PHONE, False
        num = phn.parse('+'+val, None)
        return True, str(num.country_code), str(num.national_number), phn.is_possible_number(num)
        return False, DEFAULT_PHONE_PREFIX, DEFAULT_PHONE, False
def document_id(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else str(fake.random_number(digits=8, fix_len=True))
def last_name(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.last_name()
def first_name(val):
    """Faker with logic related to fake name for female if dict val is FEMALE"""

    if ut.isnull(val):
        return None
    return fake.first_name_female() if val == 'FEMALE' else fake.first_name_male()
def postalcode(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.postcode()
def apartment(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.building_number()
def street_name(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.street_name()
def street_number(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.building_number()
def future_date(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.future_date().isoformat()
def city(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.city()
def past_date(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.past_date().isoformat()
def date_of_birth(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.date_of_birth().isoformat()
def company(val):
    return None if ut.isnull(val) else fake.company()