Example #1
File: todo.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def todo_add(self, ctx: context.Context, *,
                       content: commands.clean_content) -> None:
        Creates a todo.

        `content`: The content of your todo. Can not be more than 180 characters.
        content = str(content)

        if len(content) > 180:
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                'Your todo can not be more than 180 characters long.')

        todo_count = await self.bot.db.fetchrow(
            'SELECT count(*) as c FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1',
        if todo_count['c'] > 100:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError(
                f'You have too many todos, try removing some of them before adding more.'

        query = 'INSERT INTO todos (owner_id, time_added, todo, link) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)'
        await self.bot.db.execute(query, ctx.author.id, pendulum.now(tz='UTC'),
                                  content, ctx.message.jump_url)

        await ctx.send('Your todo was created.')
Example #2
    async def role(self,
                   ctx: context.Context,
                   role: discord.Role = None) -> None:
        Displays information about a role.

        `role`: The role to display information of. Can be its @Mention, ID or Name.

        if not role:
            if not ctx.guild:
                raise exceptions.GeneralError(
                    'You must be in a guild to use this command without passing the `role` argument.'
            role = ctx.author.top_role

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour,
                              title=f'Information about the role `{role}`')
        embed.set_footer(text=f'ID: {role.id}')
        embed.description = f'`Name:` {role.name}\n' \
                            f'`Hoisted:` {role.hoist}\n' \
                            f'`Position (from bottom):` {role.position}\n' \
                            f'`Managed:` {role.managed}\n' \
                            f'`Mentionable:` {role.mentionable}\n' \
                            f'`Colour:` {str(role.colour).upper()}\n' \
                            f'`Created at:` {self.bot.utils.format_datetime(datetime=role.created_at)}\n' \
                            f'`Members with this role:` {len(role.members)}'

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #3
File: todo.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def todo_clear(self, ctx: context.Context) -> None:
        Clears your todo list.

        todos = await self.bot.db.fetch(
            'SELECT * FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 ORDER BY time_added',
        if not todos:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError('You don not have any todos.')

        await self.bot.db.execute(
            'DELETE FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 RETURNING *', ctx.author.id)
        await ctx.send(f'Cleared your todo list of `{len(todos)}` todo(s).')
Example #4
File: todo.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def todo_delete(self, ctx: context.Context, *,
                          todo_ids: str) -> None:
        Deletes a todo.

        `todo_ids`: The ids of the todos to delete. You can provide a list of ids and they will all be deleted.

        todos = await self.bot.db.fetch(
            'SELECT * FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 ORDER BY time_added',
        if not todos:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError(f'You do not have any todos.')

        todos = {index + 1: todo for index, todo in enumerate(todos)}
        todos_to_remove = []

        for todo_id in todo_ids.split(' '):

                todo_id = int(todo_id)
            except ValueError:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    f'`{todo_id}` is not a valid todo id.')

            if todo_id not in todos.keys():
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    f'You do not have a todo with the id `{todo_id}`.')
            if todo_id in todos_to_remove:
                raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                    f'You provided the todo id `{todo_id}` more than once.')

        query = 'DELETE FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 and time_added = $2'
        entries = [(todos[todo_id]['owner_id'], todos[todo_id]['time_added'])
                   for todo_id in todos_to_remove]
        await self.bot.db.executemany(query, entries)

        embed = discord.Embed(
            description=f'**Deleted** `{len(todos_to_remove)}` **todo(s):**')
                f'[`{todo_id}`]({todos[todo_id]["link"]}) {todos[todo_id]["todo"]}'
                for todo_id in todos_to_remove
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #5
File: time.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def reminders_list(self, ctx: context.Context) -> None:
        Displays a list of your reminders.

        reminders = [reminder for reminder in ctx.user_config.reminders if not reminder.done]

        if not reminders:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError('You do not have any active reminders.')

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour, description=f'**Reminders for** `{ctx.author}:`\n\n')

        for reminder in sorted(reminders, key=lambda reminder: reminder.datetime):

            embed.description += f'`{reminder.id}`: **In {self.bot.utils.format_difference(datetime=reminder.datetime, suppress=[])}**\n' \
                                 f'`When:` {self.bot.utils.format_datetime(datetime=reminder.datetime, seconds=True)}\n' \
                                 f'`Content:` {reminder.content[:100]}\n\n'

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #6
File: todo.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def todo_edit(self, ctx: context.Context, todo_id: str, *,
                        content: commands.clean_content) -> None:
        Edits the todo with the given id.

        `todo_id`: The id of the todo to edit.
        `content`: The content of the new todo.

        todos = await self.bot.db.fetch(
            'SELECT * FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 ORDER BY time_added',
        if not todos:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError('You do not have any todos.')

        content = str(content)
        if len(content) > 180:
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                'Your todo can not be more than 180 characters long.')

        todos = {index + 1: todo for index, todo in enumerate(todos)}

            todo_id = int(todo_id)
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                f'`{todo_id}` is not a valid todo id.')

        if todo_id not in todos.keys():
            raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
                f'You do not have a todo with the id `{todo_id}`.')

        todo = todos[todo_id]

        query = 'UPDATE todos SET todo = $1, link = $2 WHERE owner_id = $3 and time_added = $4'
        await self.bot.db.execute(query, content, ctx.message.jump_url,
                                  todo['owner_id'], todo['time_added'])

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour,
                              description=f'**Updated your todo:**')
        embed.add_field(name='Old content:', value=todo['todo'], inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name='New content:', value=content, inline=False)
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #7
File: todo.py Project: vzymox/Life
    async def todo(self, ctx: context.Context, content: str = None) -> None:
        Display a list of your todos.

        if content is not None:
            await ctx.invoke(self.todo_add, content=content)

        todos = await self.bot.db.fetch(
            'SELECT * FROM todos WHERE owner_id = $1 ORDER BY time_added',
        if not todos:
            raise exceptions.GeneralError('You do not have any todos.')

        entries = [
            f'[`{index + 1}`]({todo["link"]}) {todo["todo"]}'
            for index, todo in enumerate(todos)
        await ctx.paginate_embed(entries=entries,
                                 header=f'**{ctx.author}\'s todo list:**\n\n')