Example #1
def portals_desc() -> str:
    result = []
    portals = portal_info()
    recorded = new_set()
    for room_name in _.sortBy(Object.keys(portals)):
        if recorded.has(room_name):
        data = portals[room_name]
        formatted_xy_builder = []
        xy_pairs = data[portal_segment_data_key_xy_pairs]
        for index in range(0, len(xy_pairs), 2):
            s_x, s_y = positions.deserialize_xy(
                int(robjs.get_str_codepoint(xy_pairs, index)))
            d_x, d_y = positions.deserialize_xy(
                int(robjs.get_str_codepoint(xy_pairs, index + 1)))
                s_x, s_y, d_x, d_y))
        end_time = data[portal_segment_data_key_end_game_time]
        result.append("portal {} -> {}:"
                      "\n\ttime left: {}"
                      "\n\tpositions: {}".format(
                          end_time if end_time else "still active",
                          ' '.join(formatted_xy_builder),
    return "\n".join(result)
Example #2
def recommended_reroute(
        origin: RoomPosition, destination: RoomPosition
) -> Optional[Tuple[RoomPosition, RoomPosition]]:
    path_len = movement.room_chebyshev_distance(origin.roomName,
    if path_len < 5:
        return None

    reroute = None  # type: Optional[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]
    for origin_portal_room, portal_data in portals_near(origin.roomName):
        destination_portal_room = portal_data[
        trying_len = (movement.room_chebyshev_distance(origin.roomName,
                                                       origin_portal_room) +
        if trying_len < path_len:
            path_len = trying_len
            reroute = (origin_portal_room, portal_data)
    if reroute is None:
        return None
    origin_portal_room, portal_data = reroute
    destination_portal_room = portal_data[
    xys_encoded = portal_data[portal_segment_data_key_xy_pairs]
    origin_x, origin_y = positions.deserialize_xy(
        int(robjs.get_str_codepoint(xys_encoded, 0)))
    destination_x, destination_y = positions.deserialize_xy(
        int(robjs.get_str_codepoint(xys_encoded, 1)))
    reroute_start = __new__(
        RoomPosition(origin_x, origin_y, origin_portal_room))
    reroute_end = __new__(
        RoomPosition(destination_x, destination_y, destination_portal_room))
    return reroute_start, reroute_end
Example #3
def room_pos_of_closest_serialized(room, here_pos, list_of_serialized):
    # type: (RoomMind, RoomPosition, List[int]) -> Optional[RoomPosition]
    length = len(list_of_serialized)
    room_name = here_pos.roomName

    if length == 1:
        return positions.deserialize_xy_to_pos(list_of_serialized[0],
    here_x = here_pos.x
    here_y = here_pos.y
    closest = None
    closest_length = Infinity
    for xy in list_of_serialized:
        x, y = positions.deserialize_xy(xy)
        distance = max(abs(here_x - x), abs(here_y - y))
        if here_pos.x == x and here_pos.y == y:
            closest_length = -Infinity
            closest = xy
        elif distance < closest_length and is_block_clear(room, x, y):
            closest_length = distance
            closest = xy
    if closest is not None:
        return positions.deserialize_xy_to_pos(closest, room_name)
        return None
Example #4
 def rate_attack_pos(x, y):
     summation = 0
     for enemy in nearby:
         if enemy.pos.x:
             ex = enemy.pos.x
             ey = enemy.pos.y
             ex, ey = positions.deserialize_xy(enemy.pos)
         distance = movement.chebyshev_distance_xy(x, y, ex, ey)
         summation += ranged_mass_attack_rates[distance] or 0
     return summation * 10 + movement.chebyshev_distance_xy(x, y, self.pos.x, self.pos.y)
Example #5
def kiting_cost_matrix(room_name, target):
    # type: (str, Flag) -> Union[PathFinder.CostMatrix, bool]
    cache = volatile_cache.mem("kiting_cost_matrix")
    if cache.has(room_name):
        return cache.get(room_name)
    if hostile_utils.enemy_using_room(room_name) and room_name != target.pos.roomName:
        return False
    # TODO: some of this is duplicated in honey.HoneyTrails

    cost_matrix = __new__(PathFinder.CostMatrix())

    def set_in_range_xy(initial_x, initial_y, distance, value, increase_by_center):
        for x in range(initial_x - distance, initial_x + distance + 1):
            for y in range(initial_y - distance, initial_y + distance + 1):
                if increase_by_center:
                    value_here = value + increase_by_center \
                                         * (distance - movement.chebyshev_distance_xy(initial_x, initial_y, x, y))
                    value_here = value
                existing_cost = cost_matrix.get(x, y)
                if existing_cost == 0:
                    terrain_here = Game.map.getTerrainAt(x, y, room_name)
                    if terrain_here[0] == 'p':
                        existing_cost = 1
                    elif terrain_here[0] == 's':
                        existing_cost = 25
                    elif terrain_here[0] == 'w':
                cost_matrix.set(x, y, existing_cost + value_here)

    def set_in_range(pos, distance, value, increase_by_center):
        pos = pos.pos or pos
        set_in_range_xy(pos.x, pos.y, distance, value, increase_by_center)

    room = context.hive().get_room(room_name)

    if room:
        any_lairs = False
        for struct in cast(List[OwnedStructure], room.find(FIND_STRUCTURES)):
            if struct.structureType == STRUCTURE_ROAD:
                cost_matrix.set(struct.pos.x, struct.pos.y, 1)
            elif struct.structureType != STRUCTURE_CONTAINER and (struct.structureType != STRUCTURE_RAMPART
                                                                  or not struct.my):
                if struct.structureType == STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR:
                    any_lairs = True
                cost_matrix.set(struct.pos.x, struct.pos.y, 255)
        for creep in room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS):
            cost_matrix.set(creep.pos.x, creep.pos.y, 255)
        if any_lairs:
            for source in room.find(FIND_SOURCES):
                set_in_range(source.pos, 4, 255, 0)
            for mineral in room.find(FIND_MINERALS):
                set_in_range(mineral.pos, 4, 255, 0)
        data = stored_data.get_data(room_name)
        if data:
            for obstacle in data.obstacles:
                if obstacle.type == StoredObstacleType.ROAD:
                    cost_matrix.set(obstacle.x, obstacle.y, 1)
                elif obstacle.type == StoredObstacleType.SOURCE_KEEPER_LAIR \
                        or obstacle.type == StoredObstacleType.SOURCE_KEEPER_SOURCE \
                        or obstacle.type == StoredObstacleType.SOURCE_KEEPER_MINERAL:
                    set_in_range(obstacle, 4, 255, 0)
                    cost_matrix.set(obstacle.x, obstacle.y, 255)

    for info in defense.stored_hostiles_in(room_name):
        x, y = positions.deserialize_xy(info.pos)
        set_in_range_xy(x, y, 3, 5, 10)
        cost_matrix.set(x, y, 255)

    for x in [0, 49]:
        for y in range(0, 49):
            existing = cost_matrix.get(x, y)
            if existing == 0:
                terrain = Game.map.getTerrainAt(x, y, room_name)
                if terrain[0] == 'p':
                    existing = 1
                elif terrain[0] == 's':
                    existing = 25
                    continue  # wall
            cost_matrix.set(x, y, existing + 5)
    for y in [0, 49]:
        for x in range(0, 49):
            existing = cost_matrix.get(x, y)
            if existing == 0:
                terrain = Game.map.getTerrainAt(x, y, room_name)
                if terrain[0] == 'p':
                    existing = 1
                elif terrain[0] == 's':
                    existing = 25
                    continue  # wall
            cost_matrix.set(x, y, existing + 5)

    cache.set(room_name, cost_matrix)

    return cost_matrix
Example #6
def visualize_room(hive, room_name):
    # type: (HiveMind, str) -> None
    :type hive: empire.hive.HiveMind
    :type room_name: str
    path_colors = ['#6AB4FF', '#A4B227', '#EDFF51', '#CC362C', '#B2615B']
    next_color = 0
    path_list = mining_paths.list_of_paths_with_metadata(room_name)
    for path in _.sortBy(path_list):
        points = []
        path = path[path.codePointAt(0):]
        for i in range(0, len(path)):
            xy = path.codePointAt(i)
            x, y = positions.deserialize_xy(xy)
            points.append([x, y])
        color = path_colors[next_color]
        next_color = (next_color + 1) % len(path_colors)
        js_visuals.poly(room_name, points, {
            'stroke': color,
            'opacity': 0.3,
            'strokeWidth': 0.2,

    room = hive.get_room(room_name)

    if room.my:
        bubble_wrapping = room.building.bubble_wrapping()
        if bubble_wrapping:
            for i in range(0, len(bubble_wrapping)):
                xy = robjs.get_str_codepoint(bubble_wrapping, i)
                x = xy & 0x3F
                y = xy >> 6 & 0x3F
                js_visuals.circle(room_name, x, y, {
                    'radius': 0.8,
                    'fill': '#ADD8E6',
                    'opacity': 0.6,

    if room and room.my and room.mem[rmem_key_currently_under_siege]:
        js_visuals.text(room_name, 5, 45, "under attack", {
            'color': '#AA0114',
            'size': 1.0,
            'opacity': 0.8,
        hot, cold = room.defense.get_current_defender_spots()
        for spot in hot:
            js_visuals.circle(room_name, spot.x, spot.y, {
                'radius': 2.0,
                'fill': '#AA0114',
                'opacity': 0.2,
            js_visuals.circle(room_name, spot.x, spot.y, {
                'radius': 4.0,
                'fill': '#AA0114',
                'opacity': 0.2,
        for spot in cold:
            js_visuals.circle(room_name, spot.x, spot.y, {
                'radius': 2.0,
                'fill': '00B7EB',
                'opacity': 0.2,
            js_visuals.circle(room_name, spot.x, spot.y, {
                'radius': 4.0,
                'fill': '#00B7EB',
                'opacity': 0.2,