__author__ = 'jjin'

from datetime import datetime

from utilities import getPrices, calculateBollingerValues, createBollingerEventFilter, plotBollingerBands

if __name__ == '__main__':
    startDate = datetime(2010, 1, 1)
    endDate = datetime(2010, 12, 31)
    lookBackPeriod = 20
    numOfStds = 2
    symbols = ['AAPL', 'GOOG', 'IBM', 'MSFT']

    # ----- compute prices and Bollinger stuff -----
    prices = getPrices(startDate, endDate, symbols, 'close')

    bollingerVals, means, stds, lowerBand, upperBand = calculateBollingerValues(prices, lookBackPeriod, numOfStds, verbose=False)
    _, _, buyDates, sellDates = createBollingerEventFilter(bollingerVals, {'type': 'SIMPLE_CROSS', 'upperVal': 1, 'lowerVal': -1}, verbose=False)

    # ----- plot -----
    for symbol in symbols:
        title = symbol + ': ' + str(numOfStds) + '-stds Bollinger Bands'
        filename = "%s_%dlookback_%dstds_%s-%s.pdf" % (symbol, lookBackPeriod, numOfStds, str(startDate.date()), str(endDate.date()))

        plotBollingerBands(prices[symbol], means[symbol], lowerBand[symbol], upperBand[symbol], title,
                           bollingerVals[symbol], buyDates[symbol], sellDates[symbol], filename=filename)
    marketSymbol = 'SPY'
    symbols = 'SP5002012'
    bolBenchMark = -2
    marketBenchMark = 1

    holdingPeriod = 5
    numStocksTraded = 100
    initialInvestment = 100000

    # ----- compute prices and create events -----
    prices = getPrices(startDate, endDate, symbols, 'close', isSymbolsList=True, additionalSymbol=marketSymbol)
    # prices = getPrices(startDate, endDate, symbols, 'close', additionalSymbol=marketSymbol)
    bollingerVals, _, _, _, _ = calculateBollingerValues(prices, lookBackPeriod, numOfStds)

    eventFilter, actionDates = createBollingerEventFilter(bollingerVals,
                                                          {'type': 'CROSS_WRT_MARKET_FALL', 'bolBenchMark': bolBenchMark,
                                                           'marketBenchMark': marketBenchMark, 'marketSymbol': marketSymbol,
                                                           'lookBackPeriod': lookBackPeriod, 'numOfStds': numOfStds})

        eventprofiler(eventFilter, {'close': prices}, i_lookback=lookBackPeriod, i_lookforward=holdingPeriod,
                      b_market_neutral=True, b_errorbars=True, s_market_sym=marketSymbol, s_filename='eventPlot.pdf')
        print "There aren't enough events for the event profiler."

    # ----- trade and evaluate -----
    orders = makeOrdersAccordingToEvents(eventFilter, holdingPeriod, numStocksTraded, saveIntermediateResults=True)

    portValues = marketsim(orders, initialInvestment)
    # calculateMetrics(portValues, saveIntermediateResults=True)

    analyze(portValues, '$SPX', plotFname='performancePlot.pdf', verbosity=0)