def on_validation_epoch_end(self, trainer, pl_module): x = pl_module.generate(1000) y_hat = pl_module.forward(x) # Log class balance of predictions # # f_fake = pred_label_fraction(y_hat, 0) # pl_module.log("generator/f_fake", f_fake, on_step=False, on_epoch=True) # Softmax entropy # H = entropy(y_hat) trainer.logger.experiment.log({"softmax entropy": wandb.Histogram(H)}) H = H.tolist() data = [[h, pl_module.current_epoch] for h in H] table = wandb.Table(data=data, columns=["entropy", "epoch"]) trainer.logger.experiment.log( { "generator/entropy": wandb.plot.histogram( table, "entropy", title="softmax entropy (fake)" ) } ) trainer.logger.experiment.log({"softmax entropy": wandb.Histogram(H)}) if config["train"]["fid"]: fid_l = pl_module.fid(pl_module.trainer.datamodule.train_l) fid_u = pl_module.fid(pl_module.trainer.datamodule.train_u) pl_module.log("u/fid", fid_u) pl_module.log("l/fid", fid_l)
def compute_marginals(self, entropy_threshold): self.marginals = [] self.entropies = [] self.most_probable_states = [] os.system(self.merlin_path + '/merlin -f ' + self.files_folder + self.file + ' -t MAR -a bte -e ' + self.files_folder + self.evidence_file + ' -o ' + self.files_folder + self.file + ' > ' + self.merlin_path + '/merlin_mar') with open(self.files_folder + self.file + '.MAR') as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt = 1 while line: line = fp.readline() if cnt == 5: marginals = line.strip().split(' ') cnt += 1 step = 2 for variable in range(self.size): k = self.cardinalities[variable] mass_function = [ 1.0 / k for _ in range(self.cardinalities[variable]) ] if variable not in self.observed_variables: for state in range(self.cardinalities[variable]): mass_function[state] = float(marginals[step + state]) step += self.cardinalities[variable] + 1 self.marginals.append(mass_function) self.compute_joint( variable=variable, folder=self.files_folder, file=self.file, ) self.entropies.append( entropy(mass_function, self.cardinalities[variable])) self.most_probable_states.append( mass_function.index(max(mass_function))) self.new_observed_variables = [ i for i, ent in enumerate(self.entropies) if ent < entropy_threshold ] self.new_observed_states = [ self.most_probable_states[i] for i in self.new_observed_variables ] return
def build_tree(self, X, y, feature_indices, depth): """ Recursivly builds a decision tree. """ if depth is self.max_depth or len(y) < self.min_samples_split or entropy(y) is 0: return mode(y)[0][0] feature_index, threshold = find_split(X, y, feature_indices) X_true, y_true, X_false, y_false = split(X, y, feature_index, threshold) if y_true.shape[0] is 0 or y_false.shape[0] is 0: return mode(y)[0][0] branch_true = self.build_tree(X_true, y_true, feature_indices, depth + 1) branch_false = self.build_tree(X_false, y_false, feature_indices, depth + 1) return Node(feature_index, threshold, branch_true, branch_false)
def build_tree(self, X, y, feature_indices, depth): """ Recursivly builds a decision tree. """ if depth is self.max_depth or len( y) < self.min_samples_split or entropy(y) is 0: return mode(y)[0][0] #判断是否满足停止条件 feature_index, threshold = find_split(X, y, feature_indices) #寻找最佳分割点 X_true, y_true, X_false, y_false = split(X, y, feature_index, threshold) if y_true.shape[0] is 0 or y_false.shape[0] is 0: return mode(y)[0][0] branch_true = self.build_tree(X_true, y_true, feature_indices, depth + 1) branch_false = self.build_tree(X_false, y_false, feature_indices, depth + 1) return Node(feature_index, threshold, branch_true, branch_false)
def test_entropy(self): s = self.df.values[:, 3] A = self.df.values[:, 0:3] entrpy = entropy(s) entrpy_cond = [] for a in A.T: entrpy_cond.append(entropy_cond(s, a)) expected_entrpy = -3 / 5 * log(3 / 5, 2) - 2 / 5 * log(2 / 5, 2) expected_entrpy_cond = [] expected_entrpy_cond.append( 3 / 5 * (-1 / 3 * log(1 / 3, 2) - 2 / 3 * log(2 / 3, 2))) #operacio major expected_entrpy_cond.append( 4 / 5 * (-3 / 4 * log(3 / 4, 2) - 1 / 4 * log(1 / 4, 2))) #familia expected_entrpy_cond.append( 2 / 5 * (-1 / 2 * log(1 / 2, 2) - 1 / 2 * log(1 / 2, 2)) + 3 / 5 * (-2 / 3 * log(2 / 3, 2) - 1 / 3 * log(1 / 3, 2))) # gran self.assertTrue(entrpy == expected_entrpy) for i in range(3): self.assertTrue(entrpy_cond[i] == expected_entrpy_cond[i])
def evaluate(self, batch, discrete=False, **kwargs): states = U.to_tensor(batch.state, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float).view(-1, self._input_size[0]) value_estimates = U.to_tensor(batch.value_estimate, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float) advantages = U.to_tensor(batch.advantage, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float) discounted_returns = U.to_tensor(batch.discounted_return, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float) value_error = (value_estimates - discounted_returns).pow(2).mean() advantage = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + self._divide_by_zero_safety) action_probs = U.to_tensor(batch.action_prob, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float) \ .view(-1, self._output_size[0]) _, _, action_probs_target, *_ = self._actor_critic_target(states) if discrete: actions = U.to_tensor(batch.action, device=self._device, dtype=torch.float) \ .view(-1, self._output_size[0]) action_probs = action_probs.gather(1, actions) action_probs_target = action_probs_target.gather(1, actions) ratio = torch.exp(action_probs - action_probs_target) surrogate = ratio * advantage clamped_ratio = torch.clamp(ratio, min=1. - self._surrogate_clip, max=1. + self._surrogate_clip) surrogate_clipped = clamped_ratio * advantage # (L^CLIP) policy_loss = -torch.min(surrogate, surrogate_clipped).mean() entropy_loss = U.entropy(action_probs).mean() collective_cost = policy_loss + value_error * self._value_reg_coef + entropy_loss * self._entropy_reg_coef return collective_cost, policy_loss, value_error
break ################################################################################### # sample hit or miss from plume # c = plume.sample(pos, t) # h = int(c >= th) c = plume.sample(pos, t) #read value from ARX h = int(c >= hs.append(h) ######################################################### # update source posterior log_p_src = update_log_p_src(pos=pos, xs=xs, ys=ys, h=h, log_p_src=log_p_src) s = entropy(log_p_src) # pick next move so as to maximally decrease expected entropy # moves = get_moves(pos, xs, ys, step=speed*dt) moves = get_moves(pos, step=config.step_size) delta_s_expecteds = [] # estimate expected decrease in p_source entropy for each possible move for move in moves: # set entropy increase to inf if move is out of bounds if not round(config.x_bounds[0], 6) <= round(move[0], 6) <= round(config.x_bounds[1], 6): delta_s_expecteds.append(np.inf) continue elif not round(config.y_bounds[0], 6) <= round(move[1], 6) <= round(config.y_bounds[1], 6): delta_s_expecteds.append(np.inf) continue
def build_tree(self, X, y, feature_indices,fa_feature_index,select_feature_fa, father_node,depth): """ 建立决策树 X : y: feature_indices:随机选择的特征集合 fa_feature_index:父节点选择的哪个特征作为分裂特征,、初始时为-1, depth :树的深度 select_feature_fa :记录当前节点的父节点的最优分割属性 """ select_feature_fa.append(fa_feature_index) n_features = X.shape[1] n_features_list = [i for i in range(n_features)] #记录选择的特征 self.select_feature.append(feature_indices) self.sample_num.append(len(y)) node_data_set = np.column_stack((X, y)) # 树终止条件 if self.criterion == 'entropy': if depth is self.max_depth or len(y) < self.min_samples_split or entropy(y) is 0: return mode(y)[0][0]# 返回y数组的众数 # 树终止条件 if self.criterion == 'gini': temp_gini = gini(y) self.gini_.append(temp_gini) sample_num = len(y) if depth is self.max_depth or sample_num < self.min_samples_split or temp_gini < self.min_impurity_split: # if depth is self.max_depth or temp_gini < self.min_impurity_split: #所有的特征都已经被选择了,就随机选择一个特征,使得叶子节点构成双特征 if set(n_features_list) == set(select_feature_fa): index = random.randrange(len(n_features_list)) current_feature_index = n_features_list[index] current_max_value = np.max(X[:, current_feature_index]) current_min_value = np.min(X[:, current_feature_index]) else: to_be_select = list(set(n_features_list) - set(select_feature_fa)) index = random.randrange(len(to_be_select)) current_feature_index = to_be_select[index] current_max_value = np.max(X[:, current_feature_index]) current_min_value = np.min(X[:, current_feature_index]) leaf = Leaf(mode(y)[0][0],fa_feature_index , np.max(X[:,fa_feature_index]), np.min(X[:,fa_feature_index]),current_feature_index,current_max_value, current_min_value,select_feature_fa,node_data_set,sample_num,prior_node= father_node) self.leaf_list.append(leaf) return leaf # feature_index最佳分割属性, threshold 最佳分割属性值,gini_ 系数 feature_index, threshold, max_value ,min_value ,gini_ = find_split(X, y, self.criterion, feature_indices) fa_max_value = np.max(X[:, fa_feature_index]) # 该节点记录父节点分裂特征的最大值 fa_min_value = np.min(X[:, fa_feature_index]) # 该节点记录父节点分裂特征的最小值 X_true, y_true, X_false, y_false = split(X, y, feature_index, threshold)# 分成左子树和右子树 # 没有元素 if y_true.shape[0] is 0 or y_false.shape[0] is 0: if set(n_features_list) == set(select_feature_fa): index = random.randrange(len(n_features_list)) current_feature_index = n_features_list[index] current_max_value = np.max(X[:, current_feature_index]) current_min_value = np.min(X[:, current_feature_index]) else: to_be_select = list(set(n_features_list) - set(select_feature_fa)) index = random.randrange(len(to_be_select)) current_feature_index = to_be_select[index] current_max_value = np.max(X[:, current_feature_index]) current_min_value = np.min(X[:, current_feature_index]) leaf = Leaf(mode(y)[0][0], fa_feature_index, np.max(X[:, fa_feature_index]), np.min(X[:, fa_feature_index]), current_feature_index,current_max_value,current_min_value,select_feature_fa,node_data_set,prior_node= father_node,sample_num= 0) self.leaf_list.append(leaf) return leaf node = Node(feature_index=feature_index, fa_feature_index = fa_feature_index, threshold = threshold, max_value = max_value, min_value = min_value, fa_max_value = fa_max_value, fa_min_value = fa_min_value, gini_coefficient = gini_, node_data_set = node_data_set) # # 随机的选特征 n_features = X.shape[1] n_sub_features = int(self.max_features) # feature_indices = random.sample(range(n_features), n_sub_features) select_feature = list() select_feature += select_feature_fa # 记录节点选择的特征 ## 递归的创建左子树 node.branch_true = self.build_tree(X_true, y_true, feature_indices,feature_index, select_feature,node,depth + 1) ## 随机的选特征 feature_indices = random.sample(range(n_features), n_sub_features) # 递归的创建右子树 select_feature = list() select_feature += select_feature_fa # 记录节点选择的特征 node.branch_false = self.build_tree(X_false, y_false, feature_indices,feature_index, select_feature,node,depth + 1) node.prior_node = father_node #指向前驱节点 return node
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx): x_l, y_l = batch["l"] x_u, _ = batch["u"] x_real, _ = batch["real"] ##### DISCRIMINATOR ##### if optimizer_idx == 0: ## Generate fake ## z = torch.rand(x_real.shape[0], n_z, 1, 1) z = z.type_as(x_real) x_fake = self.G(z).detach() ## Pass through discriminator ## l_real, _, _ = self.D(x_real) l_l, _, _ = self.D(x_l) l_fake, _, _ = self.D(x_fake) _, y_u, _ = self.D(x_u) ## Supervised Loss l_l sup_loss = F.cross_entropy(l_l, y_l) self.log("disc/supervised loss", sup_loss) ## Unsupervised Loss ## u_loss = logit_loss(l_real, l_fake) self.log("disc/unsupervised loss", u_loss) ## Conditional Entropy Loss ## ent_loss = config["train"]["ent_weight"] * entropy(y_u, loss=True) self.log("disc/conditional entropy loss", ent_loss) ## Total Loss ## loss = u_loss + sup_loss + ent_loss self.log("disc/loss", loss) return loss ##### GENERATOR ##### if optimizer_idx == 1: ## Generate fake ## z = torch.rand(x_u.shape[0], n_z, 1, 1) z = z.type_as(x_u) x_fake = self.G(z) ## Pass through discriminator to get feature maps ## _, _, f_real = self.D(x_u) _, _, f_fake = self.D(x_fake) ## Calculate L2 norm of feature map difference ## Df = torch.mean(f_real, 0) - torch.mean(f_fake, 0) f_loss = torch.linalg.norm(Df, ord=2) self.log("generator/f_loss", f_loss) if config["train"]["pt_weight"]: pt_loss = pull_away_loss(f_fake) self.log("generator/pt_loss", pt_loss) loss = f_loss + pt_loss self.log("generator/loss", loss) else: loss = f_loss return loss
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx): x_l, y_l = batch["l"] x_u, _ = batch["u"] x_real, _ = batch["real"] ##### DISCRIMINATOR ##### if optimizer_idx == 0: ## Generate fakes and real/fake labels ## z = torch.rand(x_l.shape[0], n_z, 1, 1).type_as(x_l) # y_fake = torch.randint(2, (x_u.shape[0],)).type_as(x_u) x_g = self.G(z, y_l).detach() ## Generate pseudolabels ## y_c = self.C(x_real, predict=True).detach() ## Pass through discriminator ## p_l = self.D(x_l, labels=y_l) p_c = self.D(x_real, labels=y_c) p_g = self.D(x_g, labels=y_l) loss_l = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_l, ones_labels(y_l)) self.log("discriminator/loss_l", loss_l) loss_c = 0.5 * F.binary_cross_entropy(p_c, zeros_labels(y_c)) self.log("discriminator/loss_c", loss_c) loss_g = 0.5 * F.binary_cross_entropy(p_g, zeros_labels(y_l)) self.log("discriminator/loss_g", loss_g) loss = loss_l + loss_c + loss_g self.log("discriminator/loss", loss) return loss ##### CLASSIFIER ##### if optimizer_idx == 1: ## Generate fakes and pseudo-classify them ## z = torch.rand(x_l.shape[0], n_z, 1, 1).type_as(x_l) # y_fake = torch.randint(2, (x_u.shape[0],)).type_as(x_u) x_g = self.G(z, y_l).detach() y_g = self.C(x_g) ## Generate pseudolabels and pass through discriminator ## y_c = self.C(x_real, predict=True) p_c = self.D(x_real, labels=y_c) ## Discriminatory loss ## disc_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_c, ones_labels(y_c)) self.log("classifier/discriminatory loss", disc_loss) ## Supervised loss using labelled data ## y_l_pred = self.C(x_l) sup_loss = self.ce_loss(y_l_pred, y_l) self.log("classifier/supervised loss", sup_loss) ## Pseudo-discriminative loss ## pseudo_loss = self.ce_loss(y_g, y_l) self.log("classifier/pseudo-discriminative loss", pseudo_loss) ## Confidence loss ## y_c = self.C(x_real) H_y_c = entropy(y_c, loss=True) p_y_c = torch.sum(y_c, 0).expand(y_l.shape[0], -1) R_U = H_y_c + config["train"]["alpha_B"] * self.ce_loss(p_y_c, y_l) self.log("classifier/confidence loss", R_U) loss = sup_loss + pseudo_loss + disc_loss + config["train"][ "alpha_P"] * R_U return loss ##### GENERATOR ##### if optimizer_idx == 2: ## Generate fakes and 'real' labels ## z = torch.rand(x_l.shape[0], n_z, 1, 1).type_as(x_l) x_g = self.G(z, y_l) ## Pass through discriminator and calculate loss ## p_g = self.D(x_g, labels=y_l) loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_g, ones_labels(y_l)) self.log("generator/loss", loss) return loss