for url in dap_urls:
    if "hfrnet" in url:
        print "Skipping HF Radar Obs Data"

    if "NECOFS" in url:
            print "Attemping to load {0}".format(url)
            u = iris.load_cube(url, u_constraint)
            v = iris.load_cube(url, v_constraint)

            # take first 20 chars for model name
            mod_name = u.attributes["title"][0:20]
            r = u.shape
            timevar = find_timevar(u)
            lat = u.coord(axis="Y").points
            lon = u.coord(axis="X").points
            jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
            start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
            istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
            stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
            istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

            # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
            if istart != istop:
                nsta = len(stations)
                if len(r) == 4:
                    # HYCOM and ROMS
                    # Dimensions are time, elevation, lat, lon
                    d = u[0, 0:1, :, :].data
# <codecell>

min_var = 0.01

# <codecell>

for url in dap_urls:
        a = iris.load_cube(url, constraint)
        # convert to units of meters
        # a.convert_units('m')     # this isn't working for unstructured data
        # take first 20 chars for model name
        mod_name = a.attributes['title'][0:20]
        r = a.shape
        timevar = find_timevar(a)
        lat = a.coord(axis='Y').points
        lon = a.coord(axis='X').points
        jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
        start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
        istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
        stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
        istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

        # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
        if istart != istop:
            nsta = len(obs_lon)
            if len(r) == 3:
                print('[Structured grid model]:', url)
                d = a[0, :, :].data
                # Find the closest non-land point from a structured grid model.
Example #3
# Use only data within 0.04 degrees (about 4 km).
max_dist = 0.04
# Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
# This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
min_var = 0.01
for url in dap_urls:
        print 'Attemping to load {0}'.format(url)
        a = iris.load_cube(url, constraint)
        # convert to units of meters
        # a.convert_units('m')     # this isn't working for unstructured data
        # take first 20 chars for model name
        mod_name = a.attributes['title'][0:20]
        r = a.shape
        timevar = find_timevar(a)
        lat = a.coord(axis='Y').points
        lon = a.coord(axis='X').points
        jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
        start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
        istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
        stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
        istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

        # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
        if istart != istop:
            nsta = len(station_list)
            if len(r) == 3:
                print('[Structured grid model]:', url)
                d = a[0, :, :].data
                # Find the closest non-land point from a structured grid model.
# Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
# This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
min_var = 0.01

# print dap_urls
for url in dap_urls:
    #     model_df, model_lat, model_lon = get_model_data(url, model_df, max_dist, min_var)
        print 'Attemping to load {0}'.format(url)
        u = iris.load_cube(url, u_constraint)
        v = iris.load_cube(url, v_constraint)

        # take first 20 chars for model name
        mod_name = u.attributes['title'][0:30]
        r = u.shape
        timevar = find_timevar(u)
        lat = u.coord(axis='Y').points
        lon = u.coord(axis='X').points
        # Convert longitude to [-180 180]
        if max(lon) > 180:
            lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
        jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
        start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
        istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
        stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
        istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

        # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
        if istart != istop:
            nsta = len(stations)
Example #5
max_dist = 0.4

# Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
# This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
min_var = 0.01

#Try the WaveWatchIII global model
url = ''
    print 'Attemping to load {0}'.format(url)
    cube = iris.load_cube(url, constraint)

    # take first 20 chars for model name
    mod_name = cube.attributes['title'][0:30]
    r = cube.shape
    timevar = find_timevar(cube)
    lat = cube.coord(axis='Y').points
    lon = cube.coord(axis='X').points
    # Convert longitude to [-180 180]
    if max(lon) > 180:
        lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
    jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
    start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
    istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
    stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
    istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

    # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
    if istart != istop:
        # Wave Watch III uses a 4D grid (time, z, lat, lon)
        d = cube[0, 0, :, :].data
Example #6
max_dist = 0.4

# Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
# This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
min_var = 0.01

#Try the WaveWatchIII global model
url = ''
    print 'Attemping to load {0}'.format(url)
    cube = iris.load_cube(url, constraint)

    # take first 20 chars for model name
    mod_name = cube.attributes['title'][0:30]
    r = cube.shape
    timevar = find_timevar(cube)
    lat = cube.coord(axis='Y').points
    lon = cube.coord(axis='X').points
    # Convert longitude to [-180 180]
    if max(lon) > 180:
        lon[lon>180] = lon[lon>180]-360
    jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
    start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
    istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
    stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
    istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)

    # Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
    if istart != istop:
        # Wave Watch III uses a 4D grid (time, z, lat, lon)
        d = cube[0, 0, :, :].data