Example #1
def local_dish(data):
    ''' a stew made from blip and blap '''
    rules = {
        'start': '#type# made with #main_ingredient# and #ingredient#',
        'type': [
            '#soup_adjective# soup',
        'soup_adjective': [
            'thick', 'thin', 'clear', 'hot', 'creamy',
            'rich', 'light'],
        'main_ingredient': ['#meat#', '#vegetable#'],
        'ingredient': ['a vegetable called #vegetable2#'],
        'meat': ['%s meat' % get_latin(a['name']) \
                 for a in data['cuisine']['animals']] + \
                ['pork', 'beef', 'lamb', 'chicken', 'game', 'fish'],
        'vegetable': '<em>%s</em>' % \
        'vegetable2': '<em>%s</em>' % \

    grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
    sentence = grammar.flatten('#start#')
    return format_text(sentence)
def describe_specialty(name, product, data):
    ''' the city is famous for .... bread? '''
    rules = {
        'start': [
            '#city# is #famous# for its #product#, and #superlative#.',
            '#product# is big business in #city#, and #superlative#.',
            '#city#\'s name is practically synonymous with #product#, ' \
                'and #superlative#.',
        'product': product,
        'name': get_latin(name, capitalize=True),
        'city': get_latin(data['city_name'], capitalize=True),
        'famous': [
            'famous', 'world renowned', 'renowned', 'known',
            'known far and wide',
        'superlative': [
            'this is the #best# destination to partake',
            'there\'s no better introduction to the local specialty than ' \
            'it doesn\'t get better than #name#',
            '#name# is the best in the business',
        'best': ['best', 'number one'],

    grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
    sentence = grammar.flatten('#start#')

    return format_text(sentence)
Example #3
def regional_gem(data):
    ''' Gem of the Ashzvire Desert '''
    climate = data['climate']['id']

    gem = random.choice(['Gem', 'Jewel', 'Crown', 'Treasure', 'Pride'])
    region = data['terrain']
    region_name = get_latin(data['geography']['region'], capitalize=True)

    interior_name = {
        'tropical_rainforest': 'rainforest',
        'tropical_monsoon': 'tropics',
        'hot_desert': 'desert',
        'arid': 'desert',
        'steppe': 'steppe',
        'subarctic': 'tundra',
    if region == 'interior':
        if climate in interior_name:
            region = interior_name[climate]
            nation_types = {
                'monarchy': 'Thrown',
                'oligarchy': 'Empire',
                'republic': 'Republic',
                'theocracy': 'Nation',
            region = nation_types[data['government']]
            region_name = get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True)

    region = region[0].upper() + region[1:]

    return '%s of the %s %s' % (gem, region_name, region)
Example #4
def activity(data):
    ''' Spend a Fanciful Day '''
    dictionary = data['dictionary']
    industries = {
        'art': ['Take a Breath of Beauty', 'Find an Artist\'s Inspiration'],
        'literature': ['Step into a Poem in %s' % \
                data['secondary_material'][0].upper() + \
        'death': ['Brush the Hereafter', 'Reconnect with your Ancestors'],
        'technology': ['Peak at Tomorrow'],
        'education': ['Study at the Seat of Knowledge', 'Learn Something New'],
        'crop': ['Take a Bite of Just-Picked %s Fruit' % \
                 get_latin(dictionary['fruitNN'], capitalize=True),
                 'Stroll through the %s blossoms' % \
        'weaving': ['Find a Bargain in the Fabric Market'],
        'fishing': ['Hear the Crash of the Ocean Waves'],
        'metalworking': ['Feel the Heat of an Artisan\'s Forge'],
        'printing': ['A Whiff of Old Book Smell'],
        'carving': ['Surround yourself with Architectural Beauty'],
        'pastry': ['Savor a Freshly Baked %s Pastry' % \
                get_latin(dictionary['pastryNN'], capitalize=True)],
        'brewing': ['Relax with a Tangy Cup of %s' % \
                get_latin(dictionary['alcoholNN'], capitalize=True)],
        'ceramics': ['Spin a %s-ian Potters Wheel' % \
                get_latin(data['city_name'], capitalize=True)],
        'glass': ['Find Yourself Awash in Refracted Light'],
    return random.choice(industries[data['industry']])
def describe_shrine(god, activity, data):
    ''' short description of a shrine for pins '''
    rules = {
        'start': 'A #descriptor# shrine to #god#.',
        'descriptor': '#adjective# #material#',
        'adjective': [
            'small', 'elaborate', 'popular', 'charming', 'sacred',
            'tucked-away', '' * 5],
        'god': [
            'the god #god_name#, who #appearance#',
            '#god_name#, a god who #appearance#',
        'appearance': 'is depicted as #depiction#',
        'god_name': get_latin(god['name'], capitalize=True),
        'depiction': god['description'],
        'material': [data['primary_material'], '' * 10],
        'sacrifice': 'Look for small sacrifices of #sacrifice_item# left ' \
                     'by believers.',
        'sacrifice_item': [
            'blood', 'hair', 'teeth', 'fresh fruit' * 5, 'secrets',
            'loose change', 'bread', 'handmade icons' * 3],
        'omens': 'You may find a believer casting their fortune with '\
        'omen_object': [
            'polished stones', 'divining cards', 'lots', 'finger bones',
            'animal bones', 'stones', 'ceramic tiles', 'marble tiles',
            'carved sticks'],
    if activity in ['sacrifice', 'omens']:
        rules['start'] += ' #%s#' % activity
    grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
    return format_text(grammar.flatten('#start#'))
def describe_statue(data):
    ''' a statue in the city '''
    name = data['ruler']['name']
    title = data['ruler']['title']
    article = 'a' if data['ruler']['multiple'] else 'the'
    return '%s is %s %s %s.' % (
        name, article, get_latin(data['city_name'], capitalize=True), title)
def describe_temple(god, activity, data):
    ''' longer description of a temple and religious activity '''
    materials = {
        'brick': ['clay', 'ceramic'],
        'straw': ['woven straw', 'woven'],
        'wood': ['wooden', 'carved wood'],
        'stone': ['carved stone', 'stone', 'marble', 'stone inlayed'],
        'cloth': ['woven', 'tapestry'],
        'glass': ['blown glass', 'glass', 'stained glass'],
        'metal': ['hammered metal', 'metal', 'metal inlayed'],
        'tile': ['mosaic', 'tile mosaic'],
        'concrete': ['cement', 'brutalist', 'molded concrete'],
    rules = {
        'start': [
            'This temple, devoted to #god#, is famous for its artfully ' \
                'crafted #material# icons and decorations.',
            'Believers gather at this temple #activity#.',
        'god': [
            'the god #god_name#, who #appearance#',
            '#god_name#, a god who #appearance#',
        'appearance': 'is depicted as #depiction#',
        'activity': '#%s#' % activity,
        'prayer': 'to pray to #god# for good fortune and health',
        'oracle': 'to consult the oracle, who sits on a #secondary_material# '\
                  'dais and dispenses advice and wisdom',
        'posession': 'for a ceremony in which #god_name#, who is believed to '\
                     'take the form of #depiction#, posesses a true believer '\
                     'and acts through their body, causing them to #movement#.',
        'glossolalia': 'for a ritual in which believers channel the word of '\
                       '#god#, and chant in a mysterious divine language.',
        'sacrifice': '#prayer#',
        'omen': '#prayer#',
        'visions': '#prayer#',
        'movement': [
            'dance', 'spasm', 'leap and cavort', 'sway and sing',
            'contort into unnatural positions'],
        'god_name': get_latin(god['name'], capitalize=True),
        'depiction': god['description'],
        'material': materials[data['primary_material']] +
    grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
    return format_text(grammar.flatten('#start#'))
Example #8
def beacon_of(data):
    ''' a beacon of innovation '''
    country = get_latin(data['country'])
    beacon = random.choice(['Heart', 'Beacon', 'Bosom', 'Capital', 'Soul'])
    industries = {
        'art': ['the Arts', 'Creativity', 'Artistry'],
        'literature': ['Stories', 'Literature', 'the Written Word'],
        'death': ['the Macabre', 'the Afterlife', 'Death'],
        'technology': ['Innovation', 'Technology'],
        'education': ['Thought', 'Intellect', 'Education', 'Wisdom'],
        'crop': ['Taste', 'Culinary Finesse', 'Fine Cuisine'],
        'weaving': ['Textile Arts', 'Fiber Arts'],
        'fishing': ['the Seaside', 'Beachside Bliss'],
        'metalworking': ['Industry and Craft'],
        'printing': ['Literature', 'Learning', 'Publishing'],
        'carving': ['Industry and Craft', 'Craftsmanship', 'Regional Craft'],
        'pastry': ['Taste', 'Fine Cuisine', 'Fine Dining'],
        'brewing': ['Adventure', 'Festivity'],
        'ceramics': ['Industry and Craft', 'Craftsmanship', 'Regional Craft'],
        'glass': ['Artistry', 'Craftsmanship']
    industry = random.choice(industries[data['industry']])
    return '%s\'s %s of %s' % (country, beacon, industry)
Example #9
def latin_filter(word):
    ''' template filter for formatting foreign words '''
    return get_latin(word)
Example #10
def generate_datafile(seed):
    ''' let's generate a city! it's hard to stay focused, so our goal
    can be to make:
        1. notable landmarks
        2. events one could attend
        3. places to eat
        4. survival guide

    lang = Language()

    # for events, populate a calendar, and then on pageload, the appropriate
    # cards for time of year will show up.
    # the timestamp is a day in the year 2008, since 2008 is a leap year
    data = {
        'seed': seed,
        'cards': defaultdict(lambda: []),
        'calendar': Calendar(),
        'pins': [],

    # ------------------------ GRAPH DATA ------------------------- #
    ''' everything that's stored in neo4j gets loaded now. the following
    fields depend on what is set at this point. '''
    graph_dump = load_graph_data()
    if not graph_dump:
        return False

    # ----- GENERAL FACTS
    data['city_name'] = lang.get_word('LOC', 'city')
    city_name = get_latin(data['city_name'], capitalize=True)

    data['country'] = lang.get_word(
        'LOC', 'country',
        definition='The country in which %s is situated' % city_name)
    data['city_name'].set_definition('A city in %s' % \
            get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True))
    data['neighboring_city'] = lang.get_word(
        'LOC', 'city2', definition='A city near %s in %s' % \
                 get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True)))

    data['language'] = {
        'name': lang.get_word('NNP', 'language',
                              definition='The local language'),
        'stats': lang.get_stats()

    # ----- GEOGRAPHY
    data['geography'] = {
        'region': lang.get_word(
            'LOC', 'region',
            definition='The region of %s in which %s is situated' % \
                    (get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True), city_name)),
        'river': lang.get_word('LOC', 'river', definition='A river in %s' % \
                get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True)),
    data['geography'][data['terrain']] = lang.get_word('LOC', data['terrain'])
    data['geography']['neighborhoods'] = [
        lang.get_word('LOC', 'neighborhood%d' % i)
        for i in range(15)]
    data['geography']['streets'] = [
        lang.get_word('LOC', 'hood%d' % i)
        for i in range(10)]

    # great -- now we can have a card about language

    # economy -- this goes in the top bar, so no card
    data['currency'] = lang.get_word('NN', 'currency',
                                     definition='The local currency')
    data['exchange_rate'] = abs(random.normalvariate(0, 10))
    data['bills'] = [5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100]
    data['coins'] = [1, 5, 10, 100]

    # ----- helper functions for naming folks
    def get_person(identifier, title, gender_count, surname=None):
        ''' create a basic person bio '''
        given_name = lang.get_word('NNP', identifier+'given')
        surname = surname or lang.get_word('NNP', identifier+'sur')
        fullname = get_name(given_name, surname)
        return {
            'given_name': given_name,
            'surname': surname,
            'name': fullname,
            'title': title,
            'gender': random.randint(0, gender_count)

    surname_first = bool(random.randint(0, 1))
    def get_name(given_name, surname):
        ''' just print out the latin name of whoever '''
        name = [get_latin(surname, capitalize=True),
                get_latin(given_name, capitalize=True)]
        return ' '.join(name) if surname_first else ' '.join(name[::-1])

    # ----- GENDER
    data['genders'] = []
    gender_count = random.choice([1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5])

    # and make it easier to generate a random name
    data['get_person'] = lambda title: get_person(str(random.random()),
    if gender_count == 2:
        data['genders'] = [
            {'name': lang.get_word('NN', 'male')},
            {'name': lang.get_word('NN', 'female')}
    elif gender_count > 2:
        for i in range(0, gender_count):
            definition = 'One of the %d genders in %s culture' % \
                 (gender_count, city_name)
                {'name': lang.get_word(
                    'gender-%d' % i,

    # I'm only ready with copy for non-gendered societies
    if gender_count == 1:

    # misc facts
    data['city_age'] = random.choice([50] + [500] * 5 + [1000] * 5)
    data['founded'] = int(datetime.now().year - \
        abs(random.normalvariate(data['city_age'], data['city_age']/2)))

    isolation = random.randint(4, 10) / 10.0

    data['stats'] = {
        'isolation': isolation,
        'insularity': random.randint(int(isolation * 10), 10) / 10.0,
        'population': random.randint(
            1000 * isolation, int(10000000/(isolation ** 4))),
        'minorities': random.randint(0, 3),
        'authoritarianism': random.random(),

    ruler_title = []
    if data['stats']['authoritarianism'] > 0.8:
        ruler_title += ['dictator', 'general', 'autocrat', 'head of state']
    if data['stats']['authoritarianism'] > 0.97:
        data['advisory'] = random.sample(
            ['crime', 'civil unrest', 'terrorism', 'armed conflict',
             'strikes and protests', 'political tension',
             'risk of kidnapping'], 2)
    elif data['stats']['authoritarianism'] > 0.97:
        # watch yourself
        data['advisory'] = random.choice(
            ['risk of arrest and long-term detention',
             'repressive poltiical climate'])

    # on the topic of government, maybe we should have related events
    if data['government'] == 'republic':
        data['calendar'].arbitrary_date('Elections! Or something like that.')
        ruler_title += ['president', 'prime minister']
    elif data['government'] == 'monarchy':
        data['calendar'].arbitrary_date('A day all about the great ruler')
        ruler_title += [['king', 'queen'], ['emperor', 'empress']]
    elif data['government'] == 'oligarchy':
        data['calendar'].arbitrary_date('Gathering of the ruling families')
        ruler_title += ['cabinet member', ['lord', 'lady'],
                        ['duke', 'dutchess']]
    elif data['government'] == 'theocracy':
        # a theocratic government should have hella religious holidays
        data['calendar'].recurring_event('The weekly religious observance')
        ruler_title += [['high priest', 'high priestess']]
    if data['government'] in ['monarchy', 'theocracy'] and \
            random.random() > 0.7:
        data['calendar'].arbitrary_date('Coronation of a new ruler')

    # create a ruler
    ruler_title = random.choice(ruler_title)
    if isinstance(ruler_title, list):
        if gender_count == 2:
            ruler_title = random.choice(ruler_title)
            ruler_title = ruler_title[0]
    data['ruler'] = get_person('ruler', ruler_title, gender_count)
    data['ruler']['multiple'] = data['government'] == 'oligarchy'

    # ----- RELIGION
    data['religion'] = religion.get_religion(data, lang)
    del data['divine_structure']
    del data['deity_form']
    del data['deity_form_secondary']
    del data['worship']

    # lets have some buildings
    data['pins'] += attractions.describe_buildings(data, lang)

    # ------------------------ DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------- #

    # ----- FOOD
    data['cuisine'] = {
        'fruit': cuisine.fruit(data['climate']['name']),
        'tea': cuisine.tea(data['climate']['name']),
        'teacup': cuisine.teacup(data['primary_material'], data['motif']),
        'animals': [{'name': lang.get_word('NNP', 'critter%d' % i),
                     'description': wildlife.animal(
                         data['terrain'])} for i in range(3)],
        'vegetables': [{'name': lang.get_word('NN', 'vegetable%d' % i),
                        'description': cuisine.vegetable()} for i in range(2)],

    for veggie in data['cuisine']['vegetables']:
        veggie['name'].set_definition('A vegetable native to %s; %s' % \
                (city_name, veggie['description']))


    # ------- WILDLIFE
    data['wildlife'] = data['cuisine']['animals'][0]

    # ------- FASHION
    if random.random() > 0.7:
        data['body_mod'] = fashion.body_mod(gender_count, data['motif'])

    # ----- BUILDINGS
    lang.get_word('NN', 'restaurant')

    data['cuisine']['dish'] = []

    # TODO: these should be generated
    name_options = ['tasty', 'delicious', 'outsider']
    type_options = ['restaraunt', 'cafe', 'restaurant']
    for i in range(3):
            'name': lang.get_word('NN', 'local_dish%d' % i),
            'description': cuisine.local_dish(data),
        lang.get_word('NN', 'local_dish%d' % i).set_definition(

        restaurant_name = lang.get_word('JJ', name_options[i])
        restaurant_type = lang.get_word('NN', type_options[i])

            'type': 'restaurant',
            'name': '%s %s' % (
                get_latin(restaurant_name, capitalize=True),
                get_latin(restaurant_type, capitalize=True)),
            'description': restaurant.eatery(
                get_latin(restaurant_name, capitalize=True),
            'rating': get_rating(),

    if (random.random() > 0.6):
        lang.get_word('NN', 'teahouse', definition='Teahouse')
            'name': get_latin(lang.get_word(
                'JJ', 'serene', definition='Placid; serene')) + ' Teahouse',
            'type': 'teahouse',
            'rating': get_rating(),

    # ------------------------ DISPLAY ITEMS ------------------------- #
    # reformat the cards object to work with the ui

    data['cards'] = [{'title': 'events', 'cards': []}] + \
        [{'title': c, 'cards': data['cards'][c]} for c in data['cards'] \
         if data['cards'][c]]

    # extract the calendar into a json format
    data['calendar'] = data['calendar'].get_calendar()

    # lookup words we'll need later. doing this now instead of on the fly
    # so that the lang library isn't a dependency
    lang.get_word('NN', 'market', 'Market; shopping district')
        'NN', 'fruit',
        definition='A type of fruit native to the %s region' % \
    lang.get_word('NN', 'pastry')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'alcohol')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'tea')

    lang.get_word('NN', 'hello')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'thanks')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'goodbye')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'sorry')
    lang.get_word('RB', 'where')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'name')
    lang.get_word('PRP', 'i', definition='I; first-person pronoun')
    lang.get_word('NN', 'coin')
    lang.get_word('VB', 'be', definition='To be')

    data['dictionary'] = lang.dictionary

    # ----- SLOGAN
    data['slogan'] = slogan(data)

    return data
Example #11
 def get_name(given_name, surname):
     ''' just print out the latin name of whoever '''
     name = [get_latin(surname, capitalize=True),
             get_latin(given_name, capitalize=True)]
     return ' '.join(name) if surname_first else ' '.join(name[::-1])
def eatery(name, dish, category, data):
    ''' a charming stone hut where they serve tea '''
    earliest = data['founded'] if data['founded'] > 1700 else 1700
    founding = random.randint(earliest - 4, datetime.now().year - 4)

    materials = {
        'brick': ['pottery', 'ceramic'],
        'straw': ['woven straw', 'straw'],
        'wood': ['wood'],
        'stone': ['marble', 'stonework'],
        'cloth': ['textile', 'tapestry'],
        'glass': ['glass', 'stained glass'],
        'metal': ['metal'],
        'tile': ['mosaic', 'tile'],
    rules = {
        # structures
        'start': [
            '''With a gourmet, #cuisine# menu and #vibe_part#, #name# is a
               #platitude#. It will have you craving perennial favorites
               like #dish#. The setting, in a #space#, is stunning, a perfect
               #city# experience.''',
            '''Owner #chef# has given #cuisine# cuisine a modern edge while
               still staying true to the regional style. The venue is stunning,
               a #space# and #vibe_part#. Be sure to try the #dish#.''',
            '''In this #vibe# #type#, you can settle down in a #space#. The menu
               features staples of #cuisine# cuisine, and is best known for
               traditional-style #dish#.''',
            '''#name# is a #cuisine# restaurant in #city# that's been
               going strong since #founding#. With a #vibe_part# and attentive
               service, it offers #cuisine# cuisine in a #space#.''',
            '''#name# is a #vibe# #type# in a welcoming environment. It offers
               excellent #cuisine# food. The #dish# is hard to beat.''',
            '''This #space# gets rave reviews for
               #positive# and affordable #cuisine# food and ambiance. The
               #vibe_part# makes it a #platitude#.''',
            '''#name# is one of #city#'s best #cuisine# restaurants. It's a
               #platitude# where you can enjoy this #space#. There are a
               #positive# range of dishes on offer, including #dish#.''',
            '''This #platitude# opened in #founding# and has set the tone for
               #city# cuisine ever since. Regulars like to order #dish#, sit
               back, and enjoy the #vibe_part#.''',
            '''Something of a social hub in #city#, this #vibe# #type#
               doesn't exactly advertise itself, but the #dish# is #positive#.
               Overall a #platitude#.''',
            '''A popular #vibe# cafe in the heart of #city# serving
               #dish# and drinks.''',
            '''Founded in early #founding#, #name# serves arguably the best
               know #dish# in town and it deserves that distinction. It has a
               #secondary_material_fancy#-decked interior and a #vibe_part#.''',
            '''This simple place, popular with the city workers, covers the
               bases for a #positive# lunch of #dish#.''',
            '''#name# is a rather dark and seedy place to say the least, but
               within its #material# walls you'll get a #positive# range of
               local dishes.''',
            '''This simple seven-table place offers #positive# breakfasts and
               gets packed by lunchtime -- and rightly so. The #dish# is a
               killer (not literally!).''',

        # info
        '<em>%s</em>' % name,
        '<em>%s</em>' % get_latin(data['city_name'], capitalize=True),
        'the <em>%s</em> district' %

        # descriptive componenets
        '<em>%s</em>ian-style' % get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True),
        '"<em>%s</em>" (a %s)' %
        (get_latin(dish['name']), dish['description']),
        'platitude': [
            'enduring favorite',
            'first-rate establishment',
            'local go-to',
            'local favorite',
            'popular place',
            'much loved #type#',
            'foodie oasis',
        '#vibe# #atmosphere#',
        'space': [
            '#stories# with #color#-painted #material# walls and #accent#',
            'stylish #material# and #secondary_material# #stories#',
        '#%s#' % data['stories'],
        'single': ['building', '#type#'],
        'spacious #building#',
        '%s-floor #building#' %
        random.choice(['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'top']),
        '#secondary_material# #accent_object#',
        'accent_object': ['wall-hangings', 'doorways', 'lamps'],
        'building': ['suite', 'hall', 'room', '#type#'],

        # wordlists
        'atmosphere': ['atmosphere', 'charm'],
        'positive': [
            'top notch', 'good', 'great', 'fantastic', 'excellent',
            'high caliber', 'wonderful', 'abundant'
        'vibe': [
        ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'purple', 'white', 'pink'],
    grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
    sentence = grammar.flatten('#start#')

    return format_text(sentence)
def describe_buildings(data, lang):
    ''' finds the right describer tool '''
    pins = []
    available_gods = data['religion']['gods']
    for (i, building) in enumerate(data['building']):
        pin = {'type': building}
        if building == 'shrine':
            god = available_gods.pop()
            pin['name'] = '%s Shrine' % \
                get_latin(god['name'], capitalize=True)
            pin['description'] = religion.describe_shrine(
                god, random.choice(data['religion']['worship']), data)
        elif building == 'temple':
            god = available_gods.pop()
            pin['name'] = '%s Temple' % \
                get_latin(data['religion']['name'], capitalize=True)
            pin['description'] = religion.describe_temple(
                god, random.choice(data['religion']['worship']), data)
        elif building == 'statue':
            pin['name'] = 'Statue of %s' % data['ruler']['name']
            pin['description'] = describe_statue(data)
        elif building in ['capitol', 'palace']:
            earliest = data['founded']
            authoritarianism = data['stats']['authoritarianism']
            pin['name'] = '%s %s' % (get_latin(data['country'],
                                               capitalize=True), building)
            # TODO: this should be it's own tracery grammar
            pin['description'] = \
                '''Built in {date}, this imposing {material} building houses
                the seat of the {country} nation's government. You aren't likely
                to set eyes on {article} {feeling} {title}, but the building is
                abuzz with clerks and functionaries.'''.format(
                    country=get_latin(data['country'], capitalize=True),
                    date=random.randint(earliest - 1, earliest + 20),
                    article='a' if data['government'] == 'oligarchy' else 'the',
                    feeling='beloved' \
                            if authoritarianism < 0.5 \
                            else 'controversial' \
                            if authoritarianism > 0.7 else '',
        elif building == 'bakery':
            name = lang.get_word('NNP', '%s%d' % (building, i))
            product = random.choice(
                ['bread', 'pastries', 'sweets', 'baked goods'])
            pin['description'] = describe_specialty(name, product, data)
        elif building == 'bookstore':
            # TODO: this deserves a longer description
            name = lang.get_word('NNP', '%s%d' % (building, i))
            product = random.choice(['book-buying', 'reading', 'literature'])
            pin['name'] = '%s %s' % (get_latin(name,
                                               capitalize=True), building)
            pin['description'] = describe_specialty(name, product, data)
        elif building == 'perfumery':
            name = lang.get_word('NNP', '%s%d' % (building, i))
            pin['name'] = '%s %s' % (get_latin(name,
                                               capitalize=True), building)
            pin['description'] = describe_specialty(name, 'perfume', data)
        elif building == 'kiln':
            name = lang.get_word('NNP', '%s%d' % (building, i))
            pin['name'] = '%s %s' % (get_latin(name,
                                               capitalize=True), building)
            pin['description'] = describe_specialty(name, 'pottery', data)
            name = lang.get_word('NNP', '%s%d' % (building, i))
            pin['name'] = '%s %s' % \
                    (get_latin(name, capitalize=True), building)
    return pins