def get(self, member_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) select_member_query = "SELECT first_name, last_name, balance, last_membership_payment, school, email, phone, " \ "is_former_staff " \ "FROM members " \ "WHERE member_id = %(id)s" args = {"id": member_id} with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(select_member_query, args) if cursor.rowcount < 1: connection.close() abort(404) row = cursor.fetchone() row['last_membership_payment'] = str( row['last_membership_payment']) if row['is_former_staff'] == b'\x01': row['is_former_staff'] = True else: row['is_former_staff'] = False row['id'] = member_id connection.close() return row, 201
def get(self, party_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) select_party_query = "SELECT name, date, normal_beer_price, special_beer_price " \ "FROM parties " \ "WHERE party_id = %(id)s" select_served_beers_query = "SELECT s.product_id AS id, name, category, price " \ "FROM served_beers_at_party s " \ "INNER JOIN products p ON s.product_id = p.product_id " \ "WHERE s.party_id = %(id)s " \ "ORDER BY name ASC, category ASC" party = {"id": party_id} with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(select_party_query, party) if cursor.rowcount < 1: connection.close() abort(404) row = cursor.fetchone() party['date'] = str(row['date']) party['name'] = row['name'] party['normal_beer_price'] = row['normal_beer_price'] party['special_beer_price'] = row['special_beer_price'] party['served_beers'] = [] cursor.execute(select_served_beers_query, party) for row in cursor.fetchall(): party['served_beers'].append(row) connection.close() return party, 201
def get(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) query = "SELECT party_id, name, date, number_of_attendees, balance " \ "FROM party_list" parties = [] with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor.fetchall(): number_of_attendees = row['number_of_attendees'] if number_of_attendees is None: number_of_attendees = 0 balance = row['balance'] if balance is None: balance = 0 parties.append({ 'id': row['party_id'], 'name': row['name'], 'date': str(row['date']), 'number_of_attendees': number_of_attendees, 'balance': balance }) connection.close() return parties, 201
def put(self, party_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") for key in [ 'name', 'date', 'normal_beer_price', 'special_beer_price', 'served_beers' ]: if key not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in JSON body") check_party_exist_query = "SELECT party_id FROM parties WHERE party_id = %(id)s" update_party_query = "UPDATE parties " \ "SET name = %(name)s, date = %(date)s, normal_beer_price = %(normal_beer_price)s, " \ "special_beer_price = %(special_beer_price)s " \ "WHERE party_id = %(id)s" delete_beer_query = "DELETE FROM served_beers_at_party WHERE party_id = %(id)s" insert_beer_query = "INSERT INTO served_beers_at_party(party_id, product_id, category) " \ "VALUES(%(party_id)s, %(product_id)s, %(category)s)" party = { 'id': party_id, 'name': request.json['name'], 'date': request.json['date'], 'normal_beer_price': request.json['normal_beer_price'], 'special_beer_price': request.json['special_beer_price'] } with connection.cursor() as cursor: if not cursor.execute(check_party_exist_query, party): connection.close() abort(404) cursor.execute(update_party_query, party) cursor.execute(delete_beer_query, party) for beer in request.json['served_beers']: for key in ['id', 'category']: if key not in beer: connection.rollback() connection.close() abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in served_beers item in JSON body") row = { 'party_id': party_id, 'product_id': beer['id'], 'category': beer['category'] } cursor.execute(insert_beer_query, row) connection.commit() connection.close() return 201
def delete(self, member_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) update_query = "UPDATE members SET is_deleted = 1 WHERE member_id = %s" with connection.cursor() as cursor: if cursor.execute(update_query, member_id) < 1: connection.close() abort(404) connection.commit() connection.close() return 201
def delete(self, transaction_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) delete_query = "DELETE FROM transactions WHERE transaction_id = %s" with connection.cursor() as cursor: if cursor.execute(delete_query, transaction_id) < 1: connection.close() abort(404) connection.commit() connection.close() return 201
def get(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) query = "SELECT balance_too_low_threshold FROM parameters WHERE parameters_id = 1" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) if cursor.rowcount < 1: connection.close() abort(404) row = cursor.fetchone() connection.close() return row, 201
def post(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") for key in [ 'name', 'date', 'normal_beer_price', 'special_beer_price', 'served_beers' ]: if key not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in JSON body") insert_party_query = "INSERT INTO parties(name, date, normal_beer_price, special_beer_price) " \ "VALUES(%(name)s, %(date)s, %(normal_beer_price)s, %(special_beer_price)s)" insert_beer_query = "INSERT INTO served_beers_at_party(party_id, product_id, category) " \ "VALUES(%(party_id)s, %(product_id)s, %(category)s)" with connection.cursor() as cursor: party = { "name": request.json["name"], "date": request.json["date"], "normal_beer_price": request.json["normal_beer_price"], "special_beer_price": request.json["special_beer_price"] } cursor.execute(insert_party_query, party) party_id = connection.insert_id() for beer in request.json['served_beers']: for key in ['id', 'category']: if key not in beer: connection.rollback() connection.close() abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in served_beers item in JSON body") row = { 'party_id': party_id, 'product_id': beer['id'], 'category': beer['category'] } cursor.execute(insert_beer_query, row) connection.commit() connection.close() return {'id': party_id}, 201
def get(self, product): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if product not in ["normal_beer", "special_beer"]: connection.close() abort(404) query = "SELECT default_" + product + "_price AS default_product_price FROM parameters WHERE parameters_id = 1" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) if cursor.rowcount < 1: connection.close() abort(404) row = cursor.fetchone() connection.close() return row, 200
def put(self, member_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) update_query = "UPDATE members SET last_membership_payment = %(date)s WHERE member_id = %(id)s" args = { "date":"%Y-%m-%d"), "id": member_id } with connection.cursor() as cursor: if cursor.execute(update_query, args) < 1: connection.close() abort(404) connection.commit() connection.close() return 201
def put(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") if 'balance_too_low_threshold' not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing balance_too_low_threshold key in JSON body") update_threshold_query = "UPDATE parameters " \ "SET balance_too_low_threshold = %(balance_too_low_threshold)s " \ "WHERE parameters_id = 1" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(update_threshold_query, request.json) connection.commit() connection.close() return 201
def get(self, party_id): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) query = "SELECT transaction_id AS id, t.member_id AS member_id, first_name, last_name, amount, label, " \ "timestamp " \ "FROM transactions t INNER JOIN members m ON t.member_id = m.member_id " \ "WHERE party_id = %s " \ "ORDER BY timestamp DESC" transactions = [] with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, party_id) for row in cursor.fetchall(): row['timestamp'] = str(row['timestamp']) transactions.append(row) connection.close() return transactions, 201
def post(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") for key in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'school', 'phone', 'email']: if key not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in JSON body") insert_member_query = "INSERT INTO members(first_name, last_name, school, phone, email) " \ "VALUES(%(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(school)s, %(phone)s, %(email)s)" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(insert_member_query, request.json) member_id = connection.insert_id() connection.commit() connection.close() return {'id': member_id}, 201
def post(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") for key in ['name', 'price', 'type']: if key not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in JSON body") insert_product_query = "INSERT INTO products(name, price, type) " \ "VALUES(%(name)s, %(price)s, %(type)s)" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(insert_product_query, request.json) product_id = connection.insert_id() connection.commit() connection.close() return {'id': product_id}, 201
def get(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) query = "SELECT member_id AS id, first_name, last_name, balance, last_membership_payment, is_former_staff " \ "FROM member_list" members = [] with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor.fetchall(): row['last_membership_payment'] = str(row['last_membership_payment']) if row['is_former_staff'] == b'\x01': row['is_former_staff'] = True else: row['is_former_staff'] = False members.append(row) connection.close() return members, 201
def post(self): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") for key in ['member_id', 'amount', 'label']: if key not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing " + key + " key in JSON body") if 'party_id' not in request.json: request.json['party_id'] = None insert_transaction_query = "INSERT INTO transactions(member_id, party_id, label, amount) " \ "VALUES(%(member_id)s, %(party_id)s, %(label)s, %(amount)s)" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(insert_transaction_query, request.json) transaction_id = connection.insert_id() connection.commit() connection.close() return {'id': transaction_id}, 201
def put(self, product): parser = get_default_parser() args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) if request.json is None: abort(400, description="request should be json") if 'default_product_price' not in request.json: abort(400, description="missing default_product_price key in JSON body") if product not in ["normal_beer", "special_beer"]: connection.close() abort(404) update_price_query = "UPDATE parameters " \ "SET default_" + product + "_price = %(default_product_price)s " \ "WHERE parameters_id = 1" with connection.cursor() as cursor: request.json['product'] = product cursor.execute(update_price_query, request.json) connection.commit() connection.close() return 200
def get(self): parser = get_default_parser() parser.add_argument('type', required=False, type=str) args = parser.parse_args() connection = get_db_connection() if not is_token_valid(args['authentication-token'], connection): connection.close() abort(403) query = "SELECT product_id, name, price, type FROM products" if args['type'] is not None: query += " WHERE type = %(type)s" query += " ORDER BY name ASC, type ASC" products = [] with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, args) for row in cursor.fetchall(): products.append({ 'id': row['product_id'], 'name': row['name'], 'price': row['price'], 'type': row['type'] }) connection.close() return products, 201