Example #1
def run_groundtruth(params):
    output_directory = utilities.basename(params.bagfile) + "_groundtruth"
    groundtruth_command = (
        "rosrun localization_analysis make_groundtruth.py "
        + params.bagfile
        + " "
        + params.base_surf_map
        + " "
        + params.maps_directory
        + " "
        + params.loc_map
        + " "
        + params.config_path
        + " -o "
        + output_directory
        + " -w "
        + params.world
        + " -i "
        + params.image_topic
        + " -r "
        + params.robot_name
    if not bool(params.use_image_features):
        groundtruth_command += " --generate-image-features"

    output_file = utilities.basename(params.bagfile) + "_groundtruth.txt"
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(groundtruth_command, output_file)
def create_groundtruth(
    bagfile, base_surf_map, maps_directory, map_name, world, robot_name
    gt_images_dir = "gt_images_" + utilities.basename(bagfile)
    gt_images = os.path.abspath(gt_images_dir)
    extract_images_command = (
        "rosrun localization_node extract_image_bag "
        + bagfile
        + " -use_timestamp_as_image_name -image_topic /mgt/img_sampler/nav_cam/image_record -output_directory "
        + gt_images
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(extract_images_command, "extract_images.txt")

    all_gt_images = os.path.join(gt_images, "*.jpg")
    select_images_command = (
        "rosrun sparse_mapping select_images -density_factor 1.4 " + all_gt_images
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(select_images_command, "select_images.txt")

    # Set environment variables
    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    robot_config_file = os.path.join("config/robots", robot_name + ".config")
    astrobee_path = os.path.join(home, "astrobee/src/astrobee")
    os.environ["ASTROBEE_RESOURCE_DIR"] = os.path.join(astrobee_path, "resources")
    os.environ["ASTROBEE_CONFIG_DIR"] = os.path.join(astrobee_path, "config")
    os.environ["ASTROBEE_ROBOT"] = os.path.join(
        astrobee_path, "config/robots/bumble.config"
    os.environ["ASTROBEE_WORLD"] = world

    # Build groundtruth
    groundtruth_map = map_name + ".map"
    build_map_command = (
        "rosrun sparse_mapping build_map "
        + all_gt_images
        + " -output_map "
        + groundtruth_map
        + " -feature_detection -feature_matching -track_building -incremental_ba -bundle_adjustment -histogram_equalization -num_subsequent_images 100"
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(build_map_command, "build_map.txt")

    # Merge with base map
    groundtruth_surf_map = map_name + ".surf.map"
    merge_map_command = (
        "rosrun sparse_mapping merge_maps "
        + base_surf_map
        + " "
        + groundtruth_map
        + " -output_map "
        + groundtruth_surf_map
        + " -num_image_overlaps_at_endpoints 100000000 -skip_bundle_adjustment"
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(merge_map_command, "merge_map.txt")

    # Link maps directory since conversion to BRISK map needs
    # image files to appear to be in correct relative path
    os.symlink(maps_directory, "maps")
    maps_gt_images = os.path.join("maps", gt_images_dir)
    os.symlink(gt_images, maps_gt_images)

    # Convert SURF to BRISK map
    # Get full path to output file to avoid permission errors when running
    # command in maps directory
    rebuild_output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rebuild_map_as_brisk_map.txt")
    groundtruth_brisk_map = map_name + ".brisk.map"
    shutil.copyfile(groundtruth_surf_map, groundtruth_brisk_map)
    groundtruth_brisk_map_full_path = os.path.abspath(groundtruth_brisk_map)
    gt_path = os.getcwd()
    rebuild_map_command = (
        "rosrun sparse_mapping build_map -rebuild -histogram_equalization -output_map "
        + groundtruth_brisk_map_full_path
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(rebuild_map_command, rebuild_output_file)
    # Use gt_path since relative commands would now be wrt maps directory simlink

    # Create vocabdb
    groundtruth_brisk_vocabdb_map = map_name + ".brisk.vocabdb.map"
    shutil.copyfile(groundtruth_brisk_map, groundtruth_brisk_vocabdb_map)
    add_vocabdb_command = (
        "rosrun sparse_mapping build_map -vocab_db -output_map "
        + groundtruth_brisk_vocabdb_map
    utilities.run_command_and_save_output(add_vocabdb_command, "build_vocabdb.txt")

    # Remove simlinks
Example #3
    make_map.make_map(bagfile, map_name, args.world, args.robot_name,
                      base_surf_map, maps_directory)

    robot_config = "config/robots/" + args.robot_name + ".config"
    groundtruth_bag = map_name + ".bag"
    groundtruth_map_file = map_name + ".brisk.vocabdb.map"
    groundtruth_pdf = "groundtruth.pdf"
    groundtruth_csv = "groundtruth.csv"
    make_groundtruth_command = (
        "rosrun localization_analysis run_graph_bag_and_plot_results.py " +
        bagfile + " " + groundtruth_map_file + " " + args.config_path +
        " -i " + args.image_topic + " -r " + robot_config + " -w " +
        args.world + " -o " + groundtruth_bag + " --output-file " +
        groundtruth_pdf + " --output-csv-file " + groundtruth_csv +
        " --generate-image-features")

    loc_results_bag = bag_prefix + "_results.bag"
    loc_pdf = "loc_results.pdf"
    loc_csv = "loc_results.csv"
    get_loc_results_command = (
        "rosrun localization_analysis run_graph_bag_and_plot_results.py " +
        bagfile + " " + args.loc_map + " " + args.config_path + " -i " +
        args.image_topic + " -r " + robot_config + " -w " + args.world +
        " -o " + loc_results_bag + " --output-file " + loc_pdf +
        " --output-csv-file " + loc_csv + " -g " + groundtruth_bag)
    if not args.use_image_features:
        get_loc_results_command += " --generate-image-features"
Example #4
        + bagfile
        + " "
        + map_file
        + " "
        + args.config_path
        + " -r "
        + args.robot_config
        + " -w "
        + args.world
        + " --use-image-features "
        + (str(args.use_image_features)).lower()
        + " -o "
        + args.output_bagfile
        run_graph_bag_command, "run_graph_bag_command.txt"

    # Plot results
    plot_results_command = (
        "rosrun localization_analysis plot_results.py "
        + args.output_bagfile
        + " --output-file "
        + args.output_file
        + " --output-csv-file "
        + args.output_csv_file
    if args.groundtruth_bagfile:
        plot_results_command += " -g " + args.groundtruth_bagfile
        plot_results_command, "plot_results_command.txt"