Example #1
def crop(image_array, direction, n_pixels):
	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########
	#return output_array

def rgb_to_grayscale(rgb_image_array):

	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	#return output_array

def invert_rgb(image_array):
	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	#return output_array
def gaussian_blur(image_array, sigma=0.84089):

	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	#return output_array

def image_to_drawing(image_array):
	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	#return output_array

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
	file = 'robot.png'
	lists = flip_image(utilities.image_to_list(file),1)
	utilities.write_image(lists, 'new.png')
Example #2
    return final

def invert_rgb(image_array):
	(list) -> (list)
	Takes in an rgb image array, and returns the inverted image array.


    m = len(image_array)                                                        # len rows
    n = len(image_array[1][:])

    rgim = image_array.copy()

    for r in range(m):
        for c in range(n):
            for i in range(3):
                rgim[r][c][i] = 255 - rgim[r][c][i] 

    return rgim

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    file = 'robot.png'
        utilities.image_to_list(file)), 'gray.png')
Example #3
                                                               [137, 111, 114],
                                                               [127, 105, 108],
                                                               [109, 90, 92],
                                                               [89, 75, 75],
                                                               [83, 73, 72],
                                                               [89, 79, 78],
                                                               [80, 74, 86],
                                                               [81, 75, 87],
                                                               [81, 73, 84],
                                                               [97, 87, 98],
                                                               [124, 112, 122],
                                                               [148, 132, 142],
                                                               [169, 152, 160],
                                                               [196, 175, 182],
                                                               [190, 164, 173],
                                                               [186, 156, 164],
                                                               [166, 135, 141],
                                                               [154, 119, 125],
                                                               [159, 123, 127],
                                                               [160, 121, 126],
                                                               [150, 109, 113],
                                                               [145, 104, 108],
                                                               [133, 92, 90],
                                                               [124, 83, 81],
                                                               [125, 84, 82],
                                                               [144, 103, 101],
                                                               [160, 119, 117]]
    utilities.write_image(img, 'square.png')
    utilities.write_image(crop(img, 'down', 7), 'cropped.png')
    utilities.write_image(expected, 'expected.png')
Example #4
        returns an image that has more evenly distributed pixels throughout the image to allow it to have a better contrast level. This only works with grayscale images
        >>>histogram_equalization([[1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        [[170, 170, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 170]]
    cdf = [0] * 256
    size1 = len(img_array)
    size2 = len(img_array[0])
    output_array = []
    for k in range(0, 256):
    for i in range(size1):
        for j in range(size2):
            cdf[img_array[i][j]] += 1
    for i in range(size1):
        for j in range(size2):
            sum = 0
            for k in range(0, img_array[i][j]):
                sum += cdf[k]
            output_array[i][j] = sum * 255 / size1 / size2
    return output_array

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    file = 'gray.png'
    img = utilities.image_to_list(file)
    img2 = histogram_equalization(img)
    utilities.write_image(img2, 'equal2.png')
Example #5
                k += 1
            new_set = []
            j += 1
            k = 0
        new_row = []
        i += 1
        j = 0

    return output_array
def gaussian_blur(image_array, sigma=0.84089):

	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	return output_array

def image_to_drawing(image_array):
	##########YOUR CODE GOES HERE########

	return output_array
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    file = 'robot.png'
    utilities.write_image(rotate_90_degrees(utilities.image_to_list(file),1), 'clockwise.png')