Example #1
    def __init__(self, screen):
        # Initialize the screen and user input components
        self.screen = screen
        self.use_key = True
        self.lastkey = -1

        self.nontraversable = ["#", "@", "=", "-", "_", "|", "/", "\\"]

        # Initialize Container classes for gameplay
        self.map = Map("home")
        self.view = View(10, 10)
        self.player = Character("John Cena", 39, 11)
        self.compass = Compass()

        # Initialize the log file

        self.error("Map: {0}\nRows: {1}\nCols: {2}\n".format(self.map.name, self.map.max_row, self.map.max_col))
Example #2
class Terminal:
		This class maintains the curses window. It uses Character, Map, and View subclasses.
		Takes a curses.initscr() window as input and draws application to it.

    def __init__(self, screen):
        # Initialize the screen and user input components
        self.screen = screen
        self.use_key = True
        self.lastkey = -1

        self.nontraversable = ["#", "@", "=", "-", "_", "|", "/", "\\"]

        # Initialize Container classes for gameplay
        self.map = Map("home")
        self.view = View(10, 10)
        self.player = Character("John Cena", 39, 11)
        self.compass = Compass()

        # Initialize the log file

        self.error("Map: {0}\nRows: {1}\nCols: {2}\n".format(self.map.name, self.map.max_row, self.map.max_col))

    def application_frame(self):

        # Get user input
        key = self.screen.getch()
        if key != -1:
            self.lastkey = key

            # Process Inputs
        if self.use_key:
            self.use_key = False
            self.lastkey = -1

            # Update the text buffer

        # Push the text buffer to the screen and refresh

    def update_text(self):
        """Update the text buffer with the current map image and character."""
        # Get the desired min & max row indices
        top = self.view.y
        bottom = self.view.y + TERMINAL_ROWS
        # Get the desired min & max column indices
        left = self.view.x
        right = self.view.x + TERMINAL_COLS
        # Load the map background into the text buffer
        for y, row in enumerate(self.map.text[top:bottom]):
            # self.view.text[y] = self.map.text[y][left:right]
            self.view.text[y] = row[left:right]

            # Load the player avatar into the text buffer
            # line_list = list(self.view.text[self.player.y])
            # line_list[self.player.x] = self.player.avatar
            # self.view.text[self.player.y] = "".join(line_list)

    def display(self):
        """Dump the text buffer to the terminal using curses.addch()."""
        for y, row in enumerate(self.view.text):
            for x, column in enumerate(row):
                if self.view.text[y][x] in self.nontraversable:
                    self.screen.addch(y, x, ord(self.view.text[y][x]), curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD)
                    self.screen.addch(y, x, ord(self.view.text[y][x]), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_DIM)

                    # Color the player -- use the standout property to distinguish from the current background
        self.screen.addch(self.player.y, self.player.x, self.player.avatar, curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_STANDOUT)

        # Move the cursor back to the origin to prevent curses.ERR from being out of bounds
        self.screen.move(0, 0)

    def is_valid_move(self, row, column):
        """Check desired square for nontraversable characters."""
        for character in self.nontraversable:
            if self.view.text[row][column] == character:
                return False
                # Desired square does not contain a nontraversable characters
        return True

    def move(self, direction):
		Reposition either the character or the view, depending on current map location.
		Assume that the move is valid (i.e. terrain is traversable).
        # Always set the new direction -- regardless of whether we actually move
        self.player.direction = direction
        # Get the potential new coordinates
        row, col = self.move_direction(self.player.y, self.player.x, direction)

        # Check if the move is valid -- i.e. player is allowed to move onto this square
        if self.is_valid_move(row, col):
            # Determine whether we should reposition the view or the character
            # When walking towards a map edge that is in sight, move the character
            # When walking away from a map edge
            if self.at_edge(direction):
                # Move Character
                self.player.y, self.player.x = row, col
                self.error("At Edge: Moved player 1 unit {0}".format(direction))
            elif not self.player.centered(direction):
                # Player is not centered in this direction -- move player
                self.player.y, self.player.x = row, col
                self.error("Not Centered: Moved player 1 unit {0}".format(direction))
                # Move View
                self.view.y, self.view.x = self.move_direction(self.view.y, self.view.x, direction)
                self.error("Normal: Moved view 1 unit {0}".format(direction))

    def at_edge(self, direction=None):
			Test if viewport has reached any edge of the map.
			If a direction is specified, then test against that
			direction and nothing else.
			direction - A cardinal direction NSWE to check (optional)
			True if the specified directional edge has been reached. (direction specified)
			True when any edge has been reached. (no direction specified)
        if direction is not None:
            if direction == NORTH:
                if self.view.y <= self.map.min_row:
                    self.error("{0} <= {1}".format(self.view.y, self.map.min_row))
                    return True
                return False
            elif direction == EAST:
                if (self.view.x + TERMINAL_COLS) >= self.map.max_col:
                    return True
                return False
            elif direction == SOUTH:
                if (self.view.y + TERMINAL_ROWS) >= self.map.max_row:
                    return True
                return False
            elif direction == WEST:
                if self.view.x <= self.map.min_col:
                    return True
                return False
                self.error("Invalid direction {0}".format(direction))
            if (
                self.view.x <= self.map.min_row
                or self.view.x >= self.map.max_row
                or self.view.y <= self.map.min_col
                or self.view.y >= self.map.max_col
                return True
            return False

    def move_direction(self, row, column, direction):
        if direction == NORTH:
            return row - 1, column
        elif direction == EAST:
            return row, column + 1
        elif direction == SOUTH:
            return row + 1, column
        elif direction == WEST:
            return row, column - 1
            return row, column

    def process_input(self, key):
        """Process the user's input."""
        # QUIT PROGRAM
        if key == ord("q"):

        if key == ord("w"):

        if key == ord("a"):

        if key == ord("s"):

        if key == ord("d"):

            # INVENTORY
        if key == ord("i"):

            # TESTING / DEBUGGING
        if key == ord("f"):

        if key == ord("1"):
            for row in self.view.text:

        if key == ord("2"):
            self.error("Player >>> row: {0}, col: {1}".format(self.player.y, self.player.x))
            self.error("View   >>> row: {0}, col: {1}".format(self.view.y, self.view.x))

        if key == ord("3"):
            self.error("START MAP TEXT")
            for row in self.map.text:
            self.error("END MAP TEXT")

    def show_inventory(self):

    def clear_errors(self):
        if os.path.exists("./error.log"):

    def error(self, message):
        with open("error.log", "a") as errorfile:
            errorfile.write(message + "\n")
Example #3
    -display all bullet object in all_bullets list
    - remove them if they move out of frame or move them up
    for index, bullet in enumerate(all_bullets):
        win.blit(bullet.Img, (bullet.posX, bullet.posY))
        if bullet.posY + bullet.height < 0:
            remove_bullet(all_bullets, index)

# ArcadeShip
initialX, initialY = 250, 380
ArcadeShipImg = pygame.image.load(
ArcadeShip = Character(initialX, initialY, 64, 64, ArcadeShipImg)

loop_rate = 1000
ship_movement_rate = (1 / loop_rate) * 3

def ShowArcadeShip():
    win.blit(ArcadeShip.Img, (ArcadeShip.posX, ArcadeShip.posY))

# Enemies
EnemyImg = pygame.image.load('./media/image/enemy32.png').convert_alpha()

def newEnemy():
    ''' returns new enemy object, with random (x,y) coords '''