async def profile(self, ctx): """ Call the player's profile. """ # init # player player = Player(ctx, self.client, await player.resource.update() # update the resources count char_amount = await # embed profile_embed = await Custom_embed( self.client, thumb=player.avatar, title=f"{}'s profile").setup_embed() # prepare the embed profile_embed.add_field(name=":star: Level", value=0, inline=True) profile_embed.add_field( name=f"{game_icon['dragonstone']} Dragon stone", value=f"{player.resource.dragonstone:,}", inline=True) profile_embed.add_field(name=f"{game_icon['zenis']} Zenis", value=f"{player.resource.zenis:,}", inline=True) profile_embed.add_field(name=":trophy: Collection", value=f"{char_amount:,}", inline=True) # display the profile await ctx.send(embed=profile_embed)
async def mission(self, ctx, choice = None): """ Allow the player to display the mission panel Or to start a mission if the `choice` parameter is != `None` - Parameter : `choice` (`int`) : Mission index """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, mission = Mission_manager() embed = await Custom_embed( self.client, title = "Missions", description = "Welcome to the Missions panel" ).setup_embed() # start mission if(choice != None): if(choice.isdigit()): choice = int(choice) await mission.start_mission(ctx, self.client, player, choice) else: # display the missions panel pass
async def basic(self, ctx): """ Summon a character from the basic banner. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, summoner = Summoner(self.client) displayer = Character_displayer(self.client, ctx, player) # get player's resource await player.resource.update() if (player.resource.dragonstone >= self.cost["basic"]): # draw drawn_character = await summoner.summon(player, _type="basic") await drawn_character.init() # display displayer.character = drawn_character await displayer.display(summon_format=True) # apply the cost await player.resource.remove_dragonstone(self.cost["basic"]) else: await ctx.send( f"<@{}> You do not have enough **Dragon Stones**{game_icon['dragonstone']} to summon ({player.resource.dragonstone:,} / {self.cost['basic']:,})." ) return
async def start(self, ctx): """ Allow the player to start an adventure. """ # init db = Database(self.client.db) player = Player(ctx, self.client, summoner = Summoner(self.client) # insert the player into the tables await db.execute( """INSERT INTO player_info(player_id, player_name, player_register_date) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)""", (,, time.strftime("%d/%m/%y", time.gmtime()))) await db.execute( """INSERT INTO player_resource(player_id, player_name, player_dragonstone) VALUES ($1, $2, 25)""", (,, )) await db.execute( """INSERT INTO player_combat_info(player_id, player_name) VALUES ($1, $2)""", (,, )) # generate 3 saibaiman for i in range(3): await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO character_unique(character_owner_id, character_owner_name, character_global_id, character_type, character_rarity) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, 0)""", [,, (i + 1), random.randint(0, 4)]) await summoner.set_unique_id() # get the summoned characters summoned = await db.fetch(f""" SELECT character_unique_id FROM character_unique WHERE character_owner_id = {}; """) # assign summoned character slot = ["a", "b", "c"] for a in range(3): await asyncio.sleep(0) await db.execute(f""" UPDATE player_combat_info SET player_fighter_{slot[a]} = '{summoned[a][0]}' WHERE player_id = {}; """) # welcome message welcome = f"<@{}> Hello and welcome to **Discord Ball Z III** - *Open Beta* !\nWe're hoping you to enjoy your adventure !\n\nHere are **25**{game_icon['dragonstone']}, they will help you to **summon** your first heroes that will fight for you !\n\nIf you have any question, do not hesitate to consult the `d!help` command or join the **Official Server** :" await ctx.send(welcome)
async def help(self, ctx, command=None): """ Displays the help. - Parameter : `command` (str) : The name of the command which the user wants to see the help. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, helper = Helper(self.client, ctx, player) if (command == None): await helper.helper_manager() else: help_panel = await helper.get_help_command(command) if not help_panel is None: await helper.display_help(help_panel) else: await ctx.send( f"Sorry, the help panel for the command `{command}` has not been found." )
async def c(self, ctx, character_id): """ Set the fighter slot c """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, fighter = Fighter(ctx, self.client, player) await fighter.fighter_command("c", character_id)
async def box(self, ctx, character_id: int = None): """ Displays the player's box - Parameter : `character_id` : Represents the character global id to display. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, # box await
async def show(self, ctx, character_id, level=None): """ Allow the player to see a character's stats and abilities by passing its global id. If a unique id is passed, displays the unique character. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, character_getter = Character_getter() displayer = Character_displayer(self.client, ctx, player) if (level != None): if (level.isdigit()): level = int(level) if (level > 150): level = 150 else: level = None # global id if (character_id.isdigit()): character_id = int(character_id) character = await character_getter.get_character(character_id) if (character != None): displayer.character = character await displayer.display(basic_format=True, level=level) else: await ctx.send( f"<@{}> Character `#{character_id}` not found.") # unique id else: character = await character_getter.get_from_unique( self.client, character_id) if (character != None): displayer.character = character await displayer.display(basic_format=True, level=level) else: await ctx.send( f"<@{}> Character `#{character_id}` not found.")
async def fight(self, ctx): """ Allow the player to reset its `in_fight` status """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, checker = Fight_checker() # check if the player is in a fight if in checker.in_fight: checker.in_fight.remove( await ctx.send("You are no longer in a fight.") else: await ctx.send("You're not in a fight.")
async def has_team(self, ctx): """ `coroutine` Check if the player has set a team or not -- Return : bool """ # init player = Player(ctx,, getter = Character_getter() player_team = await has_fighter = False # check if the player has setted up fighters if(type(player_team["a"]) == str): fighter = await getter.get_from_unique(, player_team["a"]) # check if the fighter exists if(fighter != None): has_fighter = True if(type(player_team["b"]) == str): fighter = await getter.get_from_unique(, player_team["b"]) if(fighter != None): has_fighter = True if(type(player_team["c"]) == str): fighter = await getter.get_from_unique(, player_team["c"]) if(fighter != None): has_fighter = True if not has_fighter: await ctx.send(f"<@{}> You did not **set any fighter**, in consequence to it, you cannot use this command.\nUse `d!fighter` for more informations.") return(has_fighter)
async def remove(self, ctx, slot): """ Allows the player to remove a character from a slot. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, player_team = await getter = Character_getter() possible_slot = ["a", "b", "c"] # remove the slot if slot.lower() in possible_slot: await removed_character = await getter.get_from_unique(self.client, player_team[slot]) await removed_character.init() await ctx.send(f"<@{}> You have successfully removed {removed_character.image.icon}**{}** {removed_character.type.icon}{removed_character.rarity.icon} from the slot **{slot.upper()}**.") else: # unexisting slot await ctx.send(f"<@{}> Slot **{slot.upper()}** not found.") return
async def fighter_command(self, slot, character_id): """ Allow the player to select the fighter to set `character_id` : int - Represents the character to display """ # init player = Player(self.ctx, self.client, tool = Fighter(self.ctx, self.client, player) # if a global id is passed if(character_id.isdigit()): box_data = await character_id = int(character_id) # ask the player to pick the id of his character explanation = await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> Please select a fighter among the following.\n**Close the box** (`❌`) once you have chosen your character, then, **type its index** number :") # display the available characters await # ask for choice unique_id = await tool.wait_for_fighter_index(box_data) if(unique_id == None): await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> Error : character not found.") return character = await self.getter.get_from_unique(self.client, unique_id) await character.init() # set the fighter possible = await, unique_id) if(possible == False): # the character is already in the team await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> You already have a {character.image.icon}**{}** in your team. **Remove** it or choose a different character.") else: # confirm await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> You have successfully set {character.image.icon}**{}** {character.type.icon}{character.rarity.icon} lv.{character.level:,} as **fighter {slot.upper()}** !") await explanation.delete() else: # if the character_id is a unique id db = Database(self.client.db) # check if the player has the character owns_character = await db.fetchval(f"SELECT character_owner_name FROM character_unique WHERE character_unique_id = '{character_id}' AND character_owner_id = {};") if(owns_character != None): character = await self.getter.get_from_unique(self.client, character_id) if(character == None): await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> Character with unique id \"{character_id}\" not found. Please try with another id.\nYou can find your character's unique id by using `d!box [character id]`. The **unique id** format is `aaaa0`.") else: # the character has been found await character.init() # set the fighter possible = await, character_id) if(possible == False): # the character is already in the team await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> You already have a {character.image.icon}**{}** in your team. **Remove** it or choose a different character.") else: # confirm await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> You have successfully set {character.image.icon}**{}** {character.type.icon}{character.rarity.icon} lv.{character.level:,} as **fighter {slot.upper()}** !") else: # doesn't own the character await self.ctx.send(f"<@{}> Character `{character_id}` not found.") return
async def team(self, ctx): """ Displays the player's team. """ # init player = Player(ctx, self.client, player_team = await player_team_info = await embed = await Custom_embed(self.client).setup_embed() char_a, char_b, char_c = None, None, None # set the info icon player_team_info["rarity"] = await self.icon.get_rarity_icon(player_team_info["rarity"]) # set the player team display ### a if(player_team["a"] == None): player_team["a"] = "--" else: char_a = await self.getter.get_from_unique(self.client, player_team["a"]) char_a = f"`{player_team['a']}` | {char_a.image.icon}{} {char_a.type.icon}{char_a.rarity.icon} lv.{char_a.level:,}" ### b if(player_team["b"] == None): player_team["b"] = "--" else: char_b = await self.getter.get_from_unique(self.client, player_team["b"]) char_b = f"`{player_team['b']}` | {char_b.image.icon}{} {char_b.type.icon}{char_b.rarity.icon} lv.{char_b.level:,}" ### c if(player_team["c"] == None): player_team["c"] = "--" else: char_c = await self.getter.get_from_unique(self.client, player_team["c"]) char_c = f"`{player_team['c']}` | {char_c.image.icon}{} {char_c.type.icon}{char_c.rarity.icon} lv.{char_c.level:,}" # set display display_infos = f""" *Average level* : {player_team_info['level']} *Average rarity* : {player_team_info['rarity']} """ display_character = f""" A : **{char_a}** 👑 B : **{char_b}** C : **{char_c}** """ # set the embed embed.set_thumbnail(url = player.avatar) embed.add_field( name = f"{}'s team", value = display_infos, inline = False ) embed.add_field( name = "Fighters", value = display_character, inline = False ) await ctx.send(embed = embed)
async def train(self, ctx): """ `coroutine` Start a fight against an adaptative team. The opponent team level is scaled on the player team level, same for the rarity. If the player wins the fight, his character gain some xp. """ # init caller = player = Player(ctx, self.client, caller) getter = Character_getter() tool = Train(self.client) leveller = Leveller(self.client, ctx) # get caller team caller_team = await player_team = [ await getter.get_from_unique(self.client, caller_team["a"]), await getter.get_from_unique(self.client, caller_team["b"]), await getter.get_from_unique(self.client, caller_team["c"]) ] # get opponent team opponent_team = await tool.generate_opponent_team(player) # test opponent_team = [ await getter.get_character(1), await getter.get_character(2), await getter.get_character(3) ] for char in opponent_team: await asyncio.sleep(0) char.is_npc = True ############ end test ######## team = [player_team, opponent_team] fight = Fight(self.client, ctx, player) await ctx.send(f"<@{}> You enter in combat.") winner = await fight.run_fight(team) # redefine team caller_team = await # check winning condition id_team = [caller_team["a"], caller_team["b"], caller_team["c"]] # set the xp # init xp_won = 100 player_info = await player_team_level, player_team_rarity = player_info[ "level"], player_info["rarity"] # set the xp gain xp_won += (((1.5 * 100) - 100) * player_team_level) + (100 * (player_team_rarity - 1)) if (winner == 0): # if the player wins it # add xp await leveller.team_add_xp(player, id_team, xp_won) elif (winner == 2): # if draw # half xp gained await leveller.team_add_xp(player, team, xp_won / 2)